I/we share your joy! And multiply it!! I can tell you I speak for a lot of people that this is very good news to many. You DON’T know how many people are rooting for and praying for you.

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Second that, as I was reading there was a voice saying "Don't she know, it was all the prayer?" lol however and sincerely, "seek the physician and the lord." looks like you found your physician. continued Health. Also Peace and Wealth, may joy find you as well.

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I would be interested to know your blood type. I have lived for many years with the idea that one man's meat is another man's poison, and when I discovered the blood type diets many many years ago, it all made sense to me. Those who choose to be vegetarians or vegans, and thrive, are usually right. It is the best diet for their blood type. Those who choose to be carnivores are similarly wise as long as we do listen to our own bodies.

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Interesting. I am type O

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That's very practical with regard to COVID also, did you know? You are supposed to be less prone to clotting as type O. Seheult/Medcram had a video on that in I think 2020, referencing older studies with regard to clotting factor. The correlation "blood type and COVID infection and outcome" was very favorable for type O.

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what does "COVID" refer to? The imaginary pathogenic virus which is only real in the minds of those who believe in the fantasy or the very real and very poison unnamed substances in the jab which are there in the goal of population reduction?

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Important question. In my own use, it is shorthand for the effects of the patented synthetic harmful entity that can be contracted in various ways, i.a. by injection and potentially by dissemination of purified infectious clone (see J J Couey).

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thanks. listening to him now.

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How about by breathing it in from the embedded masks made under the CCP’s direction.

How about the possibility the CCP is trying to get as much graphene oxide into as many as they can by any means necessary. ( maybe it’s not ‘shedding’, but it’s the CCP spreading GO. https://www.fastcompany.com/90634267/are-graphene-coated-face-masks-a-covid-19-miracle-or-another-health-risk

so Canada believed the CCP and lifted the recall on graphene laced masks. https://torontosun.com/news/national/health-canada-recalls-masks-containing-graphene-as-it-assesses-risks-to-people

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haven't heard anything yet about purified infectioous clone. I still don't see any effort to determine whether what they are calling "virus" is a living thing which reproduces itself. He seems to be one more believing in this theory in spite of no proof. Doesn't even talk about any efforts to determine that from other possible hypotheses which I see. In general in what the PTB call "science" we are generally confusing cause and effect. My theory is that the spike is the effect of a toxin and these folks are not only asserting that it's the toxin but also that it's being made by our cells under instructions from a foreign entity not proven to exist.

And they're still saying that in spite of the massive evidence of new unknown toxins in the jab and the total lack of evidence of a "plandemic".

So if he doesn't say something new soon (i've been listening for 90 minutes) I"m going to have to class him with others like him who aren't questioning things which they can't prove.

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Which one did you listen to? At Gigaohm Biological on Twitch or where? You have to start with an old one. The one for instance where he discusses with Mathew Crawford is a good start (although that particular one was on Crawford Rounding the Earth not on Twitch I think). He lays a basis there, and in one other which is also linked from either that Crawford substack text, or from a substack text on that discussion and topic on Sage Hana substack, don't recall which it was. Because Sage Hana has some substack texts too, about him and his (evolving!) theory.

I don't see that there are any others like him, really. I find him literally exceptional. Please give yourself listening time until you start to see why.

In this link there is the video "Gain of function or gain of purity"? https://roundingtheearth.substack.com/p/sars-cov-2-origins-infectious-clones?

Another good entry point is this substack text from Sage Hana. Do read that text.


There are then, as a second step, some very good recent videos but you need the basis first. I found his view really liberating, the best of all approaches I have seen so far. Convinces me.

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Why listen when you can read:

"If we look at the seasonal respiratory illnesses as being initiated by imbalances of microbiome, and their symptoms (fever, cough, congestion, etc) as “healing crises” - body’s way of trying to re-establish the balance, then a bioweapon would need to be able to trigger the microbiome imbalance in large numbers of people. I am getting more convinced that this is what happened with “covid”. It was a way to trigger microbiome imbalances (with some unusual symptoms) by deploying large quantities of cloned purified RNA materials in the environment which would be picked up by inhalation/ingestion or perhaps transdermally."


Now, off to the races!

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< also listening thx purified infectious clone? jeez what have they unleashed.

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Patented synthetic harmful entity. I like that. Not the entity, the wording. Acknowledges there is something there. It's not just time - lapse vaccine injury that explains people getting sick with something that felt really unnatural for a year before they were willingly (or not) shooting up poison.

I'm open to the infectious clone explanation, maybe its not as simple as Ralph Baric and a bat lady in a lab holding a grant proposal. But there is something there.

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Amen bruddah!

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I got sick in August of 22. Many months after the 4th "booster" push, one month before the 8-mouse-shot, from someone also not vaccinated who had just been to a concert and on a long subway ride. One night of awful joint pain, four days of feeling not-good-not-terrible and overwhelmed with too many pieces of the integrative early treatment protocols. Then I walked one long block, and another long block, and when I got home I was so tired I literally couldn't move.

That was real. Maybe it's not as simple as Ralph Baric and a lab and fingerprints in the code of a virus. Maybe it's more of an infectious clone kinda thing like JJ Couey talks about (that I haven't taken enough time with to comprehend).

But that was real, it wasn't a natural illness, guess it's possible it could have been secondary vaccine shedding, but there's something people were getting sick with before the jabs - something that the FLCCC formed to address. It was not just a tide of flu patients being mismanaged.

(& I used to not use the word vaccine for these disasters, but shifted after reading this - https://aaronsiri.substack.com/p/mrna-vaccines-are-vaccines )

What do you think could be the cause of getting sick in a way that feels very different / not natural, if it happened before the shots, or if unvaxd got it from unvaxd?

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"Certification Of Vaccine ID"

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Yes I read that too! It was very interesting to me :).

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Type O’s are the “Original” and oldest blood type. Most thrive on the diet that you are currently following. There is a book by Dr Peter D’Adamo called “Eat Right for Your Type” that explains the four blood types and the diet and exercise programs that work best for each type. Type O’s also tend to do well with strenuous exercise.

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This O does okay on keto, but not fabulously. Exercise is a disaster for me. My cortisol raises and my sleep tanks. My exercise must be very modest. Eating uber low carb helps keep my weight in check

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Which Type O is the Original ‘Caveman’ blood type...the ultimate carnivores and their ‘diets’ reflected that. I too am type O and try to eat more protein & fat than carbs and sugars. I have an autoimmune disease Hashimotos Thyroiditis, which I feel if you’re going to have an AD it’s a totally manageable one. I pretty much cut out sugars and very few carbs but recently have slipped a bit in the carbs & sugars, and I can feel it, with my energy level and extra weight around the middle.

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I saw a friend years ago, who had been vegetarian for some years, not many...after working at Livermore Labs, realizing what it was about, and leaving. Saw him one day after not for some time, said "you look great, really healthy". he pulled out that book, told me he had O type blood, and eating flesh and blood had made him healthier.

I wonder what it is that these blood types are about. I'm pretty sure they've used "bloods" in the military to determine where they put a soldier. For a very long time.

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Yes, O blood types are natural carnivores. A lot to do with the length of the intestine and the level of acidity of the stomach acids. Not sure about your last paragraph. I cannot imagine any military being intelligent enough to serve the right diet and provide the right environmental conditions for each different blood type.

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that's my blood type.

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Me too....O negative here....as well as rh factor

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Celia here is who everyone refers to in a search about blood type diets D'Adamo


Under O type


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Alot of military folk are smart enough to learn, train and experiment. Lot of smart eaters in miliary.

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That’s interesting. I’ve never heard this before. I have type O negative blood but I also have Crohn’s Disease and I can’t digest red meat, so I haven’t touched it since 1994. I’m mostly vegetarian, but I occasionally eat chicken and fish. However, since I’ve read on Substack that livestock will soon be injected with mRNA, I guess I won’t be eating ANY meat anymore. It just seems too risky. 😕

Celia, I’m so glad you’re feeling better! I’ve suffered for years from symptoms very similar to what you described you’ve dealt with, but I always just thought it was the result of having autoimmune diseases (I also have Hashimoto’s Hypothyroiditis), peri-menopause/menopause and not always eating right, exercising or getting enough sleep. But now, I’m wondering if there’s more to it than that? 🤔

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Are you sure that is true? Doctors, remember, say all kinds of things. Crohns disease is one of the illnesses healed by this diet. I suggest you listen to the YT channel "Nutrition with Judy." She covers everything.

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Who knows??? 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was diagnosed with Crohn’s back in 2002 after having a colon resection. I’ve struggled with abdominal cramping, inflammation, bleeding and digestive irregularity since I was a kid. I didn’t really question the diagnosis, but our healthcare system has changed quite a bit since then and I don’t trust anyone in healthcare anymore, so it would probably benefit me to seek a second opinion from an holistic doctor.

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There is a TedX youtube of Dr Rodney Ford in NZ speaking about gluten and gluten sensitivity. This was filmed 8 years ago but still relevant today.

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Re: “livestock will soon be injected with mRNA”: I think “soon” is incorrect. After several years of baking, and making bone broth from frozen turkeys (< ¼” fat in broth) from my local grocer (one a month), back in August last year I got two in a row with 2” fat and they gave me diarrhea. I switched to USDA-organic-labeled turkeys which I now mail order (~$10/lb). My gut is almost normal.

Sherry, for your hypothyroiditis I would consider supplementing with Lugol’s Iodine; for a decade I’ve been taking a daily Alkaline tonic with 12 mg of iodine (4 drops of the Crow’s brand) which cured my enlarged thyroid, and photosensitivity, and the daily iodine of it cured my neighbor’s T2 diabetes (her Dr stopped all her T2D meds). Most people are whole-body deficient in iodine (due to diet, soil depletion, and the ridiculously low 150 microgram RDA). Any excess will be excreted.

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Thank you. For some reason, it seems like iodine is hard to find these days. I’ve been to several stores in my area in search of iodine supplements and have had no luck. But we do have a local apothecary where I live that probably carries the brand you mentioned, so I’ll check there. I appreciate your feedback! 😊

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Hard to find? Of course, b/c if it’s good for you, then nobody profits much (it’s out of patent). You need to realize that the original R’feller was literally a snake-oil salesman who bought an oil source for his product – an oil well, and incorporated as Standard Oil. Find out “HOW ROCKEFELLER FOUNDED MODERN MEDICINE AND KILLED NATURAL CURES” worldaffairs.blog/2015/10/20/how-rockefeller-founded-modern-medicine-and-killed-natural-cures/ .

With his control of medical education he decided to maximize his profits by subtly keeping people unwell enough to keep buying things he made $ from; if they got well they’d stop buying.

R’feller Medicine screws with RDAs so you are discouraged from the right doses (except possibly when marketed in a prescription product). Another is mal-education like pushing cholesterol (your liver makes most of it) as the boogyman for heart disease (and statins as the dangerous “cure”) and ignoring that it’s only a problem when it forms plaque with serum calcium (from diet and your bones [if not enough vitamin K2]) – instead of staying in suspension w/magnesium. They killed or suppressed the schools that taught and researched other health systems (Indian, Chinese, osteopathy, etc.). They ignore or suppress pursuit of promising topics like Magnesium Intake Is Inversely Associated With Coronary Artery Calcification ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3957229/ . (My cardiologists never mentioned this.) They mess with the Markets and advertising for foods, and supplements so the public will tend to choose less wisely.

You can buy the J Crow’s brand at amazon or vitacost.

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Couldn't you keep eating meat as long as it is local pastured meat? Or are you assuming that even those will be forced by federal regulators to use mRNA vaccines?

Unrelated question in case Celia sees this: why give up salad? I bet eliminating carbs was what cured you, and salad (dark leafy greens for example) provides insoluble fiber for a healthy gut biome and many nutrients that you can't otherwise get without supplements or organ meats, and with the latter there are tricky long term toxic considerations.

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I dunno, probably. I know people that have contacted and bought from privately owned farms here locally. But honestly, I’m not well-versed in this kind of stuff at all and I wouldn’t even know where to begin, where to go, or what questions to ask, etc. It’s all very overwhelming. And expensive!

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Very interesting as my chronically ill - physically and mentally - sister has type O blood and has been diagnosed with a "redundant colon". She never eats meat.

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The standard food pyramid suits A blood types, and is pure poison for O's.

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Tower of London Beefeaters?

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not about diet, it's about something else they're looking for....maybe blood types give an indication related to aggression and passivity? maybe info on cultural orientation? I don't know...I just have an strong intuition about that

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Oh, definitely. For warriors you want O blood types. Put your A' s in the office, And your AB's in charge of the food.

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I'm an A positive, and have been considered a warrior type my whole life.

It has more to do with one's astronomical realities, from all I've studied.

I worked in an office once at 20. Made a z ombie of me in one month. So I quit. We don't have to "earn a living". We were given life. When folks say nothing's free, I ask how much their mom charged to let them out.

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Apr 21, 2023
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Aye, there is a vast difference. I suspect not in the way you ascertain....

From a standpoint of eating literally wholesale quantities of plants aka fruit and veg, when I dropped them it was so good and such a noticeable radical and dramatically positive change that there will never be any going back. Ironically, I did that to 'prove' or show what a ridiculous notion it was for us not to eat plant matter. ...

Several years in and I can't see any viable alternative, though I am always prepared to change my mind in the light of more compelling evidence. After all, that is how I got here in the first place. I keep looking - so far I have not found any more compelling evidence. Have you got any?

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wow. Tell us more.

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Having ditched all grains and then seeds, nuts and pulses in 2012 because they gave such pain when I ate them I was trying to find a commonality. Other than being suspended life I couldn't see the connection. Then when bananas and potatoes started to hurt I dropped that theory. It was easy to do as sprouting made no real difference. The commonality was carbs and I went down the low carb rabbit hole. I found it fascinating as it went against everything we are taught nutritionally. When visiting my GP to ask for help with digestive problems he told me to eat what I knew cuased me harm and avoid what I could tolerate it made me ask more. What he said was just wrong and with it advice to take laxatives, antacids, painkillers, gloop and more stomach protecting tablets. Well, I knew that was all wrong. Come on, if what I eat painfully hurts as soon as it touches my stomach why continue to eat it and try and ameliorate the pain by adding all sorts of competing drugs? Well, we know why...

So along the way of consuming as much information as I could on low carb and all the associated writings, studies and opinions I learned a LOT. I watched and listened and in the end there was one presentation by a woman who asked whether humans were obligate carnivores. 'Pfft, tish and nonsense, of course we are not' was my knee jerk reply - I was still eating loads of leaves and fruit stuff... all the good low carb 'food' with added meat, fish, cheese and eggs. So I set out with my N of one to show what a ridiculous notion it was. I thought I would show her in a week. Well, then a month. Maybe three months...?? Nope. I am still trying to disprove the theory as all good scientists do. It may just be that I have not yet asked the right question. That is why my mind remians open.

That is a hard place to be as this final dietary change has been so impactful it is easy to close my mind to any alternatives.

At that three month period and after decades of abuse and trauma my support doctor stopped my regular monthly check up visits to see that I was still alive and functioning on some base level. That is where I have the image of a butterfly from. She said it was a total transformation. I am not the same person. Things which used to floor me are almost invisible. I do not get angry. I rarely cry. I am clear headed. I can function on all sorts of levels which were unavailable to me before. I am like the younger pre-abused pre-traumatised version of myself. It could be seen as miraculous.

This healing is quick, easy and available to everybody. Just stop eating plants in all forms. Sugar is the devil. Carbage is sugar. ANY carbohydrate is essentially sugar, just consolidated to a more concentrated form for storage. Plants make sugar, animals don't, other than lactose in milk. Now that stuff is grow juice indeed, so I have to be careful as it easily piles on the pounds...

I never feel 'hungry' and some days I just don't eat. I have spare blubber, it's ok. It's the most amazing thing other than bearing a child that I have ever done in my life and I want as many people as possible to share that goodness.

Bottom line - plants are carbohydrate. There is NO essential carbohydrate. we make all we need, even under exercise.

There are essential fats and essential proteins.

'nuff said.

Uh oh, well, you did ask ;)

Welcome to the plant free zone.

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Apr 21, 2023
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Do not apologise, we can talk and having different views is how we learn. That's why I asked for more compelling evidence. I would love to see evidence for that you call different strokes for different folks. I don't really understand it. My eyes and ears are wide open to different views.

Re your point 2 I agree that different there are harms. They may need different healing. One would not approach a gastrointestinal disorder the same way as splinting broken bone. What I have found so far in my own experience, and the experience of others directly and indirectly, is that there is nothing in this diet which causes harm. Literally nothing. More specifically because the various diet induced harms from polants are eliminated it seems not to matter what those diet induced harms are because they resolve with this approach. Perhaps you can describe some of the harms which this plant free diet creates? So far I do not know of any but as I say, I am open to evidence.

Re your third point - why are aboriginals different from other peoples in the world? I do not undertand the rationale for that. Whilst it is true that since the agricultural revolution people around the world have eaten ever more developed grains and other plants that does not mean that it is a beneficial change. I think you will find that up until the agricultural revolution people ate either exclusively or predominantly meat, animal fat and other animal sourced foods. Why would a post agricultural revolution - a mere spit in time ecologically - surpass what built us as a species for many thousands of years up to that point be a retrograde step, a 'degeneration of the digestive system'? Think on this - that we were able to develop a huge brain with great thinking, problem solving and other facets by eating meat/predominantly meat - why it would be retrograde to step back to that position? It is clearly shown in the historical bone record that human skull and with it brain size reduced with the onset of agriculture and the growing consumption of grains. Modern tech also clearly shows brain shrinkage in individuals after the adoption of an animal free or diet. Just think how amazing we could have been. ... I never thought of that aspect before, of what could have been had we not started to adopt that static plant munching phase of evolution. Wow.

Anyway, I digress.

I would love to hear why we are 'designed to eat some carbohydrates' other than as a starvation survival mechanism. In the context of no essential dietray carbohydrates and a very tightly regulated blood glucose system which is easily broken - and it is so easily broken - resulting in diabetes. It always shocks people to find out just how tightly regulated blood gliucose is and what the ideal level is in our blood. Once you know that, and how little digested carbohydrate it takes for our livers to step in and take giucose out of circulation as soon and as fast as possible it does raise the question of whether indeed we should be eating it at all. Especially in the context of easily being able to make any glucose we need as and when from our stored body fat.

Sure, we have glycogen stores for explosive energy release and that is made from glucose. Glycogen stores in the body (liver and muscles as two separate energy release pathways) are relatively small in energy terms. It seems there is an umlimited capacity to store doubly concentrated fat energy (as far as energy:weight) as body fat which is easily accessed for immediate use in the absence of insulin which is the hormone put out to get rid of excess blood sugar. Why would we be 'designed' to eat carbohydrate in any quantity when dealing with it blocks our bodiy's access to our stored fat energy? There are so many questions but the more I try and answer them the more compelling the 'eat no plants unless there is no alternative' becomes.

Remember, I came to this place originally to show the meat eaters just how wrong they are. I said the same things as you do now. I changed my mind then, happy to change it again, but there has to be evidence and it has to be more compelling. So far you have not given any evidence compelling or no, please do enlighten me. I look forward to reading it.

No criticism on anyone, and I too like to see everyone functioning. So far though I have seen far too many people dysfunctioning when they eat a 'mixed diet' or 'balanced' diet I have yet to encounter a dysfunctioning non plant eater.

I look forward to seeing evidence. Happy to follow links etc. I like to learn. Knowledge is power. Ther is a world of difference though between opinion and fact. Show me the facts, I look forward to it. Always happy to ackowledge I was wrong on facts - it means I have learned more and that is good.


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As a former soldier, and a friend of hundreds of former soldiers, I can tell you that the military does not classify occupational specialties or duties by blood type. You are classified by the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) for intelligence and capabilities. The military feeds all soldiers a horrendous diet. Breakfast is eggs (good), bacon or sausage (potentially good depending on their source), choice of carb (cubed potatoes or grits). Lunch is usually a breaded chicken or veal patty (crap), cubed potatoes and mixed vegetables (peas and carrots; crap). Dinner is the same as lunch. You can drink as much milk, water, soda as you want at meal times. Because the chow hall food is so poor most soldiers eat fast food for lunch and dinner. Our military is obese, chronically inflamed, lives on ibuprofen and caffeine, and injected with every vaccine available.

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What can you tell me of type A blood?

Do I really need to eat broccoli? (I won't no matter what)

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Do Not eat broccoli.

Do not eat plants.

Doesn't matter what your blood type is as far as food goes.

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I'm also A and work well with a mixed diet.

I tried meat and fat only and had issues sleeping.

I never missed bread and sugary shit. That part is the key to avoid... Yes even gluten free bread is shit. I don't get why people love bread so much... Never really cared for it as a kid. Broccoli was better for me.

I still need some carbs. For some having no carbs messes with tryptophan, melatonin, serotonin development which needs that.

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Run a search for D'adamo blood type diet. It's all there on the web.

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D'Adamo says I'm a carb type and that I must have breakfast. Wrong on both accounts!

But who knows, maybe I'm not a type A. I donate blood once and they put in my card type A, but I don't believe in cards anymore.

Butter is great, cheese is great, sardines are great, meat is great, and not having to eat for many hours is great. When I was depressed, I was always eating, always starches and sugar, many times a day. Without sugar and starches, much less depression.

One more of many hundreds of millions of anecdotes.

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Exactly. Isn't it great that this is getting out. This is why 'the They' tell us that meat is dangerous and that plants are good. Sure, eat plants, but only if they have been properly processed by animals which have the capacity properly to digest them and turn them into meat, connective tissue, blood, bone and milk, and then eat That. With you 100%.

Anyway, breakfast is only the first meal of the day. Mine is usually around 4pm ;)

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Me too.

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It's so simple: you are hungry => you eat.

You no hungry => you no eat

A limited diet is not the greatest culinary pleasure, but feeling great is a pleasure too.

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Youtube is filled with recovery testimonies on meat-based diets.

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How about crickets??

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Crickets. Nope, never, not for us.

Some people try and say it's like eating crab - Maybe it is, I disagree. We only eat the meat of crabs and other shellfish, not the exoskeleton/shell.... and crickets prepared for consumption are the whole thing, shell and all. That shell is made from chitin whiich is indigestible by us and many would say is also toxic to us. I have not looked specifically at the biochemistry of that as I will never knowingly eat a cricket or other insect.

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Wonder how to guess what blood type one is without submitting to a needle.

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You can order a blood type test online. You still have to stick yourself, though.

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Thanks Grammy.

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I went to Dr D’Adamo in the 80s. He was a kind and compassionate man, with some effective detox therapy. One that seemed especially good was German foot baths with herbs. Amazing what comes out of the feet.

However I have to disagree with his blood type diet theory. I am type A, suited to a vegetarian diet says he. I tried it and it didn’t suit me at all. He loved tofu and my body sure didn’t. Soy has subsequently lost its luster as a health food. I need animal protein to feel right.

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I am B+ and have eaten a vegetarian diet for over 40 years now. I have ZERO health issues and at 74 look much younger than my age. It has worked for me. I also know people that stick to a totally protein diet and it works for them. I do agree though that sugar is not good for ANYONE.

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Might want to think about that cell irradiating phone, time spent on computers, etc.

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I am writing this in response to many replies in this conversation.

Let's all remember that not so long ago, anyone with normal health could eat anything they like and get a away with it. Now we are all needing to watch everything we eat. I personally am speculating, at this time, that the trigger behind ALL of our illnesses is electromagnetic. Either natural negative energies like blind springs or man made electrical stuff, can throw our autonomic nervous systems into disarray. The vagus nerve component of the autonomic nervous system is like the communications centre of the body and transmits electrical signals with commands between the gut and the brain and to and from every single organ in the body. If the communications get scrambled, the organs are valiantly struggling in their turn to obey bad signals. From there, all sorts of secondary symptoms cascade.

There are hundreds of syndromes, all similar, but all manifesting a tiny bit differently and so all given different names by mainstream medicine, but what if they are all the vagus nerve and the stress hormones playing silly buggers? As we all have different metabolisms, different physiologies and different weaknesses, the results of the electrical disturbance are all different - but the cause is the same.

This cause has recently been amplified by 5G and for those who took the jab, by the electrical conductors in the jab rendering those people far more sensitive. For those like myself with high levels of mercury and aluminium toxicity already, we did not need the jab to be electro-sensitives as our bodies are already full of metals that conduct electro-magnetic waves. So we are already primed to be vulnerable to 5G. Solution? We need to work out how to protect ourselves from natural and man made negative electro-magnetism - easier said than done.

I suspect the high meat, high protein, high fat diet reduces electro-sensitivity, although I could not say how or why.

(PS, all toxins are bad, but perhaps 5G is the worst.)

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Fantastic news Celia! But also be aware that this is a very low oxalate diet and the body can start dumping the oxalate stores (which it's desperately trying to rid itself of) and that's tricky and hard on the kidneys. This usually takes a few months to get intense. If you can add about 4 oz of squeezed lemon juice most days that can dissolve oxalate crystals that can develop.

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thank you! I will return to my old lemon water habit, been thinking of this...

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remember to stay with fresh lemons. also want to chase it with salt rinse to protect gums.

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ah yes, ok.

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How wonderful, Celia! Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. More people should at least try this, and see if it helps clear up problems they may have.

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This is great news. Before Covid in Substack, are used to listen to people like Dr. Shawn Baker Who is a world-class power lifter in his 50s and he is a carnivore diet proponent. His site is Revero.com and coaching is cheap.

I never tried full carnivore since keto was good enough for me. A family member is having a lot of success with carnivore. I don’t Believe in one-size-fits-all for diets though.

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Sloppy sorry didn’t check the AI voice recreation.

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I'm still trying to find out if he is staying muscle meat only. Learning from Garrett Smith nutritiondetective.com about vitamin A toxicity lately. Yuge help. It's a reason to take in soluble fiber regardless keto, carnivore, paleo, whatever.

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I listened to that. Now I only eat liver sparingly. Lewis too. Lewis LOVES raw liver. When I eat liver I eat it raw, with lemon.

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I know. Our dogs and I do too. we learned hard way when my wife learned how to dry liver in our dehydrator. It's so tasty. Our oldest dog regressed and my sacroilliac ripped me in half. Found studies that sited in 25 to 45% of hypervitaminosis A cases, sacroilliitis is chronic debilitating. That was an understatement. Have tested Garrett Smith's paradigm a few times now. it works and my pain is down enough that i can work again.

btw, the danger with organ meats is more than just hypervitaminosis A. It's also excessive D and copper and whatever else the animal had to filter out of their environment to protect themselves.

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Not 100% meat.

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I know he eats eggs.

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Congratulations, Celia. This is great news. Why am I not surprised that mainstream "medicine" was not the solution?!

Do you know "Eat Rich, Live Long," by Ivor Cummins and Jeffry Gerber (Victory Belt Publishing)? You may find some relevant recipes and other ideas in it:


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I love Ivor Cummings and will read that book.

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Ivor Cummins rocks.

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Great guy!

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PRAISE THE LORD!! so happy to hear this Delia ....now don’t let anybody bring you down❤️❤️❤️

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CELIA..... not Delia....used my microphone, and Siri was playing tricks never trust Ai


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God bless you; so glad to hear of your very real recovery.

I know that this is what I need to do as well, but last time I tried, I only lasted 3 days. And felt amazing but just couldn't keep it up.

If you've any tips? or I think you'll say something to the effect of "when you're desperate enough" or "when you're sick of feeling sick".

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You can start with small cheats, like pickle, mustard, sautéed onions and do that for a few weeks, then start to eliminate them when your cravings for sugar have largely subsided. I tried twice before this time. I just stopped "negotiating" with all my go to emotional foods. That seemed to work. Listen to "Nutrition with Judy" on YouTube, she covers every last aspect. You can do it!

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Sounds good, and yes, I've already bookmarked that video to watch first thing in the morning (need to sleep now as hardly did last night).

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And maybe you'd create a second substack, just for this topic? Kind of a shared journal of how it's going and such...

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Do you realize, Cosmos, how much more central this is to human health than people grasping that virology is a haze of presumptions and projections?

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Now that you mention it. Yes, seems a good thing.

Considering the wars and misery and disease that history books report from ancient times, maybe the warfare mentality is fueled by cereal, or by the emotional dependence to cereal, the fear of hunger.

Maybe Faucism is a variant of Cerealism!


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Apr 21, 2023
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Regarding human behaviour : They say Hitler was a vegetarian. A quote from a friend of mine : human beings are a failed species.

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Apr 29, 2023
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I make jokes.

Not everyone feels like laughing.

Have you ever watched the movie Duck Soup? It's a great comedy.

But the best comedy film is The Seventh Seal.

That's also a joke, because it's not a comedy. But Antonius Block is a great character, I remember him with sympathy.

Some people struggle all their life and then go to back to seek some rest and calm, and they can't find it anywhere. One of the reasons why art exists is to remember those unfortunate iindividuals who cannot find comfort.

Now, I will dj for you one of Bach's cantatas:


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Thanks, Agent Roger!

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Love her. She gets it, the whole CIRS thing.

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Thank you!!

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What worked for me conceptually was to say I love pain and point to my belly and say, "go eat some of that fat". Full on real milk cream in my coffee in place to wean me of breakfast to obtain autophagy. And every late breakfast with 3-5 egg yolks the mainstay, depends on type & size, for instance organic duck eggs are filling and only three are needed.

But that's just me.

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I can only eat "hard boiled" (gently simmered till solid all the way through) these days, for some reason. And 10% MF plain yogurt is a mainstay.

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Ok. I eat mine cooked in ferment juice more and bacon grease less. Most times I drain off the whites too, makes them faster & easier to cook.

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That is weird... I thought it was the whites that contain most of the egg's protein content. Yolks invaluable for other nutrients including fat.

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Just tell me I'm weird and we can chock it all up to my lack of following the many mass formations!

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That's wonderful news. Don't forget to research for any necessary nutrients that this diet might lack, and maybe add some supplements.

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Celia, have you had time to look at intermittent fasting yet too? mycircadianclock.org. it makes keto back into ketosis much easier and quicker when mistakes get made. Also has anyone cautioned you about too much protein cause gluconeogenesis? It is same as eating sugar and losing ketosis. Only worse since now kidneys have to work harder cleaning out excess nitrogen.

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Weston A Price diet, Sally Fallon’s book “Nourishing Traditions”. And connect with Joette Calabrese, she is a well of information, an homeopath!

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I found out the hard way that I missed Dr Price's warnings to limit or stay away from cod liver oil. Organ meats and vit A in particular are way more potent and toxic than rockefeller medicine mislead us to believe. Learned more from @nutridetect on twitter.

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I completely relate to the mystery. I have eliminated most all sugar but still stuck with brain fog. Why not salads though? Spinach and other greens? Dandelion greens? That part confuses me.

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If you can/want to, try the chlorella pills.

Do you happen to have mercury fillings?

If so, go straight for the algae supplements, it may help.

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I've had over a dozen mercury fillings that were eventually replaced with composite fillings- only the last one was "safely" replaced by a biological dentist. I have symptoms of moderate mercury toxicity so I'm taking selenium, NAC and using the Touchstone Essential zeolite spray. Some books on mercury detox claim that chlorella and cilantro are bad for mercury detox because the mercury can be redistributed instead, making you worse. They claim the Cutler protocol should be used instead where ALA should be taken every 3 hours for several days before taking a break- and this process may need to be repeated for months to years. I have no idea which approach is better so I'm trying the simpler selenium/NAC/zeolite first.


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I had my illness storm in 2016 when I was still a conventional doctor. I thought I wouldn't make to Christmas, it was March. Then I discovered the world of functional medicine, lifestyle medicine. I listened to every trustful doctor and expert I could and arrived at my own conclusions on what to do. Gradually I began to heal. Now I teach my patients including through my Substack (in Portuguese but soon in English too) what is the best strategy for their specific condition at the moment. I have carnivore, carb-free and plant-based diet programs on my Substack and sometimes a patient would benefit from one kind of food, sometimes from others. Correct supplementation and emotional healing are also often necessary. I wish you a good recovery!

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I have to catch up with comments but I realized I left off: EGGS. I absolutely eat eggs.

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