whereas my leftist-leaning family is entirely clueless about everything in this video. They are buying the MSM telling them that domestic terrorist parents are taking over school board meetings for no reason, trying to ban books and impose extreme, right-wing values on everyone. It is astounding; a brick wall. I will send this to them, but they will not watch.

Just this past week I tried again to tell them that giving puberty blockers to children is grotesque and horrifying and that adults are pushing gender confusion on young children who haven't even reached puberty yet and don't understand any of it. And that CPS can take children away from parents who object, and that this is being done in some places (the pronouns and affirming the child's gender dysphoria) without telling the parents.

They said, "that's not happening. You're buying into conspiracy theories."

Their minds are completely closed. I will keep trying. The brainwashing runs deep.

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The trans "movement," which seemingly came out of nowhere a few years ago and is directed by the psychopathic controllers of our planet, has several objectives, but the primary short term one is the legalization of pedophilia. Always bear that in mind.

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It's interesting that the large increases in gender dysphoria, homosexuality, mental health issues and neurological problems (including of course, autism) that are afflicting young people today correlates with the large increase in the number of childhood vaccines.

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A few years back while I was still working -- before I decided to quit ahead of full retirement rather than cooperate with the crimes taking place in the workplace and elsewhere -- I had a conversation with a co-worker. This co-worker had an undergrad degree in psychology. She loved trying to figure out what made people tick and what impacted them. She also happened to "believe" in the whole idea of "trans."

It so happened that another of our co-workers had a child who decided she was fat. This child, regardless of the fact of her perfectly lovely little body, convinced herself she needed to lose weight. So, this little one -- 8 or 9 at the time -- slowly stopped eating. Long story short, her parents had to take her to a place that specialized in this illness that manifests in self-destruction. Thankfully, though coming close to losing her, they managed to save their girl.

In 'splaining this phenomenon to me from a psychological perspective, my co-worker with the psych degree laid out all the psychological problems that can stem from who the heck knows what that impacts children's self-image. These problems can distort self-image sometimes to the point of self-destruction, which in the case of this particular 𝑑𝑦𝑠𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑎 can result in starving oneself to death. People can look in the mirror, she said, and see something completely different from reality. She went on to say that this little one's problem came on when her mother went on a diet because "Daddy likes thin women." Uh, huh.

I listened only with a nod here and there. When she finished, I told her that it was very, very interesting. I repeated her remark about the mirror and said, "You know, that sounds 𝑒𝑥𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑦 like what people who think they're in the wrong body must do. Somehow they -- whether through some kind of trauma or misinterpreting something -- come to believe that they're in the wrong body -- regardless of what they see in the mirror. Right? Same thing?"

Obviously stunned after having her words used right back at her, she could but only stare back at me -- after one good, hard 𝒃𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒌.

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“But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea.

Woe to the world because of offenses! For offenses must come, but woe to that man by whom the offense comes!” Matthew 18:6-7 NKJV

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Sexual Dyslexia is a mental condition and should be treated as such! I'll be damned if I will allow some government tyrant force me to accept it as normal! Peace and blessings.

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Great work. It's good to have these testimonies on writing.

This is totally wrong and evil. They invent a word that sounds scientific and Greek (dysphoria) and something normal suddenly becomes an acute disease. But not being okay with your own body is something that happens to a lot of adolescents. What are the causes of young folks not being happy with their bodies?

I'm going to tell a story of me growing up, and what the adult vice of "doing something" can do to a child. The dear readers can laugh all they want, because it is laughable and I don't care.

I always had big head. Literally. It's not deformed, but it is big.

How do I know it was big, even as an infant? In pictures, my head is always leaning to one or another side. It was not a cute pose, but that I couldn't keep it straight.

I got many head bumps and worse, against walls, drawers and windows. Four times I got open wounds in my forehead, which required suture in the emergency room, before age 6. My brothers used to hit me in the head with foam toys, that my wise mother had bought to avoid a tragedy.

I don't know how, but the football very often ended up smashing my head. I'm not much of a team player.

One day when I was 4, a pigeon crashed into the side of my head: he couldn't avoid it. It's a pity there was no video recording of that fun bit of slapstick comedy.

Door knobs were my natural enemy growing up. And I couldn't fit my head through the steel bars of a fence, but one brother could.

Do you think it's funny? I think it is.

Once I listened to a conversation between a pre-school teacher and my Mother. The teacher was asking why I had such a big head, and my mother, offended, said I was just born that way.

Not only static and moving objects are a problem for big-headed children. They also have heightened senses. At least I had them. I had a very sensitive sense of smell. Many smells gave me a headache: bleach, ashes from the ashtrays, the aroma of certain types of plastic, perfume, the putrefaction of tree leaves on the autumn streets.

I took a ton of paracetamol growing up.

Also, intense lights were affecting me. Those didn't gave me headaches, but I used to get very nervous with intense lights and flickering. The voices of people sometimes scared me, like the intense screech of other children and the yelling of teachers. Similar to dogs barking and the intense noise of traffic.

In my day, there was no such thing as "Asperger syndrome" or "High-functioning autism" but some unscrupulous doctor could have used those labels on me had I been born five years later.

Obviously, I was retired to my own most of the time. The world was too intense. I avoided school as much as I could.

But I never thought that there was something wrong with my head (the literal head) until puberty, when adults started saying there was something wrong. Before that, about age 9, I had many tests done, including a brain scan and other tests that involved wearing a cap with electrodes and looking at different images. I think they were looking for epilepsy. I let them down again.

I remember I commented to a neurologist that those tests and the machines were uncomfortable and a waste of time, and the electrode gel smelled bad, and that I would have preferred to remain at home looking an Atlas (I had a geography obsession at the time.) They were a bit surprised that my brain looked fine after many actual traumas.

Thick skull, I guess.

I also have a lot of prejudice, but I have become a moderate anarchist over the years.

I began to be worried about the size of my head around 13, after I heard the words "brain tumor" and "encephalitis." Having perused several dictionaries and encyclopedias, I had an approximate notion of the meaning of those words. Of course, the doctors (a young pediatrician and a young neurologist) were just being imprudent and speculating in front of a patient and a mother. She declined participating in some study. Wise Mom. The truth is there was no problem, I just had a big head.

As maturation continued, my childish common sense disappeared (bummer) and then I was an adolescent with anxiety and depression. Books and TV were my main occupation those days. Then, at age almost 14 I started with SSRIs and benzos: Bad idea.

For about ten years, I was a big-headed human ashamed of having too many thoughts and antisocial (in the non-incriminating sense) and tired all the time, experiencing the multiple adverse effects of the psychiatric drugs. Turns out that antidepressants cause depression. Who would of thunk!

I think these young people have the same problem I had: they are in contact with stupid adults that have no common sense at all because they are not critical thinkers, just pencil pushers.

Higher education is mostly fraudulent: people have academic titles that say they know things they don't actually know.

Let's just admit it: people are too stupid and submissive. They expose their children to the exquisite idiocy of mediocre doctors who put in practice the plans of retarded and evil social engineers.

The results of the last 30 years of medical abuse on children, mainly in psychiatry and now in surgery, can be seen in our very morally weak societies, and the lack of productivity (not only economic productivity, but cultural too.)

Iatrogenocide. It's a very complicated word and sounds Greek, so it must be true, right?

How come parents and doctors are so clueless? Mainly because of politics and the press. Too much propaganda. The consumer always needs something more, and they don't know what's good. And universities have little to do with learning useful knowledge.

As everyone else, I think "social media" have only intensified the carnage. The silent genocide of the Western children, many of whom died before becoming adults, and others became disabled adults. Neither because of genetics or because of a virus: it's all caused by unnecessary diagnoses and toxic treatments, and the interdiction of life.

Yet, many adults of today, say, people under 45, managed to dodge most of the attempts against their lives, or managed to overcome the harm done. My hope is that some of these people are clear thinkers enough to protect their offspring better than all the other parents of their generation, who don't understand that adolescents must not have a smartphone under any circumstances.

Simply put: covertly mandated transsexualism is another chapter in the black book of communism. We are writing the middle part of that chapter.

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Lord have mercy

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We live in a time where science has replaced God and simple survival sense. In our day, we suffer from sickness of the soul - it has nothing to do with being in the wrong body. We are not our bodies. They say we need more time to study the real physical and mental impact of altering a person with chemicals and butchery. They already know. It does not take studies to realize the implications and harms. From a science perspective this trend accomplishes only two things - the destruction of creation (population reduction and culling the races) and massive amounts of misappropriated monies going into the malevolent hands of the greedy and arrogant. This movement has created nothing but severe trauma for everyone - those undergoing the brainwashing and mutilation and for those being forced to accept it and watch the lives of beautiful children and our futures being destroyed. Being passive is not the answer. Staying in your head and pretending this freak show has any merit at all is a nod of approval. There is no reason that this sort of "medical procedure" is in any way necessary other than to satisfy the foolish curiosity of Scientism. Western cultures have become so domesticated and words so twisted that cowardliness has been re-branded as compassion. We will "love" ourselves to death...

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The "trans" story is quite horrifying, that adults would allow, even encourage, children to change their bodies with drugs and surgery instead of coming to grips with what it means to be human.

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If the drug is putting $30,000 a year in someone's pocket, what are brittle bones or a short lifespan?

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So many of these clinical "experts" on both sides of the debate have agreed on one observation. This new craze or social phenomena is not innate within biology, but is a "cultural trend" What does that tell us? Thanks for covering this Celia.

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My dad took Lupron (Regence was very generous); AND had his spine fused. Latter contributed to killing him.

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You can't use Google anymore to actually do a search. It's censored now. I would recommend https://yandex.com/ - which is Russian. You will get some Russian results, but you get full results.

There are other search engines you can try as well, in no particular order, they are:











https://searx.space/ (multiple instances)

I'm sure there's more.

You have to abandon Big Tech. When a technology companies LIES TO YOU, deceives you, abandon it. Youtube, Facebook, and Twitter ALL have lied to you (and still do) about who they deplatform. They lie about their search results. The "most popular video/article whatever" isn't actually the most popular one. They lie all the time.

You have to abandon them.

It's FINE to use them, but don't make them your primary information source or publisher. You simply can't do that anymore. That's why Substack exists, it exists, because Facebook, Twitter, and Google LIE. They deceive the public, they misinform the public, and they don't allow open discussion - they promote propaganda, they promote wars.

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Many people are trapped into a corner and can't use common sense and strength of character to see their way out. One wall of the corner has weaponized their tolerance and care for people to be treated well, and weaponized their psychological weakness of being called "transphobic". The other wall of the corner is their inability to see the total abdication of healthcare regulators to make sure drugs are safe (FDA), and failing to see that healthcare workers are not providing full informed consent.

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