Have we not yet reached the point where the distinction between organized crime and the U.S. government is no longer relevant?

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Wasn't that proven in 1963, and Americans were fine with it?

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I believe we have.

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There is no distinction, evidently. And We The People know it. Now, the judiciary had better get its act together so this kind of activity, which few want and like, will bring the lawless government to its knees.

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Clearly, the judiciary are part of the problem, not part of the solution :(

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Please, don't hold your breath.

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Fair advice...

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Wasn't it Capone that said government was a legalized mafia?

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And people think voting will fix anything

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Everyone google Laura Silsby, and then afterwards reflect on the fact she sits on the Amber Alert board.

Some of this has been obvious for years. It's insane that most people still don't know. Good on Project Veritas, and good on you, Celia.

And, Pizzagate is REAL. 100%.

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I vaguely remember that story, but never heard the outcome. Of course, it has ties to Killary and child trafficking through her State Department job and the Clinton Foundation.

Her job now says a lot.


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It sure does. The woman tried to kidnap/traffic kids from Haiti, claiming they were orphans, got caught, went to jail, and was bailed out by none other than HRC, then awarded with the Amber Alert position. Really, what more do we need to see?

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Silsby Saga was a huge part of my awakening. It led me to Nancy Schaefer, the finders, Pizzagate and so much more. The lines have been drawn. You decide to know or not. God sees us all.

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I listened to two Nancy Schaefer talks last night, planning to write about her. It's heartbreaking. She was incredible.

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Most people cannot conceive of the fact that utter psychotics are running everything now. Until people understand that, and stop idolizing them, this won't end.

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I have a denial shattering video coming up.

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Excellent. Thank you!

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Easily found online.

Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families, Shani M. King, 2012

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Thank you!

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Wow! Read up on the Controversies section and this all makes even MORE sense!


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You got it. Talk about controlling the situation whenever a child is abducted - by THEM.

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Pedo Joe and his friends like to share. Castrate and hang them all.

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Former Georgia State Senator, Nancy Schaefer tried to expose a corrupt trafficking ring involving Foster Care and the courts. She and her husband were murdered. The deaths were alleged a homicide, suicide at the hand of her husband. I think that was 2010...

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Thank you for this link.

This story has always amazed me. Of course I did not read it in mainstream when it happened. Read it years later after having my eyes opened.

I talk about this story when describing what really goes on.

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Silence is consent

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It’s been days and no MSM coverage? No chorus of outrage from the “dreamers” and their advocates? Where’s Bernie? AOC? Whither common decency?

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They are very busy coordinating their cover stories, trying to tie it somehow to Trump, then they had to disseminate that info to all the "fact checkers". All that takes time, ya know?

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It is a time of revelation, isn't it? If this doesn't light a fire in America's belly, then we are really really lost.

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will Alex Jones now be receiving an apology and other compensations due him ?

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I'm not down playing the depth and depravity of this horrific crime in any way, but at the end of the day illegal immigration IS human trafficking. Period, full stop.

Allowing for a border crisis to the degree that we have one is a tacit admission that the powers that be, that are letting it happen, don't really care about human trafficking. If it's for, as the left like to call it 'sex work' or if it's to pick fruit is irrelevant. That the former involves children is par to the course. The people who are rich enough to not want to pay for market price for labor eventually feel entitled to whatever they want, and they're sick.

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Look up Replacement Migration. The kids are just a bonus for their depravity.

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That's a rightwing, racist, ignorant, xenophobic theory about immigration - which is the reason all those people are here in this country to gripe about immigration, in the first place - unless they're from indigenous First Nations.

The history of US "Immigration Policy" goes back to the later 19th Century, and it has always been RACIST AF, from that time to now.

'Oh you're a Cuban. Great here's your Green Card. Let me help you up onto the deck of this Naval Vessel...'

'Hey you don't look Cuban... Where are you from? Haiti?!?! GTFO! Straight to Gitmo for you...'

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The Replacement Migration is specifically a tool of The Great Reset. Their plan for slave labor. Chuck Schumer's already talked about it!

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Yeah... Nooooo.

That's some bullshit distortions, put out by the Closet-KKKers at "(UN)F.A.I.R." or some other dishonest group.

These arguments were made about The Irish, at one point... Then "Chinamen" (which ironically included Japanese, Koreans, Philipinos, etc.), Then the Italians... And then "the Jews"... etc.. Take a few classes in American History - you might learn something.

Immigration has ALWAYS been a NET PLUS for the economy. Are you hoping for a career as a Busboy? Picking crops? Hanging sheetrock?

No. Those folks take jobs that most Americans don't want to do - and keep prices down for the goods and services that they touch - FOR AMERICANS. How much do you want to pay for dinner at a restaurant? How much do you want to spend on a head of lettuce? Do you see where I'm going here?

They PAY TAXES - and then don't dare to collect the benefits that they would be entitled to, in exchange. Social Security would collapse that much sooner, without them paying in - and then not collecting, in the vast majority of cases.

Immigration didn't start with "the Great Reset"...it started in 1492.

And don't forget why those people HAVE TO FLEE THEIR COUNTRIES ... That's US DRUG GANGS/CIA Cartels - and US-Armed/Trained/Supported DEATH SQUADS.

Learn to PUNCH UP... Not down.

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We're punching ONE entity here. The United States government HHS. Please report back if this has been clarified. Nobody has said one word about how they don't like "immigrants!"

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No. The GOP has made it very clear that they view Refugees (from the results of our foreign policy) and lawful Asylum Seekers - to be some kind of "invasion" like the mongol horde.

That's not the reality.

"Replacement Theory" - is popular with folks who think this is the Kalergi Plan. It's Neo-Nativism and Ultra-Nationalism, from people who are themselves descendants of immigrants. If you're not full-blood from a First Nations tribe - you're just 'pulling the ladder up', from behind you.

There is PLENTY of room for our country to accept the folks that our horrible foreign and domestic/immigration policy has forced to flee their home countries.

As I mentioned in my original post comment - the idea that because sponsors, whose immigration status makes them potential targets for ICE/DHS/CBP actions - don't want to turn over their addresses to the Agencies who would try to deport them - is entirely understandable.

A lack of safe affordable housing is a common problem. It doesn't make people human traffickers, either.

Currently there are thousands of people sitting in camps, in much less safe situations, across the border in Juarez and Tijuana - than what this agent is describing.

If she has evidence of crimes (as opposed to racist/classicist assumptions) - she should give it to the cops who enforce such laws. Project Veritas has a poor history of skewed hit pieces, and this looks like one of them to me.

The commentor, is making overtly xenophobic comments on top of that.

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Disgusting and evil....somehow these perverts have to pay for this. Sure won't be taken down by the Garland bunch. To worried about school board protests and Trump.

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I watched the video. What can we do about this? How do you help these children? How do we stop paying taxes when it goes towards evil?

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Right. Let the fact-wreckers handle it.

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This is not a red-blue thing. Nor (sadly) is it a new thing. It is a sin thing--a Satan and demons thing. Just one milestone on that long road to hell: http://www.franklinscandal.com/

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Not a red blue thing is also a psy op. Psy-ops have children and grandchildren. "Rules for Radicals" published 1971, was dedicated to Lucifer, the original "rebel," according to Saul Alinsky. So have radical leftists been cultivating Satan worship? Surely. Yes. I can't see how that is not accurate. Blue then, is closer to all this Satan worship than Red. But blue and red both part of deception. I take your point.

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Saul Alinsky may be popular with Hillary Clinton - the Career Spook, and "Goldwater Girl", from a prominent Rightwing patrician family (she is no leftist) - but I'd never even heard of the guy - in a lifetime of left organizing and activism. This is a strawman argument.

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Indeed. When forced to choose a political color: no question. But we would do well not to substitute *any* opacity, even whitewash, for the transparent rainbow-like "pure glass" of Christ's holy city (Revelation 21:11,18). I'm still repenting of elevating certain R's into that unique place in my heart and hopes.

Amen to ideas having "children and grandchildren". The second commandment (Exodus 20:5, Deut 5:9) says basically this. Substitute other "gods" for the real one, and the ugly stuff will, by routine pedagogical, imitative means, persist down through three or four generations.

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Wow! This make me so sad. the fact that children can't even be safe in the custody of the US government agencies that are supposedly there to help others. Sadly, this is not the first time hearing that the so-called "social services" have been trafficking children. Actually, its been going of for years in various agencies. So, unfortunately it comes as no surprise that we are hearing of this now. There seems to be no end to the corruption and dare I say, demonic forces working within a system that is supposed to be working for the benefit of the people. I am beginning to have no faith in government.

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Thank you Celia for shining a light on this.

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All credit goes to Project Veritas. How they do it is a mystery to me. But they should hire Lara Logan.

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Four words: RICO

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