Just remember the current Pope is every bit as much of a fraud as JoeBAMA. He is a NWO puppet. The Jesuits we're exiled from the Catholic church long ago because they did not obey the teachings of the Catholic church. How and when they came back into the fold I do not know. Money perhaps? But this Pope was "placed" for a reason and it all has to do with the NWO. He is pushing the narrative that Russia is the bad guy by his recent declaration. I will be very interested in Abp Vigano's (the man that should have been Pope) insights are regarding this move. Although Putin is no angel but this Pope and the things he has said and supported makes me believe, after his current move, even more this entire event is planned and orchestrated to destroy Russia. The US and our relationship with the corrupt Ukraine goverenment goes back many decades and has US and NWO/Great Reset stink all over it. All indications are the US under Obama was behind the coup in Ukraine. Ukraine the child sex trafficking capitol of the world. Is it any wonder the perverted Biden and Clinton families are so deeply entrenched? The largest donor from a country to the Clinton Foundation is Ukraine. The bio labs set up in Ukraine by the US with the help of Obama. The promises made by NATO to Russia and other countries they failed to keep. The Holocaust committed by Ukraine in which the US and the CIA made sure not one Ukraine went before the Nuremberg trials for their crimes against Jews in their country. The US/CIA protected them from prosecution. Why? Both Russia and Ukraine are corrupt but anymore for me if the US or this Pope are leaning to the left I am inclined to lean right. In other words I believe the total opposite of anything they say. I also believe the real culprit right now is the US government. Ukraine has enough dirt on Obama, the Clintons, the Biden crime family, Fauci and many others that would put them and many more in prison for the remainder of their miserable lives. Yes Fauci too. There is a reason why Fauci has been in that job for over 40 years and it has nothing to do with his expertise as a doctor, scientist or researcher. Ukraine is nothing but a money laundering operation for many criminals we all know. PEPFAR is a slush fund for Ukraine to flow money back to those criminals we know. $90 billion slush fund. This entire operation stinks and once again the MSM pushes the false narrative and the sheeple line up to follow this corrupt government of ours. Geez do people never learn. Russia bad, the US and Ukraine good when the truth is they are ALL bad. There is a reason for what is taking place and it has nothing to do with the narrative they are pushing. Reports from Americans volunteering in Ukraine are starting to circulate. Dead bodies covered up that are moving and covering themselves. Ukraine is killing people and blaming the murders on Russia. It is all Kabuki theater and by the time the sheeple see the truth it will be too late. Just like it is too late for the billions that believed the COVID lie and took their poison injection.

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Totally agree.

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Pope Francis is owned! He is a real Pope as Brandon is a real president.

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The previous pope (Benedict) was no good either.


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I agree. Francis is an antipope. Benedict is still Pope. Fatima is real (see Miracle of the Sun).


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The Fatima events are a very strange business. There is a certain critical perspective which has rarely been brought to analysing the topic because of the unusual position it occupies: for those within the Catholic Church, the events are part of the furniture and treated with, at the very least, a holy respect. Outside the Catholic Church, no one is particularly invested or interested and it all seems like some weird culty thing that happened that doesn't really matter. I think both positions miss something crucial. It is necessary to examine this topic without treating it as so holy that it cannot be questioned, nor so marginal that it doesn't matter. Let's plunge right in.

The place to begin is the so-called assassination attempt on John Paul II on May 13 1981, the Feast Day of Our Lady of Fatima. You can try this at home: google as many photos of the event as you like, and try to find a single spot of blood in the Popemobile. The pope was struck four times by bullets and was said to have suffered significant blood loss. He was wearing a white cassock. So before you look at the photos, just have a think about it. Should there be some blood? Or no blood at all? Now that you've thought about it, check out the photos. And the winner is: no blood. Not a drop. Read about it, and all the accounts have blood sloshing around the in the PopeMobile, blood everywhere, so much blood. But look at those photos. Not a drop.

I understand how tough this is to swallow, but the assassination was a fake event. They wouldn't get away with it now because there would be way too many pictures. Later, in 2000, they released a fake version of the third secret, tying it to the 'miraculous' events of the fake assassination. There is some very deep deception at play here in the highest levels of the Catholic Church.

And now we are seeing the end-game. If Malachi Martin was correct, that the real third secret was about the satanic corruption of the last pope, then one can perhaps begin to understand the motivation for the Church to suppress this secret and replace it with another. Which is what happened. If I am correct. Or if my eyes do not deceive me when I see not a single drop of blood in the Popemobile.

So now we are seeing the final phase of this deception playing out. With the last pope now making a play to activate that final secret. We have lies within lies within lies. Something happened at Fatima in 1917. It was not nothing, as the secular world might think. But neither was it the holy thing that the Catholic church wants to think. And whatever it was, it has been hijacked as part of a diabolical plot at the highest levels, a spiritual deception. And here we are, 2022, and the final act it seems about to play out.

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I can easily believe that this Jesuit Pope is more evil than good. As an ex Catholic I do not believe in the infallibility of the Pope. Nor would I ever worship Mary, who was only a very blessed woman. Pope Francis appears to working with the Great Reset Globalists. Whether supporting climate change propaganda or Socialism, he is definetly not a man of the people.

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This is a good overview: https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/pope-francis-will-consecrate-russia?s=w

There has been talk/speculation off and on in the Church over the third secret of Fatima. Some say it referred to the shooting of St. Pope John Paul II. Others say there is more, but the Church does not want to reveal it because it is too difficult. Many traditional Catholics believe Francis is a bad pope or worse. Others are disappointed in some of the ambiguous things he says. The more progressive wing of the Church likes him a great deal.

As a practicing and hopefully devout Catholic I know that Fatima is considered "private revelation" and while approved by the Church, one does not have to hold to it and it must be seen in the context of the scriptures and tradition of the Church.

Consecrating Russia to Mary and asking for Mary to pray with us about the horrible situation in Ukraine can only be good. For those that don't like the Pope, it is good to remember that as an ordained priest, his personal failings do not matter when he offers prayers to God "in persona Christi". In the past, the Church praying together has achieved miracles. However, we all have free will, and God does not go against that. Hopefully though, such prayers may help open hearts.

There are many conspiracy theories around Fatima. I did not used to believe in conspiracy theories but Covid changed that:) However as to Fatima and end times - I know that God works in His own good time and one never knows when one's own personal "end day" will come, so I need to be prepared for that.

There are also the visions of Garabandal which predict punishment and miracles and a warning - sometime in the near future.

Here is what the Catechism says of end times:

The Church's ultimate trial

675 Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers.574 The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth575 will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.576

676 The Antichrist's deception already begins to take shape in the world every time the claim is made to realize within history that messianic hope which can only be realized beyond history through the eschatological judgment. The Church has rejected even modified forms of this falsification of the kingdom to come under the name of millenarianism,577 especially the "intrinsically perverse" political form of a secular messianism.578

677 The Church will enter the glory of the kingdom only through this final Passover, when she will follow her Lord in his death and Resurrection.579 The kingdom will be fulfilled, then, not by a historic triumph of the Church through a progressive ascendancy, but only by God's victory over the final unleashing of evil, which will cause his Bride to come down from heaven.580 God's triumph over the revolt of evil will take the form of the Last Judgment after the final cosmic upheaval of this passing world.581

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"The more progressive wing of the Church" is the result of the smoke of Satan having entered the Church through the cracks of Vatican 2. Now, is there any less progressive wing? What an abominable misuse of terminology - progressive in itself is anathema to the faith that is constant and unmovable; it is straight from the conceptual vocabulary of the bolshevik. SPX fittingly defined modernism as the sum of all heresies, and it is the very fountain from which progressives imbibe their poison.

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That is precisely exactly what Malachi Martin documented.

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I can easily believe that this Jesuit Pope is more evil than good. As an ex Catholic I do not believe in the infallibility of the Pope. Nor would I ever worship Mary, who was only a very blessed woman. Pope Francis appears to be working with the Great Reset Globalists. Whether supporting climate change propaganda or Socialism, he is definetly not a man of the people.

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I found this highly informative article some maybe interested in reading. It gave me additional understanding of the role Russia.


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Ummm?? Article makes sense, ""Such a red herring has accomplished the goal of not arousing suspicion as to the real plot to take over the Ukraine, just as Palestine was in the late 1940s. Furthermore, witness Israel’s extraordinary silence regarding the whole AAA misadventure in the Ukraine before and during the ongoing, fabricated civil war. Their silence is even more deafening in view of the fascist Neo-nazi thugs being cynically used to advance Kiev’s genocidal agenda throughout the eastern Ukraine. Of course, this strategy is identical to Israel’s slow motion genocide of the Palestinians, as well as the systematic and outright theft of their land"".

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The Future Of the World Lies With Russia

“Through Russia comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism — no! But freedom — freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world.”
~ Edgar Cayce

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i. e. Paulinism/Augustinism/Aquinism is dying; evangelism is toast.

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Celia, Thanks for posting the Fr. Malachi Martin video, and directing our attention to the ongoing conflict between Kiev and Moscow. I could ramble on, and I probably will at a later time when I have more facts and links to post for support. but this is actually a SPIRITUAL WAR at root. There has been a satanic attack on the Russian/Greek Orthodox church for over 1,000 years. the recent Oliver Stone follow up about "Ukraine on Fire" called "Revealing Ukraine" really explains this well in the war between the AustroHungarian empire and Russia.


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It is amusing to see some people trying to make sense of Fatima and then commenting as if experts on the subject with only a cursory scan of the interwebs.

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I think it's better we do that than ignore it altogether. And many people not his threat know a lot.

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Much ado about nothing.

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I'm a Jew from Texas. This was never covered in Sunday school. I am clueless. Do I move up my coffee dates with friends?

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Good points:) I think many can relate.

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Ann Barnhardt just did a podcast about this. Keep in mind that she does not believe Bergoglio is the Pope.


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She seems somewhat muddled on this one.

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Can someone point me to a short introductory summary of what this is about? I’m ignorant about the topic. Thanks.

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Mar 20, 2022
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Thank you I'll check look at those articles.

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Heavenly Lights: The Apparitions of Fatima and UFO Phenomena


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Isn't it odd? I remember Father Malachi on Art Bell, and what he said. Wondering if Russia now isn't going to save us from the globalists.

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Catholicism: What a bunch of Anti-Biblical garbage. I was raised Catholic & lived it. Live your life according to what the Bible says & have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

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Amen. I escaped that church too. "Devotion" to the Catholic church! That says it all. No devotion to one mediator between God and man...Jesus Christ. praying to Mary, saints etc, all garbage lies of deception. The invention of the printing press allowed people to read the bible themselves, before that it was kept under lock and chain by *priests*. The book of Revelation describes the end times. Yes, relationship is ALL that God wants not silly made up beliefs ala the popes and rituals. Find the truth while you may. You must be born again as Jesus told you.

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