i used to like bill burr, he just shit on his audience with this Fonzie, yes i do have a leather jacket!

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Wonder how much he got paid for that segment from the newly discovered slush fund?

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Conan was wearing a leather jacket for the interview, just cut differently than a biker jacker.

Good grief Charlie brown.

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Please, please … speak politely…

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I don't know who either of these people are but the fake laughing of the host is cringe worthy. I can't get my head around the reverse logic. They identify as uncool people who unquestioningly do everything the authorities tell them to do, but that is a good thing? It doesn't make sense on any level. Of course you would get rid of the low hanging fruit and weaklings first, if that was your aim. Why would you not want to be left with the cool Fonzies?


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Well actually, i think bill will find that most people who were/are anti covid "vax" have had many other vacancies (rhough not anymore), and that we just said, initially, no thanks, its not been properly tested. Its only since it became.obvious that it was killing people that we started calling it cull. But I actually dont believe its a cull personally, its just a shit ton of collateral damage that they couldnt give a single fuck about. And as for masks, he can go for his life and wear his mask all day and get cancer and bacterial pneumonia, but id advise him against it.

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I think it's too many people for collateral damage, Rob, and anyway where does it lead? Are they just using people as lab rats while improving the product in order to kill and maim less and less but ultimately to have more control somehow? I have to say it simply does not make sense to me.

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Add in the mystery nanochips that seem to self-assemble and it may be a giant experiment to check what level of a dose is safe, and or the safety doesn't matter - goal: chip or cull everyone. Normal law and rights are no longer in play and apparently haven't been for a while. Addition - some people were protected with saline batches. 5% got the really bad batches in a distribution by time and brand that looks like dose testing - Craig Paardakooper's work (spelling may be off).

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The disease was made for the vaccines, the vaccines were made for massive profits and digital IDs, 'vax passports' at first, leading to digital currency and a WEF passport required to start your car or buy bread.

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I've written about the mass die off recently, i dont contest that they want, and are intending to get, a world with less people, i just dont think the deaths are intentional. However, i do think they knew they would happen.

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Half the population died in the great plague and bounced back to double the prior numbers within decades, so mass death isn’t the goal if you want to depopulate, you need to attack the fertility of the young and there are strong signals the vaxxes are going so

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This is a very good point BubbaMac.

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Negligent manslaughter- the infertility, the menstrual excess, spontaneous abortions, unknown effects on fetal developing ovum genes, may be the goal, experimenting with the trans-humanism goal, and the individual harm isn't a concern over the getting some living guinea pigs for their experiment.

The fact that some areas seem protected and others targeted is suspicious. The definition of cull is to thin a wild herd by selective removal. Take the weak and old, leave the strong. This situation has been different because the jab is showing true toxin risks - all ages are equally getting side effects which are ranging throughout the body, rather than being a more typical vak side effect of one age group seeing a specific condition as a risk.

There is a great substack on that topic, Steve Kirsch - Proportional reporting ratio - it is long and a bit hard to follow but basically the way the jab side effects is being analyzed is not showing true risk, it mutes it. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/unassailable-proof-of-incompetence It is making a proportion out of side effects - looking for one unusual condition to stand out from all the conditions reported for that vak. #myocarditis cases divided by all of the reported side effects for that type vak. In the case of the CoV jabs the "all of the other side effects" number is so huge that only a few things are standing out as "risks" but there are so many reports and problems that some are registering a safety signal with the proportionally mushing of the true problem.

Side effects are showing up throughout the whole body and brain and include quite severe problems and are evenly distributed across all age groups - showing signs of a true toxic effect rather than some odd quick causing myocarditis in teen males. The Proportional reporting ratio seems designed to look for that single spike and in the CoV jab case we have a swamp of many varied side effects - a huge murky problem - the haystack instead of a needle.

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Please, please … this is a public place. Please use some self-control and common decency in your choice of words…

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Sorry mum

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I have a fake leather jacket. Does that still make me a Fonzie? Boy does that video make me feel strange. I was a big fan of Bill Burr once, but after this I won't be able to listen to him again.

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Hmm, I find him almost as insufferable as Alex Jones; all that yelling and screaming doesn’t really make up for the ghetto jokes.

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Understand your point, but would add that Alex Jones has had more to offer when he's not yelling and screaming.

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funny what he says about libraries too, he obviously hasn't been in one for decades. All scientists access scientific journals on the internet and not from paper copies.

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I went to my local library to find Mattias Desmet's book of totalitarianism. They didn't have it, so I requested that they purchase it. They responded "NO" because it is not based on fact. Hmmm...

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My public library is all Woke. Our libraries have been infiltrated.

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I used to love our library, in the old town hall, now it's part of the gym and plagued by the loud piped music.

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can books on politics, philosophy, opinions and ideas be said to be about 'facts' anyway. What a weird world we are in

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I have checked back with the library and they have it now. They must have gotten a lot of requests.

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and this was not a small library. This is the city and county system for St. Louis.

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We've all heard of Matthias cos of being in the conspiracy loop, but I doubt anyone else has heard of him. They must have been specifically told not to allow you to read it. Even if it's fiction, like they claim, I thought we were still allowed to read stories!

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I ordered the book when Dr Malone used the term, “mass formation psychosis.” Desmet’s interview on Tucker Carlson today, was fascinating.

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I can't bear to look at, listen to or read Robert Malone. Either it's my spidey senses, or I just don't like him!


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I think he looks a bit like a 1970's adult movie producer!

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Yikes, that’s insane for a library.

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FYI That book promotes the existence of a "virus." It doesn't even use scare quotes in referring to it, just assumes its reality without providing any of the -- what now is apparently no longer a requirement -- scientific proof of existence. The book may be a decent read in terms of understanding the psychology of mass formation and the like. But when it begins with an unfounded ASSUMPTION that forms the basis on which the current psychosis of the masses is addressed (with the "virus" being the all-consuming entity about which everyone has got their knickers in a bunch), it ends up being essentially a red herring. Or rather: it begs the question because the main (or perhaps secondary, in this case) premise is never proven. I would read it with that as a caution in mind.

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Good stuff, Celia! --I think all of this targeted propaganda mind control shite began post WW2, and the MK Ultra stage was set...along came a Mockingbird and eventually the birdie sang: Tweet-Tweet-Tweet. The TV screens were reduced to a convenient pocket size, and voila--propaganda on demand 24/7! ...next phase, get the brain chip and plug into the Starlink grid. PK Dick knew the score as did Arthur C. Clarke. Nancy Reagan got it half right: "Just Say No!" Dr Evil and the Weffers need to be re-educated...maybe on Mars. And Musk's intergalactic Taxi service can take the Weffers there on their own dime. The quickening is upon us...no time to lose.

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Well, sure, Burr presented his attempt to poke at the balloon to see if it would bust. Why would a Cabal set out to poison the most compliant rule-followers?

There are possible answers Here is a plausible example.

To weaken the population in the most industrious populations in the free world. To empty the territories for colonization. To test the limits of what the Cabal can do and get away with.

And more. For example: To carve off the resisters whose influence could lead the compliant to resist.

This is what the communist enemy did to our prisoners of war during the War with North Korea. They provoked the 3-5% of the POW population to do what came naturally to them: resist illegitimate authority in various ways. This had predictable follow-on consequences.

See, about 30% would go along with their jailors and even enforce the rules and expectations of those jailors. That left the majority, about 65% of the POW population who'd follow the disruptive example of the resistors but, when that 3-5% were carted away, those left behind lost that spirit of survival and withdrew themselves from each other. This meant that the 30% held sway and could be cruel jailors themselves. The majority 60% became atomized and anti-social.

The NK guards and "keepers" hardly had to intervene; they might take aside someone who showed a little spark of resistance, and I do not mean an attempted escape or disobedience that might cause a riot or something that sort, and take them for a quiet word in which the jailor would explain his disappointed and his concern for the poor attitude and behavior of the unfortunately singled-out individual. Compliance was not the goal; it was to destroy the will and the individual autonomy and self-identification with values and self-preservation.

If a POW had good news from home, or a care package, or even letters from loved ones, these humane communications were withheld unbeknownst to the prisoner. But if a Dear John letter was sent, or word of a divorce was sent, or if a family member had died or suffered an illness, then, sure that would be shared and pressed and the prisoner was prodded and poked to dwell on it. The NK experimented with various methods on different personalities. The debilitating effect on the esprit de corps of the prisoner community lasted long after captivity; when these POWs were released and returned home to civilian life, they remained atomized and even at reunions with their comrades they did not socialize with each other.

What happened to the 3-5% who would have led the others by their examples? Gruesome psychological and physical experimentations, of course. The NK learned that the rigid resistors could be broken, eventually, and emptied of their values. The more flexible who much more difficult to convert and so were crushed and did not survive captivity. Self-harm was sometimes granted only to be denied at the critical moment and so a different form of self-annihilation was substituted. Where the NK succeeded they flaunted their victims in front of the others. Nightmarish cruelties were inflicted.

The 30% or so who became jailors of their comrades survived as empty husks of men whose betrayals were legion. As were the suffering and harm they inflicted on others and, thus, on their own wellbeing. But they tended to bounce back best over time when they returned. And they too were atomized and defeated for life, anyway.

The analogy with what could happen to our society, on whole, is very dark. Atomization via despair and surrender of the freedom loving spirit of self-reliable citizens. Look at the education system. Look at the entertainments we indulge in. Look at the invisible chains that hold us to "smart" phones and that keep us plugged into surveillance on-line. And look to our open borders.

But the only hope we really have to forestall such absurdities is for the disruptors to disrupt at every possible turn and with great and flexible creativity. And yet, somehow, one wonders if that too will merely be tracked, studied, and turned to the advantage of the Cabal.

The current Cold Civil War has escalated; the information war has put many in gulags of their own minds; and because we are among them we are distracted to no end by the compliant prisoners and by the self-selected prisoner/guards. They did not call the severe restrictions "lockdowns" without good reason. Lockdowns are restrictive measures taken in prisons, not in open society.

Burr is mocking the 3-5% who could save civilization. He does so to amuse the 60% majority and it does not matter to him that this becomes a form of torture he is inflicting on that majority who are hypnotized and do not realize the harm being done to them. Even if they woke up and felt the pain, there are ample opportunities to "self-medicate" with self-talk and self-loathing.

Pay attention to that 3-5% around yourself. Join their voices and actions. Disrupt. That might be enough to prevent the current trajectory reaching its most extreme heights of havoc. If that does not work, then, we'd have no choice but to scramble to survive and wait for the ruinous behaviors to run their course to exhaustion when the 30% turn on each other and consume themselves in fits of cannibalism (figuratively speaking). That is how the evil energy will be dissipated -- either by the interruptions of the disruptors (who'd become inevitable targets of malice) or by the circular firing squad in search of yet more victims to punish.

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Had they both gone down the library and read “ rules for radicals “ Saul Alinski they might have realised that their script came from mockery as a weapon! Conversely it works on both sides!

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It makes sense to me that they would want to off the sheep. They hate all of us. The fewer they have to contend with the better .

Also I have to say I disagree with Bill on every point he’s making . And his self righteousness is a turn off. Libraries are filled with calcified information. The internet is alive and it takes common sense, a certain level of consciousness (wisdom) and personal awareness to glean truth from falsehood.

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His comedic persona is a put-on for public consumption, I think. Not his true self, I suspect. A sort of invisible force shield to protect himself. But there is often a turning point at which one believes one's own (successful) act and PR. That is the way of folly, of course.

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Regarding libraries, before Covid, due to a bunch of circumstances I got to live within walking distance of the UCLA library and went there a lot. I thought there was a huge amount of information that isn't available online.

Books, periodicals and academic works from the fifties through the 80s is what I'm remembering. Original information - not the things curated and presented to us since the late 90s. Research was more honest back then - also, in that time period they might not yet know the implications of something "negative" from a medical procedure or drug. In later years this information tends to disappear, but you can find good clues and leads in those works.

While Google does have most of that stuff digitized in their Google books website, they don't make it available to regular people due to copyright laws.

But, that said, most libraries are a waste of time or even actively evil.

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Very good observation. Our Roanoke County libraries are a wasteland. But my! It does have a coffee shop and a wonderful facade of stone in places (although it might be fake like everything else?). I really think that by scraping libraries the country would save a lot of money and maybe reduce publicly funded 'mind reduction'.

I particularly noticed that histories, books in general, written in the 1950's and before, were of much better quality in general than what was 'promoted' in the 1960's ... and thereafter. I also knew the author of the Dispossessed Majority and his brother. Copies were put into libraries and mysterious were disappeared from the shelves. It is probable that this sort of screening as to the shelving of other books.

The good news is that many people manage to escape The Matrix ... and achieve high standards in spite of all the dumbing down efforts.

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Those mindless big pharma zombies have been well trained for the last 10-40 years depending on their age. The holy vaccine mantra is impenetrable and sacrosanct beyond question. The "perfected" vaccine mystique is supported by faked trials and studies and an entire gang of pretend scientific thugs who are only interested in pleasing big pharma.

Did you know many cancers can be cured with urine? 100% safer than the toxic cancer drugs, most of which are ungodly failures...even after the 50 year war on cancer which has really become the war on humanity...fully backed by big pharma medical tyranny as we have witnessed over the last 2-3 years first hand.

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For all of my seventy some years, cancer in the West was promoted as this dreaded black plague-like disease ... with endless 'war on' imagery attached. It's really the same 'stage production' over, and over, and over again. Produce as much anxiety, fear and panic as possible. And then step in with some magic cure and/or resolution, and always with lots of money, profits involved. It's always the fear and war mentality. And never things truly good for us ... like healthy living, real jobs and manufacturing in the country, a real and stabile money of substance and so on. Nope! These demons are always in the business of upsetting apple carts ... and then profiting from all the created chaos. And then life gets to the point of being an insufferable tyranny.

I wish you young people a world in which your lives are not treated as mere atomized matter to be smashed to smithereens in 'their' perpetual atom smashing machines. I don't entirely see how health and sanity is to be restored. But I pray that it will be so.

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Bill Burr is the shining example of a guy who jokes about how stupid people are in general, while he himself is equally stupid.

Masks and jabs are the dumbest things ever, when you look at the science.

But hey, bill and Conan... Be my guest and take more boosters

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Were the majority really so dumb !

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Fascinating! Must read analysis from Dr Rogers; Thank you for highlighting this. After considering The Cartel’s massive manipulation power structure arrayed against us, I’m more impressed than ever that so many of us remain in #TheControlGroup

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So sad to see Bill Burr and Conan doing this although my feeling is Conan's not really on board - he's a smart guy although, of course, that's no protection. But Bill does have a point, don't you think? Why are they killing the people who go along with them, it doesn't make sense to me either.

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I watched this nearer the time: now-post this article-it sure seems highly contrived: a masterclass in manipulation.

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Sorry I was talking about the trailer…

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I’ve been forever saying that part that Bill Burr said, about the vaccine killing all the sheep.

That was their mistake. These “elites” aren’t intelligent. They’re in their positions because of nepotism, or because they have blackmail-ability from their time on Epsteins island.

They actually would be stupid enough to think everyone would take the vaccine willingly. That’s why they resorted to brute force and threats when they were SHOCKED people resisted the vaccine.

I mean, they were mid blown when they discovered people didn’t want it. Like, “but we had conservative AND liberal paid mouthpieces tell you to take the vaccine… what do you mean you can think on your own, that’s not fair! Fine then! You can’t work, or eat, or live, or go to school, or travel if you don’t get the vaccine then!!!”

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