As a young policeman, I learned not to argue with drunks, junkies, the mentally ill or the ideologically possessed. For this reason, Rosenberg's theories only apply among the sober, sane, and open-minded.

Jordan Peterson described how Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn dealt with the "ideologically possessed" Marxists who filled the Soviet gulags. Even with the time afforded by their captivity, Solzhenitsyn recognized the futility of discourse with such people: "One cannot argue with Mindi because there's no Mindi there. You'd only argue with her daemon."

While it's good to open one's mind and heart to hear others, it's just as important to dismiss them before one become's their captive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w84uRYq0Uc8&t=2500s

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....and narcissists...never argue with them either...lol! :)

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"Casting pearls before swine." comes to mind.

However, and it's a BIG "however".... I believe that "drunks, junkies, the mentally ill or the ideologically possessed" are essentially crying out for loving attention AND loving limits, both of which were likely absent from their early childhood experiences.... emphasis on *loving*.

My point being:

"When children are punished for their NATURAL narcissistic tendencies and NEEDS, they will NOT naturally outgrow such tendencies and needs."

Another point:

"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter


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All true but, again, as a policeman, I was too preoccupied by immediate concerns than the root causes of their pathologies. When mothers are forced to hear the screams of their babies from hot ovens while being raped and murdered, my concern for childhood trauma passes quickly.

One must avoid being captured by social parasites. Hamas/PLO is one example: Neighboring Muslims don't want them around because of their self-destructive nature and the pathology of their progeny. Once they've declared their intent to exterminate a people or country, one is no longer obligated to haggle over childhood trauma or dialogue. Bombs and bullets are necessary when words fail.

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I object to you labeling Hamas/Palestinians as having a mental disorder for violently defending their land - which extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the River Jordan- the invading Zionists are the ones having a mental disorder - they somehow believe that it is righteous to create a new country in an area WHICH WAS ALREADY POPULATED!!!!!! WTF 😳😳😳😳😳

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Consider these facts:

The Shoe Bomber was a Muslim

The Beltway Snipers were Muslims

The Fort Hood Shooter was a Muslim

The underwear Bomber was a Muslim

The U-S.S. Cole Bombers were Muslims

The Madrid Train Bombers were Muslims

The Bafi Nightclub Bombers were Muslims

The London Subway Bombers were Muslims

The Moscow Theatre Attackers were Muslims

The Boston Marathon Bombers were Muslims

The Pan-Am flight #93 Bombers were Muslims

The Air France Entebbe Hijackers were Muslims

The Iranian Embassy Takeover, was by Muslims

The Beirut U.S. Embassy bombers were Muslims

The Libyan U.S. Embassy Attack was by Muslims

The Buenos Aires Suicide Bombers were Muslims

The Israeli Olympic Team Attackers were Muslims

The Kenyan U.S, Embassy Bombers were Muslims

The Saudi, Khobar Towers Bombers were Muslims

The Beirut Marine Barracks bombers were Muslims

The Besian Russian School Attackers were Muslims

The first World Trade Center Bombers were Muslims

The Bombay & Mumbai India Attackers were Muslims

The Achille Lauro Cruise Ship Hijackers were Muslims

The September 11th 2001 Airline Hijackers were Muslims'

Think of it:

Buddhists living with Hindus = No Problem

Hindus living with Christians = No Problem

Hindus living with Jews = No Problem

Christians living with Shintos = No Problem

Shintos living with Confucians = No Problem

Confusians living with Baha'is = No Problem

Baha'is living with Jews = No Problem

Jews living with Atheists = No Problem

Atheists living with Buddhists = No Problem

Buddhists living with Sikhs = No Problem

Sikhs living with Hindus = No Problem

Hindus living with Baha'is = No Problem

Baha'is living with Christians = No Problem

Christians living with Jews = No Problem

Jews living with Buddhists = No Problem

Buddhists living with Shintos = No Problem

Shintos living with Atheists = No Problem

Atheists living with Confucians = No Problem

Confusians living with Hindus = No Problem

Muslims living with Hindus = Problem

Muslims living with Buddhists = Problem

Muslims living with Christians = Problem

Muslims living with Jews = Problem

Muslims living with Sikhs = Problem

Muslims living with Baha'is = Problem

Muslims living with Shintos = Problem

Muslims living with Atheists = Problem


**********CONSEQUENTLY *****************

They’re not happy in Gaza

They're not happy in Egypt

They're not happy in Libya

They're not happy in Morocco

They're not happy in Iran

They're not happy in Iraq

They're not happy in Yemen

They're not happy in Afghanistan

They're not happy in Pakistan

They're not happy in Syria

They're not happy in Lebanon

They're not happy in Nigeria

They're not happy in Kenya

They're not happy in Sudan

******** So, where are they happy? **********

They're happy in Australia

They're happy in England

They're happy in Belgium

They're happy in France

They're happy in Italy

They're happy in Germany

They're happy in Sweden

They're happy in the USA & Canada

They're happy in Norway & India

They're happy in almost every country that is not Islamic!

And who do they blame? Not Islam - Not their leadership - Not themselves:

Muslims blame the countries they are happy in. They often become parasitical, refuse to assimilate, and seek to transform the functional countries they're happy in into the failed tyrannical states they came from. This is why Muslim countries refuse to accept Muslims and Palestinians, who are even too pathologized for other Muslim countries.

To accomplish these mandates, Muslims fund the following organizations:
















Abdullah Azzam Brigades: AN ISLAMIC TERROR ORGANIZATION … and many more.

Isn't 1400 years enough? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_To-cV94Bo&t=5s

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Consider these FACTS :

Harry S Truman , a NON Muslim - murdered 200,000 individuals - done , NOT to defend the US , but to warn the USSR

Adolf Hitler, a NON Muslim , murdered 6,000,000 individuals

Joseph STalin , a NON Muslim. murdered 9,000,000 individuals

Pol Pot a NON Muslim murder an estimated 1,000,000 individuals

Ted Bundi, a NON Muslim , 20 individuals

Biden/Obama NON Muslims are in Ukraine wherein they have caused thousands of deaths in order to remove Putin from power - which will cause a NUCLEAR WW3 which will wipe out more that 1/2 of humanity

Have you noticed thus far that NON Muslims are capable of mass murders.

NOw prior to 1924 Palestinians lived happily in Palestine . Then in 1924 criminal scumbags Herlz and Ben Gurion (NON MUSLIMS) decided to create a ZIonist State in Palestine - the fact that there were people living there already nothwithstanding.

You do the math.

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I'd explain further, but I haven't the time nor crayons to explain to you.

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Nov 7, 2023Edited
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I was a criminal investigator for 40+ years. One of my first lessons as a young policeman was to never argue with drunks, junkies, the mentally ill or ideologically possessed. I don’t plan to start now. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w84uRYq0Uc8&t=2500s

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Nov 7, 2023
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I did - a lot.

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My communications skills have improved by listening to Marshall's "Nonviolent Communication" seminar and putting some of his suggestions into action in my personal and business life. More things for me to untangle, but listening to this seminar has gotten my off to a great start.

Thank you for bringing Marshall's work to our attention, Celia

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Manipulating the will of any Free Soul will surely sow the seeds of unharmonious outcomes. When has tyranny ever been good for human beings? Thanks for posting this.

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“Better to light a Candle than curse the darkness."

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Better curse the darkness, because the candle is a poor adjustment to reality. When the candle is no more darkness prevails. So get adjusted to the darkness and you will see other options.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Or realistic, often confused with being pessimistic

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There is no cup, so what is half empty?

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Nov 6, 2023
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Half empty, is on the way to emptiness, sunyata, the Zen-buddhistic term for the non-existence of anything, while half full is not half empty, otherwise it would have been called half empty. So, if half full is not half empty we can only conclude that half full, is about 50% of full. Ergo, when the light shines, darkness is still there, be it not 100%. Half illuminated?

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Nov 6, 2023
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To diagnose often leads to a self-fulling diagnosis…

To prognosticate often leads to a self-fulling prognosis too….

The power of suggestion can be deadly.

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As evidenced in the “pandemic”!

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Very good! Thought provoking!

Labels are a road to dehumanizing "others." Once you've dehumanized, there is seemingly no punishment against that "non-human" that can't be justified somehow. Clearly this tactic is used to silence people. Why should a "racist" or a "homophobe" enjoy any 1st Amendment rights? It's not even required to produce any evidence the person actually IS in any way racist or homophobic. Just the unsubstantiated label alone justifies almost ANY vile act against another, in the social justice warrior's mind.

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I watched about an hour to the clip of Marshall Rosenberg and now I see how the USA arrived at the point it is at now, a deplorable trainwreck. The degenerate indoctrination of Mr Rosenberg molded so many gullible Americans into marxist zombies. So it is a shame he did not have a clear picture why manipulating another is always a bad thing, even when you desire that people are communicating with each other as giraffes, to keep their heads up high, a fine piece of symbolism of arrogance. This was a poor sentimental exercise in my opinion. I am sure I will now be banned for life to give any further comments in this place, because I am too much of a Jackal.

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Interesting observation. I may watch it now.

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Nov 6, 2023
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Are you really willing to say in public that you would re-define "narcissist" as somebody who is NEVER insulted? Narcissism begins and ends with the infinite interest in affrontery. You can hate this material but giraffe is not a narcissistic idea.

Narcissists are abrasive and rude. They think expressing their contempt, superiority, disdain, etc is important and welcome. They never think of the value in keeping quiet in such moments. That is why the world is the way it is.

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Regarding narcissism and "that is why the world is the way it is."

When children are punished for their NATURAL narcissistic tendencies and NEEDS, they will NOT naturally outgrow such tendencies and needs.

We are ALL born narcissists. Having our childhood narcissistic NEEDS met with LOVING attention, understanding and empathy is what helps us outgrow this state. Sadly most children are met with punishment in one form or another and they suppress these needs and carry them forward into adulthood.

The world is the way it is, because we keep on raising children with violence... some more subtle and insidious than others... thereby raising children into power-hungry narcissistic adults.

It will NEVER end, until we APPLY what we already KNOW about what children actually NEED to thrive.

Modern societies are very UN-friendly towards children's needs...


"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:


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Yes! Then there are all the violent and drug/alcohol filled Hollywood movies. There should be way more movies featuring people teaching self-defense as shown on Walker Texas Ranger. Chuck Norris is a great man, teaching self-defense to people living in the seedier areas of Texas (or any other major city). It would also be a great addition to K-12 P.E. classes and for families that are interested (maybe for a fee).

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The perennial orthodox tradition from Plato to Paul (and beyond) is that human nature is a paradox of good and evil. Beware any snake oil salesmen who come along saying human nature is only good, or only evil. Rosenberg then compounds this problem by setting up a form of this paradox contradicting his "human nature is innately good" premise.

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"Labelling and diagnosing is a terrible way to communicate", yet, that's exactly what psychiatrists do on a daily basis.

Any doctor worth his salt will tell you that patients are not only stunned but are grateful when the diagnosis of terminal cancer is revealed to them. They are even more grateful when he communicates to them that there is a cure. Therefore, I cannot agree with Marshall's statement.

"...we will see that punishment never works." Give me a break! I grew up where punishment taught me respect and was also a deterrent. Even when a child reaches up and touches a hot burner on a stove, they don't need to be punished by their parent; the burn was enough punishment and deterrent from doing it again. Adequate and appropriate punishment / experience is quite often the best teacher.

We need to seriously think some of these so-called professional statements through. Heck! Just look at society around us today...positive proof that the advice and teachings of the so-called "experts" failed miserably to make it better than it was only four years ago! Here's a statement worth considering...

If punishment wasn't worthwhile, then why do we have laws and so many jails and prisons? Apart from being job-making places, they actually deter a lot of crimes, and some inmates actually do come out rehabilitated, against the desire of aforementioned institutions.

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Well, I fundamentally disagree with the notion that bombs, etc are EVER *necessary*.

Not sure if I already posted this portion of my longer "standard" comment here. If so, please disregard the repetition. For me this kind of information can't be shared enough...

And remember, genital mutilation is ROUTINELY practiced by both Jews and Muslims AND Americans!!


Lisa Enos

This may be of interest...


One area of the CIA’s research that is rarely talked about, or even known, is male circumcision or genital mutilation. PRACTICED ROUTINELY by #JEWS, #MUSLIMS and #AMERICANS!!


Cansever describes a study of the psychology of boys circumcised between the ages of 4 and 7 both before and after the surgery, based on various methods of psychological examination, and reports the following trends among the subjects:

- lower IQ as measured 7 days after the operation

- infantile regression of drawings and expressed wishes

- greater measured levels of aggression

- new fears and anxieties

- weaker control over primitive impulses to the point of maladaption

- greater aggression towards their mothers

- withdrawal from human relationships and difficulty responding to demands of external world

- perceptions of having been castrated

It turns out that in 1961, the CIA had payed “Cansever” to study the effects of circumcision, and he found that it made boys dumber, more infantile, more fearful, and more aggressive, with less control over their base instincts and a healthy dose of aggression towards the most significant female figure in their lives, their mothers.

If the findings of this study hold true for boys circumcised younger, it might suggest that the United States contains some 100+ million men who have been psychologically altered, from as early as infancy, to be stupider, to have lower impulse control, to tend towards aggression and violence, and to possess an instinctual distrust of women. Throw in the diminishing effects of circumcision on penile sensitivity and the consequent difficulties of sex and tendency towards paraphilias, and a picture begins to emerge of an organic golem that can be manipulated more easily by carrots and is less able to establish a normal, healthy relationship with a woman—splitting the family apart or preventing its formation has always been a goal of oppressive regimes, including the one that currently rules over the US.

Unfortunately for many of us, there exists, at this point, ample evidence that events in infancy can and do have measurable effects on the hindbrain, the part of our brain that drives instinctual, “gut” reactions and behavior. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic events that trigger stress hormones such as partial amputation of the penis, routinely performed at birth in this country. Although humans are cognizant of their lives, making behaviorism a dead area of psychology, it is still understood that instinctual behavior plays a role in decision-making, which is why propaganda and advertising are so widespread. How attached will men be to their women if they are surgically predisposed more to masturbate to pornography than to enjoy normal, PIV sex? Is it really a stretch to claim that enjoyment of sex is determined, in part, by the existing or removed enervation of the sex organ involved, and that this might have an effect on the interpersonal relationships of men and women across the country?

It is also worth noting that, according to Leonard Glick in Marked in Your Flesh, circumcision of gentiles is twice used in the Old Testament as a means of disfiguring humiliation and domination by Israelites, and it may still be interpreted as such by a certain religiously-minded tribe. I am not a mind-reader, and intelligent minds can differ on the motivations of various groups that encourage circumcision in the United States, but the historical context of mass, non-consensual circumcision of gentiles may be a clue as to what is going on here."

Link to PDF:


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Indeed , Nicoletta Bombs, I.e. weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) are never necessary . The attacks on Nagasaki and Hiroshima were unnecessary criminal acts. For Shame

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Pacifists would love Leon Tolstoy’s “The Kingdom of God Is Within You” (1894) wherein he argued in favor of non violent resistant as taught by Jesus Christ. The “turn the other cheek” syndrome.

I respectfully disagree. I prefer the “go ahead make my day “ technique . Not because I enjoy violence but because there are certain humans out there who use violence because they are lazy and dishonest-

for example the Biden Junta will attempt to to impose the so called “Green New Deal” on us because it is an unworkable socialist scheme wherein some will profit and which most will reject because it will bring about misery and tyranny.

Do that means I love violence? Of course not . Violence is a reaction based upon self preservation and Liberty of choice . A necessary evil.

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I detect an apparent paradox early on in his worldview:

1) Humans are innately, naturally good.

2) Yet humans have successfully persuaded millions (maybe billions) of their fellow humans to enjoy evil through jackal language.

Does he resolve the paradox by answering the question -- how did #2 develop so massively and sustained for so long, if #1 is true? Do I want to continue watching to find out? I'm not sure.

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I have not watched the video and don't know a lot about Marshall Rosenberg or NVC, but the paradox you point to prompted a reply in me...

1.) I do believe that humans are innately *good*... with an equal and opposite potential for *evil*.

2.) We live in a traumatized ... and therefore traumatizing.... world. I know that *trauma* may be wildly overused and I also think that most people have no genuine interest or understanding of trauma and how it manifests or what its vast and all pervasive consequences are, especially in "modern" society, where we supposedly have it better than any other time in human history. The problem is that children are *compromised* early on and NOTHING is going to fundamentally change, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years, because EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years.


Indeed... And it ALL begins here.... now... with the CHILDREN...

I have posted the following elsewhere and repeatedly.... and will likely continue to do so ... Please take what you like and leave the rest...



"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."

~ Krishnamurti


"We are faced with a breakdown of general social order and human values that threatens stability [and survival] throughout the world. Existing knowledge cannot meet this challenge. Something much deeper is needed, a completely new approach. I am suggesting that the very means by which we try to solve our problems is the problem. The source of our problems is within the structure of thought itself."

~ David Bohm (1981)


NOTHING will change fundamentally, until we fundamentally change the way we perceive and treat children. Until then, we will continue to see childhood adversity re-enacted upon EVERY aspect of society, because EVERYTHING that humans think, believe and DO, happens DOWNSTREAM from the way we perceive and treat children during their FORMATIVE years. The human brain is not fully developped until the early 20's...

Furthermore, #childhood #adversity more often than not consists of imposing utterly INSANE societal standards of "normalcy" on children, to which they MUST conform, in order to survive, at a time when they are too young to understand and reject the madness being imposed on them.

The "masses" are essentially clueless and unaware of their own conditioning...

It will never end... as long as we continue to raise children with violence... however subtle and insidious or well-intentioned, ie violence in the name of "discipline", "religion/tradition", "preventative health care" or "protection"....



"It is paradoxical, yet true:

Children are the most

in need of loving attention,

when they act the least deserving of it."

~ Aletha Solter



“The total neglect or trivialization of the childhood factor operative in the context of violence and the way it evolves in early infancy sometimes leads to explanations that are not only unconvincing and abortive but actively deflect attention away from the genuine roots of violence."

~ Alice Miller

Full article




"What kind of a society is it, that does NOT place the Children's Fire at the very centre of its institutions of power?

It's an INSANE society!"

~ Tim "Mac" Macartney


Please Watch this Video presentation:



Why males are more violent:



Eric Clopper and Dr Denniston ... #circumcision




Circumcision: the human rights violation hiding in plain sight:



"One area of the CIA’s research that is rarely talked about, or even known, is male circumcision or genital mutilation.

Cansever describes a study of the psychology of boys circumcised between the ages of 4 and 7 both before and after the surgery, based on various methods of psychological examination, and reports the following trends among the subjects:

• lower IQ as measured 7 days after the operation

• infantile regression of drawings and expressed wishes

• greater measured levels of aggression

• new fears and anxieties

• weaker control over primitive impulses to the point of maladaption

• greater aggression towards their mothers

• withdrawal from human relationships and difficulty responding to demands of external world

• perceptions of having been castrated

It turns out that in 1961, the CIA had payed “Cansever” to study the effects of circumcision, and he found that it made boys dumber, more infantile, more fearful, and more aggressive, with less control over their base instincts and a healthy dose of aggression towards the most significant female figure in their lives, their mothers.

If the findings of this study hold true for boys circumcised younger, it might suggest that the United States contains some 100+ million men who have been psychologically altered, from as early as infancy, to be stupider, to have lower impulse control, to tend towards aggression and violence, and to possess an instinctual distrust of women.

Throw in the diminishing effects of circumcision on penile sensitivity and the consequent difficulties of sex and tendency towards paraphilias, and a picture begins to emerge of an organic golem that can be manipulated more easily by carrots and is less able to establish a normal, healthy relationship with a woman—splitting the family apart or preventing its formation has always been a goal of oppressive regimes, including the one that currently rules over the US.

Unfortunately for many of us, there exists, at this point, ample evidence that events in infancy can and do have measurable effects on the hindbrain, the part of our brain that drives instinctual, “gut” reactions and behavior. This is especially true when it comes to traumatic events that trigger stress hormones such as partial amputation of the penis, routinely performed at birth in this country.

Although humans are cognizant of their lives, making behaviorism a dead area of psychology, it is still understood that instinctual behavior plays a role in decision-making, which is why propaganda and advertising are so widespread. How attached will men be to their women if they are surgically predisposed more to masturbate to pornography than to enjoy normal, PIV sex? Is it really a stretch to claim that enjoyment of sex is determined, in part, by the existing or removed enervation of the sex organ involved, and that this might have an effect on the interpersonal relationships of men and women across the country?

It is also worth noting that, according to Leonard Glick in Marked in Your Flesh, circumcision of gentiles is twice used in the Old Testament as a means of disfiguring humiliation and domination by Israelites, and it may still be interpreted as such by a certain religiously-minded tribe. I am not a mind-reader, and intelligent minds can differ on the motivations of various groups that encourage circumcision in the United States, but the historical context of mass, non-consensual circumcision of gentiles may be a clue as to what is going on here."

Link to PDF:



Dissolving my vaxxed illusions:




~ Ghislaine Lanctôt

Direct link to PDF file:



Paul Valery declared “War is a place where young people who don’t know each other kill each other, based on decisions made by old people, who know each other and hate each other, but don’t kill each other.”


Harry Patch, last surviving soldier of WW1, who died in 2009, bravely said “War is organised murder and nothing else”.


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I greatly resonate with all these quotes. 100% concur and agree. We are now watching child sacrifice, in Gaza, as part of the daily weather. And our indifference to children is so advanced, that protesting it gets you slapped down as an Israel hater and Jew hater and self hater and Hamas lover need I go on?

I love Alice Miller and used to quote her often.

I was sad when her son made that documentary.

The monetary system is the root of all our problems.

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According to Madeline Albright killing a thousand children in Iraq was worthy because it advanced the CIA and Mossad policies. If you were a member of a disfavored ethnic group you were SOL. So violence like fire is a necessary evil which must be used carefully when necessary. C’est La vie.

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I forgot to reply to your comment that you were "sad when her son made that documentary".

I am not sure I saw the documentary.... do you have a source? But I did read his biographical book. It was not an easy read, that's for sure, but I thought it was extremely important and valuable.

So I am curious why you felt "sad"....

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I hear you AND I can NOT agree with your last statement.

When I write that "money has replaced Human Values", I am NOT saying that money (or our monetary system) is the problem. I used to think it was... or at the very least I thought that "the love of money is the root of all evil". Is that actually a Biblical saying? I must look it up.

Here is the thing, however: money... in whatever form or system... and also the "love of money"... are SYMPTOMS/EFFECTS of a society made up of profoundly "sick" (= traumatized) people, and it is these human beings who are projecting their trauma outwards and through everything they do.... or don't do.

We need to address what makes people sick and greedy for more and more money, and then we need to PREVENT children growing into the same "sickness". THAT.... IMO... is the ROOT of the problem.

In order to do this, enough adults will need to turn inward to FACE and INTEGRATE their own childhood adversity. Something that most people will find too painful and "difficult".

As long as we keep looking for answers or change in the symptoms and effects, everything we do will remain IN-EFFECT-IVE in the long run.

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Just to go back to the beginning of your post:

"1.) I do believe that humans are innately *good*... with an equal and opposite potential for *evil*."

Your distinction seems to hinge on the word "potential" -- perhaps exploiting its innate (pun intended) ambiguity ontologically speaking. The distinction to me seems to be a "tomato, tomato".

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Yeah.... I expected someone to pick up on "potential"... I am not sure how to respond ... yet. Will have to see if anything comes forth...

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Most interesting and thought provoking. Thank you

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Perhaps it is possible that humans are innately good but have been manipulated for thousands of years by other forces to do evil.

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The war between good and evil is within ourselves.

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I think the perennial standard has been a paradox of internal/external forces (e.g., the Satan symbolism superadded to the Original Sin symbolism).

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It is a common misunderstanding that humans are innately good. It is the same wrong assumption that all children are born innocent. When we take reincarnation into the equation and take a short break to buddhism, we will soon be convinced that we are here on Earth out of necessity, it is our karma! In former lives we all have forged bonds with all kinds of unquenchable desires, some lofty many rather base. This mix forms a peculiar ‘magnetism’ that pulls us after death back to Earth, to reincarnate in the appropriate/fair region and meet our parents in harsh or benevolent circumstances. Buddhists use to reiterate that one needs to live a exemplary life to earn a good rebirth, I believe they are right. Again, not a single person on Earth is born innocent, which is testified by the Blackfoot Indians, who got their feet stained and could not ascend the ladder to heaven. But stains do not last forever, and when the bills are paid, we will earn the full self-consciousness and happiness that cannot be lost or severed, ever.

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Well, that is one perspective and interpretation.

I still think that all babies are born innocent and innately "good". Even with the idea of reincarnation taken into account. To me, the earth environment is a LEARNING environment... and each lifetime is an opportunity to reconnect with our truest nature, which I believe to be the Nature of the Innocent Child. MOST of our learning here is actually UN-learning that which has come between us and our True Nature ... in other words identifying and learning what is true versus what is false.

I don't know where the Blackfoot Indigenous people got their name from, but I don't think it has anything to do with what you claim.

Neither do I believe that we must *earn* anything that "cannot be lost or severed, ever", in fact that notion (which I agree with, btw) that we cannot lose or be severed from our full self-consciousness and happiness ... that notion itself is in contradiction with the notion of having to "earn" it. No, I think we merely have to RE-cognize who and what we truly ARE: innocent and wholly (holy) worthy children of God, and then act from that place of KNOWING who/what we are.

I am not suggesting that this is necessarily easy....

Here is Alice Miller's take on the innocence of the child:

1. The newborn is always innocent.

2. Each child needs among other things: care, protection, security, warmth, skin contact, touching, caressing, and tenderness.

3. These needs are seldom sufficiently fulfilled; in fact, they are often exploited by adults for their own ends (trauma of child abuse).

4. Child abuse has lifelong effects.

5. Society takes the side of the adult and blames the child for what has been done to him or her.

6. The victimization of the child has historically been denied and is still being denied, even today.

7. This denial has made it possible for society to ignore the devastating effects of the victimization of the child for such a long time.

8. The child, when betrayed by society, has no choice but to repress the trauma and to idealize the abuser.

9. Repression leads to neuroses, psychoses, psychosomatic disorders, and delinquency.

10. In neuroses, the child’s needs are repressed and/or denied; instead, feelings of guilt are experienced.

11. In psychoses, the mistreatment is transformed into a disguised illusory version (madness).

12. In psychosomatic disorders, the pain of mistreatment is felt but the actual origins are concealed.

13. In delinquency, the confusion, seduction, and mistreatment of childhood are acted out again and again.

14. The therapeutic process can be successful only if it is based on uncovering the truth about the patient’s childhood instead of denying that reality.

15. The psychoanalytic theory of “infantile sexuality” actually protects the parent and reinforces society’s blindness.

16. Fantasies always serve to conceal or minimize unbearable childhood reality for the sake of the child’s survival; therefore, the so-called invented trauma is a less harmful version of the real, repressed one.

17. The fantasies expressed in literature, art, fairy tales, and dreams often unconsciously convey early childhood experiences in a symbolic way.

18. This symbolic testimony is tolerated in our culture thanks to society’s chronic ignorance of the truth concerning childhood; if the import of these fantasies were understood, they would be rejected.

19. A past crime cannot be undone by our understanding of the perpetrator’s blindness and unfulfilled needs.

20. New crimes, however, can be prevented, if the victims begin to see and be aware of what has been done to them.

21. Therefore, the reports of victims will be able to bring about more awareness, consciousness, and sense of responsibility in society at large.

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Wow, thank you for your hard work. Of course, the youngest childs are innocent, as they are more animal than human and they really can do no harm, with the exception of vomiting when it is not convenient. And yes, repression of all sorts will damage a personality, but mind you, this is all part and parcel of ones struggle, ones karma, ones accumulated store of good or bad actions in the past.

#20. Can crimes be prevented? O yes, when one is disciplined (which stems from the sacred word disciple) and has a sound moral judgment. But this is not the result of the awareness of what has been done to them, because that awareness will seldom result in forgiveness, and if there is no forgiveness, mind you, the cycle continues endlessly. A child abuser is most likely abused himself in his youth. Such vicious cycles tend to repeat even after incarnations, so it is very important, crucial, to cut off the snakes head of infinite continuation if done at the proper moment. It would be like an initiation.

But going back to the innocence of a child. When reasoning and consciousness are evolving and the ego is experiencing the manifestation of a conscience (btw. reincarnating is not a one time event, it is not only an event just at or before birth but can be viewed as an ongoing process that is actually finished at adulthood, then starts the reverse process of ex-carnating, very slowly, bit by bit) and the seeds we sowed in a former existence or of even some former existences, begin to germinate and life starts to become difficult. Criminals of a former life, can be attracted to the same kind of characters and can show less love and sympathy for others, they can go an easy downsloping path. So we can see that a child changes behaviour and character when it grows into adolescence (is still incarnating) and especially when leaving home. Each person is in any given moment of his life a slightly different individual as he was before, even a minute later. So, in a way a child is innocent and on the other hand not, because we all carry the burden of the past with us. But caring and loving will help, not with erasing the karmic consequences of former actions, these form an indelible imprint in the spiritual part of our Home, from which we all started this difficult journey, but with giving the child a vision of righteousness and its boon, so it is a matter of communicating to the heart with which it could change its course in life.

I do not believe the reports of victims will bring about more awareness, as more reports of alcoholism do not diminish the number addicted to it. It is important that people become aware of the unseen influences that accompany improper behaviour. It is important that adults become aware that harboring nasty and filthy thoughts attract elementals, horrifying monsters, that just haunt the pedofiles and which are the bad remains of the dead who did feel just that terrible attraction to lust. It is very important that people try to educate themselves in what really drives mad men and the psychotic, the obsessed.

Psychiatrists are mostly educated but helpless fools, but a loving nurse can make the difference. One should study the works of H.P. Blavatsky and dr. G. de Purucker (theosociety.org) and Buddhism to get really in depth knowledge of what is going on in Man and how to ameliorate society.

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There seems to be a gnosticism lurking in the mythology of Innocent Childhood leading to corruption of its innate perfection -- particularly if some "solution" is being promised through some new system of thought. Not to mention the question-begging involved: Who is doing the corrupting? When did this corruption begin? How could it have ever begun, if all children are perfect? Questions ignored by the mythmaker.

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Right so. There is a saying that we make ourselves entirely, from the start. Even in the womb of the mother after gestation has taken place. We cannot blame anyone for anything when we through the course of millions of choices in our live end up in a dead end street. There is not a single mishap in life that is not a result of our own doing.

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I largely agree, though life (which includes culture) can involve a multitude of tangles and snares, so to speak, which can make it hard for the individual to find and sustain his or her integrity.

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I think I generally agree with your perspective AND there are many paths all leading to the same ultimate outcome.

Are you familiar with A Course In Miracles?

A couple of quotes come to mind:

"Tolerance for pain may be high, but it is not without limit. Eventually everyone begins to recognize, however dimly, that there must be a better way."

"Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists. Herein lies the peace of God."

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Just took the time to watch this. Thanks for sharing! ♥ I read his NVC book years ago; time to read it again.

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So many heart swellings and nascent tears I experienced on listening to this...when a thing rings true...and you find yourself thinking ah that’s how it is! ...how it was.... what it means...

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Everything I see around me - in the news, ads, the overt glorification of violence in entertainment media, the opinions I hear from my family and friends and neighbours - it's not just that violence is made enjoyable, it's also cleverly presented to make us think there is no other way to live. Lately I've even noticed a harsh backlash against 'gentle parenting'. I'm almost glad my own children are not having kids.

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