EU freezes Putin's assets.

Putin freezes EU's asses.

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Not surprising. Meanwhile. Snopes assures us that the US couldn't possibly be engaged in such a thing, because of course the US government would TELL us if they were doing it. *eyeroll* https://wholistic.substack.com/p/wtf-ukrainian-nazis-us-biolabs

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I'm a tad incredulous about some of what is discussed as effective bio-weapons. I say, effective, because such experiments may exist, but do not reach the level of effectiveness outside the lab. The idea that a "virus" can be manufactured from a "virus" should raise a red flag. What is a "virus" ? My computer from time to time has a "virus". Is it alive or dead matter; an exosome or cell fragments?

Bio-weapons no doubt do exist and have for over at least since the early 20th century. They are problematic because a delivery system is unstable (the word blow back comes to mind). An injection is likely the best way to assure delivery to specified targets if those targets can be controlled, imprisoned or through hypnosis.

I also don't find Cliff High to be a particularly credulous in his pronouncements, fascinating as they may be to those who prefer horror flicks to romance.

I definitely don't think a "germ" escapes from these labs; certainly nothing that can travel infect and spread (no proof of such, though we can imagine it, much like a Disney cartoon). Most of this so-called science is not really science at all, and cannot be proven to exist.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

It’s just so fascinating to watch all this drama unfold. It’s the first time there has been such tension here on the home front since I saw the movie Wag the Dog. It helps me breathe more easily when realizing that there is a big show going on and the producers are making it up as they go along. And the public just buys it like it’s the word of God. Well alot of us just ain’t that gullible any more.

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OMG Celia...so much worse than I thought. When the hell did my country decide to do this? I don't want to hear about defense...this is against the Bioweapons Treaty.

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Lyme disease via Plum Island and Fort Dietrich. I am one of countless victims. Borrelia Burgdorferia is the name of the weaponized strain, named after Willi Burgdorfer, one of numerous Nazi germ warfare scientists imported to the US by then-CIA head Alan Dulles. For more information, see the book "Bitten."

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That's dark and not surprising. Zika was a big wake-up call for me. It's when I started digging. Here's what my first attempts at digging uncovered...



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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

"What am I looking at?" -- Celia Farber

Could there be 'Tbilisi Biting Flies' under development that are purely synthetic? Artificial life 'come to life'? To deliver CONVENTIONAL toxic chemicals to humans?

Jan 13, 2022: "The project veritas document was real. The research overall originated with [the] 'drastic' [program]. No, it was NOT about 'viruses', it WAS about 'vaccines'. For the bats. To develop aerosolized and transdermal spike protein vaccines [note: CONVENTIONAL-chemical toxins delivered at SMALL-SCALE (?)] for bats in China. Ask yourself: Why?" -- emphasis added


"What am I looking at?" An aerosolized poison to spray on bats in the wild? How? Delivered by a swarm of AI-controlled, electro-mechanical humming bird -size drones mounted with atomizers? Hmmm, perhaps a 'delivery system' like that could be repurposed to deliver aerosolized Fentanyl to 'targeted' humans


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Celia, I do hope that you are listening to Dr. Fuellnich's proceedings grand-jury.net. I'm so glad for all avenues of information, may the audience increase is my prayer. Thank you for all you do!!

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This literally made me sick to my stomach! We need to get this to Bobby Kennedy and David E Martin!

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Celia, please post your findings on US-funded Ukrainian bio-labs being targeted by Russian forces if you are investigating these stories about them. Thanks.

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Feb 26, 2022·edited Feb 26, 2022

just in case anyone was unaware Russia has been doing bioweaponeering for a very very long time. book written by one of their chief scientists during the cold war and gets a mention in the above article https://www.nlm.nih.gov/nichsr/esmallpox/biohazard_alibek.pdf

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The U.S.A. are the biggest creepiest evil corrupt criminals of all in this world. Of course they always blamed everything on other countries when all along it was them doing the crimes against humanity. Any and all humans in on any kind of this Satanic bio-weapons for crimes against humanity all deserve the death penalty; no ifs, ans and ors. This is what science does to our world, and lets not forget scientists want everyone to believe we evolved from monkeys and do not believe in divine faith ( Our Father in the heavens ) Not one bit of evolution has ever been proven, all theories that's it, and I know I never evolved from any monkey.

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We've certainly crossed the line where, instead of acting simply as an aggressive empire, we're now clearly the world's foremost Evil Empire. Likely our "enemies" are doing similar work, but at one point in the past we were supposed to stand for something better, now we're much worse.

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Reading your attached article, I was suddenly stunned. Until 6 months ago the photo of an odd little grayish wide wing fly could have been taken from my bathroom wall. I'm in Los Angeles. I'd say for the last 8 years maybe (I've owned this home for over 20 years) there have been these odd little flies in my bathroom. Never inundated, I'd see possibly 2 at a time. Very slow fliers when they fly, mostly seen walking slowly on ceramic tile surfaces, never leaving the bathroom. I never noticed them biting or being attracted to people. So slow moving that when I saw them I would simply kill them with a Kleenex, they would leave a gray dust residue. Born in LA and having spent nearly all of my life here (brief stints in Israel and Italy 30+ years ago) I've found it curious to suddenly have an unknown insect appear. I wondered if it could be a variation of Mediterranean fruit fly, we had a problem of those for years and while this wasn't that maybe it could be related? Well, this past summer was especially hot in LA, we get hit with extreme summers every 5-10 years. I didnt water my gardens, just let nature take it's course and we had thirsty ants come in wherever there was a drain. I put out Nuvan Vapona strips in an effort to kill the ants, it did not, however it did kill off these strange little flies. Probably in all parts of their life cycle because they have not returned. The ants resolved themselves with time and the first rain.

Seeing the pictures in the article sent a cold chill down my spine. Are they the same as the ones previously in my bathroom? I obviously cannot say for sure. They could be related if going by appearance and their room choice. I mention the action that rid us of them just in case they are related, I would suspect the Nuvan Vapona strips would work on any such similar species if it worked on one.

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We met the enemy and the enemy is us! God have mercy...

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