Somebody get this over to Berenson and Kirsch if they aren't already aware. It's a horror film come to life. If you simply look at the pharma CEOs who are pushing this poison they look like ghouls. When people are so far gone over to the other side, they can't hide it for long.

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I’m in touch with all the big figures. I’ve worked hard to link Craig with three other, top flight independent scientists / physicians / lawyers. The huge variability batch to batch is confirmed, as is the impossibility of it being accidental.

Whatever else you might think of JNJ & Pfizer, there’s no doubting their competence as mass manufacturers.

This is going public & it’s going to law.

I’m excited because it meets my tests as potentially useful & not expected by the perpetrators.

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Thank you so much Dr Yeadon for all that you are doing!

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Dr Mike Yeadon, I have already posted this above and in the past a few times on Steve Kirsch's substack: Singapore Suspected Vaccine Injury channel at https://t.me/SGVaccineInjuries has a post at https://t.me/SGVaccineInjuries/665 mentioning some bad lots ("Pfizer batches starting with ER, EK and EP to be associated with severe adverse reactions") their group has detected in Singapore (Pfizer/Moderna):


Please check your Covid-19 jab batch number against the worldwide data collated in the app attached (zip file) to know if you received a jab from a problematic batch and therefore suffered a severe adverse event from it.

So far, our group's database has captured Pfizer batches starting with ER, EK and EP to be associated with severe adverse reactions.

We would like to know if our finding is simply coincidental or if it does strongly correlate to worldwide data.

Your help is needed and will be greatly appreciated.

For private sharings of suspected vaccine injuries with known batch number (found in your Health Hub app linked from your TraceTogether App), please PM our admin at @sgvaxinjuries"

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Thank you for taking the time to share this appeal.

The batch to batch variability in toxicity is not possible to be accidental.

It’s among the most horrible things I’ve ever seen as a scientist.

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Thank you so much. Your work is critical. So grateful for you!

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what makes you think this was unexpected by the perps? this is one thing that does not make sense to me.


(a) large population walking around with 'vaccine cards' that document lot numbers; (b) O(100) to O(1000) variability in health/safety outcomes; and

(c) severity (thus inevitable publicity) of adverse events

how could it be possible that they did not expect this to come to light?

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That’s a great question. In a word, arrogance.

Possibly also they don’t care if their schemes are uncovered, so long as they can oppress, censor & smear all involved

Also, repeated, prior failure to uncover what are to me even more obvious evidence of frauds.

For example, if the public think about it at all, one of the critical, foundational lies required for the entire enterprise to function, “asymptomatic transmission”, is trivially easy to expose. Having done so, It’s not got us all much traction.

Yet without AT, all the “measures” look as silly & ineffectual as they are (masking, mass testing, social distancing, border restrictions, even vaccine passports & more).

Whether these failures arise because they’re hard to detect (unless this is one’s field of expertise), hard to communicate to others or for other reasons, the sad position is that, two years in, almost nothing about the wider fraud is known to the public.

On c19 batch variability in toxicity, I’ve been astonished to realise that several people on the same side have looked at the same data & declared that there’s nothing to see here. I don’t think they’re moles. They just look at & think about the evidence differently. I know some start with the assumption that normal manufacturing standards have been met, so their null hypocrisy is very different from mine.

So I believe the perpetrators sense that they can do pretty much whatever they want & too few people to matter will call them out on it.

I will say that the emergence of a former Wall Street analyst in Ed Dowd seems to me to be a far from obvious development.

Fingers crossed anyway!



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I love "nlull hypocrisy" for an auto-correct!

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I’m do sorry to hear this.

Unfortunately they’ve killed very many people. And they’re not done by any means.

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You discussed Craig's amazing work quite some time ago, and I believe that his work was part of the evidence patterns suggesting that the differences in GMP batch to batch and distribution were indicative of " human trials" IRT for formula variations. AKA premeditated.😐😐🤐

Is that correct Dr Yeadon, or have I muddled it? It's been so long getting to just this stage coming out and I read Craig's work ages ago. Brain is getting full🤔🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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I do think the dose ordering (lot #s vs toxicity per VAERS) is strong evidence of intentionality.

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Me too. I'm no mathematician or probability expert, but the likelihood of it NOT being intentional is slim to none- BTJMO😐🤔🤨🤷‍♀️😤

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I would say there’s no doubting they’re competence as mass murderers

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Your bravery & caring love of humanity are truly inspirational. Thank you!

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Godspeed, Dr. Mike.

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Is it at all possible to get any data from the AZ vaccines and in particular the 5 million made by the Serum Institute of India?

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Even if we assume (and I don't think so, but for the sake of argument) that this is not intentional, it should still be - literally - front page news. It is my job to monitor quality control on a production line - patterns like this are sought out routinely, and these patterns of defective batches would - in normal circumstances - be flagged as such and recalled, and efforts would be made to contact the recipients etc. None of this is happening and it proves beyond any doubt that no'one cares who dies or is injured from these shots.

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yes the fact that no such monitoring/qc/recall events took place is unassailable proof of deliberate intent.

variability that reaches/exceeds three orders of magnitude is virtually impossible to miss with even the most rudimentary process. there must be internal records connected to safety monitoring. perhaps it is possible to get ahold of them.

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Agreed. 100% proof.

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Agree Dr. Malone, and the fact that it is not front page news tells me that it is absolutely intentional

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I think they look like that because they're actually dupes, like Bill Gates. Just front men for the security state. They like to pick autistic ones because they're hoping the awkwardness will disguise that they're always lying.

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Thats what ive been thinking about Gates with his hybrid KermitTheFrog-BuddyHackett voice for its benign,unthreatining quality.

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Don't forget that Epstein blackmailed him.

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Berenson hs lost all credibility with me. Rejecting ivermectin, and an unmitigated condemnation of Alex Jones instead of condemning the judge's tilting the scale on what the jury would hear. And blowing off all the reasons somebody would be dubious about stories like that, in view of many staged events beoe. And Jones retracting ND apologizing.

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I saw this a couple of weeks ago. It's so ridiculous I can't believe it. If it's true, what's being perpetrated is much much worse than I imagined before - and I wasn't optimistic.

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You need a fairly hefty PC to do the steps Craig outlines - specifically to create the relationship between the two sets of tables. I tried on two PCs but it didn't work, both have only 8G of RAM. If anyone has 16G of RAM, you could probably do it. As far as I got, it looked exactly as he showed it. Again, not that I doubt him but I had to try it myself - my day job is software and data analysis to detect manufacturing Quality Control issues, the idea these patterns haven't been spotted by the manufacturers is too ridiculous to even consider.

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Add this to "rumors" that the toxicity of the vaccines is being controlled and hidden by mixing placebos in the batches....the thinking being that if every batch was the toxic injection, then the adverse effects would be impossible to hide. So, each dose spreads the disease-by-injection into new batch zones.

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any more info/links on this? i suspect (and hope) this is true based on first-hand, anecdotal knowledge.

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"rumors" and speculation, so far. Have not, so far, seen anything done to quality control single lots or the overall dispersal, but/and still looking and waiting.

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It makes common sense to me, if every jab was the same and people died one after another in the same town or smaller cities, there would be no way they could keep it from the people that get the jabs. I think they are doing this to spread out the murders and injured, I never thought about allot of this until now.

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You also need to consider the fact that if they killed everyone off at once, there would be dead bodies and everywhere and that would produce a whole new virus that would take out everyone. They need some people still alive to take care of the dead since they’re too ‘above all that’ to bother with.

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Exactly, it all makes total sense to me, hope it registers with others.

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Thank God! Another human being has enough grit to think about it. That gives those of us who knew this 1-2 years ago much hope. Our defense isn’t against the bastards that planned this but the masses lulled to numbness by media and politics. Compliance and complacency is killing us. They need to wake up before the 20/4 rollout of Covid injections (in most injectables now anyway) or we’re cooked. The self-spreading vax technology has been in the marketplace for awhile so a lot of subtle illness and not-so-subtle injury is creating backlog in medical, absence in labor force, and bad laws. Thank you for paying attention and saying so. So great to know. This, of course, is global. The same data is reflected in UK, NZ, AU etc. God help us with the strength to push back!

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I see now that he has a tutorial showing how he did it, so - not that I doubt him - but I'm going to have to do it myself, it's so unbelievable.


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the page has been removed

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I did the analysis on the VAERS and came up with the same results...unbelievable is why it is so hard to believe as you see the data...I mean who would believe that these people are not incompetent but have intent? We don't in general believe that even big pharma has evil intent beyond making a boatload of money, it could be that they don't have evil intent necessarily they just want to test a different composition on some people but the results are not pretty

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lol wake up. this is deliberate mass genocide. understand these entities do not think/operate like you. first, they control what you think. second, they would kill (and are killing) you without hesitation. they do not fret about it, feel remorse, struggle with morality, nor otherwise question such heinous and destructive violence.

they detest you; and they view you as incomparably inferior animals – that are property owned by them .. akin to the lowest vermin. they ruthlessly exploit your naive gullibility which only adds to the resentment they harbor toward you.

money is a critical feature of the control structure, but here it is used to facilitate an agenda with far broader scope and far greater weight vs immediate financial gain.

it is far darker, far more expansive, and far more insidious than you possibly imagine. the fact that people are unable/unwilling to believe/accept this – is precisely what allows such treachery to succeed.

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It's an experiment. In an experiment, you have to try different things to see what happens. What do different doses do, what's the LD 50, how low a dose still has an effect, etc? (LD 50 = dosage of a chemical given to the subjects, usually a rat, until it kills 50% of them. LD = Lethal Dosage.)

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We're still officially in clinical trials and they're experimenting on people. I can see Nuremberg 2.0 coming.

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This seems to confirm what seemed apparent based on the coordination of the propoganda campaign which brings me to my new word for today

Viruganda. safe and effective viruganda is deadly. They want to know how exactly to almost kill us until they own those who survive , via patent law

It keeps getting worse.

Thanks for your work

We all have to become amateur detectives just to survive

Good to hear some are actually pro

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Thank you. I forwarded your post to two of my religious exemption clients who decided to get the Covid vaccine. One is an actor/celeb, and the other is a best selling author. They'll assume I'm being helpful. But what I'm really telling them is that they're stupid fuckin idiots. And I'll feel good about myself for doing it! I called and emailed Rasnick a couple of times about ten years ago. I hope he's doing well.

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Gary, he is! He is the same Dave as ever. Better than ever. You mustn't become bitter. This is the most critical time of the war you have devoted your life to. Why give up now? We have already won.

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Remaining bitter and pessimistic avoid being disappointed. I hate people. When I meet good people, I'm pleasantly surprised!

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Re; pessimism, I agree with you. And aside from our many victories, there's no greater reward than working with REAL scientists and journalists like Ras and Celia. Craig can find a rewarding place in their ranks IF he can survive the pseudoscientific assassins.

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Conclusion: it was deliberate.

The Expose also noted that the USA red States received disproportionately more of the bad batches. Thus providing further evidence for mens rea.

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There were several mainstream media reports where places like Walgreen’s had to apologize for injecting a few thousand of their customers with saline, that was supposed to have been the vaccine. Saw several articles that documented this happening in at least two different locations.

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How did Walgreen's know they were injecting saline? I thought the external appearance of the vials in the saline batches look the same as those of the "vaccine" batches.

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A more pertinent question is: what were the vials of saline doing at the vaccination site(s)?

Why would the saline vials look the same as the vaccine ones, since they are not doing some random controlled trial?

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While I try to locate the Karen Kingston interview where she talks about this being a Phase 3 trial, see if you can find time to listen to this initial Stew Peters interview with her. You'll learn about the graphene in these shots, shedding, and a few other things of importance and get some understanding of how detailed and accurate Kingston is in her research and the statements she's willing to make.

Stew Peters With Karen Kingston - Former Pfizer Employee Confirms Poison in COVID 'Kill Shot


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Did you see my post regarding ex-Pfizer analyst Karen Kingston telling an interviewer that these "vaccines" are still in Phase 3 trial, which according to the trial protocol, included placebo and varying strengths of "vaccine". - If this is true, then the vials would have batch number on them, but there would be no indication to anyone what each vial actually contains.

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I heard that technically they are still trialing them. However, not one word was mentioned by any of the vaccine pimps, govts, health authorities, "experts", and advocates.

The Daily Expose and others have documented that only a few batches contained abnormally high deaths and injuries; and the red States in USA received a disproportionately larger share of them.

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I'm listening to a Karen Kingston interviewing with a friend of hers, I have not seen previously. From time = 13:10 to 16:17, Kingston talks about a couple of acts, one being the CURES Act, which removes informed consent if the government doesn't want people to know something it may be doing to them, for example, killing them in order to depopulate. - listen to this. It's astounding.

Mel Welcomes Brilliant Pharma Analyst & Whistleblower Karen Kingston On Terrifying Vax Facts 9-24-21


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Yes. The title of that article is:

IVESTIGATION – Deadliest batches of the Covid-19 Vaccines were disproportionally sent to red Republican states across the USA


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Doing a search for saline found in vaccine shots brings up several articles on the topic.

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They were caught out!

That is proof of saline administration. How could someone mistake saline for a vaccine if the saline was not brought there?! What about the labels? It like a guy reaching into his fridge to a grab a cold one only to get a bottle of wine instead! The mistake was only made possible because someone put that bottle of wine in the fridge!

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I'll have to go listen again to a few of the interviews of ex-Pfizer analyst Karen Kingston, but I believe I recall her reminding the interviewer that the people going out and signing up for one of these injections are actually signing up to be a trial subject in the Phase 3 trial of the "vaccine" manufacturer. Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen are all still in Phase 3...correct?...until sometime in 2023?

I believe Kingston said that in a Phase 3 trial, some of the batches would be placebo, and some would be of varying strength of "vaccine". I got the impression that all of this was planned and agreed upon by the FDA. But, exactly which states received which batches would be another story. Kingston apparently hadn't read anything about that.

So, it appears that, if one is receiving one of these injections as a Phase 3 trial subject, then one can't complain if they receive a placebo or some varying strength of "vaccine". The question is whether this is being clearly explained to these trial subjects. - But, in this regard, Karen Kingston stated that in the CARES Act, Obama had inserted language that allowed trial subjects not to be given fully informed consent info, if that was in their best interest. Kingston explained how, as an example, if the government felt it was in the nation's best interest to reduce the population through distributing deadly "vaccines", then the government is not obligated to provide this information to trial subjects. Sounds crazy and psychotic, but we know many leaders in the government are such.

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We always need to read the sources any mention references. I am a bit suspicious of this Karen Kingston, or some female who was on the Stewie Peters show, who mentioned that if xxx was proven then "we win". I remember commenting on Gab that if the current situation showed we were winning, I don't want to know if we are losing! That sub headline was incredibly naive at best.

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I'm not familiar with the "...if xxx was proven then "we win"." that you're referring to. But, I believe, if you will take the time to fully watch these interviews, you will learn that Karen Kingston is brilliant, knows what she's talking about, and doesn't conjecture. The problem is that most people will not spend the time listening to these interviews.

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It was the CURES Act, not the CARES Act, where informed consent was jettisoned.

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Actually, I am not sure but maybe this is the same guy who also said most bad batches were sent to red states...and also said that there was same pattern in batches with one being really adverse. And I think it was he who said also that during this experiment, he thought it was done deliberately to figure out dosages.....

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Were you able to see any author names of that article? I can't find any on it.

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Not sure; but I first saw the issue raised by The Daily Expose.

"...he thought it was done deliberately to figure out dosages....." Nonsense! Since the dosage is the same for every vial. It is like getting bad bottles of Corona - has naught to do with dosage.

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My guess is this person is the source for the Daily Expose story.

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"My guess is this person is the source for the Daily Expose story."

Could well be, I know they have an anonymous guest writer who has said in the comments he's studying for his PhD.

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My bad. Not dosage exactly...but how many MNRA encapsulated spike proteins in a dosage...I do think there were varying amounts..just like how they are lowing the number of MNRA encapsulated spikes for kids...

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The MRNA produces spike proteins. Spikes are not injected directly except through the Novavax vaccine. Novavax is the only one that could be referred to as a "vaccine " of the bunch. The rest are genetic treatments.

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I believe he may be right. See my reply to Barry O'Kenyan, above.

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I remember talking to my daughter about Pardekooper (sounds like Party Pooper how I remember his name) and thinking if I was ever force vaccinated I’d want to take a safe lot…this was quite a few weeks ago…of course I’d still try to kill the person who tries to jab me. Sorry, it’s war.

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Are u allowed to say that in CAnada?

I'd be afraid to think such a thing...


As another article mentioned

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Today I met another person at work who isn’t jabbed. She told me of three others! We hugged, we exchanged numbers, we’re having coffee. There are more of us than we think!

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It is one thing to be accosted, raped, and assaulted and quite another when the gov't imposes those acts to cleanse society. Under such tyrannies, common predators can be redesignated as "free agents". Yes, this is war.

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The only solution is, don't take another shot. It could be in any future iterations. Fruit from the same poisonous tree.

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Never took the first.

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Very interesting. This is one thing that I haven't seen a lot of reporting about. I would suspect that there is mixing of batches or that some are more destructive then others. Maybe to throw the CDC and FDA off the scent should they decide to grow a spine and do some investigating. I have no doubts that there is little contamination control going on in the process of making these mRNA poisons. They are making them so quick as trillions of dollar signs are flashing in front of pfizer's and moderna's eyes. That's all that matters to these murderers.

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If they injected the same level of deadly "vaccine" into everyone, and everyone was being debilitated and/or dying, it would be so immediately obvious to all of us, that they wouldn't be able to get away with this genocide.

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I quickly skimmed the comments and see that Barry O'Kenyan mentions that, "The Expose also noted that the USA red States received disproportionately more of the bad batches. "

This was reported by TheLibertyBeacon at https://www.thelibertybeacon.com/deadliest-batches-of-the-covid-19-vaccines-were-disproportionally-sent-to-red-republican-states-across-the-usa/ , but, that article now has lots of broken links to its graphs. That same article was republished at https://truthpeep.com/investigation-deadliest-batches-of-the-covid-19-vaccines-were-disproportionally-sent-to-red-republican-states-across-the-usa/11/11/2021/ where all the graphs are currently present.

In this truthpeep article, if you click on the link, titled, "investigation of the USA’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)" you'll arrive at The Exposé's article titled, "EXCLUSIVE – 100% of Covid-19 Vaccine Deaths were caused by just 5% of the batches produced according to official Government data" - https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/10/31/100-percent-of-covid-19-vaccine-deaths-caused-by-just-5-percent-of-the-batches-produced/

I haven't time to check whether this is the same study Celia links to.

In one of the recent interviews of Ex-Pfizer analyst Karen Kingston at https://usawatchdog.com/?s=Karen+Kingston , Kingston reminds us that these alleged Covid-19 "vaccines" are currently in ongoing investigational trials; and, everyone being injected has actually agreed to be a trial subject; so, there is no guarantee whether they are getting a "vaccine" injection, or a benign placebo. She also talks about there being many different compositions for the different lots of these injections. So, it appears that receiving one of these injections is akin to playing Russian Roulette.

Another extremely interesting ongoing discussion concerns recently likely assassinated Dr. Andreas Noack's contention that there are graphene hydroxide “razor blade” nanoparticles found in the Covid "vaccines", which will cut up blood vessels. He explains this is why athletes and others are dropping dead.

Apparently Dr. Noack was one of the world's foremost authorities on carbon and carbon products...he states he is the foremost expert in the EU.

Please watch Andreas Noack's superb explanation of this in the video of the following article; or, you can watch it full screen at https://www.bitchute.com/video/vVyO8xpxQHOt/

"Did German Chemist Dr. Andreas Noack Die After Direct Energy Weapon Attack?" at https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/12/07/did-german-chemist-dr-andreas-noack-die-after-direct-energy-weapon-attack/

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The first thing I thought after reading Celia's article was: of course this is happening. They made it clear that phase 3 trials were to be done on the general population. It seems likely that the lots would be different the way they might be in phase 3 animal trials to study reactions and efficacy...

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We are their animal trial, if we choose to be.

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Thank you for posting this.

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It is so interesting to me to read this as even today in a hospital appointment I was trying to explain that it felt like I have razor blades or knives in my veins in my arms. I try every day to detox from this......is there anyway to get rid of the graphene hydroxide please.

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Hi Mary,

How are you making out against the graphene? - Are you aware of the following person? She appears to be very informed about many issues being caused by the injections.

Dr. Viviane Brunet on new graphene oxide detox methods and protection against EMF


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While I was saving a copy of the Exposé article to disk, I found this video of Richardo Delgardo which I forgot that I had. I don't know whether this is mentioned in the Exposé article, but here you go, doubly, today (-:



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I can't thank you enough for your kindness. One thing is for sure. Now I have taken so much Gluthathione I must have got rid of it all now. Sadly I think my vein pain is a sign my veins are damaged from the razor blade structures that another article mentioned that were present. I think I'm too late to get rid of that. The damage must have been done. I would love to see one of these doctors so they could help me but to get somebody (like this) who is so up on it is nigh impossible. I tried to contact Tess and lots others but they are now just too busy fighting the cause. That is the tragedy.......they almost forgot the real patients!!!!!

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Also I am aware of the Shunghite to counter the EMF and 5g etc. I have bracelets and things on my lap tops. Just so you know I am also convinced that 5g triggers my vein pain too. I went to South African and it totally went away. I came back to the UK and it came back. I then went to Turkey and it went away. Came back to London and it came back.

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If you don't mind, what, exactly, was the protocol that you were on?

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I did the one you mentioned in Expose. NAC and Gluthathione plus Zinc, Vit D, Quertecin, Astaxanthin and Vit C. Did not try melatonin. Also did pine needles for Suramin. As luck would have it I was already taking Low Dose Naltroxone before this whole debarcle even hit us. LDN is now thought to get rid of spike protein. Also see Epoch article, all of which I am well versed in over the past two years. https://www.theepochtimes.com/health/low-dose-naltrexone-for-long-covid-and-spike-induced-injuries_4820584.html

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Here you go...I haven't read this yet, but The Exposé is reliable:

A Guide on How to Remove Graphene, the Substance Being Transmitted from the COVID Vaccinated to the Unvaccinated


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Hi Edmond. Thank you for this. I actually have it already and have done it for months. For me it has not helped so far. I am now looking for Plan B which I feel i have found. Apparently Chlorine Dioxide may help.

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A disclaimer that I'm not jabbed and am able to avoid those who are; so, I've not spent much time on the detox issue. But I do subscribe to e-mails from people who are spending a lot of time on the issue, so I do often receive info.

A few months ago, I did see a rather shocking article where a woman who was detoxing said she had threads of graphene exiting the skin of her fingers. The photos weren't that good, but the article did seem legit.

One person I would pay attention to is Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna, who I believe was the first researcher to find graphene in a Pfizer Covid-19 injection product vial. The following article states that Delgado says you can get graphene oxide toxicity down to zero using NAC and zinc. I've heard other reputable people state that one cannot overdose on NAC. You'll want to be more careful of the amount of zinc you ingest. From what I've read, you can safely inject 42 mg of zinc per day, and some people will tell you to ingest more zinc during detox, so I think Delgado's 50 mg/day would be okay.

Graphene Oxide Detox Protocols for the Vaxxed & Unvaxxed


Here's a link to a pamphlet titled, "Disarming the Deadly Jab - How to Detox the Deadly mRNA Gene-Altering Bioweapon from your Body"

https://braveseries.com/deadly-ty/ -- right-click on the light blue box that starts with "Click Here to Download" and then left-click on "Save Link As..." and you'll be able to save the PDF to disk.

I apologize that I don't have more time to spend on this, but the above should give you a start.

Please let me know how you make out with detoxing yourself.

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I will, of course. Thank you. I was already taking NAC and Gluthathione but perhaps i need to take more. Luckily the AZ is not MRNA delivered so that is one thing I don't have to worry about but I think i am right in saying that it is the Graphene and the spike protein that is the issue in those. I will give the doses a go and let you know how I get on. Thank you so much

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Hi Mary, - Yes, I have read accounts of people detoxing from graphene oxide or hydroxide.

I won't have time until this evening to try to find, definitively, where I read about getting rid of graphene hydroxide (or oxide).

In the meantime, take a look at the results of this search:


And, do separate searches on the following people, in combination with the words 'graphene' and 'detox'.

Bryan Ardis

Judy Mikovits

Henry Ealy

Jonathan Otto

Tau Braun

You can also call The North Texas Healing Center, https://www.northtexashealingcenter.com/ and ask them if they know who can help you with the detox. This center used to be owned by Dr Bryan Ardis and he still consults with them. They could get in touch with him, as I am certain that he will know who can help you.

Best to you and God bless you.

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Thank you. God Bless you too. May the truth be brought to light and many people put on trial.

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I have seen certain protocols but now I think I want to get on a drip. I just wonder if I am now too late. None of the vitamins have worked so perhaps now I need very large doses. I need to find somebody in the UK who can help me. I have tried to get in touch with quite a few people but most of them don't answer. I guess they are just too busy but that is hell as well.....

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Otto is in Australia, but is in contact with people all over the globe. I'm fairly certain he has a recent video where he specifically addressed the detox. I'll try to find time to look for it this evening.

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God amazing Edmond. I'm very grateful. Thank you.

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There may be an alternative explanation per Andreas Oehler (Live to Fight Another Day): it may simply be that the CDC/FDA started censoring the VAERS database.


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I always reserve judgement of things I hear. Thank you, you are my verification because you have done this rodeo before and understand how to vet the facts. We used to jokingly say that if the gestapo showed up at our door we would demand to be taken to Cambridge, home of Moderna and a big Pfizer lab, thinking they wouldn’t want to do their dirty business in their own backyard.

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Have posted a few times on Steve Kirsch's substack: Singapore Suspected Vaccine Injury channel at https://t.me/SGVaccineInjuries has a post at https://t.me/SGVaccineInjuries/665 mentioning some bad lots ("Pfizer batches starting with ER, EK and EP to be associated with severe adverse reactions") their group has detected in Singapore (Pfizer/Moderna):


Please check your Covid-19 jab batch number against the worldwide data collated in the app attached (zip file) to know if you received a jab from a problematic batch and therefore suffered a severe adverse event from it.

So far, our group's database has captured Pfizer batches starting with ER, EK and EP to be associated with severe adverse reactions.

We would like to know if our finding is simply coincidental or if it does strongly correlate to worldwide data.

Your help is needed and will be greatly appreciated.

For private sharings of suspected vaccine injuries with known batch number (found in your Health Hub app linked from your TraceTogether App), please PM our admin at @sgvaxinjuries"

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Yup. Case should be closed about whether evil exists or not. There it is. We wait on the Lord.

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I have followed you since the 90s. Thank you for your longstanding hard work. (Old H.E.A.L. volunteer...)

sending you Much Love Celia!! (also David Rasnick!!)

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This is, literally, Satanic.

Thank you Celia for promoting awareness.

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December 3, 2023

They're still poisoning us. They've approved it down to 6 months old. Millions are still taking the shots. Excess deaths are up. Talk has not gotten Anything done to stop this assault on humanity. Heads MUST roll

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