"It’s as though we are a ghost country. They’ve actually ghosted us. They tell us, so many ways, every day, that we do not exist for them. Nothing we could ever go through— no amount of pain, displacement, destruction, humiliation, would ever warrant sympathy, or contact, from any of them."

Brilliant observation, Celia. This is the same everywhere, where the Uniparty is in charge - certainly the UK, and much of continental Europe.

Thank you.

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Exactly. Here in Canada we saw it first hand when “the small fringe minority” dared go to Ottawa and protest peacefully and all of the Government laptop class sneered at “the misogynist, racist, white supremacist, science deniers”.

All those WEF globalist elites are psychopaths. And btw where are the environmentalists who cry about carbon dioxide? Where’s Greta’s outrage?

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I started to notice that the climate scare and all that activism was BS when they had no concerns about geo-engineering, GMO foods, EMF radiation and the rest of the poison they push. That includes the poisonous chemicals they insist we put in our bodies. It’s all a trap.

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It feels the same to me here in Germany. 😟

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It's one big set up. It's the elite system's gave. It NEVER was our "country". That's the hurdle we need to get passed.

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Actually it was once, and Anna Von Reitz and many others have set up the American States Assemblies Lawfully in all 50 states trying to restore the government to what it was post Civil War. It's a process they have brought a long way, and is being set up in other Countries as well for a good reason.. I know Australia has one for sure, but there are others.


This video explains the actual governments the Founding Fathers set up and when and for what purpose. Don't be fooled by this little old grandmas appearance. She has a lot more information out, as do the Assemblies in each state trying to bring back the unincorporated government bodies initially set up.


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The Articles of Confederations is a start for a pre-civil war, but the coup that took place to create the current US Constitution and undo the AoC.

The Civil War has been so mythologized (lied about) that the victors (the federalists) have all but erased any remanence of the facts. That war and Lincoln have been turned into something it and he were not - supporters of emancipation to the extent that total warfare was executed and in today's numbers range upwards of 7 million killed and subsistence farm lands destroyed to starve the living.

This is not so much to side with the Confederates on all points, but to see secession as something that was considered by many states (particularly New England states) as lawful under the constitution and general agreement.

It was an expansionist empire war empire and concentration of power in a central government which has only grown ever more powerful ever since.

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Two of our unincorporated government bodies were dissolved with the start of the that war or as Anna calls it a mercenary conflict, the 3rd body "the States of America, Unincorporated" or the "Confederation of States" created in 1781 and the 4th body "the United States, Unincorporated" or "Federal Republic", who gave birth to the 5th body "the United States of America, Incorporated" or "British Territorial" in order to do business in the Sea Jurisdiction in 1787, and the 6th body "the United States, Incorporated" or "Municipal" DC government in a treaty to the Holy Roman Empire now dissolved thus transferred to the Papal controlling the Air Jurisdiction in 1789. The first two bodies the American government controlling the Land jurisdiction (that we've all been removed from by our birth certificates and why we've been labeled U.S. citizens or U.S. persons) "The United States, Unincorporated" or "Sovereign Union of States", "Union States", or "Nation States" that controlled the Land, Soil, and People and gives us control over the all of the governments thus "We the People", then "The United States of America, Unincorporated" or "Confederation of States" which was to conduct business on an International basis.

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To your first link, Sheldon Wolin describes it as: Inverted totalitarianism is a system where every natural resource and every living being is commodified and exploited to collapse as the citizenry is lulled and manipulated into surrendering their liberties and their participation in government.

2003 Democracy Incorporated.

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No link?

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I was addressing your first post where you have two links, and the Sheldon Wolin mention speaks to the first link you posted. Hope that clarifies.

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Sorry I meant a link to Sheldon as I'm unfamiliar with him, if you have handy.

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It's as if, currently, in all the WEF Axis countries, that all have Dog Kings installed as presidents/prime ministers. An ancient psychological warfare tactic...

"Joe Biden is a Dog King" -- Michael Yon


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Yes. I saw that interview with Michael Yon ----exactly fitting, Biden is the Dog King.


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Feb 23, 2023
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As therapy I'm re-reading EF Schumacher's Small Is Beautiful: Economics as if People Mattered.

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“Why did he have to travel to Kiev right at this moment?”

Because it’s far safer in Kiev than East Palestine, and his handlers know it.

While those living in Ohio and east of the Mississippi are in the greatest danger, none of us are immune to the potential fallout (pun intended). If we purchase food (including pet food) or products manufactured in areas affected by this chemical warfare, we can be impacted, too.

It’s time to stop living by half-lies and calling this out for the war crime it is:

• “Letter to a Mainstream Straddler: Live Not by Half-Lies” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-mainstream-straddler)

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He could have gone to his basement.

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In his basement could have saved the country a lot of money.

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his handlers. exactly. he is a dog on a leash. he is the puppet on the strings, like so many presidents before him. I saw a pic of Carter this week, with kissinger behind him. One of the puppet masters.

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Great article! 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you, Irene The Insomniac!

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John Judge observed that 2000 was to send a very clear message: That the American people are not in control, even as to picking their puppet.

-Vincent Salandria had made a similar point decades earlier:

"Don't you think that the men who killed Kennedy had the means to do it in the most sophisticated and subtle way? They chose not to. Instead, they picked the shooting gallery that was Dealey Plaza and did it in the most barbarous and openly arrogant manner. The cover story was transparent and designed not to hold, to fall apart at the slightest scrutiny. The forces that killed Kennedy wanted the message clear: 'We are in control and no one - not the President, nor Congress, nor any elected official - no one can do anything about it.' It was a message to the people that their Government was powerless."

The same message is being sent now with FJB, who I doubt even gets to decide what style of "Depends" he wears.

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my friend gave me a john judge tape back in the 80's when i was starting to wake up- i'd just gotten back from guatamala- where the US govt was bombing the farmers in the hills to drive them off their lands and into starvation and absolute slavery- i saw a church- way in the jungle- full of silent babies in cribs- but they weren't babies- they had all their teeth- they'd just stopped growing - and we were told that the soldiers had gone into the village and killed all the adults with machetes- and that these babies were all that was left of the people --the people that are doing the things we are watching are monsters- are they human? we don't even know that

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I know. I hesitate to go there, but I get it. Perhaps David Icke is right, that they are some sort of reptilians. Or Thomas Sheridan, who has long done excellent work in covering sociopaths. https://www.youtube.com/@ThomasSheridanArts But I also remember the horrible propaganda campaigns during WW1 and WW2 (I have a book of Dr. Seuss' cartoons during that era) where "the enemy" was painted as nonhuman. The soldiers in Guatemala no doubt received some sort of programming to that effect. It's a very slippery slope--at what point do we become what we hate?

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Go to the twitter feed. Wow. The democratic voters hate people. This is a disaster. The water in the tower is safe to drink right now but eventually that crap they spread all over the state will be in the water supply.

Eventually it makes it into the food chain. People living in these areas are afraid for their lives.

And you have a political class that doesn't give a rats ass about them.

Trump made a gesture of kindness.

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"Illegal immigrants can expect somewhere between a 3 and 5 star hotel once they’ve walked into the country, according to some reports. Residents of East Palestine—nothing."

Something similar happened in the Canary Islands, in La Palma island in on the 19th of September, 2021.

The citizens get worse treatement than immigrants. Regardless of how they vote. It is psychological warfare too, in my opinion.

The Government says "only us can help in emergencies, we need central command, that's the only way." But they always fail to respond, it is always late. They even persecute private citizens who help. They have no right to help, only the national Government in Madrid, always far away from reality.

Just to be clear, all "public" preparedness comes from taxpayer money. It is not a grace from the Government. The help is from citizens to citizens. True solidarity. The politicians only get in the way. They are part of the problem.

It is a major case of fraud to not send help.

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This whole thing makes me crazy- this makes no sense at all, unless the $$ and handlers that be - of all the party candidates, are just pulling the plug on the Biden administration- everything being just too thin and transparent- too corrupt- time for the 'vaxxinator in chief' to jump back on the stage? could this be the sorry state of affairs in this country? From a distance- you could look at it and say- the government does nothing for the country- leave it to the multimillionaires to bail out the country on the money they stole from U.S. during the last reign of terrors/errors. Like making the guy who wants to inject controls in everyone' brains master of all twitter communications- how debased we have become. Is this all we have to look forward to- from one corrupt oligarch to the next? Have we forgotten that Melania was supplied to Trump by Jeffrey Epstein? Perhaps we have to see the US for what it really has become? The people of this country deserve much better- and this is what they get- a photo op and a handout that won't fix anything in the long run.

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I feel your pain for the abandonment of ordinary Americans by the globalist scumbags but the Trump visit / Biden’s trip to Ukraine is just more theatre. Trump is part of the circus & always has been. it’s so depressing to think that millions of Americans still believe in the left / right / democracy illusion & that Trump is going to save them. Trump is the ultimate loosh generation device

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I know that many've the "big guys" have body doubles but I DO think this is The Donald. Nothing rang false an' I wear a tin hat so big it's a POT! But frankly EVEN if he sent a body double to share good wishes and carin' thoughts AND personally paid for a bunch've essential supplies--wull, god bless 'im an' keep 'im an' Fuk Joe Biden. When we send an ambassador--it's still a good will mission, right? right. But I DO think it's Orange Man...why not? He's not movin' there for a long exposure, he's there for a day and probably got advised on risk level (as all such folks do). Perhaps his good docs loaded him up with some antioxidants before during an' after the trip--I DO believe Melania is up on holistic remedies. Anyway, as ya said Celia--nobody in ANY political position showed they cared so this gesture spoke volumes--whether y'all like the guy or not. This one won points on my tally though I still ain't lettin' OWS off the hook no sir. Blessin's to all the folks in E. Palestein and to all've us too! (Some've us New Yawkers are still worried....raisin' a timid hand here myself...)

post script.... As for the timin' of Biden in "Keeve" (it's Kiev an' I'm the King've Siam!)--we have NO gubbamint... a bunch'a globalists wanna kill us and are doin' a bang-up job've it... Yes, this is a big TELL they don't give a flyin' fart 'bout us--but WE know it. Mebbe they are learnin' it in E. Palestein. But most of Amerika STILL has no clue. I don't know how we can "count the days" fer two more years---'cept with Carbon 14 datin' post blast... seriously, I'm worried they're gonna set up "scenarios" like this movie ALL OVER the country--we won't hold up for two more years if this is what becomes of ALL the air we breathe, ALL the water we drink, all the FOOD/FARMS that keep us goin'... just sayin'...

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it's not about long exposure- it's any exposure- read up on dioxin- it's so deadly it will make you scream- and it's not the only toxin there-

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Such a good article! Thank you for recognizing the brutal class war that's been going on. That is one reason why I could never join in with the chorus of Trump-haters that make up about 80% of my area. I was never in love with Trump, but to jump on the anti-Trump bandwagon was to participate in the systematic erasure of the humanity of the working class. I don't think many people can fully cognize the extent to which millions of Americans have been un-personed. Jan. 6th was the closure of their ritual, to fully drive home the message. Of course the elites avoid Ohio. Nothing happened there because no one lives there, in their view.

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I'm with you and Celia about this typifying the class war overtly going on since Trump was elected, but probably just as strong going way back to the 1970s, at least. Only once, temporarily, with Occupy Wall Street, has there seemed to be a mass awareness of this. And mostly "liberal" mayors shut that down. I believe CJ Hopkins has brilliantly (and humorously) exposed and dissected this dynamic in "The War on Populism" and other work. But AT THE SAME TIME, I can't help feeling a bit unsure for the reasons Mike H and others state below about how disastrous this disaster is. I've also seen tidbits on seemingly authentic podcasts that point out possible discrepancies beyond the absence of ANY federal response. Some even suggest OTHER materials (less potentially toxic) from those released from the train could have been used to kill off the fish as a scare tactic. The lack of mask wearing, questions about the speed the train was traveling, wondering if the manifest of what the train was carrying was actually confirmed, etc. I don't accept a "false flag" explanation at this point, but it was enough to cause some unease.

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All points well taken. We can not take ANYTHING at face value anymore.

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A thought experiment.

Imagine 911. Imagine people saying, "well, in spite of all the dust and the noise, the TV says nothing is happening. This is not an attack. This is just conspiracy theory from the far right! In fact, high rise towers fall like three times each week everywhere due to the lack of regulation because taxation is too low. Damn you Ronald Reagan!"

This is impossible because internet was not as developed 20 years ago, and people were not as confused as today. Also, because of the visual element: a huge object that disappears changes everything, dust everywhere is very convincing, etc. It is difficult to fool the senses.

But, back to the current reality, odorless stuff, things that are invisible and dangerous are difficult to believe. The effects on aquatic life are vert visual. That's convincing. The column of smoke in a picture or in a video it is less convincing, because desensitization from years of videogames and movies and all the fakery of the tv news.

People living there don't believe it. They are biased to not believe it, because of the covid fraud. Also, because self-deception as a mechanism of defense. It is very difficult to overcome biases, even more so when undergoing psychological trauma.

Some make efforts to not make the problem bigger by creating another wave of mass hysteria. This is a two-edged sword.

The most convincing "evidence" (not really evidence) for me and my pathological skepticism is that the Biden regime denies everything with silence or subtle scoffing. That is very Faucian, and very damning.

I remember the mil1tary argument to force medical treatment on people, as a special exception to the principle of bodily autonomy: America needs to be always ready, like the scouts, to wage war everywhere, and that means everyone is potentially drafted to support a war "effort": intensive farming, appropriation of land, concentration camps for Japanese Americans (and whomever else,) water supplies, censorship and many other things. The strength of the military machine is the backbone of American hard-working people, producing everything necessary to make war last as long as necessary.

This disaster may have destroyed the American war machine. If farms are over, if there is no water, if there is no air, then there is no backbone.

Unless, of course, there are ways to protect people (and non-human animals) and plants from contamination, ways to cure disease (didn't they say that chlorine dioxide is a universal antidote?) and ways keep production going. If not, this is a turning event in history: The greatest empire in history poisoned itself to its utter destruction.

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Trump goes into a HOT DIOXIN ZONE? I'm having trouble with that one. Maybe so but i'm having trouble with it.

And, then I just found this. What this guy says doesn't jive with what we have been told. He went there. Says he thinks he found some shenigans with some oil wells leaking and other malfeasance. He seems sincere. Are we being gaslit into believing this is worse than it really is? https://rumble.com/v2a5lzy-dr.-pete-chambers-emergency-broadcast-from-east-palestine-not-all-may-be-wh.html

But, look at all the dead animals. People with chemical burns. People saying they coughed up blood. So obviously something is poison around there. I can't put my finger on it yet but something ain't right. I just don't know what it is yet.

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brilliant- thank you- the missing piece- noone would go there- they should all be bailing- all of them- right now- i was at a meeting tonight to stop geoengineering- wishful thinking- with the clean air act legislation- many people in attendance had relatives or friends in ohio- they all said that what they hear is-it is as bad or worse than reported- people are in total overwhelm and chaos- worse than the toxic fires they started in california--the disorientation is horrific--no way in the world would that orange monster go there- more deception- thank you for noticing the obvious!!!!!!

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This is all part of the plan. Firstly, the string pullers/Davos crowd want Biden to take the rap for everything that has gone wrong in America and abroad in recent years. Meaning, from the disaster in Ohio to Nordstream 2 to Ukraine and everything in between. Biden will blamed for everything. Part two of the plan is to divide the USA by forcing "woke" ideology, pitting Trumpers against non-Trumpers, using illegal immigrants as a wedge and more. So then, predictably, things will get to a boiling point where everyone will be fighting amongst themselves. After that break up the country. For all we know, Trump is in on the master plan. He def was for the quakzine. It's all just one psyop after another. Hang on folks. Things will just keep accelerating

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I get that feeling too. It’s constant theatre. No way this guy was center stage in an ongoing EPA threat/disaster. They are clearly building up to sacrificing Joe and the plan is a long term one. Nothing is spontaneous or actually “happening” in real time.

Re: Trump, the vaccine issue gave him away. Too big an issue to have him give away. He’s instructed to fight about anything else, but not that.

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Thank you for stating the obvious Celia, at least for anyone who can see beyond their nose. At least those in alternative news and media are giving us valid information about Palestine and other disasters going on around us both here in the U.S. and around the world, or the TRUTH might never be told or heard. Sadly it will be a miracle if they are able to salvage their communities with all the toxins foisted upon them sown deeply in their water, land, and bodies by now. The phthalates in the plastic bottles they're receiving is minuscule in comparison. Worse it's not even that Biden and those in the administration don't care, it's almost as if they celebrate it with their smirks.

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I’m sure the biggest reason Biden and Pothole Pete didn’t show up in East Palestine is because they both know exactly how deadly those chemicals really are and they don’t want to take a chance with exposure. It speaks volumes. The residents of East Palestine, at the very least, need to sue the federal government.

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yup, I know, all true--I heard Eric Coppolino's full interview on Mike Adams (an' I've done local enviro work myself on a superfund site where there were dioxins an' bpa leaks -- wearin' a differen't type've hat so I know purdy much 'bout the risks and know folks who are NOT ok after exposure. Yet' I've also read a bunch about those who survived the nuke bombs on both Hiroshima & Nagasaki and what they did to reduce their risk (during, after--they didn't have the option of pre-)... This is different but it's the same level of toxicity... It's fer sure complicated and I didn't say that it's not without risk to even visit E. Palestine briefly---just was sayin' that I DO think it was The Donald in person (not a double) and that he likely did do some stuff (before, during, after) to minimize his personal risk (there is a lot ya kin do...nothing is perfect) an' still git his hiney out there... HIS hiney!

I also added that if folks think it was a body double that's fine but the main story doesn't change--that "team" Trump at least thought of these folks, thought to give them a nod that they were not worthless, that they deserved clean water, etc.... is still an important gesture be it with the real deal or the "Ambassador" double.

So nope, I wasn't dismissing or minimizin' risk at all--just sayin' that sometimes a leader kin lessen their own risk to some degree AND show some grit in showin' up in spite of the risk. It IS a war zone, that's fer sure... It used'ta be it was even expected of a President to show up (bombs n' all).... W stayed away from Ground Zero so Hidin' Biden had a regrettable role model ta foller... One might say it used ta be an "occupational hazard"....showin' up at disasters... no longer though as we all see too clearly (even through that mushroom cloud)!

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Oh, and you know what Celia? It’s great that Trump organized what he did but honestly I don’t think that was Trump. I think that was a body double Trump is 6 foot three look at him standing next to some of those people especially that short is Palestine mayor I don’t think that was Trump but bottom line is he still organized at all and God bless him for it

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Wow. I thought it sounded just like him!

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I agree it sounded exactly like him, but have you seen that guy who quite often does videos taking off Trump? It could’ve been him with who knows what kind of mascon I could be completely wrong and sound like a complaint yet here I just don’t think they would’ve sent Trump to a place that is so toxic, they wouldn’t take the chance. I think it was a body double let’s see what others think. Great post as always Celia good night God bless.

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It’s plausible it was a double. I was wondering why he wasn’t wearing at the least some PPE. But no one was. People don’t get it. If it was a nuke- they all would have found a way and left town by now!

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And where do they go? Tent city in San Francisci? They dont have the money to fly or get a hotel room.

Be them for a minute.

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No offense meant, brother. I was pointing to the full activation of our survival instincts which recognise a life threat and activate us to save our lives by running. Where or how tend to work out because immediate action tends to guide us to the path to safety. I have experienced being at Ground Zero for toxic spills and miracles occurred. Peace.

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Or a virus...

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Exactly!!!it’s unbelievable .. are we to believe that Trump was as out of touch with the catastrophic results of the burn off from the vinylchloride as he was with the safety of the vaccines? I don’t know I love Trump but I don’t get it.

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Sorry, I can’t edit from my cell phone but I’m sure you get the gist of what I’m saying❤️

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Trump is a human being.

Human beings shrink with age.

Trump shrinks with age.

How much, you ask? I don't know that. But body doubles are real, they always were. How many body doubles had Gaddafi? Probably all of them were killed.

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