Two Interviews With Professor Everisto Banyera Helped Me Understand BRICS , The Rise Of The Global South, And The Demise Of "Unipolar Led International Trade."
The Weaponization Of The US Dollar Has Backfired. Media Blackout On BRICS. "BRICS May Soon Have 15017 Members." Did You Know This? I Did Not.
“We see that China, India, Iran and Turkey, among themselves they are already trading in their currencies. What does this mean? That they are sidelining the United States dollar. Just these four countries. It means that at present the global market is excluding 3 billion people from the U.S. dollar dominated international system. Over 3 billion people no longer need to use the U.S. dollar to trade with one another. This is just a fraction of the global south.”
”The United States dollar exposes countries to sanctions, really. It’s either you tow the line or you are susceptible to economic sanctions.”
—Professor Everisto Benyera
Interviewees on this stunning segment,( the likes of which does not exist on American TV:)
Associate Professor of Africans Politics at Unisa, Professor Everisto Benyera, and Redge Nkosi, Executive Director Head of Research on Macroeconomics, Money, and Banking at Firstsource Money.
Another very good interview with Everisto Benyera:
”A currency is not just a means of conducting transactions within a country…or between different countries. A currency is an underwrite of state sovereignty.”
”I see western sanctions on Russia creating opportunities for the global south.”

Kim Dotcom says “BRICS is taking over and there’s nothing the West can do about it.” I have no way is weighing the credibility of Kim Dotcom one way or the other but I tend to check his Twitter feed, and this Tweet was what started me exploring BRICS today:

”Here are some commonalities among the BRICS countries.
(1) Large land area and abundant natural resources
(2) Large population and abundant young labor force
(3) Low unit labor costs and low-cost production of products
(4) Large population makes them a promising market.”
It is very important to understand that the US $ is not solely the instrument of the US but primarily of the Empire of which the US is itself merely a vassal, although an important one. US $ does not serve the American people, either. The sooner it loses its thieving nature, the better it will be for the American people, as well. US $ has been an imperial weapon, just as the US military has been. This has not been good for the US at all. Just look at the waste of wealth on useless imperial wars. The wholesale exportation of US productive capacity has diminished the standard of living of American people. The wholesale abandonment of any improvements in the US infrastructure is another revealing indicator.
We are heading for the cliff as long as this Empire exists. While our Republic was imperfect, like all Constitutional systems, it was based in law. Have you noticed that "our" government no longer exhibits the same respect for laws? This is another clear indicator of imperial nature of the government. Empires are rooted in raw power, and care about no people, including Americans. It is critical to understand that we no longer have a Constitutional Republic; that Republic is now long gone. What we have is a facade of the old Republic, left standing to fool us. In order to bring back the Republic (with future improvements) we must first slay the Empire. If we don't, it will slay us. Evidence of this is all around us. To see it, we must first open our eyes.
Hi Celia ...
if you can ever follow Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse he writes proactively and thoroughly about BRICS and what he calls the
" cleaving" between climate con artists and those looking to grow with normal efficient energy sources. If the dollar loses its standard due to BRICS the USA will never be the same.
Appreciate you and all you do