Jordon Trishton Walker is REAL !

( but the guy in the video is actually Damar Hamlin...)


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Definitely Hamlin 🤣🤣🤣

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In a sane world there is no way someone like that guy could get such a position in a multi-billion dollar corporation. In today's world it wouldn't surprise me a bit.

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Director isn't a particularly senior position in a US corporate hierarchy.

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It was a lofty slot in the MIC corp. I worked for.

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Probably depends on the corporation to some extent and it also depends on where you're looking from.

But in my career director was never particularly senior. Depending on the company, above director you might have two or three VP levels and then a C level above that. Real decision making power was pretty tightly held by the C level and perhaps an EVP level. Even mid level VPs typically had to work by their ability to influence (which might be very large if they were trusted).

When you started your career at the bottom in a large company it certainly appeared that a director had a lot of power because they might have a lot of people working for them and they could certainly make a lot of decisions which affected those people and even perhaps make regional policy (although that would more typically be VP level decision) but they don't typically make decisions which affect company policy for the whole company.

Admittedly I never worked in the pharmaceutical industry.

In this case however it's seemed obvious to me just from the interview that this guy is talking about a decision which he doesn't necessarily agree with, and also pretty clearly felt he had no ability to affect.

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Thank you, Celia! And I like you honest "at the moment" approach!

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He didn’t seem sharp enough to have any scientific credentials at all.

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I don't know about that. Does Fauci seem 'smart'? Does Walensky?

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Exactly, many people in authority are idiots.

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That’s what I thought too. I watched the video and thought, “This guy sounds like a total idiot.” He definitely isn’t very well-spoken.

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Richard Fleming doesn’t believe it’s legit, but 17,500 people are on a Twitter live listening in now... https://twitter.com/doctor_i_am_the/status/1618428681566973953?s=46&t=uoxbxIaNvnAEJtysMO4QVA

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Jan 26, 2023
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Allen...You're spot on!!!

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So hard to tell anything these days... was someone trying to entrap PV? Whoever it was, ghost or not, has been scrubbed everywhere. I can't believe the attitude/behavior but if there is alcohol involved all bets are off... and workers these days..... ugh... but nothing surprises me anymore -- the attitudes are so arrogant they feel they are above the law and morals... that's why they are so blatant in what they are doing.

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Notice how we are all quantum confused ALL the time?

Sage Hana has placed a comment of mine as her banner today and wants to make a T shirt of it and I am proud of that!

"Weird bullshit all the time."

Shall we just STOP all this?

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I saw it :) wearable truth! ... but I'm not confused "all" the time... not confused when I'm walking in my garden, watching the birds, cleaning the house, enjoying good company... basically when I'm not imbibing in all the caca that passes for news/media/nonsense... this is a great time for everyone to have a pet/hobby/focus - a new language, new instrument.... finding peace in the chaos - I'm getting a little lazy and letting you filter things for me... lol... but I just don't have time to research it all myself -- thank you!

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Yes! And everyone who wants a dog, please get one from a shelter🙏💔

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Good idea Sadie. I have a young dog a ham radio hobby and a secret weapon ie I never got the clot shots! Not confused and I still find time to dig in the rabbit hole. Hang in there everybody. BS meter on 24/7

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All by design as they want our heads on a swivel 24/7.

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Yep. Addicted to hopium, that this next REVEAL will take down the CABAL!

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Exactly! And to keep the all encompassing fear mongering narrative intact to keep the masses unhinged and distracted.They're looting the country dry right from under our noses while this BS ensues.The coming CBDC implementation is the final nail in the coffin!

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Yuri Bezminov predicted as much would happen. Demoralization on steroids.

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Yep,it's all part of the playbook and now it's on full display for all the world to witness.The 4th Reich has risen.

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Yes...that is where they want us Celia. Crazy that this guy from Yale and "Medical School"would sound so ...well...stupid. Maybe the alcohol is talking - but he is not impressive. If he's real and he had that position @ Pfizer - it only partially explains where we are. The rest of why we are here - is horrifying to contemplate.

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Celia, Pfizer is definitely evil enough to do such a thing as mutate a virus but I’m not really sure the Covid virus has ever been isolated. It’s another HIV scam.

Sounds as Walker is a little drunk, probably gay and trying to pick up the PV reporter by trying to say he is a big shot and knows something that isn’t in the alternative news yet. I don’t trust this interview. Just my gut feeling

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I was married to an MD and she sounded just as stupid as this clown

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You may want to look into 🇺🇸 patents 7776521 & 7220852B1 as a gut check with its 24 inventors:


Cor¤na & Covid-SARS-2 have definitely been both isolated and patentĚd unless you want to go the clone angle; but check the problematic dates. In between Covid SARS 1 & 2.

A dangerous corona chimeric spike protein was also world (WIPO) patented at my alma mater, UNC Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill's the home of REMdesivir, Ralph Baric, ¼ billion in grant money, Kizzy Corbet's ModeRNA Vax invention & World patent Wo2002086068A2, which some believe is Covid-1. China was masking up shortly after that patent in the early 2000s. I list the most egregious patents on a friend's substack here:


Thanks for all your work Celia would love to get up sometime this week.

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The virus does not count - the pathogen does. The only sound angle of investigation is to focus on bioweapons. There will be a few (the spike protein is one), and China is duly worried.

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The felony section code is 18 U.S § 175 for bioweapons in our divinely inspired Constitution. The China patent is https://patents.google.com/patent/CN112300251A/zh

The earlier egregious ones are in my above link in this thread including US, Russia World (WIPO) and some European. The biggest issue to the RICO (raqueteering) is the US = the #1 most guilty by a long shot.

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I will offer that I stopped really believing any of these videos - although momentarily this one got me - a couple of years ago. EVERYTHING now is produced Hollywood-style and shoveled out to us for mass consumption, to keep us jacked up and adrenalin-pumped.

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That is neither here nor there. I am surprised how much time and effort MC wastes on trivial affairs (viz. Died Suddenly), and the personal angle, too. Unwarranted.

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I think his look at Died Suddenly was useful. Stu Peters should be scrutinized closely.

Crawford has done some outstanding research in exposing the evil fraud we're enduring. Our side has to be careful not to fall into traps or be led astray by controlled opposition.

On a comment thread about 6 months ago, Sage Hana went on an unhinged rant against a poster. Very weird.

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I feel like if we do...if we don't even try to get at the 'truth', even if we'll never really be able to know it...and if we did it would be almost impossible to explain...

If we don't keep questioning what the f is going on, we'll just be zombies.

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Why do you say ´her’ for SH? SH never claimed female and Mat Crawford said it is an account with multiple users and mostly run by a he, Derrick

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Sage Hana is actually a man. Matthew Crawford--who does an outstanding deep dive into many topics--exposed it in a column, maybe a month ago. I will try to find it and post it for you.

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Read the article from Matthew Crawford that I posted above. It's important for our side to deal with truth and not get trapped into lies.

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Who cares who Sage is or isn't? Is he pushing trans rights? Is he pushing transhumanism? What is Sage saying that isn't valid, no matter what the reason for why he or she or whoever chose that name?

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Take a moment to read Matthew Crawford's article.

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The guy clearly thinks what's happening isn't so good, but he's a good corporate employee. Maybe we could also ask a lethal drone operator in the military how it feels to push the button? Maybe Malone could talk about what kind of person that is?

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i was on the call for 3 hours. Walker’s identity was verified by a number of people. His LinkedIn profile was still up. More video being released Thursday..O’Keefe’s encounter with Walker. Also, Pfizer closed down all comments. The call was excellent. Many doctors weighed in, Tom Fitton was on discussing the legals, and Brett Weinstein did the closing at about midnight...remarks about our broken institutions and dire consequences for humanity.

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There may be an identity problem there. I should certainly like to have the Walker biometric data for confirmation - the modern who is who, right?

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his identity has been verified. suggest you look at all of the documents posted on Twitter by Project Veritas.

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That is paper identity, not physical. There is the rub.

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In Celia's post open the "Joon" post. Scroll down, add more replies if needed, to the "randomfemale" post, "The internet never forgets." Open attachments shown.

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I don’t trust Malone or Kirsch. They are losing control of the narrative and need a Hail Mary. This feels very off.

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I listened to 2 hours of the space. We are in a constant circle jerk. Who knows what’s real or not these days. But as far as I’m concerned, any crack that can open up discussion about everything that has happened just in the last 3 years is ok with me. I’m not playing into anything negative. I’m going to purposely stay positive and look for the good. Jesus warned us about hate and division. I’m not going to play into it. I’m gonna watch and listen and PRAY !! I always pray

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I think this was staged.

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Sad to say, I'm seeing people who have uncovered what they claim is O'Keefe's connection to Black Rock, etc. In particular, Erik Prince. If one thinks about it, you will realize that none of his "ground-breaking videos" really ever come to anything but distraction. And most of them I have rolled my eyes at because it was 'revealing' something that was already known (if one reads outside of the mainstream media). Remember this guy started his career dressing up like a pimp and walking into ACORN to blindside people into saying something incriminating, and somehow managed to get the entire organization shut down, just from that!

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I remain skeptical. Sometimes smells off here.

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Not watching it. I’m pretty much over this whole saga. I’m focusing on my children, healing our collective trauma from present & past so our future generations might have an easier go, snuggle my kitty 🐈‍⬛ and talk to my houseplants. ♥️

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