He still wants to inject Americans with mRNA and use AI so theres that, millions will die if they take his cancer"vaccine". I don't trust one single thing about him now, he did some good things to get support so he can now surveil you all and inject you. I pray every single Trump supporter turns away from him so maybe this nightmarish plan fails.

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Actually, the mRNA add on was Ellison mouthing off. Maybe his big Pharma connections told him to do it. The AI facility is about surveillance mostly. He just threw cancer out there to catch the ear of so many who now have cancer. There already is a blood test for CSC. And there will never be a vaccine for cancer. He doesn't know the difference between a prophylactic and a treatment. Cancer gene treatment is already a thing and it doesn't work well.

AI is coming no matter what. There is no stopping it unless an EMP takes out the grids. We're in a race with China right now. Who do you want to win?

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"Who do you want to win?"

Neither, there is no "winning" in a technocratic transhumanist dystopia.

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Right, because we need to beat China to dystopia? Too late, they've already won.

There is no stopping it? You're right there because we've been so divided, exactly why it was done.

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On point.

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It can be controlled, that's what Musk keeps talking about. All the new tech, just like all the old tech, can be used for oppressive purposes, that's why they need to be rationally controlled. Just as we once controlled nuclear weapons with arms reduction agreements and treaties. This has been done for a long time throughout history. Just takes a little common sense.

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You "believe" and seem to trust the fox inhabiting the henhouse.

Musk is a frontman, to spew Words that you like to hear, and is a WEF graduate as are all the other techbros that were standing in Trumps corner at the inauguration.

If you're interested in understanding, here are some resources, Whitney Webb, James Corbett, TLAV.

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All nonsense. Musk wasn't a WEF graduate, that's a made-up fable being promoted by the CIA/WEF/DemonRat types who hate him with a passion, and stole $56B from him using some corrupt excuse for a judge in Delaware a real Woke POS.

And I do understand, you don't, and neither do Whitney Webb or Corbett. You need to know the difference between Malthusianism and Misanthropy and Cornucopianism and Humanism. Musk is a staunch proponent of the latter whereas the WEF/CIA/Bankster/Club of Rome types are fanatical proponents of the former.

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I'll just leave you with your elective delusion. You know who else is a noted "Humanist"? Yuval Harari.

Left vs right is only a thing to divide us, please note that Silicon Valley was historically on the faux left, now they are moving to the faux right. It's the same agenda presented to appeal to one side, then the other. Same as it ever was.

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Some say that nuclear weapons don't really exist.

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And men can have babies and the earth is flat...this is what happens when people begin to understand the depth of deception...what they believed without question. People should do what we tell kids to do, "Get offline and Go Outside!" 😅

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Not exactly apples to apples re men and babies. If you compare photos of Dresden after firebombing with photos of Hiroshima after (?) nuclear bombing, they sure look similar. And also, Hiroshima/Nagasaki seem to have bounced back pretty well--what about that long half life of plutonium? I haven't researched this in depth, but I do have questions.

And as far as 'believing without question' any standard narrative--I also have questions about the shape of our planet. All we see are CGI images, and images from a fisheye camera lens. Yet we mostly all believe the globe Earth narrative, just because it's what we've always been told. NASA's own formula --distance in miles, squared, times 8, equals the curvature of the Earth in inches. (ie for one mile, you will have a curvature of 8 inches) does not hold up. (you can find many experiments documented if you look--lasers directed over expanses of water, high powered cameras etc) What's up with that? What if NASA is just a way to bilk billions of dollars from taxpayers?

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More CIA disinformation: "Don't worry children, we won't blow up the World with our Russia-Ukraine proxy war, because there are no nuclear weapons, no biological weapons either, no viruses, our biolabs in Ukraine are to protect human health, yep, believe us, were the CIA, we wouldn't lie, nope, not us".

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AI BTW is far less than you think it is. LLMs are simply matrix algebra operations on words and word fragments treated as "tokens." It has no self awareness so it isn't really "intelligent," and it is often wrong, and yes I do know I have a low level job in the industry and see the sausage being made.

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China can have it. Bots. Bots. Everywhere.

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PappaVaxx is Back!

Leo Hohmann:

Trump Throws His Weight Behind New Generation of mRNA Gene-Therapy

Injections, for Cancer and Other Diseases

-- Jan 21

Now we know why he never backtracked from the disastrous Operation Warp Speed


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Shocking and the cult will

Not see

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Because things are so bad...people need their savior, the hard cold reality is not something most can handle.

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Yes! Why? have they become the new 'lib-tards' ? ;-)

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911 Impotence led to virus scam subservience

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He doesn't want that, don't make shit up. You are pretending Trump was enacting what was just some A.I. salesman spewing out talking points to try and sell his product, like free publicity. I doubt that grifter knows the first thing about MRNA.

Talk about paranoid delusional.

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apparently, you missed Trump's magical presentation of the new AI Medico Pharma plan, investing trillions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o98Coz_3w-o

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Ben Norton?!? You might want to go the the Grayzone to learn about the character of that guy.

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Shill ,suggest less stochaism ,more empathy.

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Exactly right.

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Don't talk about that it makes some upset to face the truth. Just speaking on experience.

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Don't presume or imagine you know what the man will do, since he has Bobby Kennedy on his team. One person's nightmare is another person's wet dream.

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Where is Bobby lately?

A bit odd vaccine damages disappeared with intro Froot Loops magically all vaccine issues went away. Maybe it was really Lucky Charms noy Froot Loops.

Funny how all the RFK Jr peps forgot how trump badly trump betrayed RFK Jr before even worse parents of vaccine damage children were betrayed. But I know stand behind BETRAYER Trump.

This trump cult is disgusting.

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Politics is very different from what you seem think it is.

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Never trust politics.

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Further, never trust anyone you don't personally know, that hasn't Earned your trust.

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And...constructing a complete sentence is very different from -

"what you seem think it is."

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Yeah, that didn't come out as I intended. I should of wrotten the perposition 'to' in beetween 'you' and 'seem.'

Will you survive this new aggression agrainst your sensibilities?

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Most certainly. You made me laugh. Thanks.

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In times like these, where the world and humanity is so fractured, it might be kinder to dispose with the condescending comments. You can always ask them to correct their typos so you can understand their message. ❤️

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In times like these, people who butt in to give their unsolicited two cents worth over something of no consequence so they can feel a smidgen of power and control cut sad little figures indeed.

We were joking with one another and had a good laugh.

Which seems like something you might find useful.

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Exactly. The mRNA damage, the hospital protocol damage, the corruption of NIH/CDC/FDA, the DARPA-Moderna connection should all be relentlessly front & center. Bobby also once talked about surveillance as a bridge to totalitarianism. That should also be front & center. And of course he is despicable when it comes to Palestinians. “Bobby” likes his new “in” crowd.

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Surveillance as a bridge to totalitarianism is front and center now that Trump brought it front and center with his horrendous "press conference" with the tech oligarchs that establishes "Stargate" as our new overseer.

Welcome to the plantation.

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But where the hell is Bobby in all this? His voice is strangely silent these days.

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Good question. And he was in the back at the inauguration, while Bezos and Musk were front and center.

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True. If you're into sadomasochism.

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Oh SH*T! What is Bill Gates up to with Trump right now? | Redacted w Clayton Morris


Jan 23'25

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Hard to know how this plays out. For sure, all mRNA poisons must be banned forever. And A/I? I will never trust it.

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Good link. Especially as I do not use Xitter. As in Oz, the Uniparty performs a Hegellian magic trick; Thesis, Antitheses and Synthesis. First, you panic the mastodon, running them to a cliff then, just before they PLUNGE into the Abyss, a hero diverts them, to a corral... next to an abattoir, owned by Oligarchs. The conversion to protein is mostly painless. 😐

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I agree: I watched it and Trump as we used to say: Tell it like it is.. :) or this case.. he just took names, kicked butt,, and chewed bubble gum. Those Davos Globalists are among the most hypocritical self serving, narcissistic group of people in the WORLD. Right up there w/ NATO OTAN GLOBALISTs who want our money.. pack of ULTRA GRIFTERS! :) #MAGA #AMERICAFIRSt #GOTRUMPGO ! :)

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Dream on. Trump is threatening Putin right now, and he let the dogs out on the Palestinians lifting the sanctions on murderous Zionist colonizers who are always waiting for free land like the predatory parasitic psychopaths they are. Trump loves NATO right now, makes him feel he owns the world and can bully Putin. Where the F has be been the last 8 years or more? He certainly does not know where the swamp is or he is controlled opposition using same swamp.

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Sounds like another sockpuppet repeating CIA talking points. How much do they pay you guys?

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"It is a phenomenal location on the sea. Best weather, you know, everything's good... It is like some beautiful things could be done with it, but it's very interesting. Some fantastic things could be done with Gaza," said Trump.

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paroid much?

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Were you trying to say paranoid…or that you have hemorrhoids?

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Good grief. Hopiem🙄

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I remain cautiously optimistic on DJT. He has never been a savior figure for me; my world remains steady when his donors get their 15 min of fame.

AI is here and no one can stop it. DJT simply wants to be competitive and win. I don’t see any President capable of going radically against pharma and remaining alive. That’s simply where we are.

I choose to celebrate every day I don’t have to suffer through FJB or drunk Kamala.


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It's just like nuclear energy, firearms, industrial society, weapons you can't stop them once the tech is available. And like any and every tech can be used for both good and evil.

What can be done is control it, direct it to good applications and away from bad applications, and use it to counter the bad actors when necessary. It's not simple-minded and it takes skill but it can be done.

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I heard that attendance at Davos is scanty this year, so it doesn't surprise me that Trump did not put in a personal appearance there. The WEF has squandered its window of 'opportunity' to implement the Great Reset, as urged by King Charles in 2021.

There was a WEF memorandum of understanding with the United Nations to implement their Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals which was received without enthusiasm due to the totalitarian overtones of "nobody left behind". Most of the world saw through it and recognised the truth was more likely to be that nobody would escape.

So now what?

Will Trump's speedy executive orders turn America into the powerhouse he predicts? Will he steer the world away from escalating wars? I think he will or, at least, he will claim that his diplomacy (and/or offers that cannot be refused) have been the deciding factors. He likes to be seen to lead, after all.

My spidey sense is still cautious. I foresee runaway inflation, brought about by Trump's demand for lower interest rates globally. I am dubious about his support for crypto currencies, AI and mRNA vaccines.

Finally and most importantly I am concerned about the influence from the billionaire technocratic gangsters like Musk, Bezos, Gates and others who received training from The Edge organisation, funded by Jeffrey Epstein. In this regard, I recommend this research by Johnny Vedmore:


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I like your nuanced presentations in general, and about Trump. There are some concerning things about vaccines and AI, but we’ll have to see how it plays out. The rest of what he’s doing so far is great.

I like to avoid hero worship and the flip side of “he’s just one of them”. I’m hopeful now that the Satanists have been voted out. It does seem that he listens to his constituents; witness his call for full restoration of military unvaccinated with back pay, even though he still champions the dreadful OWS.

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I loved every minute. He also said the Green New Deal was a stupid idea in response to the panelist representing Santander Bank. Oh how the world desperately needs Donald Trump.

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He "pulled out" of the WHO and the whopping $225 million the U.S. contributed last year and pledged $500 BILLION to "AI infrastructure?" Who "voted" for that? (In his first term he cut funding to the WHO and gave more than that amount to GAVI). Why doesn't he pull out of the WEF?

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The $500B isn't coming from govt - it will be from private funding (the "billionaires").

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That's right. The "public/private (billionaire)" partnership "civic" ideal like Klaus Schwab and those other rebels against the establishment embody.

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More theater and hopium. Look over here! While the Billionaires plot our financial enslavement - even worse than it is now..., and deploy the AI systems BlackRock's Larry Fink created a gazillion years ago on his Aladdin system. If you've never heard of that whole deal, check out this rare BBC documentary:

06/04/23 Added. A BBC / Adam Curtis production that must have snuck in before BBC really sank into the censorship pit.

Larry Fink at 01:14:00 looking absolutely manic... and this is the guy who now manages trillions of dollars.


* * * *

What I'm waiting for is any hint that the CIA's Zombie Hazard Command is a real thing like Attorney Todd Callender says:


Allreadable.com: https://www.allreadable.com/d6fe4hkA

• Gene 1P36 (18 Minutes; CIA clip): https://www.bitchute.com/video/Hf35cDnBxKf6/

• Rather Dark Compilation (42 Minutes): https://www.bitchute.com/video/n9VjdFkCHfws/

• Prather Point: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hu0tysRPuFhg/

• The Reese Report: 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse: https://rumble.com/v3jyuk2-5g-activated-zombie-apocalypse.html

The now synced (Nationwide EBS test on 10/04/2023) 5-6G ground and satellite-based system can definitely pulse three times at 18 Gigahertz for one minute. If you think wi-fi broadcast towers can't be coordinated, watch what the refurbished 1979 NEXRAD (Next Generation Radar) system did to keep hurricane Helene heading due North into the South side of the Smoky Mtns:

**September 28, 2024 GeoengineeringWatch.com – NEXRAD System Activation - Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert; All are needed in the critical battle to wake populations to what is coming, we must make every day count. Share credible data from a credible source, make your voice heard. DW


Killing 10,000 of the million people living in the Smoky Mtns of E. Tennessee and W. North Carolina using massive tree filled debris flows up to 70' high didn't bother the US DOD/NOAA/NWS/NASA/DOC one bit. I don't believe unnatural disaster death tolls anywhere now.

* * * *

The people who are willing to do this are psychopathic. Their brains are deformed and they cannot be repaired. From Dr. Margaret Stout's books:

"The portion of the brain where the two sides come together (mid-line) has a gap that fully closes in the first months after birth. It is called: Cavum septum pellucidum. This gap is part of the brain structures that create the Paralimbic System - higher thought, emotional control and input, motivation, goal seeking, etc.

In a true physical psychopath (not a sociopath), the Cavum Septum Pellucidum gap has never closed after birth. The person is hard-wired to be unable to feel love, compassion, caring, guilt, responsibility, the inner voice of conscience, etc. The only thing these people really seek in life is entertainment by, and control of, other people. They hate to be bored."

This is the kind of person who has been running the USA (and many other countries) for decades. In the foreground or the background, it doesn't matter. They are embedded in the institutions where they wreak havoc. We have to remove them, and the influence of the financial elite families..., or there is no future for people who want to be free.

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typical Trump prevarication and gobbledygook. our regulatory agencies are already compromised, often bending over backwards to accommodate the agendas of those they are supposed to be monitoring. remember when environmentalism was regarded as the new hope, when both Republicans and Democrats recognized the value of responsible stewardship (it was Nixon who signed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act into law). those days are gone.

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Sort of. Still in the UN and still fed reserve controlled. KISS get out of these two any many other issues go away.

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Celia,, I sure hope you're right. I would love to be wrong about Trump, so I am very cautiously optimistic. There are just a couple of points that give me reservation... Trump never put his hand on those bibles during inauguration. He could have any time during the oath, but he didn't. Another point, his son Eric was seen giving Illuminati hand signal during inauguration.


Time will tell...

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Neither did JFK under the (Inc). That’s why.

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Virtue signalling ,for apposite deniability.

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No it ain't, nothing to do with virtue signalling. and it's deniability not denialbility, and it has nothing to do with that either.

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large language model stochaism?

Not bad for an emotional elf ,like Musk.

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The only person you're impressing with that is yourself.

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Dude or dudette: is your name KILQUOR because it rhymes w/ LIQUOR? I will be polite here and make a few "corrections" in your totally ludicrous response:

Virtue signalling for opposite deniability. (SPELLED CORRECTLY but still does not make sense). Go look up what you are trying to say: I won't help you.. get sober first.

That statement not only makes zero sense, the grammar and spelling are atrocious.

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apposite - consult your poisened dictionary.

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That's what I think, that guy is either demented or stoned.

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That was good! Icke 3 steps ahead as usual…

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Agreed, my favourite is when he said "Gullibility is a human disease." lol

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What do you make of the DJT full adoption of Ellison’s MRNA toxins, cryptocurrencies and massive AI investment? These are the framework for the cage the WEF has longed for. Yes, perhaps his words beat them senseless but he gave them all they need to advance what Musk has called “The Beast”.

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What Trump is currently doing is known as "calming the marks" in a con game.

Con game is short for confidence game.

Trump is trying to calm people into a false sense of security which results in having confidence in him so he can lead the livestock ever closer to the slaughterhouse floor with as little commotion as possible.

That's all this is. The Bible calls it the Great Deception. This is only the beginning.

Find God now. Jesus saves. Not Trump.

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