and Corey Lynn at have been publishing on this. Their analysis is that RealID and biometric ID's will be inserted into the credit card system first.
Since enough of the states fought CBDCs, the Big Tech billionaires have to hoodwink everyone a different way.
The most vulnerable government payment systems are Social Security, Supplemental Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Benefits - some of which would have to be managed through the states, or retrieved from the states to be centrally managed by the fedgov .
But all our digital gulag wardens need to do, is convert the US Dollar's global reserve status into crypto currency - and then require every taxpayer to have a crypto wallet. The predictive TV series for this was "Mr. Robot" with Remi Malek - which was great actually.
Mr. Trump is here to usher in a digital control system and sell off public assets in a massive power shift to the global Central Bankers. This is his JOB. Watch this video to see how our monetary system is being re-structured by force:
Best Evidence w/John Titus: Larry & Carsten's Excellent Pandemic 08/15/2021
In January 2023, the Tri-Lateral Commission celebrated the first year of the New World Order where governments are no longer needed and industry will set policy going forward. Greg Reese reported that quote. At the same time, Bank of America was running pilot operations to empty American citizen's bank accounts to see how they would react. Wells Fargo also did this in 2024.
In April 2023, the blockchain digital train tracks were established by the parasites at the "federal" Reserve CENTRAL Bank with the activation of the FEDNOW system. The US Congress did nothing and the members actually lied to their staffs about what the FEDNOW system meant.
Trump had to be elected, to position all of these Big Tech Billionaires to do their systemwide magic and enslave us all. That's what is going to happen if our state representatives don't get OFF their collective asses, and create a separate system of state banks, state gold reserves, state bonds, and who knows, maybe even state currencies at some point...
:)) That was just my way of describing how 'baked in' the candidates are. We the people have no real choice when it comes to elected officials. Even down to the state level, elections are hacked, candidates are picked for specific offices way before the election.
Here's a 2024 example. Huckster NC State House Speaker Timothy Moore didn't even put which US congressional seat he was running for this time on his advertising mailings. At first we were told he was running for the US Senate because Thom Tillis was stepping down. That would have been great. But as the campaign season progressed, he just put "Running for Congress" on everything and ended up replacing worthless coward Rep Patrick McHenry who helped bring blockchain tech to the evil "federal" Reserve bank.
Then the district lines were not respected and the votes from my county were 'blended' with another district, so he would only be representing that district in the voting record.
So Trump was the financial elite establishment's choice. Kamala quit campaigning during the last week because she was never a serious contender. The legal dramas, the fake assassination attempt, the bs around January 6th and on and on... Our controllers worked their asses off to keep Trump in front of the engineered masses all the time...
While they set the stage for our 100% loss of financial freedom and global financial slavery... as the C19 injected and contaminated died in the background with their MAC addresses broadcasting from the grave.
My family in that small middle-east country (not the one with an I) were already made to get full biometrics taken or loose access to bank accounts; something connected to BRICS they believe.
On another note, movies/shows with predictive programming . . . I spied out a strange line art logo which quickly caught my eye on a night-time TV series, as a background art on the set's wall . . . it appeared to be the UN leaves in a circle, with the star of David inside that and the US capitol building inside the star of David. Sure had to wonder on that one 🤔
I can't remember the name of the project in India that did the same thing, but I did read in a couple of places and see it on one documentary, that two months after the entire Indian nation was biometrically registered, the data was on sale on the dark web for 500 Ruppees (about $20 US).
All of this rush to create WestWorld, The 5th Element, etc. - a digital, AI and frequency controlled world - completely ignores one simple fact. Black hat hackers will always be with us and at the higher levels of exploit, they usually work for organized crime/mafias/governments.
A journalist named John Nagle wrote a book on Obama's bankers that revealed the connection between organized crime, government and the satellite software used to torture Targeted Individuals that the mafia's have had for decades.
What a field day these evil groups could have with a complete biometric data set of the entire population of any country...
In Oregon, a driver's license can serve as a digital ID if you pay a few dollars more to make it a digital ID. Their publicity for adding this digital ID says you will need a digital ID to fly on airplanes by May or June 2025. The evil has begun.
Thanks for that. When I got to NC in 2021, the DMV still gave the option to not choose a "RealID" but there was a description that without the RealID, you would not be allowed into federal buildings. So, I thought, if the fedgov wants me in one of "my" federal buildings, I doubt it would matter.
In FL, you have to comply with RealID and there's no way to opt out. If you don't bring tons of ID info, the DMV rep will send you to a website called "" that will teach you to go home like a good little imbecile, and get what they want and come back. It's heinous. Another reason DeSantis is going to betray everyone down there...
A separate system ... I like it Gig ... we are working on just that, here in Texas. Once Texit is complete the Independent Republic of Texas will have all of those. If you're not familiar, check out the Texas Nationalist Movement at ... it's a beautiful thing.
Thank you!! I will get it out to the folks here who are looking at starting a Free State project in NC.
I've been annotating the NC State Constitution while binge watching the X-files for the last 3 days. Retirement is such a joy:)))LOL!! Our state constitution is a basic rights train wreck... Big HUGS!!!
We already have those in Sweden, a bankID on the telephone, not even a state one, that gets to be more and more obligatory for more and more ephemere stuff.
This progressive vice of doing everything by a monsoon of Executive Orders has a little trick: an executive order can be revoked by another executive order.
So, a future president may undo all the errors of this one. Probably not, but he may.
All the current problems of the world come from the progressive era and the obsession to micromanage every aspect of everyone's life.
Nationalist centralization is as bad as social-democratric centralization.
The left has yet to figure this one out.
The right has failed so far to understand that War, including the covid mindwar, is the reason why Nations fall apart. As the State grows, the People bleed out. To save the Nation, destroy the State.
Anyone who says "Nation-state" is, most likely, an agent of the State who works to destroy the Nation. Or a person affected by so much intellectual pride that He thinks he can save the Nation and control Leviathan. Not gonna happen.
Banning "CBDCs" does nothing - it's theater, pure theater. And, distraction. A "look here, not there" type of move. Any digital instrument using blockchain, such as a cryptocurrency or even a stable token (such as my State of Wyoming is creating, God help us), can be CONVERTED... easy peasy. Blockchain is a digital ledger system, and they'll ALL be using it. So, ANY of them can be converted to a "CBDC", or even used as is, as such. What it's called is of no importance whatsoever. How do folks not understand by now that what something is called is of no importance??? Just look at the labels "Democrats" and "Republicans" - is there truly any difference between nearly all of them in DC??? NO. Labels mean nothing - it's the intent and the outcome. Period. Jesus said it best - "ye shall know them by their fruits."
At the very beginning of his presidency, I'll take the theater, thank you. He's setting a tone in our country and in the world following the last 4 mega-disaster years, and I love that loud-and-clear tone. And we'll see what happens. You might consider giving the man a chance.
Exactly how many "chances" does Trump get??? He had 4 years the first time in the Big Chair, and didn't do way more of the things he'd promised than he did. And, increased the tyranny we're under behind our backs. Then, he had 4 years out of the Big Chair, and what did he accomplish during that time? He build yet another resort and a golf course. Did he work for election integrity? Did he work to get the J6'ers out of jail, or better the conditions they were living in? Did he work to stop the poisonous killing mRNA jabs? Did he do ANYTHING of any substance to better our lives or protect our freedoms and rights?
So, please, tell us all, how many "chances" exactly does he get to stab us in the back, and in the front???
You must enjoy your tds theatrics over having spending value. Gas, food, electricity, autos, appliances, national debt, paying for endless democratic wars to enrich scarecrows coffers.
I hate to think it but I must agree. He’s using the nonsense buzz words and keeping it to three sentences for the dummies in the back (ie all of us). We’re too stupid to see, much less understand, what banking is doing. It will happen and that will be that.
You are recommending the precise manipulative outcome that's desired.
Sit back and waste what precious little time is left to stop any of this.
It's a timeworn technique called "calming the marks" in a con game.
Con game means confidence game.
Trump is trying to make enough people feel confident about what he's doing and calm down so the last steps to the slaughterhouse floor can be made peacefully.
Her outfit is a message no doubt. I don't know anything other than speculation, BUT -
a) It could indicate a script plagiarized from the Book of Revelations is being followed. Trump sustains a fake head wound and "raising from the dead" in mockery of the Resurrection of Christ. He is being called a "savior" by many. He claims himself to be the "chosen one". Mockery.
b) The death of America. Many Biblical scholars think America is Mystery Babylon. Trump's "acceptance" speech was pure avarice.
Trumps executive orders are too vague on timelines and implementation to be counted on. Remember, Trump is a master at reading people and telling them what they want to hear, true or not. I don't expect the most important issues to be implemented in good ways. Sure, he will throw us a bone now and then. On issues that really count, I'm not hopeful. Besides, the president doesn't really govern this country. That's the deep state's job.
DJT is the only President in my lifetime that actually carried through on his campaign promises during his first term. This time he's doing it even faster. He's learned.
It’s great to be optimistic and see some real decisions (messaging) being made in just 4 days. But a lot of us know too much to ever believe that he’s legit. He would have been killed 1000z over if he were. No one gets a seat at the table without the ruling class mafias permission. To think otherwise is just naive.
The real concern is government power over citizens. With rapidly advancing technology, this power to surveil and control literally grows by the day.
Tackling the potential abuses of technological power will take some long, hard debate and thinking. At the center of the debate will be the values we hold dear: what will they be? The primacy of markets and of government, or the primacy of individual self-determination that's off-limits to markets and to expansive government intervention? Will our bodies and thoughts just become part of a market for nano-technologies such as what GOF research pursues?
All-in-all, aside from the massive corruption of the past years that has pointed out the dangers of power concentrated in too few hands instead of distributed more-or-less equally among individuals (how's that for "equity"?) what we're up against is a titanic struggle to understand how the genie of technology can be reigned in so that individuals can flourish according to their own lights, instead of being captured by a huge and complex machine. Technology will expand and even the next twenty years will likely see things unimaginable today, but in all this we have to decide whether humans are cogs in the machine or are self-determining entities.
Technological power concentrated in the wrong hands can lead to totalitarianism. This has nothing to do with the supposed psychology of mechanistic thinking, and is a matter purely of power and its reach, for even a very small faction can gain massive power if we aren't vigilant.
Freedom requires vigilance and vigilance requires imagination, another reason I so strongly object to that psychology that warns us off imagining "vast conspiracies."
I agree with all you say and only differ in that the days for having the tough discussions you describe to stop what's happening needed to occur half a century ago at least.
I am glad you're saying it, though. There is always a shred of hope and God's will above all mankind's machinations.
"The financial system we have live under for the past 50 years is rapidly coming to an end and in it's place there will be a completely new financial system based upon Central Bank Digital Currencies and Universal Basic Income. The system will facilitate surveillance of the most intimate aspects of our lives and demand our absolute compliance. There is more to CBDCs than meets the eye."
I've been reading the analysis of Martin Vrijland (of the Netherlands) for 3 years now. All I can say is, he has predicted these things we see playing out today. He absolutely called it that CBDC's would be banned, as everything will shift to Bitcoin. His book on Bitcoin is a must read. He also clearly predicted they would lead the clueless masses with releases of secret files long awaited by the public etc etc. Why now...? Why would they release this long awaited BS now......why now?
Why would the announcement of 'mRNA AI vaccines for cancer' (lmfao) come now????? If its for the betterment of humanity (uh huh, sure), and of course bigpharma would be dying to make their profits, why wasn't this released in the final month of Biden's retardation carnival...?
Have a look at some of his recent articles if interested.
Whitney Webb - no one needs her for their discernment; she's a limited hangout. Easy to see through. Just like her books weigh one down with endless detail and infinite connections between all the players....Ok, so what. Those with eyes to see already knew it was a massive international crime syndicate - does every single detail matter...? None of it will ever go to trial. No one will ever be prosecuted. So there must be a different path.....
His books are only sold through his website, so I'm sure you're unlikely to find book reviews anywhere. He is a man I stumbled upon through my 30+ years of trying to hone discernment here on Earth. He lives in the Netherlands, and is the sole proprietor of that website. He is a seeker of the truth like so many of us here. His website is basic, its just him running it, but you should be able to purchase his book through the site. By the way, he has combined two books into one (about 6-7 months ago) now called 'Messiah Trump.' That book includes the Simulation Dome book, and, he also now has paper versions of Messiah Trump available. There's a lot of videos to watch and the paper version has QR codes that take you straight to the videos. You might consider buying the paper version anyways. All of his books are very inexpensive, btw.
Full disclosure - I do not make a penny suggesting his books, or his website. I'm simply an avid reader there for the past 3 years. I think his theory is spot on, best I can tell. I'm monitoring this narrative every day.
We will now avoid what Canada did to the truckers who were protesting. They froze their bank accounts. That is what could have happened to us. Ration our. gas, confiscate our money. It would have done away with our currency. This is tremendous news.
? america seems to wobble around in its own bubble and yet, as the worlds primary terrorist state, americans are extremely confused regarding what is in and what is not in, the bubble. Most cannot see beyond their front doors (known as myopia) and they constantly seem to think that somebody out there is coming to save them while they are destroying the rest of the world. Whatever they do 'internally' is entirely their problem...and being captured by Israelhell lobby somehow doesn't seem to be a problem at all......but what they do EXTERNALLY is everyone elses problem. Kindly stop bombing the shyte out of the world. Thank you in advance: THE WORLD.
Whitney Webb is spot-on with her observations. Just take a look at the enormous volume of T bills that Tether (USDT) is absorbing. There's no need for a CBDC as we already have one. So banning it is simply political theatre.
Digital Currency from any source is very very bad. The US plans to implement its own version of digital currency very soon. There's nothing to prevent a future merger of US digital currency with the CBDC. This merger would/will be very easy to accomplish, especially with help from A.I.
I've noticed that Trump has signed a lot of executive orders that sound great but are non-committal on timelines and other details. That's very concerning! Actions speak louder than words. Words are cheap. I'm afraid that the end results of many of these orders will fall far below people's expectations. Billionaires like Trump and Vance live in a much different world and have much different lifestyles and values than we do (ones we don't understand). The proof is in the pudding.
What Trump's doing is called "calming the marks" in a con game.
A "con game" is shorthand for confidence game.
Trump is calming the marks by making them feel confident in him so they can be herded closer to the slaughterhouse floor with as little protest as possible.
I also came across this, check it out. A book published in 1893 by Ingersoll Lockwood called....
'The Complete Ingersoll Lockwood Collection: 1900: or; The Last President & The Barron Trump Adventure Novels.' It's about a boy who finds a way again to time travel
In 1896. (Look it up on Amazon).
Of course Donald Trump's son is also named Barron.
Helllllllllllo.......anyone paying attention!?
I'm sharing some serious puzzle pieces here. This is not coincidence. and I think I can explain exactly how a book from that long ago could be so prescient. This world is not what people think it is, at all. Not even Whitney Webb is covering things of this nature.
"Most haven’t the slightest clue what is going on."
I could not possibly agree more. The vast majority of "truthers" are not anywhere near the mark, unfortunately. From my experience, only those who are willing to challenge every single thing they think they know to be true, will even have a shot at it. Time is short now, this discernment game does not go on forever. Their symbolism tells us so.
here's my suggestion: if you want to learn more about crypto, the promise and threat of digital currency, you might want to check out john bush's 'live free academy'. an enthusiastic and knowledgeable young man who's podcasts can at least broaden your basic ideas of WTF is happening re money and your individual freedom. he is a salesman for sure but he also intends to inform people. every few months he does a free web'nar that yes, ends w/a sales pitch for a more complete course partially aimed at complete beginners. he's a good teacher and makes the info as clear and easy to understand as possible but don't sign up if you have difficulty sticking w/an educational track. just stick w/his podcasts and free webnars to give you less of a 'clueless' feeling. btw, good for you for using cash as long as possible!
Human beings in general are not too smart. I say this from my own personal experience. All of these plans for Central Bank currency and everything else planned for the NWO will fall flat on its face.
You know what? I’m tired of trying to figure everything out - I honestly don’t know jack. Neither does anybody else. So I’ve decided to live every day with hope, dignity and gratitude. I also have no idea how many of these days I’ve got left. Same goes for all. So instead of worrying about all the shit the evil reptilians are plotting (which will fail) I’m going to go back to what I like doing best - Giving love and spreading it around. Maybe this is the movement that will last the longest.
central bank digital currency...your money will become more like credits that can be given or taken by the controllers depending upon your compliance or non.
Also, credit cards. I don’t have one. Tore them up about twenty years ago. I only use debit at places that don’t except cash. In Nashville I could not spend my cash at hotel or concert venue.
This requires followup with a ban from Congress, but it stops any surprises before Congress gets to it within the next 4 years. Any Executive Order can be subject to revokation by Congress, by the Supreme Courts, or by a future President who can do with just a signature.
We need an EO banning digital IDs. and Corey Lynn at have been publishing on this. Their analysis is that RealID and biometric ID's will be inserted into the credit card system first.
Since enough of the states fought CBDCs, the Big Tech billionaires have to hoodwink everyone a different way.
The most vulnerable government payment systems are Social Security, Supplemental Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Unemployment Benefits - some of which would have to be managed through the states, or retrieved from the states to be centrally managed by the fedgov .
But all our digital gulag wardens need to do, is convert the US Dollar's global reserve status into crypto currency - and then require every taxpayer to have a crypto wallet. The predictive TV series for this was "Mr. Robot" with Remi Malek - which was great actually.
Mr. Trump is here to usher in a digital control system and sell off public assets in a massive power shift to the global Central Bankers. This is his JOB. Watch this video to see how our monetary system is being re-structured by force:
Best Evidence w/John Titus: Larry & Carsten's Excellent Pandemic 08/15/2021
Augustin Carstens steps down in 07/01/2025.
In January 2023, the Tri-Lateral Commission celebrated the first year of the New World Order where governments are no longer needed and industry will set policy going forward. Greg Reese reported that quote. At the same time, Bank of America was running pilot operations to empty American citizen's bank accounts to see how they would react. Wells Fargo also did this in 2024.
In April 2023, the blockchain digital train tracks were established by the parasites at the "federal" Reserve CENTRAL Bank with the activation of the FEDNOW system. The US Congress did nothing and the members actually lied to their staffs about what the FEDNOW system meant.
Trump had to be elected, to position all of these Big Tech Billionaires to do their systemwide magic and enslave us all. That's what is going to happen if our state representatives don't get OFF their collective asses, and create a separate system of state banks, state gold reserves, state bonds, and who knows, maybe even state currencies at some point...
Great comment. Thank you. God Bless.
I’m missing something, why did “Trump had to be elected…”? Wouldn’t any person be able to do this?
:)) That was just my way of describing how 'baked in' the candidates are. We the people have no real choice when it comes to elected officials. Even down to the state level, elections are hacked, candidates are picked for specific offices way before the election.
Here's a 2024 example. Huckster NC State House Speaker Timothy Moore didn't even put which US congressional seat he was running for this time on his advertising mailings. At first we were told he was running for the US Senate because Thom Tillis was stepping down. That would have been great. But as the campaign season progressed, he just put "Running for Congress" on everything and ended up replacing worthless coward Rep Patrick McHenry who helped bring blockchain tech to the evil "federal" Reserve bank.
Then the district lines were not respected and the votes from my county were 'blended' with another district, so he would only be representing that district in the voting record.
So Trump was the financial elite establishment's choice. Kamala quit campaigning during the last week because she was never a serious contender. The legal dramas, the fake assassination attempt, the bs around January 6th and on and on... Our controllers worked their asses off to keep Trump in front of the engineered masses all the time...
While they set the stage for our 100% loss of financial freedom and global financial slavery... as the C19 injected and contaminated died in the background with their MAC addresses broadcasting from the grave.
My family in that small middle-east country (not the one with an I) were already made to get full biometrics taken or loose access to bank accounts; something connected to BRICS they believe.
On another note, movies/shows with predictive programming . . . I spied out a strange line art logo which quickly caught my eye on a night-time TV series, as a background art on the set's wall . . . it appeared to be the UN leaves in a circle, with the star of David inside that and the US capitol building inside the star of David. Sure had to wonder on that one 🤔
Wow. I'll keep an eye out for that one...
I can't remember the name of the project in India that did the same thing, but I did read in a couple of places and see it on one documentary, that two months after the entire Indian nation was biometrically registered, the data was on sale on the dark web for 500 Ruppees (about $20 US).
All of this rush to create WestWorld, The 5th Element, etc. - a digital, AI and frequency controlled world - completely ignores one simple fact. Black hat hackers will always be with us and at the higher levels of exploit, they usually work for organized crime/mafias/governments.
A journalist named John Nagle wrote a book on Obama's bankers that revealed the connection between organized crime, government and the satellite software used to torture Targeted Individuals that the mafia's have had for decades.
What a field day these evil groups could have with a complete biometric data set of the entire population of any country...
In Oregon, a driver's license can serve as a digital ID if you pay a few dollars more to make it a digital ID. Their publicity for adding this digital ID says you will need a digital ID to fly on airplanes by May or June 2025. The evil has begun.
Thanks for that. When I got to NC in 2021, the DMV still gave the option to not choose a "RealID" but there was a description that without the RealID, you would not be allowed into federal buildings. So, I thought, if the fedgov wants me in one of "my" federal buildings, I doubt it would matter.
In FL, you have to comply with RealID and there's no way to opt out. If you don't bring tons of ID info, the DMV rep will send you to a website called "" that will teach you to go home like a good little imbecile, and get what they want and come back. It's heinous. Another reason DeSantis is going to betray everyone down there...
A separate system ... I like it Gig ... we are working on just that, here in Texas. Once Texit is complete the Independent Republic of Texas will have all of those. If you're not familiar, check out the Texas Nationalist Movement at ... it's a beautiful thing.
Best of luck, friend,
~~ j ~~
Thank you!! I will get it out to the folks here who are looking at starting a Free State project in NC.
I've been annotating the NC State Constitution while binge watching the X-files for the last 3 days. Retirement is such a joy:)))LOL!! Our state constitution is a basic rights train wreck... Big HUGS!!!
We already have those in Sweden, a bankID on the telephone, not even a state one, that gets to be more and more obligatory for more and more ephemere stuff.
This progressive vice of doing everything by a monsoon of Executive Orders has a little trick: an executive order can be revoked by another executive order.
So, a future president may undo all the errors of this one. Probably not, but he may.
All the current problems of the world come from the progressive era and the obsession to micromanage every aspect of everyone's life.
Nationalist centralization is as bad as social-democratric centralization.
The left has yet to figure this one out.
The right has failed so far to understand that War, including the covid mindwar, is the reason why Nations fall apart. As the State grows, the People bleed out. To save the Nation, destroy the State.
Anyone who says "Nation-state" is, most likely, an agent of the State who works to destroy the Nation. Or a person affected by so much intellectual pride that He thinks he can save the Nation and control Leviathan. Not gonna happen.
If I see that one, plus the banning of mRNA anything, I will become a Trumper.
Let’s ban AI cancer vaccines.
Banning "CBDCs" does nothing - it's theater, pure theater. And, distraction. A "look here, not there" type of move. Any digital instrument using blockchain, such as a cryptocurrency or even a stable token (such as my State of Wyoming is creating, God help us), can be CONVERTED... easy peasy. Blockchain is a digital ledger system, and they'll ALL be using it. So, ANY of them can be converted to a "CBDC", or even used as is, as such. What it's called is of no importance whatsoever. How do folks not understand by now that what something is called is of no importance??? Just look at the labels "Democrats" and "Republicans" - is there truly any difference between nearly all of them in DC??? NO. Labels mean nothing - it's the intent and the outcome. Period. Jesus said it best - "ye shall know them by their fruits."
At the very beginning of his presidency, I'll take the theater, thank you. He's setting a tone in our country and in the world following the last 4 mega-disaster years, and I love that loud-and-clear tone. And we'll see what happens. You might consider giving the man a chance.
Exactly how many "chances" does Trump get??? He had 4 years the first time in the Big Chair, and didn't do way more of the things he'd promised than he did. And, increased the tyranny we're under behind our backs. Then, he had 4 years out of the Big Chair, and what did he accomplish during that time? He build yet another resort and a golf course. Did he work for election integrity? Did he work to get the J6'ers out of jail, or better the conditions they were living in? Did he work to stop the poisonous killing mRNA jabs? Did he do ANYTHING of any substance to better our lives or protect our freedoms and rights?
So, please, tell us all, how many "chances" exactly does he get to stab us in the back, and in the front???
The words buzzkill and bitter loser come to mind...
If you enjoy being buzzed carry on. There's plenty of flat beer left....
The economy, stupid!!
-James Carville
You must enjoy your tds theatrics over having spending value. Gas, food, electricity, autos, appliances, national debt, paying for endless democratic wars to enrich scarecrows coffers.
Whine away!
I hate to think it but I must agree. He’s using the nonsense buzz words and keeping it to three sentences for the dummies in the back (ie all of us). We’re too stupid to see, much less understand, what banking is doing. It will happen and that will be that.
Exactly! Executive Orders are Bandaids. Come on...get serious and do the hard work and make these things law!
You are recommending the precise manipulative outcome that's desired.
Sit back and waste what precious little time is left to stop any of this.
It's a timeworn technique called "calming the marks" in a con game.
Con game means confidence game.
Trump is trying to make enough people feel confident about what he's doing and calm down so the last steps to the slaughterhouse floor can be made peacefully.
God I hope you’re wrong but agree that’s a possibility we are facing.
I hope I'm wrong as well, but hope is wearing thin. Especially as I witness the majority of people falling for the con.
Why do you think Melania was wearing a funeral hat at the inauguration?
They always tell us what they're doing. God Bless.
Her outfit was an almost exact replica; only with the added couture touch. How very, very strange. But why a "funeral", exactly, do you suppose?
Her outfit is a message no doubt. I don't know anything other than speculation, BUT -
a) It could indicate a script plagiarized from the Book of Revelations is being followed. Trump sustains a fake head wound and "raising from the dead" in mockery of the Resurrection of Christ. He is being called a "savior" by many. He claims himself to be the "chosen one". Mockery.
b) The death of America. Many Biblical scholars think America is Mystery Babylon. Trump's "acceptance" speech was pure avarice.
c) Death to those who oppose the plan.
d) All of the above.
God Bless.
Trumps executive orders are too vague on timelines and implementation to be counted on. Remember, Trump is a master at reading people and telling them what they want to hear, true or not. I don't expect the most important issues to be implemented in good ways. Sure, he will throw us a bone now and then. On issues that really count, I'm not hopeful. Besides, the president doesn't really govern this country. That's the deep state's job.
My gawd, wake up. The Father of Vaccines is not your friend.
Think, stablecoin.
Yep howie lutnick smiling all the way to the pot of gold.
Trading carbon credits in bitcoin... A scam within a scam.
My head is spinning. I expected Trump would act decisively on day one, but this is making me giddy.
DJT is the only President in my lifetime that actually carried through on his campaign promises during his first term. This time he's doing it even faster. He's learned.
Wish you well in delusion land.
Wow this place has become really toxic. Go back to Reddit.
Hopium is the world's most dangerous and addictive drug.
Trump didn't carry through on his promises the first time around.
He did unleash poison on 325 million Americans.
It’s great to be optimistic and see some real decisions (messaging) being made in just 4 days. But a lot of us know too much to ever believe that he’s legit. He would have been killed 1000z over if he were. No one gets a seat at the table without the ruling class mafias permission. To think otherwise is just naive.
So, that was not a real slap in the face Trump delivered to the Davos crowd yesterday?
It was a "stage slap". Also known as "fight choreography".
Staged for the audience's enjoyment and to further the plot.
Lol, toxic?
Not sure where Reddit is to go back to.
The real concern is government power over citizens. With rapidly advancing technology, this power to surveil and control literally grows by the day.
Tackling the potential abuses of technological power will take some long, hard debate and thinking. At the center of the debate will be the values we hold dear: what will they be? The primacy of markets and of government, or the primacy of individual self-determination that's off-limits to markets and to expansive government intervention? Will our bodies and thoughts just become part of a market for nano-technologies such as what GOF research pursues?
All-in-all, aside from the massive corruption of the past years that has pointed out the dangers of power concentrated in too few hands instead of distributed more-or-less equally among individuals (how's that for "equity"?) what we're up against is a titanic struggle to understand how the genie of technology can be reigned in so that individuals can flourish according to their own lights, instead of being captured by a huge and complex machine. Technology will expand and even the next twenty years will likely see things unimaginable today, but in all this we have to decide whether humans are cogs in the machine or are self-determining entities.
Technological power concentrated in the wrong hands can lead to totalitarianism. This has nothing to do with the supposed psychology of mechanistic thinking, and is a matter purely of power and its reach, for even a very small faction can gain massive power if we aren't vigilant.
Freedom requires vigilance and vigilance requires imagination, another reason I so strongly object to that psychology that warns us off imagining "vast conspiracies."
I agree with all you say and only differ in that the days for having the tough discussions you describe to stop what's happening needed to occur half a century ago at least.
I am glad you're saying it, though. There is always a shred of hope and God's will above all mankind's machinations.
This Pivotal Moment - Episode 2 - Part 3 - CBDCs and Universal Basic Income:
"The financial system we have live under for the past 50 years is rapidly coming to an end and in it's place there will be a completely new financial system based upon Central Bank Digital Currencies and Universal Basic Income. The system will facilitate surveillance of the most intimate aspects of our lives and demand our absolute compliance. There is more to CBDCs than meets the eye."
I've been reading the analysis of Martin Vrijland (of the Netherlands) for 3 years now. All I can say is, he has predicted these things we see playing out today. He absolutely called it that CBDC's would be banned, as everything will shift to Bitcoin. His book on Bitcoin is a must read. He also clearly predicted they would lead the clueless masses with releases of secret files long awaited by the public etc etc. Why now...? Why would they release this long awaited BS now......why now?
Why would the announcement of 'mRNA AI vaccines for cancer' (lmfao) come now????? If its for the betterment of humanity (uh huh, sure), and of course bigpharma would be dying to make their profits, why wasn't this released in the final month of Biden's retardation carnival...?
Have a look at some of his recent articles if interested.
Whitney Webb - no one needs her for their discernment; she's a limited hangout. Easy to see through. Just like her books weigh one down with endless detail and infinite connections between all the players....Ok, so what. Those with eyes to see already knew it was a massive international crime syndicate - does every single detail matter...? None of it will ever go to trial. No one will ever be prosecuted. So there must be a different path.....
Bullseye. I will check out Martin's website since you are telling the truth and citing him as a reference. Thank you.
Also true about Whitney Webb. Gatekeeper like others. Their specialty is keeping you lost in rabbit holes until you die.
And that different path? It's narrow and true and few will find it. Breaks my heart, but so be it.
Thank you, Jesus.
I just looked at Martin's website--who is this guy? I can't find reviews of his books anywhere, but I'm interested in buying one (The Simulation Dome)
His books are only sold through his website, so I'm sure you're unlikely to find book reviews anywhere. He is a man I stumbled upon through my 30+ years of trying to hone discernment here on Earth. He lives in the Netherlands, and is the sole proprietor of that website. He is a seeker of the truth like so many of us here. His website is basic, its just him running it, but you should be able to purchase his book through the site. By the way, he has combined two books into one (about 6-7 months ago) now called 'Messiah Trump.' That book includes the Simulation Dome book, and, he also now has paper versions of Messiah Trump available. There's a lot of videos to watch and the paper version has QR codes that take you straight to the videos. You might consider buying the paper version anyways. All of his books are very inexpensive, btw.
Full disclosure - I do not make a penny suggesting his books, or his website. I'm simply an avid reader there for the past 3 years. I think his theory is spot on, best I can tell. I'm monitoring this narrative every day.
Ok, thanks. I think since the two books are combined, I'll spring for the Messiah Trump. He has piqued my interest!
He also has an 'About Me' tab on the main page of his website!
We will now avoid what Canada did to the truckers who were protesting. They froze their bank accounts. That is what could have happened to us. Ration our. gas, confiscate our money. It would have done away with our currency. This is tremendous news.
it comes back down the road,like soon,PRIVATELY and mandatory. new economy and all. opt out.
? america seems to wobble around in its own bubble and yet, as the worlds primary terrorist state, americans are extremely confused regarding what is in and what is not in, the bubble. Most cannot see beyond their front doors (known as myopia) and they constantly seem to think that somebody out there is coming to save them while they are destroying the rest of the world. Whatever they do 'internally' is entirely their problem...and being captured by Israelhell lobby somehow doesn't seem to be a problem at all......but what they do EXTERNALLY is everyone elses problem. Kindly stop bombing the shyte out of the world. Thank you in advance: THE WORLD.
Whitney Webb is spot-on with her observations. Just take a look at the enormous volume of T bills that Tether (USDT) is absorbing. There's no need for a CBDC as we already have one. So banning it is simply political theatre.
Digital Currency from any source is very very bad. The US plans to implement its own version of digital currency very soon. There's nothing to prevent a future merger of US digital currency with the CBDC. This merger would/will be very easy to accomplish, especially with help from A.I.
I've noticed that Trump has signed a lot of executive orders that sound great but are non-committal on timelines and other details. That's very concerning! Actions speak louder than words. Words are cheap. I'm afraid that the end results of many of these orders will fall far below people's expectations. Billionaires like Trump and Vance live in a much different world and have much different lifestyles and values than we do (ones we don't understand). The proof is in the pudding.
What Trump's doing is called "calming the marks" in a con game.
A "con game" is shorthand for confidence game.
Trump is calming the marks by making them feel confident in him so they can be herded closer to the slaughterhouse floor with as little protest as possible.
That's all this is.
I also came across this, check it out. A book published in 1893 by Ingersoll Lockwood called....
'The Complete Ingersoll Lockwood Collection: 1900: or; The Last President & The Barron Trump Adventure Novels.' It's about a boy who finds a way again to time travel
In 1896. (Look it up on Amazon).
Of course Donald Trump's son is also named Barron.
Helllllllllllo.......anyone paying attention!?
I'm sharing some serious puzzle pieces here. This is not coincidence. and I think I can explain exactly how a book from that long ago could be so prescient. This world is not what people think it is, at all. Not even Whitney Webb is covering things of this nature.
What are CBDC’s??
Cannabis Breathing Dinosaur Creatures.
This is why the corruption is rampant and the slave state marches on. Most haven’t the slightest clue what is going on.
"Most haven’t the slightest clue what is going on."
I could not possibly agree more. The vast majority of "truthers" are not anywhere near the mark, unfortunately. From my experience, only those who are willing to challenge every single thing they think they know to be true, will even have a shot at it. Time is short now, this discernment game does not go on forever. Their symbolism tells us so.
Much luck to all.
I thought they was bit coins. I only use cash, so not up on all this. I’m also a senior citizen. Cut me some slack. TY
here's my suggestion: if you want to learn more about crypto, the promise and threat of digital currency, you might want to check out john bush's 'live free academy'. an enthusiastic and knowledgeable young man who's podcasts can at least broaden your basic ideas of WTF is happening re money and your individual freedom. he is a salesman for sure but he also intends to inform people. every few months he does a free web'nar that yes, ends w/a sales pitch for a more complete course partially aimed at complete beginners. he's a good teacher and makes the info as clear and easy to understand as possible but don't sign up if you have difficulty sticking w/an educational track. just stick w/his podcasts and free webnars to give you less of a 'clueless' feeling. btw, good for you for using cash as long as possible!
here's a link for his latest free webnar good til midnight tonight i believe.
Sanctimonious twit!
Human beings in general are not too smart. I say this from my own personal experience. All of these plans for Central Bank currency and everything else planned for the NWO will fall flat on its face.
You know what? I’m tired of trying to figure everything out - I honestly don’t know jack. Neither does anybody else. So I’ve decided to live every day with hope, dignity and gratitude. I also have no idea how many of these days I’ve got left. Same goes for all. So instead of worrying about all the shit the evil reptilians are plotting (which will fail) I’m going to go back to what I like doing best - Giving love and spreading it around. Maybe this is the movement that will last the longest.
Any body else agree?
Good for you!
Central Bank Digital Currency. CBDB.
central bank digital currency...your money will become more like credits that can be given or taken by the controllers depending upon your compliance or non.
more detail in this book: 1984, George Orwell, circa 1948 England
what’s gonna replace it? I feel my debit card is digital. am I missing something?
precious metals is only answer, for sure.
Also, credit cards. I don’t have one. Tore them up about twenty years ago. I only use debit at places that don’t except cash. In Nashville I could not spend my cash at hotel or concert venue.
Prayers answered.
Wow, shows how clueless Americans can be.
Not anymore! Unless of course you’re talking about yourself.
This requires followup with a ban from Congress, but it stops any surprises before Congress gets to it within the next 4 years. Any Executive Order can be subject to revokation by Congress, by the Supreme Courts, or by a future President who can do with just a signature.