One thing that jumped out at me last night (Part 2 of the footage release) is that there was NO new footage shown. I can only speculate that Schumer's "shot against the bow" - directed at Rupert Murdoch - might have had an effect?
I've gotten into debates with Substackers who believe Tucker is really a CIA or BlackRock operative whose real job is to make the masses think something good is happening (and thus they can chill out and don't have to keep fighting the good fight).
For my part, I think Tucker is the real deal and writes his own monologues and invites his own guests onto his show. I think the Powers that Be would declare a national holiday if they could get him off the airwaves. I think they are trying as hard as they can to figure out a way to make that happen.
FWIW, Tucker's ratings are (I think) at an all-time high. This tells me there is a big audience for this type truth-seeking content.
Remember the movie, "Schindler's List?" Well--it's plausible that not all of the Langley Clown staff are black hats. Perhaps Tucker is one of the constitutionally aligned assets. Who knows for certain?
Those who gain followers become major influencers. We know that 1/6 has a significant number of those who saw nothing like an insurrection or violence.
The Empire keeps both sides at bay and mostly fighting amongst themselves.
Example the recent claim by the deep state that the "virus" likely/probably came from a lab leak in China. Fox news (and Tucker) jumped all over this, and still are. This is how psy-ops work. Trump served that purpose in spades.
His dad worked for Voice of America, then corporate news media. He married into plutocracy. Tucker was himself recruited by the CIA, says he didn't make the cut.. But I'd say it's more likely that he - someone who never went to college, but walked right into a plumb career in cable news - is actually following in his father's footsteps.
Given what is happening all around us, all the catastrophes unfolding, the elite need limited hangouts to manage perception and control the narrative.
Just take the way Tucker is handling the vaccine tragedy with kid gloves.. It ought to lead the broadcast every night, he ought to be attacking head on, pounding them mercilessly, but he skirts it, because he's on a leash. He dribbles information on this as on everything else (election fraud, Biden/elite corruption, so on and forth) when he could and should be spouting it like a firehose if he were doing actual journalism instead of oligarchy approved deep state limited hangout propaganda.
Not to be cynical, but I think it's blindingly naive to take anything in the oligarchically controlled media at face value. Everything is psyops, everything Hegelian dialectic.
I have always believed in Trojan horses, fifth columns, and I forgive them not being poundinglyincessantly radical if it means getting things across, not getting blown out of the water. When in my much more limited media role I was decimated I was of NO USE TO ANYBODY for well over a decade. I can't stand people heroically being martyred. Somebody should have PROTECTED Julian Assange.
People even call HIM a CIA agent.
It's never people who have gone through what Kristina Borjesson termed "the buzzsaw." (See: Into The Buzzsaw.") Who Tucker's father was means little to me. But OK, I will watch it.
It is always good to check sources and verify them. So let's look at this:
I can tell you that in radio and broadcast journalism with the mainstream, in this case like FOX, there are always limits as to how much you can say. Right now, Chucky Schumer has made a COMPLETE asinine expose' of ORDERING Murdoch to censor Tucker Carlson. What does that tell us?
What is the message? Think about that first.
Who is shooting the messenger?
Do you think Tucker is going to stop?
Fox News needs Tucker Carlson more than he needs Fox. If this comes to a head and Tucker keeps being censored, he will leave---and Fox will plummet as some of the other good people will bail as well.
It is not all that hard to understand, unless you complicate it with mindless "5D chess" Schumer is exposing his fears. Too bad for him. The Jan. 6 lies are in trouble.
I've lately become a big fan of the Gunfeld late-night show. He and his panelists are making jokes every night about the silly narratives. I think his show is killing it in the ratings - so there's an audience of many millions who think like us. If Fox doesn't "go wobbly," it can emerge as the one network that wasn't afraid to tell the truth or was on the right side of history. True, they were late to the battle, but compared to their competitors they'll come out looking great.
The theory is that Tucker is following orders from the CIA? The CIA wants more people to question 1-6 or the faux Covid narratives? If so, I think he's doing his assigned task too well.
Tucker's show is what's called a controlled opposition "limited hangout". CJ Hopkins did a great stack on that subject. Gaslighting plays into it all, too. You can't imagine the depth of psychological manipulations that are being used on us.
Sage Hanna and I have got into several skirmishes on this topic. She's told me I'm "naive" and "a child" for applauding Tucker's segments when Carlson is clearly "controlled opposition" and giving me some kind of "limited hangout."
The key premise of her take is that I (and others like me) have been mollified/pacified by Tucker's segments. The thought seems to be that because I like his segments I just relax and say, "Oh, great, someone is doing something on this" and I then ease off the throttle on my own critiques and journalism.
I'm a Substack writer like Sage. Pick 10 of my Covid articles at random and tell me if I'm going easy or soft on Big Pharma or the Deep State. I don't accept her premise. If there was no Tucker doing these scripted, CIA-approved segments, then I would really become hot and be a much better warrior for our cause?
I also wonder how we are supposed to change any faux and harmful narratives if we don't have even ONE prominent voice making some of the same points in the mainstream media.
Trust me. Substack isn't going to be enough. What solution is going to work that doesn't reach the millions of people who still primarily get their news from TV?
Lastly, since Tucker started broaching some of these taboo topics, I've noticed other Fox hosts have increased the number of critical pieces they air as well. Tucker's rants are winners in the ratings so I think others have picked up on this and are following his lead. The sky hasn't fallen yet from telling a few truths.
Well, this limited hangout "controlled opposition" has no doubt saved many lives. His show reaches 10 million people a month. He's been attacking Big Pharma and these vaccines for many months now. I'm sure some of those 10 million people now think differently about those "safe and effective" vaccines than they did six months ago. Namely, they aren't going to get the boosters nor let their children get them. That will save many lives in the future. Running segments that save lives is okay by me. If we only had some "controlled opposition" at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the NY Times.
Bill, anyone paying close attention to either the 1/6 or the official pandemic narratives already knows that the official stories are total hogwash. We don't need Tucker to tell us what little he does. He rarely tells us anything new or useful, he just confirms the broad outlines of what anyone with any skill at open source intel already knows. That's not journalism, that's propaganda designed as psychological catharsis meant to calm us all down.
I know somebody "on the inside" (an FBI asset) who was there on 1/6, who has admitted it was a setup. I know this, and I don't have an international news organization behind me.
If Tucker were doing journalism, he'd identify and report on the intel assets (= the guys busting through the windows and doors) and inquiring as to why the Capitol was left essentially undefended when every nitwit knew there was going to be trouble. Pelosi and McConnell set those chumps up, and everyone with a brain and any wisdom knows it.
He tells us all about Ray Epps, but that's because Epps's cover has already been utterly blown, everyone in his audience already knows his name, and he can't ignore him and retain any credibility at all.
Identify and tell us about the dozens of other agitators in that crowd, Tucker.. But you won't because you're gaslighting us. That's just the fact.
I'd love to see him (or anyone) i.d more of the agitators in the crowd. He's done multiple pieces on Epps (only because other released footage caught him in the act). He's the only network TV host who has given a tremendous amount of attention to Epps. He even produced an entire documentary on 1-6 for the Fox Nation streaming service. Given the choice having a "captured" Tucker on TV or no Tucker, I'd take the captured Tucker because that person is raising questions we don't see on TV. And his monologues are scathing. If he's pulling punches, I'd hate to see him when he's really serious. Now, I do think he could have produced more skeptical Covid commentary earlier, but better late than never. He's making up for his late start in the last six or so months IMO.
Charles Curtis writes, "... [Tucker] rarely tells us anything new or useful, he just confirms the broad outlines of what anyone with any skill at open source intel already knows. That's not journalism, that's propaganda designed as psychological catharsis meant to calm us all down. ..."
Well put. Couldn't agree more. He tells us what we already knew almost 2 years ago! He's likeable ... he's entertaining ... but in the end ... depressing because no one is ever held to account.
P.S. I used to watch Tucker -- the Swanson TV dinner heir -- every night for free on YouTube. But then i noticed how i'd feel all gloomy after listening to his show. i realize watching his slow rollout each night of little bits and crumbs of truth was ultimately just depressing and frustrating. Not entertaining any more. Now that i quit Tucker, my mind is free of the constant highlighting of problems that never led to any accountability anyway. i feel better off without him.
P.P.S. If i ever want to watch an episode of Tucker's show, i will go to YouTube or better yet Rumble or Bitchute, where invariably somebody somewhere uploads his nightly show. This way i may watch Tucker's show FOR FREE and with NO COMMERCIALS! I'd say that's a better deal than paying for Fox/CNN/MSNBC/NewsMax. And having downgraded to the minimum what they call "basic cable" i am no longer paying for the big 3 gaslilghters MSNBC/Fox/CNN.
because the light of jesus said really good fruit has to come from a really good tree...
Start at Matthew 7:17- meditate first to ward off the ghoulish and to lose false emotion stain and gain a feeling please writer don't try and describe right now-
Or use edge for extra credit and search all books for "fruit"
For Congressmen to collude with Judges and the media to mislead the citizens of this country - and to jail innocent men and women - surely is a crime requiring at least lengthy prison time - in a REAL prison.
We can unpack Title 18, Chapter 13. SS 241 of the Federal Statutes, which is Conspiracy Against Rights. It states:
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same;
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Congressmen, Senators, federal agents, federal prosecutors, Capitol Police Officers, some public defense attorneys, etc. knew that hundreds of innocent people had/have been charged for crimes where there was not only no evidence, there was exculpatory evidence, proving they were innocent. That is a violation of the 4th amendment, and 6th amendment. There was a conspiracy to deprive them of those rights. The FBI and prosecutors (probably judges too) conspired to lie in affidavits and say there was probable cause for search warrants for social media accounts, bank records, cell phone records, location information, and to search homes and offices; a violation of the 4th amendment.
Title 18, Chapter 55, SS 1201 Kidnapping:
(a) Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof,
The operative word in this definition, following ransom or reward, is "otherwise". It does not have to be for ransom or reward to be a kidnapping. Seizing a person (moving them or confining them against their will) is a kidnapping. If there is no probable cause for an arrest (especially when there was a conspiracy to fabricate PC), and the person is moved and/or detained. That is kidnapping. The statute is long and complex, but check out subsection c:
<i>(c) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.<i>
If we had a functioning government and DOJ they would be in serious trouble, but we don't so nothing will come of this. People will piss and moan for about a week before it blows over.
And how does Obama's 2012 NDAA play into this? It allows for the imprisonment of political dissidents without regard to cilvil/human rights and removes habeas corpus. Like the PREP ACT and other nefarious legislation and EOs, they seemed to have put all the pieces in play tto cover their actions, long ago.
Thanks for posting Title 18 Chapter 13. SS 241 of the Federal Statutes, which is Conspiracy Against Rights. and also Title 18, Chapter 55, SS 1201 Kidnapping
You nailed it.
But I think you are wrong when you say this will "blow over" in week or two. This is going to INCREASE in intensity. Not just here, but across the board.
Why? Because this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Jan. 6 is essentially not about the ruckus at the Capitol. It is about a stolen election. It is about mass murders via Fauci and the toxic jab. It is about the deeper exposure of the deep state. It's about crime and conspiracy symbolized by a senile and perverted old maniac trying to start WW III. It's about a lying media that terrorizes the public. It's about debt and bankruptcy of the masses. It is about people who see through this satanic agenda.
People are waking up. Not Woke. Around the world, people are realizing how vile and evil these leaders really are. This is getting STRONGER EVERYWHERE. This trend is not going to "blow over." It is going to rage like a hurricane!
A very good assembly of material to provide context for understanding the attack on a journalist, Mr. Carlson, by a truly dangerous, long-time Washington poser, Senator Chuck Schumer.
Great observation. Except Fox did take billions to push the vaxes. What happened to all the class action lawsuits against big pharma that used to play constantly pre-covid?
Yes they did - I recall that the CDC Covid propaganda budget for all cable and network channels exceeded $1 billion. I also recall Tucker was fairly limp-wristed months after Dr. JB published his Great Barrington Declaration.
Other than a few different angles, Tucker didn’t release anything new or exciting. In fact, the footage he shows is much more subdued and more of a nothing burger than the thousands of clips we have from the protestors themselves.
Why didn’t he show the video of Ashli Babbit getting shot in the neck as she climbed through a barricaded window?
Why didn’t he show the capitol police talking to the shaman, and the shaman telling the police they were there to make sure no one got out of control? It was a very nice and cordial conversation.
There was literally nothing new.
I’m reminded of the Austin Powers meme, “They’re figuring out the vaccine scam!” “RE-RELEASE THE JAN 6th FOOTAGE!”
Now I’m no “conspiracy nut”, but give me one good reason why I should trust someone who wears the red Kabbalah magic bracelet like Madonna…and Tucker Carleson do….
Here’s the real story.
Why did all those capitol police who were going to testify, suddenly “commit suicide” and “die suddenly” beforehand….
Why is no one covering the dozens of videos of Antifa changing into trump clothing, in the bushes before the storming of the capitol.
Their faces are seen. Who are they?
Who planted the pipe bombs and why does the “media” pretend like someone trying to literally bomb the capitol didn’t happen…
Yes that is the real nitty gritty of what happened. He has covered that a little bit having Darren Beattie on many times. He also covered the true story of the Nordstream pipeline sabotage & the USA/NATO Ukraine War plan.
The reality is that on the big News Networks there are taboo subjects and subjects that have to be delicately handled, a lot of hints & innuendos, and Tucker knows this very well. You can wish it was better but that's all we got. Tucker is brave being willing to go that far. He deserves only respect.
Amen! I couldn’t have said it better myself. He also has had Julie Kelly, who has covered the plight of the J6 political prisoners better than anyone, on his show many times. He has also had Ashley Babbitt’s mother and husband on the show numerous times.
Jake Lang, one of the heroic political prisoners, tells the story of what really happened on J6 in a riveting documentary here:
that's because he's showing official govt footage not cellphone footage which you saw on inforwars. the point is, the official footage was just released. so he's showing it. because we never until now got to see it. what red bracelet are you talking about?
I’ll say it again. There has been much more exculpatory evidence since day 1. Anyone with basic video editing skills could’ve produced a better documentary exonerating these people off of the cellphone footage that was available that day.
We’ve known for over two years now that they were let in, that Ray Epps was a driving force, that the Q Anon shaman was guided through the capitol. We have the footage of him talking to police. Snippets of that footage Tucker actually did show yesterday.
We’ve had footage of Antifa changing into Trump supporter outfits in the bushes, we’ve had video of CNN employees dressed as “MAGA” inside the capitol. There’s nothing, not one thing new about Tuckers super awesome segment, other than a 45 degree overhead view with no sound.
So why now? Why the wailing and gnashing of teeth today?
Again. Every single “new and exciting amazingly released video footage” (TM) pales in comparison to what we’ve already been saying for two years.
Why did Tucker Carleson say “there’s no security footage of Ashli Babbit being shot, so we can’t say what happened to her.”
When the video of her being shot in the neck and bleeding out as she tried to climb through a window has been on the internet since that day?
Now we have a whole brouhaha over some “super new footage” with Chuck Schumer demanding censorship from the house floor, over Tucker covering something that’s been produced in over 100 separate documentaries already out.
Um. No. You should read up on what happens to criminal cases and convictions when prosecutors and judges are caught hiding "exculpatory evidence" from defendants and their lawyers. The J6 insurrection was committed primarily by the Deep State, FBI, DOJ, and corrupt DC judges and juries.
It is worth taking time to follow this. I am convinced that what we have seen with the "Qanon shaman" Is already damning evidence of proving media manipulation.
There ARE people still in the D.C. Gulag by the way.
Here is some inside feedback on what is going in behind the scenes.
The FBI/DOJ/FBI and their agents entrapped the J6 defendants, the prosecutors engaged in prosecutorial misconduct - in part, to hide exculpatory evidence, and the judges allowed everyone to engage in that misconduct to protect and defend our deeply corrupt banana republic Deep State. All of the cops, lawyers, and judges involved are guilty of federal civil rights violates at least - at most, they're guilty of engaging in a coup and insurrection against President Trump and his supporters. We can't weed out a few bad apples - the Democrats and RINOS should all be fired, disbarred, prosecuted for civil rights violations, incarcerated, and prevented from future public or gov't service.
Your government lies to you about everything. If you don't accept and fully believe those lies, you become a target. If you dispute those lies, you are a target. It boils down to your government hating you and wanting you dead...and we are at the point that it doesn't matter what you believe or not. They want you dead as part of the worldwide depopulation vendetta.
this material should have been shown rightaway. Like the material on the laptop of the biden son. LIke the emails of the British mishap health minister. Like all the dirty laundry that is only shown when elections come. So that those who can show the dirtiest ones, will be elected. The hunting of the trump sons in Africa is small beer compared to what Hunter biden has done.
While this is a bit off topic, I strongly urge everyone here to take a look at this report which digs deep into the corruption that exists here there and everywhere and includes many so called heroes we've been programmed to admire and cheer for (includeing James O'Keefe, Ron DeSantis, and so many more) along with the usual suspects who are clearly agents of evil itself. And also some new names and faces most of us are unfamiliar with plus one honest man, Mike Gill, who is ready to take this whole goddamned cabal down -
Warning - You may find this hard to listen to since it actually challenges our own cognitive dissonance. The agents and architects of the deep state are very clever. They know how easily we can be distracted and use it to turn us against each other. This is a must see video!
I am a Brit and disgusted by this Jan 6th endless saga and cruelty against those who are imprisoned.
I suspect that the whole fiasco from start until now has been one massive distraction set up to ensure that you will all put your blinkers on and not notice that the skies are being filled with StarLink satellites which are beaming 12Ghz of microwave radiation at your sorry arses.
Keep staring at those shiny mirror finish screens - they are killing you.
What many continue to miss is that while Democrat leadership and propaganda media complained about Tucker Carlson, GOP leadership also complained. Why the shared interest in preventing us from seeing what actually happened that day? These politicians must all be incredibly dirty.
What the heck do I know? Doesn't anyone think it is strange that these things are released right now? video on Fox from Jan 6th USA - in UK the WA texts from Health Secretary? Doesn't this release of info warrant all our peoples to go out and either riot or demand we sack everyone in government because they are totally incompetent, liars, corrupt criminal etc? What if, just what if, all these young fit men who come into the countries on boats (put into hotels in UK whilst army vets are homeless) or walking through borders in USA are some kind of UN secret army who will suddenly appear on our streets to quell any riots? Wouldn't it be marvellous for us, after being let down, time and time again, if someone came along and said, you know, you are correct, your governments are totally useless, please let us solve all your problems with a one world government, one world health, one world security, no corrupt leaders and politicians, no countries anymore, no borders, no wars! We can build Utopia? Just asking for a friend!
Celia, I just love your posts. All of them. YOU ARE A GEM!!! I have learned so much from you: your discerning intelligence. Your courage and integrity. Your heart.
I got rid of my DirecTV (AT&T) so as to not support any of the corporate media channels. (My late husband, Harold Rosen, is known as “the father of the geostationary satellite” and played a big role at Hughes in getting DirecTV going... so stopping the satellite service was bittersweet for me.) I now pay for FoxNation on my Roku, and only watch Tucker Carlson. If Tucker Carlson goes, then no more FoxNation for me. BTW, Fox News would lose BIG if they got rid of Tucker Carlson: many people only watch Fox because of him, and Rupert Murdoch and his kids know that.
I recently returned to the Christianity of my youth, after many years of just being “spiritual,” so your posts on the Lord’s prayer, etc., have touched my heart and deepened my faith.
For anyone interested, I post a video every three weeks on Rumble. My goal is to motivate people to be strong, unafraid, discerning and to not believe the “experts” but rather to think for themselves. I have a small dedicated audience that has watched my evolution over the past 5 or 6 years, since I first posted a “Climate Alarmism made me #WalkAway” video on YouTube. I started posting weekly videos but quit YouTube in disgust and went to Rumble after YouTube took down my video because I stated emphatically that “the CDC lost ALL credibility with me when they said that 2-year-olds should wear masks (!!). Here’s the link to what I posted this past Saturday night:
This is very interesting. One Murdoch owns Fox. Two (not the lesser evil) Soros pours in the bloody unending cash. So, something is not feeling right. I have always liked Tucker. So many have bailed Fox. See the movie "BOMBSHELL". I do not watch Fake Fox anymore. Traitors to say the least. Back to Tucker, anyone else getting this radar inkling? Last man standing? Or, dead man walking. I feel there is a pernicious game going on.
Murdoch's domestic news channel is Sky News Australia and they do a lot of the same stuff Tucker is doing, more than Fox news does. But Sky News in Britain is much more like MSM.
It's coming. The NSA was tapping his phone calls trying to dig up dirt on him. They are just waiting for one good event where he screws up and says something or does something taboo and they will be all over him like flies on shit. Maybe the CIA will MKUltra him, make him do something crazy. They have that capability.
One thing that jumped out at me last night (Part 2 of the footage release) is that there was NO new footage shown. I can only speculate that Schumer's "shot against the bow" - directed at Rupert Murdoch - might have had an effect?
I've gotten into debates with Substackers who believe Tucker is really a CIA or BlackRock operative whose real job is to make the masses think something good is happening (and thus they can chill out and don't have to keep fighting the good fight).
For my part, I think Tucker is the real deal and writes his own monologues and invites his own guests onto his show. I think the Powers that Be would declare a national holiday if they could get him off the airwaves. I think they are trying as hard as they can to figure out a way to make that happen.
FWIW, Tucker's ratings are (I think) at an all-time high. This tells me there is a big audience for this type truth-seeking content.
I have two words: “Hero Ball”
Promo code: Sage Hana.
Remember the movie, "Schindler's List?" Well--it's plausible that not all of the Langley Clown staff are black hats. Perhaps Tucker is one of the constitutionally aligned assets. Who knows for certain?
That Tucker is allowed to continue suggests to me that he may just be presenting the other side of a false dichotomy?
Many have been disappeared for much less.
Those who gain followers become major influencers. We know that 1/6 has a significant number of those who saw nothing like an insurrection or violence.
The Empire keeps both sides at bay and mostly fighting amongst themselves.
Example the recent claim by the deep state that the "virus" likely/probably came from a lab leak in China. Fox news (and Tucker) jumped all over this, and still are. This is how psy-ops work. Trump served that purpose in spades.
Research Tuckers dad.
His dad worked for Voice of America, then corporate news media. He married into plutocracy. Tucker was himself recruited by the CIA, says he didn't make the cut.. But I'd say it's more likely that he - someone who never went to college, but walked right into a plumb career in cable news - is actually following in his father's footsteps.
Given what is happening all around us, all the catastrophes unfolding, the elite need limited hangouts to manage perception and control the narrative.
Just take the way Tucker is handling the vaccine tragedy with kid gloves.. It ought to lead the broadcast every night, he ought to be attacking head on, pounding them mercilessly, but he skirts it, because he's on a leash. He dribbles information on this as on everything else (election fraud, Biden/elite corruption, so on and forth) when he could and should be spouting it like a firehose if he were doing actual journalism instead of oligarchy approved deep state limited hangout propaganda.
Not to be cynical, but I think it's blindingly naive to take anything in the oligarchically controlled media at face value. Everything is psyops, everything Hegelian dialectic.
I have always believed in Trojan horses, fifth columns, and I forgive them not being poundinglyincessantly radical if it means getting things across, not getting blown out of the water. When in my much more limited media role I was decimated I was of NO USE TO ANYBODY for well over a decade. I can't stand people heroically being martyred. Somebody should have PROTECTED Julian Assange.
People even call HIM a CIA agent.
It's never people who have gone through what Kristina Borjesson termed "the buzzsaw." (See: Into The Buzzsaw.") Who Tucker's father was means little to me. But OK, I will watch it.
It is always good to check sources and verify them. So let's look at this:
I can tell you that in radio and broadcast journalism with the mainstream, in this case like FOX, there are always limits as to how much you can say. Right now, Chucky Schumer has made a COMPLETE asinine expose' of ORDERING Murdoch to censor Tucker Carlson. What does that tell us?
What is the message? Think about that first.
Who is shooting the messenger?
Do you think Tucker is going to stop?
Fox News needs Tucker Carlson more than he needs Fox. If this comes to a head and Tucker keeps being censored, he will leave---and Fox will plummet as some of the other good people will bail as well.
It is not all that hard to understand, unless you complicate it with mindless "5D chess" Schumer is exposing his fears. Too bad for him. The Jan. 6 lies are in trouble.
Without Tucker and Jesse, Fox is wholly unwatchable. They'd be better off podcasting on their own.
I've lately become a big fan of the Gunfeld late-night show. He and his panelists are making jokes every night about the silly narratives. I think his show is killing it in the ratings - so there's an audience of many millions who think like us. If Fox doesn't "go wobbly," it can emerge as the one network that wasn't afraid to tell the truth or was on the right side of history. True, they were late to the battle, but compared to their competitors they'll come out looking great.
The theory is that Tucker is following orders from the CIA? The CIA wants more people to question 1-6 or the faux Covid narratives? If so, I think he's doing his assigned task too well.
Tucker's show is what's called a controlled opposition "limited hangout". CJ Hopkins did a great stack on that subject. Gaslighting plays into it all, too. You can't imagine the depth of psychological manipulations that are being used on us.
I understand this theory but I simply do not think it's true about Tucker Carlson. At present.
Sage Hanna and I have got into several skirmishes on this topic. She's told me I'm "naive" and "a child" for applauding Tucker's segments when Carlson is clearly "controlled opposition" and giving me some kind of "limited hangout."
The key premise of her take is that I (and others like me) have been mollified/pacified by Tucker's segments. The thought seems to be that because I like his segments I just relax and say, "Oh, great, someone is doing something on this" and I then ease off the throttle on my own critiques and journalism.
I'm a Substack writer like Sage. Pick 10 of my Covid articles at random and tell me if I'm going easy or soft on Big Pharma or the Deep State. I don't accept her premise. If there was no Tucker doing these scripted, CIA-approved segments, then I would really become hot and be a much better warrior for our cause?
I also wonder how we are supposed to change any faux and harmful narratives if we don't have even ONE prominent voice making some of the same points in the mainstream media.
Trust me. Substack isn't going to be enough. What solution is going to work that doesn't reach the millions of people who still primarily get their news from TV?
Lastly, since Tucker started broaching some of these taboo topics, I've noticed other Fox hosts have increased the number of critical pieces they air as well. Tucker's rants are winners in the ratings so I think others have picked up on this and are following his lead. The sky hasn't fallen yet from telling a few truths.
Well, this limited hangout "controlled opposition" has no doubt saved many lives. His show reaches 10 million people a month. He's been attacking Big Pharma and these vaccines for many months now. I'm sure some of those 10 million people now think differently about those "safe and effective" vaccines than they did six months ago. Namely, they aren't going to get the boosters nor let their children get them. That will save many lives in the future. Running segments that save lives is okay by me. If we only had some "controlled opposition" at ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC and the NY Times.
Right n o w instead of CTRL opp II content tct fox is feeding russell brand interview regards spiritualism,,,
Russells spirit father is akin to bob dylan 60m captain big cheese-
He calls him"his guru" in a mantra he recites in his meditations that last I knew were public... woodpile behind himm or bookcase... either one...
Russell always looks so v afraid... why-?-
Bill, anyone paying close attention to either the 1/6 or the official pandemic narratives already knows that the official stories are total hogwash. We don't need Tucker to tell us what little he does. He rarely tells us anything new or useful, he just confirms the broad outlines of what anyone with any skill at open source intel already knows. That's not journalism, that's propaganda designed as psychological catharsis meant to calm us all down.
I know somebody "on the inside" (an FBI asset) who was there on 1/6, who has admitted it was a setup. I know this, and I don't have an international news organization behind me.
If Tucker were doing journalism, he'd identify and report on the intel assets (= the guys busting through the windows and doors) and inquiring as to why the Capitol was left essentially undefended when every nitwit knew there was going to be trouble. Pelosi and McConnell set those chumps up, and everyone with a brain and any wisdom knows it.
He tells us all about Ray Epps, but that's because Epps's cover has already been utterly blown, everyone in his audience already knows his name, and he can't ignore him and retain any credibility at all.
Identify and tell us about the dozens of other agitators in that crowd, Tucker.. But you won't because you're gaslighting us. That's just the fact.
I'd love to see him (or anyone) i.d more of the agitators in the crowd. He's done multiple pieces on Epps (only because other released footage caught him in the act). He's the only network TV host who has given a tremendous amount of attention to Epps. He even produced an entire documentary on 1-6 for the Fox Nation streaming service. Given the choice having a "captured" Tucker on TV or no Tucker, I'd take the captured Tucker because that person is raising questions we don't see on TV. And his monologues are scathing. If he's pulling punches, I'd hate to see him when he's really serious. Now, I do think he could have produced more skeptical Covid commentary earlier, but better late than never. He's making up for his late start in the last six or so months IMO.
Charles Curtis writes, "... [Tucker] rarely tells us anything new or useful, he just confirms the broad outlines of what anyone with any skill at open source intel already knows. That's not journalism, that's propaganda designed as psychological catharsis meant to calm us all down. ..."
Well put. Couldn't agree more. He tells us what we already knew almost 2 years ago! He's likeable ... he's entertaining ... but in the end ... depressing because no one is ever held to account.
P.S. I used to watch Tucker -- the Swanson TV dinner heir -- every night for free on YouTube. But then i noticed how i'd feel all gloomy after listening to his show. i realize watching his slow rollout each night of little bits and crumbs of truth was ultimately just depressing and frustrating. Not entertaining any more. Now that i quit Tucker, my mind is free of the constant highlighting of problems that never led to any accountability anyway. i feel better off without him.
P.P.S. If i ever want to watch an episode of Tucker's show, i will go to YouTube or better yet Rumble or Bitchute, where invariably somebody somewhere uploads his nightly show. This way i may watch Tucker's show FOR FREE and with NO COMMERCIALS! I'd say that's a better deal than paying for Fox/CNN/MSNBC/NewsMax. And having downgraded to the minimum what they call "basic cable" i am no longer paying for the big 3 gaslilghters MSNBC/Fox/CNN.
If you watched the video I sent you you’d understand.
because the light of jesus said really good fruit has to come from a really good tree...
Start at Matthew 7:17- meditate first to ward off the ghoulish and to lose false emotion stain and gain a feeling please writer don't try and describe right now-
Or use edge for extra credit and search all books for "fruit"
who is tucker's dad?
How did he get the footage?
For Congressmen to collude with Judges and the media to mislead the citizens of this country - and to jail innocent men and women - surely is a crime requiring at least lengthy prison time - in a REAL prison.
We can unpack Title 18, Chapter 13. SS 241 of the Federal Statutes, which is Conspiracy Against Rights. It states:
If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same;
They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.
Congressmen, Senators, federal agents, federal prosecutors, Capitol Police Officers, some public defense attorneys, etc. knew that hundreds of innocent people had/have been charged for crimes where there was not only no evidence, there was exculpatory evidence, proving they were innocent. That is a violation of the 4th amendment, and 6th amendment. There was a conspiracy to deprive them of those rights. The FBI and prosecutors (probably judges too) conspired to lie in affidavits and say there was probable cause for search warrants for social media accounts, bank records, cell phone records, location information, and to search homes and offices; a violation of the 4th amendment.
Title 18, Chapter 55, SS 1201 Kidnapping:
(a) Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof,
The operative word in this definition, following ransom or reward, is "otherwise". It does not have to be for ransom or reward to be a kidnapping. Seizing a person (moving them or confining them against their will) is a kidnapping. If there is no probable cause for an arrest (especially when there was a conspiracy to fabricate PC), and the person is moved and/or detained. That is kidnapping. The statute is long and complex, but check out subsection c:
<i>(c) If two or more persons conspire to violate this section and one or more of such persons do any overt act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be punished by imprisonment for any term of years or for life.<i>
If we had a functioning government and DOJ they would be in serious trouble, but we don't so nothing will come of this. People will piss and moan for about a week before it blows over.
And how does Obama's 2012 NDAA play into this? It allows for the imprisonment of political dissidents without regard to cilvil/human rights and removes habeas corpus. Like the PREP ACT and other nefarious legislation and EOs, they seemed to have put all the pieces in play tto cover their actions, long ago.
Thanks for posting Title 18 Chapter 13. SS 241 of the Federal Statutes, which is Conspiracy Against Rights. and also Title 18, Chapter 55, SS 1201 Kidnapping
You nailed it.
But I think you are wrong when you say this will "blow over" in week or two. This is going to INCREASE in intensity. Not just here, but across the board.
Why? Because this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Jan. 6 is essentially not about the ruckus at the Capitol. It is about a stolen election. It is about mass murders via Fauci and the toxic jab. It is about the deeper exposure of the deep state. It's about crime and conspiracy symbolized by a senile and perverted old maniac trying to start WW III. It's about a lying media that terrorizes the public. It's about debt and bankruptcy of the masses. It is about people who see through this satanic agenda.
People are waking up. Not Woke. Around the world, people are realizing how vile and evil these leaders really are. This is getting STRONGER EVERYWHERE. This trend is not going to "blow over." It is going to rage like a hurricane!
Wow thank you , we all need to know this.
You'd probably need a justice system that wasn't rigged, corrupt and broken for that?
A very good assembly of material to provide context for understanding the attack on a journalist, Mr. Carlson, by a truly dangerous, long-time Washington poser, Senator Chuck Schumer.
Depends may have to deliver a massive amount of adult diapers to DC.
I'm sure they already do. They're all so old.
You know that it’s a reliable news source when none of the commercials involve pharmaceutical drugs.
Great observation. Except Fox did take billions to push the vaxes. What happened to all the class action lawsuits against big pharma that used to play constantly pre-covid?
Yes they did - I recall that the CDC Covid propaganda budget for all cable and network channels exceeded $1 billion. I also recall Tucker was fairly limp-wristed months after Dr. JB published his Great Barrington Declaration.
"What’s the clinical name for grown men being irrationally terrified of television reportage and believing one should be protected from it?"
"Criminal" comes to mind in the case of Schumer..
Other than a few different angles, Tucker didn’t release anything new or exciting. In fact, the footage he shows is much more subdued and more of a nothing burger than the thousands of clips we have from the protestors themselves.
Why didn’t he show the video of Ashli Babbit getting shot in the neck as she climbed through a barricaded window?
Why didn’t he show the capitol police talking to the shaman, and the shaman telling the police they were there to make sure no one got out of control? It was a very nice and cordial conversation.
There was literally nothing new.
I’m reminded of the Austin Powers meme, “They’re figuring out the vaccine scam!” “RE-RELEASE THE JAN 6th FOOTAGE!”
Now I’m no “conspiracy nut”, but give me one good reason why I should trust someone who wears the red Kabbalah magic bracelet like Madonna…and Tucker Carleson do….
Here’s the real story.
Why did all those capitol police who were going to testify, suddenly “commit suicide” and “die suddenly” beforehand….
Why is no one covering the dozens of videos of Antifa changing into trump clothing, in the bushes before the storming of the capitol.
Their faces are seen. Who are they?
Who planted the pipe bombs and why does the “media” pretend like someone trying to literally bomb the capitol didn’t happen…
Yes that is the real nitty gritty of what happened. He has covered that a little bit having Darren Beattie on many times. He also covered the true story of the Nordstream pipeline sabotage & the USA/NATO Ukraine War plan.
The reality is that on the big News Networks there are taboo subjects and subjects that have to be delicately handled, a lot of hints & innuendos, and Tucker knows this very well. You can wish it was better but that's all we got. Tucker is brave being willing to go that far. He deserves only respect.
Amen! I couldn’t have said it better myself. He also has had Julie Kelly, who has covered the plight of the J6 political prisoners better than anyone, on his show many times. He has also had Ashley Babbitt’s mother and husband on the show numerous times.
Jake Lang, one of the heroic political prisoners, tells the story of what really happened on J6 in a riveting documentary here:
that's because he's showing official govt footage not cellphone footage which you saw on inforwars. the point is, the official footage was just released. so he's showing it. because we never until now got to see it. what red bracelet are you talking about?
I’ll say it again. There has been much more exculpatory evidence since day 1. Anyone with basic video editing skills could’ve produced a better documentary exonerating these people off of the cellphone footage that was available that day.
We’ve known for over two years now that they were let in, that Ray Epps was a driving force, that the Q Anon shaman was guided through the capitol. We have the footage of him talking to police. Snippets of that footage Tucker actually did show yesterday.
We’ve had footage of Antifa changing into Trump supporter outfits in the bushes, we’ve had video of CNN employees dressed as “MAGA” inside the capitol. There’s nothing, not one thing new about Tuckers super awesome segment, other than a 45 degree overhead view with no sound.
So why now? Why the wailing and gnashing of teeth today?
Again. Every single “new and exciting amazingly released video footage” (TM) pales in comparison to what we’ve already been saying for two years.
Why did Tucker Carleson say “there’s no security footage of Ashli Babbit being shot, so we can’t say what happened to her.”
When the video of her being shot in the neck and bleeding out as she tried to climb through a window has been on the internet since that day?
Now we have a whole brouhaha over some “super new footage” with Chuck Schumer demanding censorship from the house floor, over Tucker covering something that’s been produced in over 100 separate documentaries already out.
Um. No. You should read up on what happens to criminal cases and convictions when prosecutors and judges are caught hiding "exculpatory evidence" from defendants and their lawyers. The J6 insurrection was committed primarily by the Deep State, FBI, DOJ, and corrupt DC judges and juries.
It is worth taking time to follow this. I am convinced that what we have seen with the "Qanon shaman" Is already damning evidence of proving media manipulation.
There ARE people still in the D.C. Gulag by the way.
Here is some inside feedback on what is going in behind the scenes.
The FBI/DOJ/FBI and their agents entrapped the J6 defendants, the prosecutors engaged in prosecutorial misconduct - in part, to hide exculpatory evidence, and the judges allowed everyone to engage in that misconduct to protect and defend our deeply corrupt banana republic Deep State. All of the cops, lawyers, and judges involved are guilty of federal civil rights violates at least - at most, they're guilty of engaging in a coup and insurrection against President Trump and his supporters. We can't weed out a few bad apples - the Democrats and RINOS should all be fired, disbarred, prosecuted for civil rights violations, incarcerated, and prevented from future public or gov't service.
Your government lies to you about everything. If you don't accept and fully believe those lies, you become a target. If you dispute those lies, you are a target. It boils down to your government hating you and wanting you dead...and we are at the point that it doesn't matter what you believe or not. They want you dead as part of the worldwide depopulation vendetta.
this material should have been shown rightaway. Like the material on the laptop of the biden son. LIke the emails of the British mishap health minister. Like all the dirty laundry that is only shown when elections come. So that those who can show the dirtiest ones, will be elected. The hunting of the trump sons in Africa is small beer compared to what Hunter biden has done.
While this is a bit off topic, I strongly urge everyone here to take a look at this report which digs deep into the corruption that exists here there and everywhere and includes many so called heroes we've been programmed to admire and cheer for (includeing James O'Keefe, Ron DeSantis, and so many more) along with the usual suspects who are clearly agents of evil itself. And also some new names and faces most of us are unfamiliar with plus one honest man, Mike Gill, who is ready to take this whole goddamned cabal down -
Warning - You may find this hard to listen to since it actually challenges our own cognitive dissonance. The agents and architects of the deep state are very clever. They know how easily we can be distracted and use it to turn us against each other. This is a must see video!
Brendon O'Connell?? Are you joking? This man is a Jesuit trained propagandist and anyone who spills to him must be part of the same team.
Take a listen. Mike Gill doesn’t sound like propaganda to me. And neither is Alexandra Bruce of ForbiddenKnowledgeTV who’s a personal friend of mine.
I cannot bear O'Connell. Phoney as a nine bob note. Sorry.
It’s worth a listen, forget the messenger and listen to the content.
Don't be ridiculous! O'Connell is an undercover for the Vatican and you should know what THAT means!
Thank you, I’ve been diving into this Mike Gill info it’s absolutely mind blowing.
I am a Brit and disgusted by this Jan 6th endless saga and cruelty against those who are imprisoned.
I suspect that the whole fiasco from start until now has been one massive distraction set up to ensure that you will all put your blinkers on and not notice that the skies are being filled with StarLink satellites which are beaming 12Ghz of microwave radiation at your sorry arses.
Keep staring at those shiny mirror finish screens - they are killing you.
What many continue to miss is that while Democrat leadership and propaganda media complained about Tucker Carlson, GOP leadership also complained. Why the shared interest in preventing us from seeing what actually happened that day? These politicians must all be incredibly dirty.
What the heck do I know? Doesn't anyone think it is strange that these things are released right now? video on Fox from Jan 6th USA - in UK the WA texts from Health Secretary? Doesn't this release of info warrant all our peoples to go out and either riot or demand we sack everyone in government because they are totally incompetent, liars, corrupt criminal etc? What if, just what if, all these young fit men who come into the countries on boats (put into hotels in UK whilst army vets are homeless) or walking through borders in USA are some kind of UN secret army who will suddenly appear on our streets to quell any riots? Wouldn't it be marvellous for us, after being let down, time and time again, if someone came along and said, you know, you are correct, your governments are totally useless, please let us solve all your problems with a one world government, one world health, one world security, no corrupt leaders and politicians, no countries anymore, no borders, no wars! We can build Utopia? Just asking for a friend!
Celia, I just love your posts. All of them. YOU ARE A GEM!!! I have learned so much from you: your discerning intelligence. Your courage and integrity. Your heart.
I got rid of my DirecTV (AT&T) so as to not support any of the corporate media channels. (My late husband, Harold Rosen, is known as “the father of the geostationary satellite” and played a big role at Hughes in getting DirecTV going... so stopping the satellite service was bittersweet for me.) I now pay for FoxNation on my Roku, and only watch Tucker Carlson. If Tucker Carlson goes, then no more FoxNation for me. BTW, Fox News would lose BIG if they got rid of Tucker Carlson: many people only watch Fox because of him, and Rupert Murdoch and his kids know that.
I recently returned to the Christianity of my youth, after many years of just being “spiritual,” so your posts on the Lord’s prayer, etc., have touched my heart and deepened my faith.
For anyone interested, I post a video every three weeks on Rumble. My goal is to motivate people to be strong, unafraid, discerning and to not believe the “experts” but rather to think for themselves. I have a small dedicated audience that has watched my evolution over the past 5 or 6 years, since I first posted a “Climate Alarmism made me #WalkAway” video on YouTube. I started posting weekly videos but quit YouTube in disgust and went to Rumble after YouTube took down my video because I stated emphatically that “the CDC lost ALL credibility with me when they said that 2-year-olds should wear masks (!!). Here’s the link to what I posted this past Saturday night:
This is very interesting. One Murdoch owns Fox. Two (not the lesser evil) Soros pours in the bloody unending cash. So, something is not feeling right. I have always liked Tucker. So many have bailed Fox. See the movie "BOMBSHELL". I do not watch Fake Fox anymore. Traitors to say the least. Back to Tucker, anyone else getting this radar inkling? Last man standing? Or, dead man walking. I feel there is a pernicious game going on.
Murdoch's domestic news channel is Sky News Australia and they do a lot of the same stuff Tucker is doing, more than Fox news does. But Sky News in Britain is much more like MSM.
Let us pray Tucker does not get the treatment James O'Keefe did.
It's coming. The NSA was tapping his phone calls trying to dig up dirt on him. They are just waiting for one good event where he screws up and says something or does something taboo and they will be all over him like flies on shit. Maybe the CIA will MKUltra him, make him do something crazy. They have that capability.
Old story; new actors.