Trial Lawyer Followed By Millions: A Return To The Vital Human Skill Of Communication: Breathe Before You Speak, Lose The Urge To Argue Or Dominate, And Don't Think You Always Need To Say Something
"You Don't Have To Show Up For Every Argument You're Invited To"
“It’s a feeling, and the feeling is warmth.”
Algo sent me this video and I learned a lot from it.
“I needed this 30 years ago, but I’ll take it now.”
—YouTube comment
Before I made a change in the way I approached people I often felt unheard. That's all changed now that every time I engage I first hand out a hundred-dollar bill. And just like that they seem so interested in what I have to say :- )
Great find, Celia! This could and should be taught in our schools and modeled by our leaders! We, you and I and others, are beginning to learn this and appreciate it. This is the ultimate correction to miscommunication.
We are each separate individuals with our own backgrounds, life experiences, beliefs, fears, prejudices and more. The warmth he speaks of recognizes this, and at the same time, recognizes that we are all one, all connected. The ego mind has difficulty with this paradox, and we need to simply recognize that and step beyond that limiting view of ourselves and others.
This is way of communication an essential element on the path to peace, both within ourselves and within the greater world.