It is very important to understand that the US $ is not solely the instrument of the US but primarily of the Empire of which the US is itself merely a vassal, although an important one. US $ does not serve the American people, either. The sooner it loses its thieving nature, the better it will be for the American people, as well. US $ has been an imperial weapon, just as the US military has been. This has not been good for the US at all. Just look at the waste of wealth on useless imperial wars. The wholesale exportation of US productive capacity has diminished the standard of living of American people. The wholesale abandonment of any improvements in the US infrastructure is another revealing indicator.

We are heading for the cliff as long as this Empire exists. While our Republic was imperfect, like all Constitutional systems, it was based in law. Have you noticed that "our" government no longer exhibits the same respect for laws? This is another clear indicator of imperial nature of the government. Empires are rooted in raw power, and care about no people, including Americans. It is critical to understand that we no longer have a Constitutional Republic; that Republic is now long gone. What we have is a facade of the old Republic, left standing to fool us. In order to bring back the Republic (with future improvements) we must first slay the Empire. If we don't, it will slay us. Evidence of this is all around us. To see it, we must first open our eyes.

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Why would you want to bring back the Republic? We have a Republic because, apparently, our founding fathers admired Rome and wished to emulate it.

Well we did emulate it, and here we are.

Now you want to do it again?

I'm not sure what the best form of government is, but representative republics have a nasty history of descending into tyranny. Ancient philosophers made reputations which have lasted millenia documenting this.

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We need a consensus for the starting point. Try to get a consensus point on anything else. I’d settle for a reset back to the Constitutional Republic and then go from there.

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The trouble is that our constitutional republic is tailor made for corruption.

However - I think the bigger problem is that no system of government works without God...

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Our discussion is academic as long we allow these Imperial Criminals to rule over us. Properly assessing our current situation, dropping delusional thinking, and taking away the power from the current set of rulers ought to be our priorities. I don’t agree that the Republic must inevitably end up this way. For that to happen the system had to transform citizens into mere consumers, dumbing us down beyond recognition. In this they’ve succeeded beyond their expectations.

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I'm not convinced that the system had to dumb us down in order to decay. I think you have mixed cause and effect.

On the other hand I am convinced that any system which ignores the kingship of Christ, and removes God from the civil sphere is doomed to failure.

The following makes my point far more articulately than I could myself:


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The system definitely has dumbed the average IQ of the US, increased hypothyroidism, autism, Alzheimer's and other conditions by decreasing iodine availability and increasing fluoride and bromide in food, water, and medications. Apathy and reduced IQ are results of iodine deficiency.

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Hi Celia ...

if you can ever follow Sundance at The Conservative Treehouse he writes proactively and thoroughly about BRICS and what he calls the

" cleaving" between climate con artists and those looking to grow with normal efficient energy sources. If the dollar loses its standard due to BRICS the USA will never be the same.

Appreciate you and all you do

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I was just about to say the same. Here's a link to his site with his BRICS articles.

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The dismantling of America is gaining momentum.

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Thanks for understanding the spirit of this post Keith.

If it's gaining momentum, what's a good way to follow that story?

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Sorry for the delayed reply. Out on a catnip run.

Probably the Vatican calling it's trillions in global assets back to Rome last September 30th.

They recently placed their real estate and other non-moveable assets in holding companies.

They own, at last count, half the private land in America.

Something ominous this way comes.

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Pepe Escobar writes new articles about BRICS -BRICS.2 almost daily.

Gold heading to $3k per troy ounce :) :) :)

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That's what I felt the news story was. The momentum. I didn't know it was snowballing.

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That is why the globalists in the EU and in the White House are doubling down on all efforts to get as much of the Great Reset in place as possible and forcing terrible choices on people .

They still believe they have tremendous economic power and yet every day they are being out-competed.

Time is short for them to leverage their maximal amount of actual power.

If you can break Europe ( Jobama follows the city of London, not the other way around) you can stop the Great Reset.

The Fed is a lot of things that aren't good, but Jerome Powell's raising the interest rate

is strangling the availability of dollars that int'l globalists can use to force it's communism on it's citizens. Strangling Christine La Garde and Klaus von Commieschnitzel is a good thing for those of us who don't want our own county destroyed.

The Fed won't bow down to their globalism.

The titans are fighting.

I hope Powell breaks them.

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Yes, I thought of this as somewhat old news.

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You can ask Michelle choussedovsky at globalresearch.ca about publication of your work. Esp re Azt etc.

He will .

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At least once a week check globalresearch.ca

And you won't be missing this stuff going forward

Very old news at it's basic core

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I don't believe in "old news." I believe people crystalize their understanding of things when they are ready. I speak to people and absorb "news" all the time. Nobody in my universe has been talking about this and I can't fathom why.

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It's a great comprehensive website. One of the best. Can download "The Worldwide Corona Crisis" by its editor for free. Great research.

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Then the info has been sliding under your radar. This has been in the works for some time. At least 10 years. Sanctions against Russia were short sighted. China is all over this now. A lot of countries buying up gold.

I dont know how the world bank and the elites are going to get their power back. I imagine that will be finished as well since .

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I meant I did not know how much it was growing, how fast, that Egypt joined, etc.

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I have been talking about this, at my blog, and linked to those articles a while back here at The Truth Barrier. As I am coming to understand it, this BRICS++ momentum is capable of killing WEF ambitions. However, what replaces those ambitions in the smoking aftermath that will be Europe/UK is very hard to predict (US is different; has plenty of energy and is currently 'stealing' German industry) .

Being exposed via The Duran (and several others) to the effects Russia's handling of the conflict in Ukraine are having on the global south and its growing aspirant BRICS members was an earth-shattering experience for me. I've been trying to keep up with it, make sense of it, ever since. What with Merkel recently confessing in two MSM interviews (in Der Spiegel and Die Welt) that she deceived the Russians when she signed the Minsk Agreement back in 2015, in order to give Ukraine time to grow strong, the West – the US in particular – is exposing itself as a wholly untrustworthy contractual partner. Hence the pressing need to form capable blocs that can replace the US $ and finally free the global south from the Western yoke.

This recent summary might interest you, Celia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MOoplIynlpU Garland Nixon is both erudite and fun to listen to. It's about an hour long.

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Appreciate your work. I've heard that Garland Nixon has been banned by Twitter, both BeforeElon and AfterElon. For dangerous hate speech or some such. Maybe the hard hitting Bari Weiss, Matt Taibbi et al can uncover if this is true, and if so, reveal the details. About Nixon, CJ Hopkins, and the many others I don't know who are banned, some permanently, in the new, liberated AE Twitter.

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Great show.

Garland is straight dope, thanks for link.

I transcribed his show I think w SR a while back in the stacks around start of smo

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Garland Nixon, Twitter, "freedom of reach" as vital part of freedom of speech (but not to Musk, apparently)


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Tis not very sexy....

That may be why

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Yes, it's very old news. The take down of the fiat petro dollar began around 2010. Most of the world trade is not settled in petro dollars.

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How old is this news?

“We see that China, India, Iran and Turkey, among themselves they are already trading in their currencies. What does this mean? That they are sidelining the United States dollar. Just these four countries. It means that at present the global market is excluding 3 billion people from the U.S. dollar dominated international system. Over 3 billion people no longer need to use the U.S. dollar to trade with one another. This is just a fraction of the global south.”

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The take down of the fiat petro dollar by BRICS, and Venezuela, wihich has the largest oil reserves in the world, began around 2010 when these countries, and others began slowly unloading their U.S. Treasuries, and purchasing, and/or repatriating large amounts of gold. Last I checked, sometime around 2018 or so, only 35% of world trade was settled in dollars. One would have to have minimal understanding of how economies work to believe that a take down of a world reserve currency established, and used for many decades suddenly appears out of nowhere as "news." It's been in the works for at least 12 years. I began reading about it in 2016.

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Six months or a year....brics is several years running

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Thanks for the second...

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Grasshopper, how old is this news:

“We see that China, India, Iran and Turkey, among themselves they are already trading in their currencies. What does this mean? That they are sidelining the United States dollar. Just these four countries. It means that at present the global market is excluding 3 billion people from the U.S. dollar dominated international system. Over 3 billion people no longer need to use the U.S. dollar to trade with one another. This is just a fraction of the global south.”

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Openly stated as news ¿

A few seconds on Twitter...I guess

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That's funny. The take down of the world's reserve currency developed, and used for many decades is announced as a new item in a Tweet as if it just happened like a gas station robbery. Too funny.

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The demise of Anglo-American exploitation and destruction will be the best thing that could happen to the rest of the world. And, like cornered animals, the Brits, led by the City of London and the rest of the banking cabal, and the current hegemon, ". . . will not go quietly into that good night." There will be casualties, but TPTB do not care about casualties (as should be abundantly clear by now).

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I hesitate to claim BRICS is a replacement for the US Petro-dollar/reserve hegemony (the game of who really has nukes was trumped long ago but is telling since the threat is owned by 7+ nation-states - anyone want to call their bluff?).

What was mentioned, and worth repeating, is that there is a struggle between US, BRICS and CBDC/WEF digital currency control. There is also a melting away (though I doubt its disappearance) of nation-state sovereignty. There may be continued realignment, but the end state while unknown seems headed for a global "governance" with nations forming partnerships with transnationals.

The US has signed off (as have Russia and China) on the G20 agreements which tie them to this NWO transformation. BRICS according to some (certainly Iain Davis) is an image of western finance and integrated into the Western financial system. They appear not to be divergent. (We'll see what happens when 190 nations come to sign off (or not) to the WHO "pandemic" treaty.)

The demise of the US currency does not mean the rise of BRICS nor the rise of Russia and/or China. The latter historically and currently appears to be an invention in its current form by Western transnational corporations, not least of which is US Big Tech and its ties with US military industrial intelligence complex. The US institutions including governance appears to be completely captured by this entity and cohorts - big pharma, energy and nefarious foundations, etc..

Civilization, imo, needs to be viewed critically as it is based on the madness of authorization, hierarchical dominance, war and forms of slavery. It cannot be reformed or viewed in a linear progressiveness way.

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The USA is about to hit some very real and very hard times.

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You'd think we would have learned from 60 years of sanctions against Cuba. We forced Cuba to develop its own skills and resources, including a world-class health care system. If we had kept Cuba as a semi-colony, it would still be depending on our horrible systems. The same thing happened with Persia, and then Russia.

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The take down of the fiat petro dollar is very old news. There is a very intelligent Vietnamese woman whose name, and her websites name escape me, who is, as I recall, a U.S. citizen, and she began writing over 10 years ago about how BRICS, and Venezuela were coordinating to take down the fiat petro dollar. China, and other countries slowly began unloading their U.S. Treasuries, and buying, and/or repatriating gold beginning in about 2010. The last time I checked, which was around 2018, only 35% of trade was settled in dollars. It's old news, but what it will all mean for the standard of living of Americans, and whether we are enslaved with a digital currency or not are undetermined.

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Dec 18, 2022
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The U.S. is just the in the name of "democracy" face of imperialism. The socio-psychopaths who are drunk on power have subverted all states in their game for global control, which is the planned eternal enslavement of what remains of humanity after their eugenics bioweapon wreaks its havoc. Eternal enslavement is being pilot projected in Racine, Wisconsin, and Shenzhen, China.

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BRICS is not really the driving force. The driving force is The Shanghai Cooperation Organization, a large and powerful organization little known or understood in The West. It has been quietly working for more than ten years to de-dollarize international trade in order to deprive the US of the means to wage war or to bully the rest of the world. The SCO's efforts with the BRICS and others are now starting to bear real fruit. The implications for the US should not be under-estimated.

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Incredible continuity of comments on your piece.


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I am assuming that this whole reparation payments going to the African countries has to do with the US not wanting to give up their power to the Brics and not a helping hand as they might want to present it

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This is the big shift towards more harmony.

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