How beautiful! Wishing you every happiness. 😘x

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The photo is the bridge over the Tarn at Pont de Montvert, Lozere, a place I have known and loved all my life. If the thistle seeds have dropped there they are truly fortunate, though of course like everywhere else it is now a bit closer to the present century than it was. When I was sixteen I remember Abel Guin, the patron of the Auberge de la Truite Enchantee, going down to the river with a net to fill an order for truite au bleu, and then full of trout and local wine (yes, they had that then - purple ,rough and incapable of travel save to the lips!)) tottering to the farm field "camping" to listen to A Witer Shade of Pale under the stars of Mont Lozere. Blessed time.....

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I think that the experience is just another form of California Consumerism . Moving TO California for "grandchildren " and moving to "France " to get away from "California" - these terms are very proprietal , and super distanced from a natural interpersonal experience . The madness is not without , it is within , and that is why "Grandchildren and Madness " become languaged purposes . We are human beings , we create the environment we live in . Unless we are babies , and have privileged expectations of being served h'ors doeuvres on a silver platter . The only reason you CAN go to France people , is because of the madness of the bustling economy where you came from . French people are NOT moving to California after selling their three bedroom . And , French people did not fight Imperialism , when it was banging on their door , we did . Sure live the romance , and scoop other people's cultures as you feel - typical of people in MY generation , the baby boomers . The timbers , my ass . " TIMBER " - if a tree falls in a forest and the lumberjack warns people , does anyone listen ?

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This reminds me of how I felt when people told me that if Trump was elected, they would leave the country; my sister is already poised to exit should it again come to pass. What about standing your ground, living what you believe in and giving your best? It also makes me think of all the Californians who moved to Austin to get away from the communities and way of life they helped to ruin, then proceeding to ruin the character and lifestyle of Austin to the extent that the many fine musicians for whom the city is known can no longer afford to live there.

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Sep 7, 2023
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No , it is not anger . It is facing the fact that most people who are "retiring" are just looking for another playground to trample on . The reason why "California" all fifty million square miles of it , is just another dream to walk away from . These people want to just fly into a "town " a "Village" , and have that now . But , did they ever make a village at home ? Do they have ANY idea what kind of reality that means ? H Clinton said , quoting someone , I am sure " It takes a village to raise a child . " This is why we truly are failing at raising our children . Names of states , and pre industrial zoning , this is all just map questing , not creating . See it , name it , own it . I have been there , but I did not do that . And people who do do that should be called out for the floaters ( grifter is the word I would use , if I WERE angry ) floating thistle seeds my ass . Go to France to study Villages and make a report for the governor of California to HELP him figure this all out . Get on board planet earth , people . At what point does it end ? The Tic Tock guy drawing in teenage Thai Girls to his apartment , the Costa Rican Retiree marrying a young woman so she can own a washing machine , having two kids easily on his social security check ? The petro dollar is king for the moment , does that mean that we should be gluttons ?

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Sep 7, 2023
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It's your social security money that is going into buying fresh french goat cheese in a French farmers market , while children in the good ol' USA are eating bags of Cheetos , being told that it is Cheese . Have at it honey . At what point are we human , at what point to we think we are self sufficient floating thistle seeds , landing in places that we love to be ?

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A lovely note of a wonderful move to a beautiful, old country.

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Thanks for sharing this refreshing story! I just traveled from my home in California to visit a friend in rural Pennsylvania. 30 years ago she managed to buy a 3-1/2 acre piece of land for $75,000, seller financed, so no interest to banks. She has a large veggie garden, fruit trees, fish pond, a bunch of chickens, 2 horses, a big lush pasture, and even a slice of thick forest. And a small, comfy, cozy house. She raised her two kids there and still thrives, now in her mid-seventies. A small piece of paradise!

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Maybe I will get blocked for my "Anger" or unpleasant comment , but here goes " Sure , climb in your coffin and hammer it closed from the inside . " Cut all ties with the past , and live for the next moment . And have fun . Then , when you land on the far away shore , look to the outside world for information about how to proceed . I am sure that mother nature is just DYING to tell you good stuff to do . Or , try this . Walk around your street scene , where ever you are , with a watering pail . Start pouring water on something that needs help growing . Watch it grow . Say hello to people because you feel happy with your self now . See what happens . Watch the community grow . Tell parents how to be good parents , tell children how to be good children . Smile , wave , buy goat cheese at the grocery store near you from a farm nearby . Even though it costs three dollars more than you want to pay . Think about the future , and the part you play in it .

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Thank you Jennifer for speaking dovetailed truth..."Bloom where you're planted".

The 'community' you describe is one I grew up in, Heartland. The way of life there, both communally and individually, had thrived for generations via, self sufficiency, rugged individualists, Love and devotion for Family, Faith and Freedom, The Land and all creatures great and small. In the course of 20 years, 1968 to 1988, that beloved way of life disappeared. It evaporated mostly due to the criminal manipulations of bankers, politicians and big ag. (the first of all the public/private partnerships to follow).

My point: I applaud and wish to be a part of what you describe as the rebirth of Individual Liberty and Community yet I must warn of allowing Public/Private Authorities to take part in the Renaissance. Beware! They wish to kill and enslave.

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Sounds like you are far enough out in the woods to encounter real French people. One used to find them in the cities as well.

May you live out your life among agreeable people. With only a couple of decades to go you may make it before the EU manages to disrupt your 15th century idyll.

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Yes, there are places that feel like home, and places that do not. I love the villages that are described. But do they feel like home? My own home feeling comes in wide open spaces where there are long winters. Ye the village described. Yes, I can see how it can bring up a home feeling. Glad the writer and his wife have gone there, to place that is home.

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Also fertile soil is waiting there...

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A very beautiful part of the world, we go regularly and have considered moving there. It's not so far for us. It's important to feel at home. Best of luck to them both x

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I started researching thistle seeds and came up w/ this biographical anecdote:

I remember when I was about 10 years old, me and a group of my friends held the belief that thistledown is conscious, and that the seed in the middle of it is actually a tiny brain. We also believed that there's a secret name which, if you call the thistledown by, will make it fly into your hand. I remember us running after the thistledown in the street, each yelling the name he or she recently learned from our all-knowing parents, and the smile on the face of whoever was lucky enough to be facing the slight breeze which none of us could feel. Each time we thought we figured out the name, only to be disappointed a couple of hours or a couple of days later. We'd go back home, thinking of what possibly could have gone wrong: "I'm sure that's what dad told me to call it, he couldn't be wrong....maybe I need to say it louder, or slower, or maybe there's some other thing I need to do that he forgot to tell me about...". As time passed by, we grew out of our weird belief and in retrospect, each of us smiles at our childishly naive thoughts....

It's funny how many people never grow out of their own naive beliefs, and spend their lives chasing a non-existent secret....

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What secret name?

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Not sure what you're getting at. In this parable each child is on an individual quest to find the secret name for all thistledowns. Yet no one ever discovers it, as far as we are told. Perhaps a few do discover it but do not reveal it. The essence of a secret is that it should remain unknown.

I was drawn to this anecdote because of my pen name, an abbreviated form of my real name. Perhaps my posting was self-indulgent. I'd like to think it had poetic resonance w/ Celia's post.

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Thanks for sharing that story, Celia. Are you thinking of being a thistle in the wind? Tempting, isn’t it?

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I know you’re also searching for ways to improve your health. Found this: The One Minute Cure, Madison Cavanaugh. The book impressed me so much, I started the protocol 6 days ago to see if it would help. May take up to months to notice anything. But really recommend your at least looking at it. It’s oxygen treatment with H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide). Love in Him.


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That was fast... well done, Celia and Gary!!

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