Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Let me get this straight: we give Ukraine billions of dollars so they can buy tanks from us?

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Much of the billions of dollars which is given to Ukraine is being laundered into the offshore accounts of Ukrainian elites and U.S. politicians. This laundering has been on-going for years. Hopefully, one of the Republican bills to audit these billions is enacted.

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Did Ukraine "buy" them, or did we just give them away. Over $100B we've given away, I don't see them starting to charge them for anything now.

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Good point...but either way, it stinks.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

There's never been a more better indication that the Office of The President of The United States is by a puppet and has puppeteers , handlers over him than Grampa Biden!...

Mr Biden doesn't know where he is half of the time (I'm being generous) and needs Jill to pull him around like an old blind dog on a leash!

This man is Not much in charge of Anything including his bowel movements! It's sad, and it's scary!

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Brandon's in charge of two things: telling his nanny it's time for a diaper change and deciding between 'nilla puddin' or applesauce before naptime.

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Covering for their covid tracks.

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And the coming global financial implosion?

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Those countries did nothing. The rigged election Khazarian Mafia garbage that runs those countries sent the tanks.

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If only you could translate 'Khazarian Mafia'...

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Tanks? TANKS? Hilarious. They are so easily taken out. What an exercise in futility, for show only.

The Mighty Wurlitzer continues to put on its show. I am guessing they all want WWIII, because we have absolute psychopaths in charge. Maybe they are too delusional to understand what they are doing? Who knows at this point.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Why couldn’t Biden support the us troups in Afghanistan and freedom there? We left our weapons there for criminals to use them. 😡

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

imagine that...!


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Presumably so that the Chinese could move in and take Afghanistan into their sphere of influence through The Shanghai Cooperation Organization?

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Yes they abandoned $100B in advanced weapons there for the Taliban to use, when they could have shipped that stuff to Ukraine so they would have been armed in advance to repel (and hopefully scare off) a Russian attack. And blown the bridges and highways, which they didn't do, to greatly impede the Russian attack which the CIA & military intelligence knew very well was in the works. They wanted the Russian invasion to partly succeed so they could justify their Proxy war with Russia. The real goal of which is to break Russia into Fiefdoms that the Bankster overlords will directly control.

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:(. Every facet, agency in govt is corrupt! No one to trust! All about money.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Note to Kim Dotcom:

There are so many things I should be protesting, I can’t keep them all straight!

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I'm beginning to think it would just be easier to take a long run off a short pier..

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

I recommend everyone listen to what Col. Douglas Macgregor (U.S. Army Retired, Ph.D.) says about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The last three conversations cover most of the ground.


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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

another warmonger president. another country destroyed by US mixing into business where they have no business at all. Poor people of Ukraine who will be dying for a marionet 'leader'

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

We are not the good guys. We're bullies.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Why is he still allowed to be in the wh?

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

He's the Presidential placeholder, while Obama, Rice, Valerie Jarrett, et al. are running the show at the behest of globalist elites higher on the food chain.

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Abigail--"Why is he still allowed to be in the wh?" Because he would be living on the street with others who unfortunately have lost their bearings.

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:( he needs to be in a nursing home.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Well, perhaps this is the trigger to the Fourth Turning (really, go and read that book by William Strauss and Neil Howe!) or, to the delight of Herr Schwab et al - the Great Reset...

Buckle up...

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Matthew Arnold comes to mind.

And these lines which, in high school, I learned by heart:

"Ah, love, let us be true

To one another! for the world, which seems

To lie before us like a land of dreams,

So various, so beautiful, so new,

Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,

Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;

And we are here as on a darkling plain

Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,

Where ignorant armies clash by night."

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Anyone ever wish they’d taken the Blue Pill? Just for like 5 minutes?

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I wonder what it would be like, for people to think you're a good person and not a beast of paranoia. I miss my friends, especially in Sweden, where all pills are blue.

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I've been following you since your HIV research. And, to be honest, it started with your SPIN article on the aftermath of live aid (which may or may not have been you -- long time!). So let's just say:

Because of your research on HIV (etc), the 'White Pill' is that I know I'm going to live another 50 years or so (just avoid Pharma).

The 'Black Pill' is: do I really want to?

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

He shouldn’t be there anyway bc he stole it from the rightful Trump!

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To believe that atom bombs exist and work one would be required to believe the u.s. gov't from the time when they had already vanquished Japan, Hirohito had expressed his desire to capitulate. He was not permitted to do so. Instead he is said to have said that Japan would fight to the last man.

then they claim to have dropped these small machines out of airplanes which are supposed to get to millions of degrees in an instant. In that case, there is no plausible source for the soot we see in the air as they shoot their film placing the camera such that it sees the explosion of the TNT that the u.s. soldiers had stacked all day behind the sun. Then all of america is fooled that the sun is the atom bomb.

One needs to believe u.s. propaganda to fear a nuclear bomb.

Tanks in ukraine? Tank warfare became a useless thing in 1976 when the shoulder launched uranium rocket launchers were developed permitting one grunt to quickly and easily destroy a tank and kill everybody inside quite easily.

It's apparently easy to write things without having any of the useful information that keeps one from writing things which are inherently ridiculous.

You're actually spreading their propaganda in your reaction to their propaganda.

Stop it!

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macDuff, please don't issue commands to me about how to cover the news. I take in everybody's point of view.

"Stop it!"


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juste une facon a parler Celia.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Are there uranium rocket launchers in Ukraine? If not, then tank warfare is not obsolete. If it is obsolete, why are tanks being sent? To frighten people?

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Jan 26, 2023·edited Jan 26, 2023

If it is obsolete, why are tanks still even being manufactured by the world's leading war machines? There must be newer, larger sources of profit than tanks, surely?

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Are there uranium rocket launchers in Ukraine?

If Putin is there (probably he's not because the u.s. press says he is) then there are rocket launchers to kill tanks.

If not, then tank warfare is not obsolete. If it is obsolete, why are tanks being sent?

For the same reason that they break a wine glass at a jewish wedding. It sells glass!

To frighten people?

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Sounds like a CIA "poisoning the well" psyop. Fission bombs are pretty easy stuff once you get the weapons grade uranium. It's actually basic nuclear physics, the nuclear chain reaction. So it is absurd to doubt the bombs were dropped. There is literally giant encyclopedias of radiation & radiation effects data from the two bombs and you can go to Atomic Bomb #1 site in New Mexico and sample radioactive decay products and glassed sand from the blasts. So don't be silly.

And they don't use "uranium rocket launchers" to kill tanks. They use explosive shaped charges that drive a copper plasma through the tank armor. In some types of gatling type guns, like on the A10 Warthog they shoot depleted uranium tipped armor piercing rounds that will blast through tank armor.

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I believe you are wrong and brainwashed regarding the nuclear bomb. I didn't know of this second technique of destroying tanks, but the only important part of that is that tanks are not real weapons against a non-stone-age enemy since 1976. I got that from Galen Winsor.

radiation and radiation effects from the fake bombs. Yes that's a dirty bomb.

If you want to believe the u.s. gov't propaganda divisions and remain a fool, I can't stop you. I'm sure you know what Mr. Clemens said about people who've already been fooled. Go match your wits with Mr. Bjorkman at heiwaco.com. You could win 1 million dollars if you manage to prove anything other than your ability to swallow propaganda.

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If I may... It's not absurd to doubt that the bombs were dropped; it's absurd to think that the bombs *could not* have been dropped. There's evidence from theoretical physics that the concept of the bomb is, in principle, possible. And they might even exist today.

The idea that they were *actually* dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki is, after considering the evidence, almost impossible to maintain. The best evidence of this, for me, are the readings of Cesium in the water reservoir in Nagasaki.

There are two good sources to read about this, and I suppose that you can decide whether *their* sources are valid.

Personally, I can't imagine reading through the evidence and then actually concluding that 'the bomb' existed in WWII. But I would really, really love to talk to someone versed in the lore, simply to see if I've missed something.

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perhaps you could share the evidence from theoretical physics which you have mentioned? I really don't think that one can make an interesting bomb with fissionables other than a dirty bomb. I guess you're saying that the water at nagasaki didn't have enough fallout to lend credence to the official story? For me, the way to know that there were no bombs there of the type vaguely described is that the entire explosion was composed of black soot. What would be the source for this in a bomb as described?

an atom bomb is said to require high pressure and high temperature. As soon as whatever container it'd be placed in would fail, the conditions would be instantly over. So a bomb can't be made which is stronger than the box which contains it by even 1 order of magnitude.

See heiwaco, Anders Bjorkmann. He exposes a lot of the lies that went into the nuclear bomb narrative that virtually everybody on the planet has swallowed without chewing.

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Oh... now that you pose the question directly I realize that I actually don't know if theoretical physics can motivate an A-bomb! As I wrote my text, I was thinking about normal fission reactions used in power plants -- that doesn't require any ultra high-pressure containment.

The water at Nagasaki is... interesting. There was a reservoir close to the centre of the blast. In the 90s or so, some scientist took a core sample of the bottom of the reservoir. They found a layer of soot which, of course, comes from the blast and/or firebombing of the city. They also found a layer of Cesium... but it came *2 years* after the soot! So it very much looks like the city was firebombed, and then two years later the OSS/CIA/whatever dropped a layer of Cesium to make it look like there had been a bomb...

I find Bjorkmann a bit difficult to read. Another fellow, Michael Palmer, gave a great interview here: https://odysee.com/@jermwarfare:2/Michael-Palmer:6

Although it's an interview, he really delves into the hard data that proves that the nuclear bombings didn't occur.

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Jan 26, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

https://youtu.be/i19d1QnstsA ...posted this before but it just describes our world so well

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