Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I'm a recovering procrastinator. I believe it was partly inherited from my family of origin, and partly because I had such crippling lack of confidence and belief in my own self-worth. I used to think it was laziness, I now just think it was a defense against being judged and found wanting. The only problem is that you can wake up one day and find that you have literally procrastinated away your entire life. You always only have two choices: either get busing living or get busy dying. For whatever time is left, I do my best to choose the former. I'm sure trauma has it's part to play--because I've had my share--but it's been my experience that taking action is a way to heal trauma, and thus, procrastination. Good to hear from you, Celia, as always.

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I read this multiple times to absorb the nuances. I find much in it that resonates. Like so many Boomers, I had a terrible childhood. Really terrible. The times we were merely neglected were the “good” times. The quality I dislike most in myself is procrastination. I feel a strong inertia when beginning a project which needs to be overcome, then once I’m in it things usually go fine. I’ve never understood this about myself, so this may be a first step. My humble thanks.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Same here. I have to basically trick myself into taking the first step. Like cleaning out drawers--I begin to look for something (again) and then haul stuff out and just keep going. That can apply to any task or job.

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I read that a good gardener is one that pulls weeds when she sees one. Instead of designating a time to do something you really don't enjoy but that you are nevertheless pleased to have done, just do a few a day, as you happen to see them. That's one strategy. Here's another one: (at least it works for me) tell yourself you are not going to do it. For some reason that usually enables me to do it.

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I like this last one you mention. Will try it today!

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

taking immediate action on little tasks as soon as something pops into your mind — like “get out that book to take to lunch with my friend tomorrow so i don’t forget it” or “put the vitamin c in my suitcase for my trip” is also a powerful way to nurture and sharpen your intuitive abilities.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

To freeze is a normal survival mechanism. Most of us only think in terms of fight or flight. But there are actually four basic survival strategies when faced with trauma. Real trauma is when one feels one’s life is in danger. And face it. The State (aka the Leviathan, aka the Mortal God -- according to Thomas Hobbes) wants us dead.

Anyway, the four survival strategies are fight, flight, freeze and fawn.

RE survival: there are fates worse than death. Remember about those who did not love their lives so as to shy away from death. We may be facing opportune times (kairos time) when we might have to choose martyrdom over abandoning our faith and our testimony.

This is also the message of John 12:23 (iirc).

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Actually John 12:24-25

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deletedAug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber
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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The proper noun “Mensch” is German for “man” or “human being”. The word “mensch” is Yiddish for “a person of integrity”. I’m a Mensch, but I don’t claim to be a mensch.

(Sorry for the confusion. My fault.)

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Yeah, I agree. Wouldn’t it be nice if all human beings were persons of integrity!!

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Agreed. The time is rapidly approaching when a decision must be made to either die a martyr or be relegated to the eternal Lake of Fire (Revelation 19:20; 20:10.14.15) along with Satan, all his fellow fallen angels and those human beings who have willingly become his confederates.

I believe this is some wise advice. Read/pray the Psalms, seek the beauty/oneness of nature, and perform as many acts of charity as you can (charity covers a multitude of sins, 1 Peter 4:8). The enemy hates it. All the sycophants that have sold their souls to the ruler of this world can't stand acts of selfless love. They really go ballistic if you invite them to publicly repent of their many sins. The idea that you would urge them not to spend eternity in the Lake of Fire, (despite what they have done) is revolting to them. If you are knowledgeable enough and so inclined, quote scripture to them. Even the entity they worship knew the veracity of the scriptures when he 3 times temped the Lord Jesus Christ. Inform them that you know exactly what they are doing and who they serve/are slaves to.

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Interesting and provocative as always, Celia.

Maybe procrastination as understood in your article is “summoning internal supports to decide not to live in the old bonding.”

Rather than PTSD, I prefer Traumatic Stress Injury. My nervous system behaved perfectly in keeping me alive - nothing about it was “Disordered” - a word Bessel rightly points out as shaming - all by the people who should know better.

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Those "people who should know better," really aren't much more on our side than the government is.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you darling C for putting into words those of us who have faced severe trauma have felt. I felt as if I was about to be murdered for 18 months during the vile divorce and I know you had that threat for way longer from a group of evil aliens/non human bunch that are big pharma. I also think it’s exhaustion that causes the procrastination.. the inability to be able to find the energy again to restart. I just get the feeling that I don’t care when deep down I really do. So I suffer that conflict too which can almost make me angry. I feel angry at what has been done to me and then even greater of what has been done to everyone - aside the elite of course. Thank you for attaching this video. I have started to listen and no doubt as it’s from you it will be helpful. It’s also hard to face sometimes the damage we feel as we don’t either feel we have the time to break down and cry or that we get the feeling that it’s pointless!! That’s the worst hopelessness. That can be the general feeling as we are too wiped out in many ways. However nothing we do, you, me, any of us is pointless as we know now we are the truthers, the good people that was highlighted due to Covid and faith is coming back slowly that the renaissance is upon us and we are not alone. I’m always here with you and love you C and know our better days are ahead.

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Yes exactly, that feeling of not caring but deep down you do but you can't access it anymore, everything is run or freeze, like a hostage crisis all the time, until even terror feels like numbness. What I hate it when I "freeze" so bad I don't pray. We are all so severely traumatized it's amazing amazing that we function. Who could have dreamed we would live through something like this?

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We, who seek the truth, are learning how to survive in a chaotic world by trying to understand why it's chaotic.

We're Highly sensitive people:

Strong cognitive empathy.

Strong affective empathy.

They can't fool us anymore.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

It’s probably quite healthy to take a break from “dark news” as often as one’s overall psychological health requires.

During the good times and the bad, may your days continue to be filled with blessings, Celia.

Best regards.

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yep! Sometimes I feel weakened by it. I step away and do other things.

Then I come back refreshed with a new perception of the many crises going on.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Heartfelt thanks Celia for talking about this <3

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HERE IS THE CORRUPT GOVT. Brighteon Broadcast News, Aug 16, 2023 - Lawless Democrats waging SCORCHED EARTH campaign against America and its people Hawaii govt.: We BURN your town, murder your children then SEIZE your land (podcast) https://www.brighteon.com/c552c665-d07a-402d-86ab-b48d7e2 -- WHILE REPUBLICANS STILL DO NOTHING FACT

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

God bless you for showing us we are not alone.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

This was hauntingly insightful, Celia.

Thank you so much for your words, and also for the YT link.


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I feel every word of this, Celia. What torture to be as insightful, gifted and compassionate as you are and then get so hijacked and lose access to all of it. But giving voice to it is healing for anyone who experiences this and feels the resonance. Sending love.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Yes, I feel so much resonance with and gratitude for Celia's words! You too, Ann, are quite insightful and compassionate. Much appreciated.

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I know you don't read minds, and I'm not narcissistic enough to think so -when I read your work sometimes, I feel a shock of recognition, followed by a sort of stopping of movement, the coffee cup is halfway from table to lips, and I just gape as I read. Right now, I'm coming out of a freeze-up, the urge to follow up on what was a blog I closed, to what now looks like a substack, while dealing with family issues, so not writing, ugh. Suffice to say, it's about being overwhelmed, the hell going on in the world (no, not like in previous generations, who had no directed weapons, or mRNA, 15-minute cities), trauma which resurfaces now and then. I can disappear; the last three years have been a nightmare. Anyway, thanks for posting Celia. I so appreciate your honesty.

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Thank you for articulating that Charkate. I think it means we are not exactly all individuals, but it's not exactly that either. Yes, the last three years have been a nightmare. How to grieve?

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Keep the Our Father and Hail Mary wheel spinning, Carla.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

What you write here and what Heidi Priebe covers in her video is indeed very important. Especially now during the current time of crisis when power networks [ after all, we are not allowed to call them conspiracies ] are openly and unblushingly tearing down everything we hold dear and everything we had become accustomed to. Since we are now being attacked down to even the DNA level, working on ourselves and our community has only become more important. We may now learn every day that Mr. Global is very eager to keep us all as far away from our soul lives as possible. The technological materialistic nihilistic way of being must become the new normal, but those who understand a little about life already know that it will not succeed. Everyone knows the term Force of Nature and Mr. Global has taught us to think of it as something external, but when we are in contact with our soul life we are also in contact with that force of nature. And then we know again that we have been a part of it all along.

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

All through K-12 school where I was often bullied I was a 'friendly ghost', a deer in the headlights, my face frozen and my lips silent when cruel things were being said or threatened. And it is still a go-to stance for me to take, frozen and silent, when I'm not feeling well emotionally. Better invisible than in action and attracting aggression. Thank you so much for this post Celia, it's really made me connect some dots. I'm so sorry for the things that happened to you, whatever they may have been. It goes without saying, but I will say it because sometimes survivors cannot hear it enough, none of those things that happened to you were your fault, nor could they ever have been, not under any circumstances.

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LOL, I'm also a Boomer, but my procrastination is 100% either laziness or rebellion.

This is personality based, obviously. Some of you poor souls actually care about what you can or can't do perfectly, and so procrastinate; some of you care that someone else will see what you're doing and criticize, and so procrastinate.

There is also a cohort like me, who just doesn't want to take on a new task, rebels against the (trendy) pressure from others to do it, won't give in to the social norms that demand compliance, etc. Some of us procrastinate because 1) we don't care what you think; and 2) it won't be anywhere nearly as important in a day or two when the world, the society, and the community has moved on to some next thing.

It's an art form, done correctly.

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I don't actually procrastinate, much; but my husband does. It's been interesting observing him. What I've observed is that he usually procrastinates when he is uncertain or when he is thinking something through, or when something about the thing bugs him, but he's not sure yet why. From him, I have learned the value of sometimes procrastinating. And yes, it can be an art form.

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I love this idea.

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