I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that hurricane Helene took out for red states maybe five and blocked most roads and bridges just in time for the election

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6 hrs ago·edited 6 hrs ago

the FEDs will fly in like saviors of course. Election interference ? and climate blackmail ?

Killing people has never been an ethical red line for those assholes.

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The ignorance graveyard is full of coincidences.

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Bingo! I was about to write the exact same thing.

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Donna - no coincidence. These people are evil.

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Me too!

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i agree

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"An attempt by the United States military to modify hurricanes in the Atlantic basin using cloud seeding in the 1960s was called Project Stormfury. Only a few hurricanes were tested with cloud seeding because of the strict rules that were set by the scientists of the project. It was unclear whether the project was successful; hurricanes appeared to change in structure slightly, but only temporarily. The fear that cloud seeding could potentially change the course or power of hurricanes and negatively affect people in the storm's path stopped the project."

-- from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requested by John Greenewald in March 2017


"Stopped the project." I'm sure that was a permanent stop.

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Permanent stop as in the kind of "permanent stop" of gain of function after it was banned/halted? That kind of stop?

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I may not know what the truth is, but I am certain the government-media-censorhip-industrial-complex will stop at nothing to make sure citizens don't know it.

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Gov't is already preparing a report. Unfortunately, they're a bit behind. So expect it right after the JFK files are released.

Your homeowner insurance rates might go up (like a lot) a bit sooner than the report comes out though.....................just sayin!!!

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Exactly that kind of stop -- just like the MK Ultra stop.

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A terrifying reminder : our generations have always known that the gov’ts want to kill us. Isn’t it a wonder any of us have made it this far? Let’s keep this wave rolling !

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I am blown away there are so few views on this video, or that it hadn't gone viral years ago! Great reporting!

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Well "they" certainly know who’s seen it.

Hélas !

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read elana freeland if you want to know where geoengineering is today- here is a sample utube elana with gabbi choong https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jXdvONtgc-k

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Agree, her work is extensive and extraordinary. She has a geoengineering trilogy in print.

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Water is more destructive than the fire of carpet bombings.

Just the sheer mass of water can take so many apparently solid things apart.

It's the power of Heavens to punish mankind.

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In my lifetime here in Texas: Carla, Beulah, Celia, Allen, Gilbert, Ike, Harvey, Hannah, Beryl. I study these. I lean towards our overlords making them stronger not weaker. And FEMA is their puppet.

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Excellent work Celia!

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that's ALEX JONES glory . . .

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Weather Wars weaponizing water. Can’t bombed em out wash em out. Water the most destructive force of nature. They mock us, when they claim climate crisis. They are the crisis in our weather.

Praying this stops yesterday. Silver iodide dash and within 41 minutes a monster cloud is grown.

This video needs more eyes and ears.

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All the destruction they caused with this recent hurricane was intentional, and done as just one more thing to manipulate and interfere with the elections, targeting red states And another one may be on the way. They are desperate. They know they have lost control. They know they will be prosecuted. They are evil. They do not care who dies.

And did this admin even show ANY concern or empathy whatsoever? No.

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8 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

Thoughts of a gubmint alchemist: Got my scrap book, got my pension, the view from inside my C-130 Hurricane Hunter at 20,000 feet gets a little bouncy at times but otherwise it seems downright peaceful. Life is good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtT48aADxpU

The empty vessels starting at 7:07 of Livingston's confessional flashed me back to the words on Devo's Mongoloid song: And he wore a hat And he had a job And he brought home the bacon So that no one knew . . . . .

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Thank you for posting this, Celia! I totally agree this is intentional destruction on a massive scale AGAIN!!!

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IF they did not build and steer and grow this recent Helene disaster- ( well, they prolly did) - they CERTAINLY COULD HAVE STEERED IT< SLOWED IT or even STOPPED IT !!!!!!!! Bitches.

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Overheard somewhere over Vietnam during the late '60s: Hey Bubba wadda we gonna do with all those Commies down on the ground? Bubba: We'll keep an eye on them.

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Viet War justified to stop communism, or set up the drug trade route into Central America.....................or something like that.

Not a single life was squandered....................OK, maybe just a few.

And we're doing a great job of caring for our Vets, aren't we??


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And now bill Gates has found an interest in this new 'weather toy' we should expect the worst from his insane illogical brain. My bet is he'll accidentally cause the next ICE AGE!

Unjabbed Mck (UK) We live longer without corrupt medical intervention. Particularly mRNA Death shots!

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Interesting factoid: Kurt Vonnegut's brother was a pioneer of weather modification.

Bernard Vonnegut (August 29, 1914 – April 25, 1997) was an American atmospheric scientist credited with discovering that silver iodide could be used effectively in cloud seeding to produce snow and rain.


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