We will dearly miss him. He really saved many lives during the "COVID escapade." and treated over 6,000 patients. He stood virtually alone against the Israeli Rabbinical council who later approved the toxic jab and 90% of Israeli citizens were vaccinated, leading the world in documented deaths and diseases related to the jab.

Dr. Zelenko was a Godly man. We shall see him in the Resurrection. He boldly stood against this evil.

P.S. Glad to have you back Celia, and your photos were refreshing and beautiful.

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Heartbroken and so very grateful for this man and his voice.

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Dr. Z was one of the first voices I heard that made me aware that our country and our world was under attack by an evil , narcissistic cabal. I will always be grateful for his courage and unwavering dedication to telling the truth about Covid,vaccines ,lockdowns and so many of the lies we all have been assaulted with.

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This tragedy is the world's loss. What a great, tremendous doctor. It was not only Americans who were inspired by Dr. Zelenko, who taught the world how to deal with COVID intelligently and effectively. Dr. Zelenko inspired people all over the world. I am so saddened to learn of Dr. Zelenko's passing.

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A shock.

"And, I would say, the world will be redeemed, thru acts of goodness and kindness."

I pray so. "I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end, He will stand upon the earth. And, after my skin has been destroyed, yet in my flesh, I will see God."

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He had a great life and a honorable death. A great Champion. The Humble Lion.

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Thank you for your incredible service to humanity, Dr. Zelenko. I know you will be advocating on the other side for our steady non-compliance and mounting evidence and case against evil here. You fought the Good battle. Rest now. We love you.

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Healer, truth teller, man of faith, father. This links to a video message that he had left for us. May he Rest In Peace.


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As a Jew I will say a prayer for him and simply say “ may Everyone remember him through his good deeds “

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