thank you for initiating this correspondence

tangential to the first installment but I thought you might wish to have this, cc. something Putin has made clear that he wants for the Russian federation:

=From: Mitchel Cohen <mitchelcohen@mindspring.com>

to [NoSpray Coalition] Monsanto connection to Ukraine

Date: March 15, 2022 at 1:24:51 PM PDT

NO ONE has been publicly discussing GMOs, pesticides, and organic agriculture in the context of this war. And yet, global competition between capitalist countries does play a role, even if not the leading one.

Jim Dingeman asked what I was talking about -- I suppose that's what he means by "WTF" and not the World Trade Federation -- on the agriculture issue. :-)

I wrote in my book 3 years ago, "The Fight Against Monsanto's Roundup: The Politics of Pesticides" (SkyHorse, 2019) the following:

In June 2016, Russia’s State Duma adopted the third and final reading of a government bill to introduce a total ban on the cultivation and breeding of genetically modified plants and animals, except for scientific research purposes.25 Far from the ban hurting their economies, as Monsanto and other pesticide-producing corporations would have us believe, the United States, which had been the world’s leading wheat exporter, is now losing its position to Russia and Canada. Russia claims that this is in part due to several economic factors and also to the preference of much of the world for non-GMO food.26 (from Carolina Cositore's chapter), and then ....

In the face of Monsanto’s plans to open its first plant in Russia,34 Russian President Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law No.358 on July 3, 2016 prohibiting cultivation of genetically engineered plants and breeding of genetically engineered animals on the territory of the Russian Federation.35

President Putin had earlier said that “measures should be taken to protect the Russian market and consumers from GMO products, as their use could have unforeseen consequences,” news agency RIA Novosti reported.36

Leticia Goncalves, who heads Monsanto’s operations in Europe and the Middle East, was not perturbed. “We still believe that Ukraine and Russia both are long-term opportunities for our business and we want to make sure we are in a position to accelerate our business growth despite the short-term geopolitical and macroeconomic challenges.”37

But, contra Monsanto, President Putin envisioned a future in which Russia would become “the world’s largest supplier of ecologically clean and high-quality organic food.” He’s called on the country to become completely self-sufficient in food production by 2020: “We are not only able to feed ourselves taking into account our lands, water resourcesRussia is able to become the largest world supplier of healthy, ecologically clean and high-quality food which the Western producers have long lost, especially given the fact that demand for such products in the world market is steadily growing.”38


25 Sustainable Pulse, Jan. 25, 2016.

26 The International Reporter, April 24, 2016 “Russian Organic Wheat Takes World by Storm, US GMO Glyphosate Losing Out!” www.theinternationalreporter.org/2016/04/24/russian-organic-wheat-takes-world-by-storm-us-gmo-glyphosate-losing-out/ .

34. “As Crisis Hits, Seed Giant Monsanto Sees Business in Russia and Ukraine,” The Moscow Times, January 23, 2015.

35 US Department of Agriculture GAIN report, https://gain.fas.usda.gov/Recent %20GAIN%20Publications/Russia%20Bans%20Cultivation%20and% 20Breeding%20of%20GE%20Crops%20and%20Animal_Moscow_Russian% 20Federation_7-12-2016.pdf. For more information see FAS/Moscow GAIN report GMO Registration for Cultivation Postponed 6/27/2014.pdf; Russian “Producers Consider It Reasonable to Ban GMO products,” 05/07/2016, http://ria.ru/economy/20160705/1459098131.html.

36 “Russia to Ban Genetically Modified Organisms in Food Production,” Moscow Times, Sept. 20, 2015.

37 Moscow Times, January 23, 2015, op cit. “Ukraine is the world’s sixth largest grain grower this season, and Goncalves said the region remained a priority for Monsanto.”

38 Eduard Korniyenko, “Putin Wants Russia to Become World’s Biggest Exporter of Non-GMO Food,” Reuters, December 3, 2015.


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Everything we see going on in the world is about exploitation of resources for profit. It's all about the money; it's always all about the money.

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Thus the need for bio warfare labs in Ukraine as nuclear serves no purpose and everyone has it anyway. If you can infect the Russian population with an unknown, undetectable disease and take down their agriculture business you will easily win any conflict.

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please sir,...lets stop sending trillions of quatloos to biden, pelosi, bono, et al- via ukraine...

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The real fundamental takeaway is the planet is everywhere run by psychopaths. No sane person would trust these quite able kleptocrats. Either we the people are willing to die to save the place or it is curtains. Destroying the world in Order to save it has forever been the plan. Think all this is any different from the other wars of conquest, civil or not? Committees of grandparents as political forces worldwide. The only way.

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Word out of Europe: “someone” has sabotaged the Nordstream 1 and 2 pipelines which takes them off the table as negotiating points with Putin. The Biden Administration will no doubt blame Putin without a shred of common sense behind it. Why would Putin destroy his trump card?? So the US war mongers have sacrificed The Germans to keep this war going because it takes a submarine to target the pipeline and the US wants Putin gone! The plebiscite in the occupied territories will be called fraudulent by the West if it appears to go for annexation and Putin is threatening nuclear war if NATO continues shelling there after the territory is annexed. The neocon crazies at our State Dept and NATO have succeeded in creating a nuclear confrontation with no upside for Europe! Clinton and Obama created this unnecessary mess in the name of the corrupt failed policy known as “regime change” and Biden is bringing it to fruition.

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Thank you.

What do we have NATO for again? https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/nato-what-is-it-good-for


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Dont buy into the WEF's twitter war.

"Twitter and media old stock footage and war images sound convincing ?

Putin and Volodymyr Zelenskyy are both central banking cabal’s WEF tools, professional actors the both of them that are suddenly said to be fighting. The Ukraine president specializing in comedy.


A fearmongering media distraction from the unity and love that is winning the freedom protests. A shift from fear to love that would render the mind controllers powerless over the people."


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In case you haven't seen reports yet, a serious development:


Apparent Sabotage Disables Nord Stream 1 and 2, Cutting Off All Direct Gas Supply to Germany from Russia

Anonymous German officials appear to acknowledge the strong possibility of American or NATO involvement


4 hr ago

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"They" wanted this conflict.

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"Why cant we all just get along"- Rodney King.

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Answer: There's way too much money to be made. (By A FEW ppl.)

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The Empire wishes to capture Russia as it did the US. Most of the analysis I read is erroneous because it does not recognize the imperial takeover of the US. If Russia were to be taken over by Empire, would anything that vassal Russia do be attributed to Russia which no longer exists? We should stop internalizing Empire’s doing by using “we” and “our”; it is “they” and “their”.

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Maybe it's time for someone on Substack to give a seminar on proper adjectives. :-D

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Ukraine US Biolabs did experiments on locals. Obama started this in 2014. That woman Victoria is totally involved. Putin wants to shut this down. It is not a war of aggression by Russia. Why does the US have biolabs all over the place? The US is at fault, not Russia.

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I much appreciated C.W. Thompson's first installment for Truth Barrier. Thank you for publishing this, and I will look forward to future updates.

Reader M Green (comment below) cites some other excellent resources that I would encourage TB readers to check out as well. I would also add that disparaging Thompson's knowledge of events based on a single article seems premature. I imagine that like M Green, many of the TB readers do take the time to seek out diverse information sources to help understand the shitshow currently unfolding before our eyes.

I hope that Thompson's future contributions can also be one such valuable resource.

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George Webb reports that to settle the Ukraine Conflict, the deep staters are going to be paid $350 billion dollars. These are the deep staters who have been bankrolling Biden. and attacked Trump. The American public needs to stop listening to the CIA news on TV and somehow learn what is really going on.

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Celia - I just shared this Stack with a dear friend, an 82 year old veteran who’s a brilliant student of philosophy, religion, and history. Also recommended that he subscribe for more of what you offer. In my break from Jury selection yesterday a bought a latte for $5 and compared the value of it next to what I get in reading a month’s worth of your posts as well as the other’s I support. The drink was good but your reporting is a with far more.

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Follow this guy... He even addresses why Russia still pushes the con-vid and clot shots...


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The USA and NATO has revealed its hand by sabotaging the Nordstream pipeline. The goal is the destruction of Europe and regime change in Russia.

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