Happy Resurrection Day Celia , you are a blessing to so many & you will continue to be , what a beautiful ministry you have , what a great witness you are to truth & integrity.

Thank you !

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Happy Easter Celia. Glad to see you are still fighting for truth. Brian Harte, 104th Congress, Rep. Gutknecht. HIV/AIDS. Fired. SPIN magazine August 1995. brianjharte@icloud.com

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Beautiful! This is wonderful. Thank you for sharing, Celia. Jesus Christ has risen in us. 🥰

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The image of a naked crucified man on a cross can never be "beautiful" to me, Celia. Though I do love your writing and follow your substack. Thank you for your work in general. But organized religion and churches have been used through out history to arrange for the legitimization of otherwise unacceptable tyranny and murder. I read a book called THE BAD POPES a long time ago. Religion has never seemed the same since.

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True. I have a copy of that book but E. R. Chamberlin. Also have the CD Rom with all 8 volumns of Foxe's inspiring Book of Martyrs. Purchased it from Gail Riplinger's AV Publications.

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https://www.goodreads.com › book › show › 638250.The_Bad_Popes

The Bad Popes by E.R. Chamberlin | Goodreads

It takes some bad popes to throw away the legitimacy granted by its position to the point where Christendom is disunited and the city of Rome itself is sacked by an imperial army, as happened in 1527, and this book explains what these bad popes did that was so bad. The book itself opens with Rome in 900 AD and over more than 250 years proceeds ...

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I like the Easter bunny and also hiding eggs for kids. Christmas trees are nice too.

All throwbacks to the horrors of paganism I suppose....anyway don't want to rain on your parade. Spring is lovely and I am all for a rebirth of the Spirit. Always remember God lives in our souls...not in our churches

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Your opinion is quite common and old. One famous Spanish poet wrote a poem about it.


La Saeta by Antonio Machado, who was very anti-church.

The final verse of this poem:

«I cannot sing and I don't want to sign

to this Jesus on the Cross,

but to the Jesus who walked on the Sea!»


Machado was a very talented writer and a libertine, but I repeat myself. He was one of those blessed individuals who experience periods of extreme sadness and extreme joy, for all his years. His works speak of that privileged way to feel the human experience.

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Agent Roger...here is something you might be interested in:

St. Joseph of Copertino began having mystical visions at the age of seven, but it was not until he began practicing his faith as a Franciscan priest that he realized the full potential of his mind’s power over his body—he was able to levitate. Throughout his priesthood St. Joseph became famous for frequent levitations that were observed on hundreds of occasions and by thousands of witnesses, including many skeptics. Michael Grosso delves into the biography of the saint to explore the many strange phenomena that surrounded his life and develops potential physical explanations for some of the most astounding manifestations of his religious ecstasy. Grosso draws upon contemporary explorations into cognition, the relationship between the human mind and body, and the scientifically recorded effects of meditation and other transcendent practices to reveal the implications of St. Joseph’s experiences and abilities.

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Thank you for the reference. I'll explore it, although I'm quite skeptical of science. I'm more into comedy these days. For example, if those levitations were not mediated by graphene compounds I'm not touching tht book with a ten Armstrongs pole.

I like to be a dualist when I'm among monists, and a monist when I walk with dualists. But not today, not on Sundays. On Sundays I'm a pluralist.

Here's a nice piece of music for you: youtu.be/w8i4ldc1ZGs

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Mar 31·edited Mar 31

Happy Resurrection Day! Jesus has risen, and IS NO LONGER ON THE CROSS! buddha is dead, Mohammed is dead, only Jesus lives. He is the way, the TRUTH, the light. The only way to the Father is through Him. God hates religion. Catholicism is a pagan religion, created by a pagan. Idols were converted to saints and Sunday was the day of worship because they worshipped the sun already. We're only to call God Father, not a priest. Only God the Father can forgive sin, not a priest. Jesus lives, He Got Up! Amen! Turn to God, there isn't much time left.

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Hello Ms. Farber,

I tuned into your Zoom colloquy yesterday but quickly "zoomed" out. It is genuinely disturbing to me to see myself, particularly "live." (Not to imply that I'm dead; at least not yet.) When I have to see myself the first thought that occurs to me is, "you've gone through life looking that bad?!" Very discouraging.

Nevertheless, Happy Easter, good tidings to all men and peace on earth (if not in this life then in some other...).

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Happy Easter, Celia! 💗🙏🏻

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Happy Easter, Celia!!

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Stirring, intense pagentry! "Soar we now where Christ has led, following the exalted head".

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Happy Easter, Celia! May you always be blessed with courage, wisdom, and strength. We are all fortunate and blessed to have brave souls like you, who give us hope. The hope that truth will prevail in the end. You show us every day that there the light at the end of tunnel, and I am very grateful for that. May God bless you and your family, and all the journalists that fight for truth and justice.

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Happy Passover!

For Christ. our passover Lamb. was sacrificed for us.

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Thank you Celia, and happy Easter to you as well.

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Happy Easter! Many Blessings!🌅🌷

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Happy Easter! Many Blessings!🌅🌷

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Happy Resurrection Day, Celia et al! As Apostle Paul said, if Christ didn't rise again, our faith and religion would be in vain, but He DID rise again! Praise God! He also said He's coming back for us again, and He will! John 14: 3: “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.”

Acts 1: 9-11: And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10. And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11. Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

It always saddens me to see the Roman Catholic cult and its followers presenting Jesus still on the cross / crucifix. Yet, in their masses on this day, they jubilantly shout, "He is risen; Christ is risen in deed!" That never makes sense to me, apart from the Vatican trying to keep the people hopeful and inspired, so they can contribute more $$$. A dead religion doesn't last long without financial support...

One of these days, dear brethren, Jesus is going to fulfill those two passages! Look up, pray up, and be prepared to go up! Maybe today?!

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