Before viruses and vaccines became so dominant of a topic, monetary policy was my main focus of conspiracy research. The banks are what rule the world and they have since the first bank figured out how to lend more money than it had while charging interest.

If you want to see the average person's head explode, explain to them how the government could take back the power to create money from banks and eliminate taxes completely. The two main purposes of taxes is not to fund the government, but to limit inflation because of their insane expansion of the money supply through endless borrowing. Also, taxes are used to control behavior. That's it.

Also remember, that every war is a banker's war, with both sides being financed by the same bankers. War is great for business and awful for people. I don't even understand how anyone wants to fight in any war. Zero of them are for the benefit of the people.

If you want to go down the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes, research how the Rothschilds created their empire of world-wide banking dominance.

Also consider that every single US president that was either assassinated or had an attempt on their life did something just prior that really angered those bankers and threatened their existence. I could go down the list, but this post is long enough.

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Private solution in the face of power: bit.ly/bankingwithoutbanks

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The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin.

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and, as is typical with Ponsi schemes, you can’t stop so the bubble gets bigger until it pops… this is an international mega mother of all ponsi… probably the last bubble to implode & take everything with it… probably why their urgency to get the demonic CBDC system up and running.

so the federal government obligations are supposedly backed by the federal government’s taxing authority but there an inconvenient problem with that called the Laffer Curve showing the relationship of tax rates with revenues realized. zero revenues at 100% rate so at a certain point, go any higher revenues decline… Obama famously approved of this penalty. add federal, state& local in some cases, places exceeding 100% and the most productive choose leisure over work.

that the Dollar was adopted for international trade / oil was our salvation so far? BRICs nations developing a currency actually backed by commodities including gold.

so with decrease in demand for dollars due to competitor trade currencies also decrease in demand for Federal Bonds which were purchased with the dollars accumulated through trade to be recycled into investments, is this be the straw that breaks the camel’s back?

transitioning from the Harlot to the beast… God help us.

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For how many decades has Ron Paul demanded we audit the FED?

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I think Bill Gates patent on mining "bitcoin" from electrical energy produced by the human body perfectly encapsulates your last two posts (in an attractive LNP coating)

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It's a great deal older and more occult that fifteenth-century goldsmithing. It is a control and harvesting mechanism created by ancient Babylonian black magic.

Have a look at the work of, for example, Dr Joseph P Farrell:


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For more on this important topic, check out the incredible resources available @ Mises.org (Austrian Economics).

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Please know the DHS/Treasury/IRS Real Identifiction (star of drivers license) means the individual has met ther Federal "SECURITY" standard and are warranted by government to create securities (reserves). 1940's Companies Investment Act defines what a security is....EVIDENCE OF A DEBT or PROOF OF A BILL. We create them everyday in plain sight but never are issued a payment in full. So these SECURITIES are considered abandoned. The Dept of Justice is in on this scheme. If NATURAL LAW was followed in a debt monetary system honoring the exchange of currency going both directions at the time of contracting there would not be a need for WALL STREET nor the CIA that protects the global elite interest to steal all of Earth resources (SEC's NAC classification). It is likely all will gradually become known. THere is no scarcity but rather abundance when NATURAL LAW Is HONORED.

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Billiant summary

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I find a good point of reference to help enlighten people about the destruction of debt based currency is to note that the federally established minimum wage in September of 1963 was $1.25/hr. If a minimum wage earner was to be paid $1.25/hr in pre-1965 silver quarters, the current retail value of 5 silver quarters as of today (per Apmex.com) is $27.14 which would be a $67,850/year salary based on 2,000 hours. Should even higher if it naked short selling which has been going on for years to control the spot price of precious metals. It demonstrates just how much central banking has dilluted the value of worker's labor as our "friends" in the government look the other way.

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THE PEOPLE CREATE CURRENCY. THE PEOPLE ARE WARRANTED TO CREATE BONDS (future I.O.U.) NOTES (present I.O.U.) or a BILL (past I.O.U.). Treasury and IRS only track Federal Reserve Notes (Accounts receivable) they do not audit SECURITIES (Account payables and or reserves) which create the federal Reserve Note. The question begs to be asked......WHY DO WE NEED THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? It only adds a layer of confusion. We can use our drivers license in our already digital system. There is no need for a passport unless of course you are the NEW WORLD ORDER and Cross Border SECURITIES is what they rely upon such as what the trade agreements in place are already doing for the bankrupt nations.

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Hahaha, no, I wasn't tossing the question at you. It's a rhetorical question that I can't answer with 100% certainty.

You made me think; thanks!

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Which would you prefer, a bank that pays no interest but specifically guarantees your money is "safe", or a bank that pays interest but makes no specific guarantee related to the safety of your money?

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I'm JUST posting some elemental history. Trying to learn it myself. Not making any suggestions.

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It’s theft by the Khazarian Mafia

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Theft of what exactly?

Try to explain it without reference to abstract concepts.

What is owned and by whom? How exactly do they lost it and how does the thief win it?

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Money is an abstract value of resources. So it is theft of resources, using money. Perhaps a better explanation is that money is a control system used to determine the level of access to resources. Not sure where you're trying to go with this comment.

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People often claim things they cannot explain, I have found.

Some call this phenomenon being a victim of propaganda.

It's useful to check if people know what they are talking about, and, if not, if they are willing to admit it and to become informed.

In the particular case at hand, I think it would be useful for people to try to learn the arguments pro and con the idea of money lending. In particular, try to answer this question: is it ethically correct to earn money by means of lending out money? This question leads directly to the root of the problem: the confusion between theft and enslavement through thought control. In the former, there is an illicit change in ownership. In the latter, there is great destruction of social structures caused by indirect attacks to individual conscience. Fractional Reserve Banking is one method to destroy a society, and reducing it to "theft" is an understatement.

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Fair enough. But is there difference between absolute theft of all freedom and enslavement? Is there a difference between theft of life and murder? It's a strange play on words, but it's mostly an exercise in the definitions. We don't know what the OP meant. I assumed that they just meant "bad", which would be correct without clarifying the degree of badness.

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If you think the Khazarian Mafia is “abstract” then you are completely lost OR are a promoter of their genocide.

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Not a thinker, I see.

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And denial is not just a river in Egypt.

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You're a Dick, Richard!


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Which part?

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Gold and Silver would have been used directly, warts and all, if fractional deception had not been discovered.

The division of labour would have developed naturally and society would have evolved as much from the bottom as from the top instead of entirely top down, aka feudalism.

Without the corrupt banking systems the masonic parasites would have long since erased themselves.

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Thank you for this, Celia.

I have been listening to John TItus, with Catherine Austin Fitts, over the past few years.

Your (Richard's) story of the goldsmith clarified a basis for me.

The thing they don't teach you in school..... sigh.

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The "things" they don't teach you....

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