Jul 14, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

The alpha thieves believe that a limited hangout operation will be effective and divert attention. I am of the opinion that limited hangouts are net negative for them. The "bigger fish" of awareness is stalking the small fish of diversion. Evil always consumes itself.

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You know, this main purpose of this film was to call attention to the very real and very big issue of child trafficking, an apparently huge industry, and it does so very compellingly. Not everything is 'controlled opposition'; let's commend the filmmakers for doing what they set out to do and also, incidentally, the only President in my lifetime who has spoken about this awful feature of human activity, Trump.

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Nobody should have a problem with shining some bright lights on this to understand what's going on, especially Ballard and Angel Studios if everything is on the up and up.

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Yes it's discouraging.They had plenty of time to look into all this. Very perplexing. Thanks, it's not a little issue.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 15, 2023

A lot of us are skeptical of the movie. It is now being used, starting in GA, to push chips in children. They’re turning a satanic thing into something that will work for their agenda. Always. All psy-ops include lots of truth. And of course fear. Fear being the linchpin.

That the film is getting great mainstream ratings should also give us pause. Rotten Tomatoes loves it. Nothing gets into the mainstream unintended.

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Every time I see this number - 2012 - I invariably think of the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act. Does this happen to anyone else?

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I don’t know the history of Angel Studios accept I sent them money in respects to The Chosen series! I understand they didn’t make the movie Sound of Freedom, Disney Made it then wouldn’t release it!

I understand as I have been following the Bill and Hillary Clinton, the Democrat Party, Pedesta, Obama, Opra, Hatti hurricane disaster, Pissa Gate, Epstein and his Island, and much more that this was and is an ongoing child trafficking, human trafficking business including the US southern broader and Justin Trudeau as well! His room mate got to work in an orphanage in Nepal linked to the UN and he was picked up with two 12 year old boys hand cuffed to his bed! Obama had large sex parties with children victims in the White House basement!

I have been told approximately 70% of world leaders the senate the congress many judges child services workers police excetra are pedophiles! That is why the UN Human Rights Commission recently passed a law saying we can not deny the rights of children to be sexually active.

My sister used to work in The Childrens Aid she took in severely screwed up teanage boys and she said 59% of all Children’s Aid homes were run by pedophiles!

We are living in a depraved world! Unless God Intervenes wevstand to be judged and judged severely!

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Jul 14, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Diana West’s excellent piece is still a winner and a Podesta eye-opener. https://dianawest.net/Home/tabid/36/EntryId/3466/Wake-Up-and-Smell-the-Culture.aspx

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Unflinching, conscientious work, including its self-doubt. Thank you for persevering in the labyrinth.

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My opinion about "pizzagate" has evolved from thinking "pizzagate" was *probably true* in 2016 to believing in 2023 that it IS true:

(1) The internet photos from 2016 relating to the Comet Ping Pong pizzeria were IMO quite damning, as well as satanic.

(2) The Podesta leaked emails referenced an offer from a mother to Podesta to sit in a heated pool with her children ... she even tells him their ages are "... 11, 9, and almost 7..." ... and she then adds "so you’ll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure." UGH!!!

(3) The DNC staffer (and Bernie Sanders supporter) Seth Rich, who likely leaked the Podesta/DNC emails to Julian Assange of Wikileaks, did so becuz he was extremely pissed that the DNC outcome was rigged all along against Bernie in favor of Hillary Clinton, whose Foundation had paid for the DNC show.

(4) Julian Assange of Wikileaks even hinted that Seth Rich was Wikileaks' source for the leaked DNC/Podesta emails.

(5) Seth Rich was killed on the street in D.C. in a "robbery" in which his wallet and credit cards were NOT taken. Still an unsolved homicide.

(6) Shawn Lucas, the attorney that served the DNC with legal papers in a lawsuit alleging fraud for actively working against the Bernie Sanders campaign, has also been found dead on his bathroom floor by his girlfriend on the evening of August 2, 2016. Nothing to see here. Move along.

One of the main values of the MSM like CNN, Fox, etc., is to learn **what we are supposed to think**.

Well, what are we supposed to think about "pizzagate"? Clearly that it is "baseless," it is "fictitious," and it is a "conspiracy theory."


And we're also supposed to think that the Podesta emails must have been hacked by the Russians, not an internal leak by a disgruntled Sanders supporter, and that we should not believe the contents of the Podesta emails because it was a "Russian hack" -- two dead bodies notwithstanding. When it was actually very likely an internal leak by Seth Rich!

MSM typically shy away from mentioning Seth Rich's death, Shawn Lucas' death, and they pretend that the rigging of the DNC outcome against Bernie never happened.

It's obvious to us now that MSM, FBI, and DOJ were hiding, and censoring any mention of, the Hunter Biden laptop to influence the 2020 election. It's obvious now how thoroughly ROTTEN the MSM, the FBI, and the DOJ are.

Yet ALL of them go APE-SHIT anytime anybody even mentions "pizzagate." (Methinks they did protest too much.)

Which tells me something else: that there vey likely BLACKMAIL PHOTOS of the higher-ups at MSM, FBI, and DOJ, as well as top Politicians, doing all kinds of horrible, nasty things with little kids.

And we still don't have the Epstein client list from Ghislaine Maxwell. Of course we don't.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

There are no accidents in regards to those not knowing the bigger picture that Greg Reese uncovered. I think these are far more than just uncomfortable questions. Nothing is as it seems.

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Jul 14, 2023·edited Jul 14, 2023

So is Rolling Stone the current day Village Voice?

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Analyzing the tactics of "the Hidden Hand" is always a date with the devil. Reese's points are logical and cogent. Re 'chipping the children' for their "own safety" also finds an antecedent with convincing pet owners to chip their pets. It's just the ol 'frogs in the pot on the stove'ploy- as the water rises slowly in temperature...until--doom. Difficult to say with assurance whether Angel Studios is aware of the Clinton/Podesta NGO connection until Angel Studios reviews its political alliances (blind, as well as 'presumed vetting') I hope that Reese or any other renowned journalist(such as Celia Farber) might place a phone call with Angel Studio's corporate principals and ask for a statement. Until we hear from Angel Studios in a rebuttal to the Reese report, we cannot make assumptions.

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Celia Farber, you are telling us how entrenched child trafficking is. I was aware of the problem but not it's depth. I do believe you and thank you for expanding our knowledge about this.

Likely most of us who know the complexity of the scamdemic and its nefarious intentions are not surprised to this added layer of formalized evil in the elite playbook. Once in the dark side more depravity will become habitual, comfortable, and everything becomes permissible.

NGO's are wolves in sheep clothing that act certainly beyond their stated goals and make trouble around the world under the cover of philanthropy and official moral approval from powerful government and world organizations.

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It just appears to me that there is being too much made out of this. Trying to marginalize the good work of those fighting sex trafficking. Is there someone else willing to step up and fund a hot line? Has anyone attempted to talk to Angel Studios or Tim Ballard about this?? No people just love to destroy anything that is good. Until someone addresses this directly with Mr. Ballard I call BS on these accusations.

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Okay, so basically we're going to burn a man who left the fbi in order to form a ngo to fight human trafficking and physically save children because the studio that bought the rights to the film that was made about his story because that studio refers people wanting to learn more, to a government site about human trafficking? Oh, all while being roasted by MSM for promoting Qanon and conspiracy theories about human trafficking.... Also while there happens to be major spiritual warfare happening for people trying to go see the movie (which btw was AMAZING and NOT created by hollyweird, and also funded and created by multiple believers in Christ). And to think how often I hear people mock how the "left eats its own".... none of this makes sense.

Also: Polaris - originally Polaris Project - was founded in 2002, by Derek Ellerman and Katherine Chon, who were seniors at Brown University. The organization was named after the North Star, an historical symbol of freedom.[5] Polaris is one of the few organizations working on all forms of trafficking, including supporting survivors who are male, female, transgender people and children, US citizens and foreign nationals and survivors of both labor and sex trafficking.[6]

So yeah, Greg Reese (nor this article) is not serving the Light in this instance.

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