With all due respect Bob, we, all of us on this page, know that. The issue is the massive brainwashing, using a drone like mainstream media and drone like 60% of the population to make any sane approach possible.
Measels was not cured by Vaccines: MARCH 2019 DR THOMAS COWAN, MD: Deaths from Measels was near zero before any vaccines were available to the public. As a bonus, the Chickenpox Vaccine is Herpes Simplex Virus and gives you Shingles. https://www.bitchute.com/video/XH6C9WoBuSiK/
FOI responses re other imaginary “viruses” (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.): Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don't exist and virology isn't a science. - Christine Massey
March 8th 2023 Currently, only 69.7% of two-year-olds in the U.S. have received their full vaccine series, according to the CDC—including shots against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and more. Just 10.1% of kids ages six months to four years have vaccine coverage against COVID-19. HPV vaccination rates down from 14% to 12%. 23% of parents now question the entire vaccine schedule for children, up from 12% in 2019. https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(23)00211-2/fulltext
The ‘measles death’ in Texas is shrouded in mystery and secrecy as to the “health status” of the child who died. It’s once again all ‘smoke and mirrors” when it comes to anything having to do with public health. And because ‘public health authorities ’ primed the public to react to any propaganda regarding “public health news” with the C*V*D Plandemic/Scamdemic, at every turn people jump around like fish out of water when they hear the news of a death due to an infectious condition like measles.
The “vaccine pushers” just won’t quit.
(Note that I referred to measles as an “infection”, NOT a disease.)
I had both measles and chicken pox (chicken pox twice, second case was very mild) many, many years ago. I was not vaccinated either. In fact back in those days when there was an infectious outbreak of measles or chicken pox in our school, we went to our friend’s houses, who also had either condition, and had measles and chicken pox ‘parties’.
I heard the child had RSV (which can be serious) and pneumonia. As well as measles. I’m betting the first two were responsible. But you know they’re going to be sure and put measles on the death certificate.
I just read that the sick child was given the MMR vax against the parent’s wishes. Sure hope the parents come out and tell the world what happened. I’m sure they are devastated right now. Remember when actual mainstream journalists would get this story?
Frontera Lupita--Excellent comment! Nothing like trying to direct an agency where land mines are everywhere, some inadvertently brought in by good, thoughtful people who maybe thought it should be "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead". I think Frank Zappa said that.
Not only it keeps on working but no one wants to know the COD of these people.
My own family didn’t really want to know what killed my aunt’s son who was vaxxed and @ 71 “died suddenly”. Then her cousin (my first cousin once removed) @ 77, who was vaccinated, “got COVID that turned into Long COVID”, was diagnosed with heart issues, then BOOM “died suddenly, over the Easter weekend 2024. Then her my aunt’s caregiver’s 57 year old husband and 34 year old niece, both “died suddenly” as well. They never linked these 4 ‘died suddenly’ deaths with the COVID vaxxes!
They told me the lamest reasons why the caregivers husband and niece ‘died suddenly”. But then again ALL these people got the Jabs themselves, so they have impaired brain functions brought on by the spike proteins from the Jabs, that have passed the “blood brain barrier’ into their brain, like “Prion disease” that causes Mad Cow Disease! 😉🤪
EVERYTHING, and I mean everything about measles vaccine is about fear... generating fear, perpetuating fear and responding to fear... it is a circle jerk for sure of fear.
We have got to get out of this group think that vaccines will solve our problems, even when there really isn't a problem.
Large doses of Vitmain A keeps measles symptoms at bay. THere was never need to fear this virus. Yes, it might take out sick kids with many co-morbidities, but if not that virus then something else.
We need to return to natural herd immunity to measles. This is a dangerous vaccine.
Last but not least, the drug Alinia can be used to treat measles, but we are still stuck in the vaccine group think... WAKE UP
feel free to make a free account - and get into the fight... If you do - let me know you're there, by putting a comment onto one of my memes or comments. I'll "follow" you, and give you any help you need, figuring out the site. https://imgflip.com/user/AnotherWorldView
After reading "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk I have come to learn that the entire history of vaccines has been quite tainted with dogma and less than true scientific decisions - long before the covid fiasco (which was obviously an attack on humanity by a cabal of evil scum) the medical community has essentially been brainwashed and/or coerced into teling us the science is settled, when it most decidedly is not.
I hope RFK Jr doesn't throw his hands up and abandon us, because I'm seriously thinking that we don't deserve him. His critics "On The Other Side" have been utter assholes since the election, towards him, and his advisors, such as Calley Means. No one understands how deeply corrupt the federal government and legacy media, and of course, big pharmaceutical companies are better than RFK Jr. He is not shocked, no way, over this manufactured outcry in the media. His op-ed was carefully written and important. The Other Side need to stf up and take a seat. Let this man, this man who's been fighting these battles in court, and in the media, and in his personal life, and professional, DO HIS THING. Even Robert Malone MD was on RFK's case before his confirmation, posting about how Bobby wasn't speaking up about vaccines as he should. Then he spoke up after the confirmation, writing long paragraphs about Bobby selling out to Senator Cassidy. Then there's the Drs Kruse and Bowden ganging up on Calley Means, before the Senate confirmation. And all the yelling on X. Grow a brain people, please. And a heart, and soul, and maturity and stand by this man, who's facing a leviathan. He can not do it alone, we stand with him, or we all fail.
Exactly. We are dealing with and ancient, demonic leviathan spirit. It's ultimate goal is to destroy everyone and anything that threatens it's power and control. This goes much deeper than a measles outbreak or a vaccine.
Means has a front row seat now, and is fair game. I APPRECIATE the two docs challenging him on his inability to name vaccines as a cause of chronic illness. Otherwise I do agree: Kennedy is facing a leviathan, and he can't stand alone. Either we push from behind and beside him, or we lose the movement we already have! Stand with him, or we all fail, just as you said.
What is this I've heard about this so-called measles outbreak being only among a certain population whose children are not vaccinated. I have heard Mennonites in Texas. Is this true?
But if this HHS spokesperson resigned, then that tells me they were part of the psyop of a desired plandemic.
This is simply false. The largest measles outbreak of modern times occurred in Quebec, Canada, in 2011, with 725 cases amongst a 95-97% vaccinated population.
And we’re supposed to give a shit because . . Why exactly???
The story should be: spokesperson disagrees with new head of agency, does the right thing. Not because his viewpoint is necessarily correct, but because a public facing person to be most effective should be able to state the boss’s view with sincerity.
Good Riddance. After teaming up with the psychos in the MIIC and initiating an on-going global democide.. it's not like US HHS has ANY credibility with folks who are paying attention and still have mnemonic recall.
But there's still the list of immediate steps that RFK Jr. needs to take if he wants us to believe he is a force for light and a bulwark against the evil onslaught coming at us every day:
1) Stops the C19 injection within US borders and confiscates all remaining supplies so that this bioweapon is removed from sale and/or circulation in the USA.
2) Stops the distribution of the C19 injection by any and all government agencies outside of US borders.
3) Disconnects the US HHS complex from the US DoD procedurally, contractually, and physically.
4) Admits (like the Japanese government) that millions of Americans have been injected with deadly nanotech without their knowledge or consent and issues a sincere apology.
5) Shuts down the US HHS/HRSA/CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program) and establishes a real fund for covering retroactively all medical bills anyone receiving the C19 injection has paid or is facing as debt.
6) Petitions the US Congress to repeal the PREP Act immediately in it's entirety and shut down any US HHS programmatic infrastructure that supports it's intensely dangerous Countermeasure program that no one in the US congress can understand or speak too.
7) Publishes protocols to:
a) Remove the deadly self-assembling hydrogels from everyone.
b) Voluntary self-quarantine for C19 boosted and injected based on age and date of last injection due to the inherent contagiousness of genetic treatments (For confirmation, see Pfizer's "Exposure During Pregnancy" or "EDP Protocol," and the April 2022 confirmation in the Texas court ordered FDA document release). Older people (like me) with lower master anti-oxidant levels (like glutathione that flushes graphene) are the most contagious and need to detox these injections aggressively.
8) Petitions the US Dept of Justice to pursue criminal charges against ALL of the US HHS officials who profited from or facilitated:
a) the perpetration of the C19 scamdemic,
b) contracts to supply any aspect of the scamdemic and the subsequent global democide
c) the sale of C19 injection
d) anything else?
9) Implements a Lesser Magistrate training program within the US HHS to help those who "just followed orders" understand that it was their duty to protect their fellow citizens nationally and internationally. For a global democide to be created by a handful of Big Pharma corporations, hundreds, if not thousands, of US HHS complex employees to look the other way - for decades. how many people wanted Anthony Fauci exposed and gone, but were not brave enough to organize themselves into an effective bureaucratic opposition. America has become a nation of self-dealing cowards who will sell out their fellow citizens and in this case, allow them to be severely harmed or killed by a medical system that these bio-robots had to know on some level was utterly corrupt and deadly. This level of mind control has got to stop. Thousands of children have been murdered by smiling nurses and pharmacy techs making $75 - $100/hour counting overtime, and who often become sick themselves from administering these injections. This can NEVER be allowed to happen again.
the whole damn thing has been set up. Get RFK Jr into a position of authority and then bombard the hell out of him; release a virus, possibly some gain of function improved virus, and then sik the msm to go into panic mode about people taking the V. Either way he takes it, stay true to his word and they blame all the deaths on him or promote the V in which case all of his supporters (or rather the outliers) turn against him. The psychopaths have had the whole thing figured out. I'm really pissed. And why??? It's been obvious that it was all going to get played this way. They won't let up on him until they get him to mandate the V.
MMR vaccines as they stand are not a good option..I would appreciate all the ways to quarantine the child or adult, what antivirals to take, perhaps ivermectin, and others looking for guidance from HHS on treatments.. We only isolated, gave baking soda baths for itching, and let it run it's course...Most people including children likely already vaccinated. Makes me think why is there an outbreak if MMR vax works?
"Deeply concerning," says MSM, that one child died of measles (but who can actually know that the poor kid actually did perish from it? What's the kid's name? Other comorbidities? Medications administered within the last month of his/her life? Is the family "rabid antivaxxers?" Silence.)
But it's not "deeply concerning" that more than a million Americans were slaughtered mercilessly, and continue to die in increasing numbers, by COVID-19 vaccinations.
Same in Australia. Super Sally just published our latest all-cause mortality stats:
I read earlier on X that the Dr's wouldn't give her the breathing treatments that she needed. Her parents had requested that she have breathing treatments four times and the Dr's denied them four times.
Measles are just another thing. We worry about too much. Shots are dangerous; all of them.
With all due respect Bob, we, all of us on this page, know that. The issue is the massive brainwashing, using a drone like mainstream media and drone like 60% of the population to make any sane approach possible.
WADR Ed, we all know that, too.
I like the simple truth of your statement. That's what it boils down to.
Measels was not cured by Vaccines: MARCH 2019 DR THOMAS COWAN, MD: Deaths from Measels was near zero before any vaccines were available to the public. As a bonus, the Chickenpox Vaccine is Herpes Simplex Virus and gives you Shingles. https://www.bitchute.com/video/XH6C9WoBuSiK/
February 23rd 2024 Florida refuses to bar unvaccinated students from school suffering a measles outbreak. No children die of just measels. allegedly "one death in 2022. According to CDC data" https://apnews.com/article/measles-outbreak-florida-school-ladapo-259440881f1d5e11dc69ed64ff055418
September 22nd 2023 The Measles Scaremongering Doesn’t Stand Up to Scrutiny https://www.hartgroup.org/measles-fearmongering/
FOI responses re other imaginary “viruses” (HIV, avian influenza, HPV, Influenza, Measles, etc., etc., etc.): Because "they" (HIV, influenza virus, HPV, measles virus, etc., etc., etc.) have never been shown to exist, clearly don't exist and virology isn't a science. - Christine Massey
March 8th 2023 Currently, only 69.7% of two-year-olds in the U.S. have received their full vaccine series, according to the CDC—including shots against measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, polio, and more. Just 10.1% of kids ages six months to four years have vaccine coverage against COVID-19. HPV vaccination rates down from 14% to 12%. 23% of parents now question the entire vaccine schedule for children, up from 12% in 2019. https://www.jahonline.org/article/S1054-139X(23)00211-2/fulltext
Websters needs a new word, one which combines the infectiousness melodrama psyOp with vaccine hysteria. The new word is Opccine :- )
The ‘measles death’ in Texas is shrouded in mystery and secrecy as to the “health status” of the child who died. It’s once again all ‘smoke and mirrors” when it comes to anything having to do with public health. And because ‘public health authorities ’ primed the public to react to any propaganda regarding “public health news” with the C*V*D Plandemic/Scamdemic, at every turn people jump around like fish out of water when they hear the news of a death due to an infectious condition like measles.
The “vaccine pushers” just won’t quit.
(Note that I referred to measles as an “infection”, NOT a disease.)
I had both measles and chicken pox (chicken pox twice, second case was very mild) many, many years ago. I was not vaccinated either. In fact back in those days when there was an infectious outbreak of measles or chicken pox in our school, we went to our friend’s houses, who also had either condition, and had measles and chicken pox ‘parties’.
I heard the child had RSV (which can be serious) and pneumonia. As well as measles. I’m betting the first two were responsible. But you know they’re going to be sure and put measles on the death certificate.
And if the child had RSV were they ‘vaccinated’ for RSV? They NEVER tell the whole story or a glimmer of the truth!
I just read that the sick child was given the MMR vax against the parent’s wishes. Sure hope the parents come out and tell the world what happened. I’m sure they are devastated right now. Remember when actual mainstream journalists would get this story?
What is the test for measles?
Used to be just based on symptoms. These days there are blood and PCR tests. The iGg test is for antibodies to see if you had measles in the past.
Frontera Lupita--Excellent comment! Nothing like trying to direct an agency where land mines are everywhere, some inadvertently brought in by good, thoughtful people who maybe thought it should be "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead". I think Frank Zappa said that.
Of course any other contributing factors to the death are covered up, same as with so-called covid deaths. Same ol' playbook. Sadly, it keeps working.
Not only it keeps on working but no one wants to know the COD of these people.
My own family didn’t really want to know what killed my aunt’s son who was vaxxed and @ 71 “died suddenly”. Then her cousin (my first cousin once removed) @ 77, who was vaccinated, “got COVID that turned into Long COVID”, was diagnosed with heart issues, then BOOM “died suddenly, over the Easter weekend 2024. Then her my aunt’s caregiver’s 57 year old husband and 34 year old niece, both “died suddenly” as well. They never linked these 4 ‘died suddenly’ deaths with the COVID vaxxes!
How absolutely horrible. This can only happen because we have a media monster that lies and idiots who believe everything they say.
They told me the lamest reasons why the caregivers husband and niece ‘died suddenly”. But then again ALL these people got the Jabs themselves, so they have impaired brain functions brought on by the spike proteins from the Jabs, that have passed the “blood brain barrier’ into their brain, like “Prion disease” that causes Mad Cow Disease! 😉🤪
EVERYTHING, and I mean everything about measles vaccine is about fear... generating fear, perpetuating fear and responding to fear... it is a circle jerk for sure of fear.
We have got to get out of this group think that vaccines will solve our problems, even when there really isn't a problem.
Large doses of Vitmain A keeps measles symptoms at bay. THere was never need to fear this virus. Yes, it might take out sick kids with many co-morbidities, but if not that virus then something else.
We need to return to natural herd immunity to measles. This is a dangerous vaccine.
Last but not least, the drug Alinia can be used to treat measles, but we are still stuck in the vaccine group think... WAKE UP
feel free to make a free account - and get into the fight... If you do - let me know you're there, by putting a comment onto one of my memes or comments. I'll "follow" you, and give you any help you need, figuring out the site. https://imgflip.com/user/AnotherWorldView
After reading "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk I have come to learn that the entire history of vaccines has been quite tainted with dogma and less than true scientific decisions - long before the covid fiasco (which was obviously an attack on humanity by a cabal of evil scum) the medical community has essentially been brainwashed and/or coerced into teling us the science is settled, when it most decidedly is not.
I stand with RFK Jr.
I hope RFK Jr doesn't throw his hands up and abandon us, because I'm seriously thinking that we don't deserve him. His critics "On The Other Side" have been utter assholes since the election, towards him, and his advisors, such as Calley Means. No one understands how deeply corrupt the federal government and legacy media, and of course, big pharmaceutical companies are better than RFK Jr. He is not shocked, no way, over this manufactured outcry in the media. His op-ed was carefully written and important. The Other Side need to stf up and take a seat. Let this man, this man who's been fighting these battles in court, and in the media, and in his personal life, and professional, DO HIS THING. Even Robert Malone MD was on RFK's case before his confirmation, posting about how Bobby wasn't speaking up about vaccines as he should. Then he spoke up after the confirmation, writing long paragraphs about Bobby selling out to Senator Cassidy. Then there's the Drs Kruse and Bowden ganging up on Calley Means, before the Senate confirmation. And all the yelling on X. Grow a brain people, please. And a heart, and soul, and maturity and stand by this man, who's facing a leviathan. He can not do it alone, we stand with him, or we all fail.
Exactly. We are dealing with and ancient, demonic leviathan spirit. It's ultimate goal is to destroy everyone and anything that threatens it's power and control. This goes much deeper than a measles outbreak or a vaccine.
Means has a front row seat now, and is fair game. I APPRECIATE the two docs challenging him on his inability to name vaccines as a cause of chronic illness. Otherwise I do agree: Kennedy is facing a leviathan, and he can't stand alone. Either we push from behind and beside him, or we lose the movement we already have! Stand with him, or we all fail, just as you said.
That was really great ME. I needed to hear it.
I think deeply corrupt means Robert Malone and Calley Means. Like in psyop.
Good riddance
What is this I've heard about this so-called measles outbreak being only among a certain population whose children are not vaccinated. I have heard Mennonites in Texas. Is this true?
But if this HHS spokesperson resigned, then that tells me they were part of the psyop of a desired plandemic.
Self-deportation can be a good thing.
This is simply false. The largest measles outbreak of modern times occurred in Quebec, Canada, in 2011, with 725 cases amongst a 95-97% vaccinated population.
Note that Quebec copped a larger outbreak of measles in 1989, some 1,363 cases in an 99% vaccinated population: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1884314/
Also good reading is Nkowane (1987): https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC1646939/ where he scratches his head over how a measles outbreak can happen in a 98% vaccinated American city.
They just can't figure out why kids vaccinated for measles keep on getting measles!!!
“Spokesperson resigns.”
And we’re supposed to give a shit because . . Why exactly???
The story should be: spokesperson disagrees with new head of agency, does the right thing. Not because his viewpoint is necessarily correct, but because a public facing person to be most effective should be able to state the boss’s view with sincerity.
Good Riddance. After teaming up with the psychos in the MIIC and initiating an on-going global democide.. it's not like US HHS has ANY credibility with folks who are paying attention and still have mnemonic recall.
But there's still the list of immediate steps that RFK Jr. needs to take if he wants us to believe he is a force for light and a bulwark against the evil onslaught coming at us every day:
1) Stops the C19 injection within US borders and confiscates all remaining supplies so that this bioweapon is removed from sale and/or circulation in the USA.
2) Stops the distribution of the C19 injection by any and all government agencies outside of US borders.
3) Disconnects the US HHS complex from the US DoD procedurally, contractually, and physically.
4) Admits (like the Japanese government) that millions of Americans have been injected with deadly nanotech without their knowledge or consent and issues a sincere apology.
5) Shuts down the US HHS/HRSA/CICP (Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program) and establishes a real fund for covering retroactively all medical bills anyone receiving the C19 injection has paid or is facing as debt.
6) Petitions the US Congress to repeal the PREP Act immediately in it's entirety and shut down any US HHS programmatic infrastructure that supports it's intensely dangerous Countermeasure program that no one in the US congress can understand or speak too.
7) Publishes protocols to:
a) Remove the deadly self-assembling hydrogels from everyone.
b) Voluntary self-quarantine for C19 boosted and injected based on age and date of last injection due to the inherent contagiousness of genetic treatments (For confirmation, see Pfizer's "Exposure During Pregnancy" or "EDP Protocol," and the April 2022 confirmation in the Texas court ordered FDA document release). Older people (like me) with lower master anti-oxidant levels (like glutathione that flushes graphene) are the most contagious and need to detox these injections aggressively.
8) Petitions the US Dept of Justice to pursue criminal charges against ALL of the US HHS officials who profited from or facilitated:
a) the perpetration of the C19 scamdemic,
b) contracts to supply any aspect of the scamdemic and the subsequent global democide
c) the sale of C19 injection
d) anything else?
9) Implements a Lesser Magistrate training program within the US HHS to help those who "just followed orders" understand that it was their duty to protect their fellow citizens nationally and internationally. For a global democide to be created by a handful of Big Pharma corporations, hundreds, if not thousands, of US HHS complex employees to look the other way - for decades. how many people wanted Anthony Fauci exposed and gone, but were not brave enough to organize themselves into an effective bureaucratic opposition. America has become a nation of self-dealing cowards who will sell out their fellow citizens and in this case, allow them to be severely harmed or killed by a medical system that these bio-robots had to know on some level was utterly corrupt and deadly. This level of mind control has got to stop. Thousands of children have been murdered by smiling nurses and pharmacy techs making $75 - $100/hour counting overtime, and who often become sick themselves from administering these injections. This can NEVER be allowed to happen again.
All that you suggest would require a real code of ethics. I was queasy about RFK but wanted to believe. Oh well.
The reason why that is "news" deserves further investigation...
For one, Kennedy has never been against "vaccines." He only went after the convid ones, which has been just about obsolete for nearly three years:
The rest, as Hamlet said, is silence...
the whole damn thing has been set up. Get RFK Jr into a position of authority and then bombard the hell out of him; release a virus, possibly some gain of function improved virus, and then sik the msm to go into panic mode about people taking the V. Either way he takes it, stay true to his word and they blame all the deaths on him or promote the V in which case all of his supporters (or rather the outliers) turn against him. The psychopaths have had the whole thing figured out. I'm really pissed. And why??? It's been obvious that it was all going to get played this way. They won't let up on him until they get him to mandate the V.
Yep. The evil Demoncraps still own the media and are primed to undo all the good that RFK and Trump do!!!
MMR vaccines as they stand are not a good option..I would appreciate all the ways to quarantine the child or adult, what antivirals to take, perhaps ivermectin, and others looking for guidance from HHS on treatments.. We only isolated, gave baking soda baths for itching, and let it run it's course...Most people including children likely already vaccinated. Makes me think why is there an outbreak if MMR vax works?
It’s like the polio vaccine… it gives you “vaccines derived measles “
Vaccines are poison
There is an outbreak because the illegal immigrants they let in are not vaxxed and brought it with them!
You gotta be kidding me. The people who are contracting the measles right now have been vaxed. What's your excuse for them?
"Deeply concerning," says MSM, that one child died of measles (but who can actually know that the poor kid actually did perish from it? What's the kid's name? Other comorbidities? Medications administered within the last month of his/her life? Is the family "rabid antivaxxers?" Silence.)
But it's not "deeply concerning" that more than a million Americans were slaughtered mercilessly, and continue to die in increasing numbers, by COVID-19 vaccinations.
Same in Australia. Super Sally just published our latest all-cause mortality stats:
64,000 excess deaths in Australia since 2021.
64,000 murdered by government and industry for their profit and grifting.
Does anyone die from the measles? Or die with having measles, like people dying with Covid, not from Covid.
Sacred cows and pandemics will be killed and thwarted. Hoping no longer this emergency on edge
Pandemic that is all hype 24/7 manufactured.
Go RFK “radical transparency”
I read earlier on X that the Dr's wouldn't give her the breathing treatments that she needed. Her parents had requested that she have breathing treatments four times and the Dr's denied them four times.
Sounds like they are trying to create another fake
Pandemic absolutely cruel hoping they get sued
Big time this killing people for a political cause must end.