Celia, I suspect because Latin is specific in it's etymology and meaning, and so closely related to Logic historically through the ages, there is no "wiggle room" for lies and distortion of meaning. And lies is what the Other One is all about.(the demonic).Peace on your night. I am very grateful for your writing. Tonight for me it helped with a very dear friend hypnotized into the "woke agenda" that he can't even grasp they are killing him with each shot. And he begs me to be silent about the boosters as he consents to his own demise, and doubts I love him. Ubi Caritas Et Amor ...keep writing truth as it catapults everything out of trance....

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Oh Eileen. Thank you for this. Unreal, unreal. Impossible. How can it continue? What's worse than being unable to access old friends' souls or minds? As though they had already died or been kidnapped by alien entities. I always used to wonder why life in America was so lacking in the horrors that afflicted others through the ages. I guess we're in the club now.

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There is no reason to be afraid, and once self-reliance, confidence, and individual sovereignty, are expected and sought, the light of freedom will shine brighter. What is necessary is to never trust the State in any capacity whatsoever, question everything and expect valid answers, accept nothing but the truth, and practice disobedience at every possible opportunity. Do not comply with any harmful government mandate or order, resist all ‘authority,’ and scream out for independence without pause.

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Amen. And 𝒂𝒎𝒆𝒏! Perfectly stated. Thank you.

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Wow. Heidi. Perfect! Thanks very much. Peace. :-)

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Mystical reasons beyond our human full comprehension (my thought) ~ metaphysical aspects that occur in God’s “equation” of music + voices + lyrics = transcendence. A miraculous gift.

Thank you.

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Yes, music is a tool of mind control. Music creates an emotional response; and, by injecting that emotion into prayers said out loud, the prayer is more likely to be heard.

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I share your love of “sacred” music from the Renaissance and before. Even some more modern composers such as Arvo Pärt have created beauty through harmonies that reference this timeless genre.

If you haven’t yet heard them, check out “Spem in Alium”, a 40-part motet of stunningly beautiful harmonies. And “O Nata Lux” and “Jesu salvador saeculi”, also by Tallis. Listen closely and intently on good headphones with your mind at peace and your eyes closed and enjoy the journey!

If you’re feeling more adventurous, check out “The Beatitudes” by Pärt.

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I love Arvo Pärt. Thank you for the reminder.

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Thank you

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Probably would be wise to ask an exorcist who deals with these demons regularly e.g. father Ripperger

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Anyone in Christ is already protected.

Anyone who thinks they need more does not know Him.

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Art, it still happens to me that I get "attacked" at night, but less and less often. It began in the 90s. It was to the point of injury, where I woke up punching walls or clawing myself to fight them. They trick me into thinking I am dead—always the same. Very mocking and merciless.

At times it seemed they would take me somewhere and then return me, I don't know which. Years ago I was given sleeping pills, which achieved black sleep, and a dependency it took many years to break. The melatonin purple gummies from CVS work, but I have to take three. It's been a very long journey toward sleep.

I play Bible readings, Gregorian chants, the Rosary and more, at night, and they stay away. I hope that doesn't mean I am not in Christ.

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Oh this is such a suffering. Thank you for sharing it.

Immediate prayers for you. I have known quite a few beautiful, loving people who have had this experience. It is an attack. Of course you are in Christ. You are the beloved of God. We are all infinitely loved by God. Anything/one that tells you otherwise is a lie. Many blessings your way, Celia.

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Reading the Psalms from the old King James Bible helps me. Devils fear the name of Jesus and acknowledge the authority of His word.

It is written," Submit to God, resist the devil and he will FLEE from you". Flee as in terror.

Jesus didn't waste time with Satan in the wilderness temptations, he quoted Scripture and that put Lucifer in his place.

It is also written, "Greater is He that is in you than he (Satan) that is in the world".

And again, "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind".

Hope this is of encouragement to you.

Matthew 6:7-13 Ye old King James Bible

But when ye pray, use not VAIN repetitions as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not yet therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before

ye ask him.

After this manner therefore pray ye:

Our Father which art in heaven , Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever, Amen.

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I notice whenever I get down on my knees and pray my Rosary and then go to bed, I fall asleep pretty quickly and sleep like a rock. I just put my faith in the 15 Promises of the Rosary and don’t worry about a thing:


Perhaps it is because I have been given the gift of Faith and the assurance by holy Priests that Jesus can never deny the requests of His Mother, granted they are rooted in charity. And I have a had a near death experience where I was trapped under a truck in a car accident and started to suffocate due to the weight of the upside down truck upon me. All I could think of doing in my boozed mind was start praying some Hail Marys. Within a short time, some Good Samaritans stopped along the rather untraveled road and lifted the truck up so I could scurry out from the sunroof which I had partially been ejected through.

And to further show the intercessory power of the Saints, one of the Good Samaritans happened to some football jock I knew somewhat from high school. His name was the same name as my middle name-Francis, and to this day, I think the only person I personally know of that name!

St. Francis (of Assisi, De Sales, Xavier) Pray for Us!

Our Lady of Fatima, Pray for Us!

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Wow amazing story - Praise the Lord you were rescued🙏🏻♥️. I’m not Catholic so I don’t pray the Rosary but I do get down on my knees to pray morning and night (just recently returned to this childhood habit) and I’ve found it makes a noticeable difference - never fails to put me into a very peaceful state, as you mentioned, highly recommend it 🙏🏻♥️

Thank you for sharing your experience!

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Michael: On what basis do you conclude that a spirit is who it says it is?

"While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, 'Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.' But He said, “ON THE CONTRARY, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.”

(Luke 11:27-28)

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I just look to the infallible teachings of the Catholic Church for guidance-what has been handed down to us as the Deposit of Faith, the Catechism, the Nicene Creed, Douhy Rheims Bible, infallible Papal pronouncements (i.e. Immaculate Conception, etc.), lives of the Saints, prayers of the Rosary (the Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be, and Apostles Creed), and what has been accepted as Catholic Truths by Catholics everywhere through the Ages.

I realize we are living in extraordinarily evil and confusing times with a Pope who is more a tyrant than a loving father. But when I am tempted to doubt or lose hope or fear that I’m am being lead astray by an evil spirit or false teacher, I refer to what I wrote above.

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I pray so too, Celia. When I look at my own long messy ongoing sanctification process (and boy oh boy, do the dark spirits ever love the dark hours and sleep dep from worry!) the best metaphor I find in scripture for spiritual help, is that of diet.

Christ, in John 6--making a direct link to the Israelites' time in the beast-infested-scary wilderness eating manna and nothing but--says that He is the bread of life and that the only work necessary is to believe in Him. (John 6:27-29) Those who angered God and fell (1st Corinthians 10:1-5) wanted it more complicated. They grumbled that the manna was not sufficient. It was too boring; too easy; they pined for the additional foods, flavors, and cooking methods they had enjoyed while enslaved by the empire God overthrew and rescued them from. (See, e.g., Numbers 11:4-6)

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Celia, have you ever tried Clif High's Pure Sleep as a sleeping aid? I've been using it nightly for the past few months and it's been very helpful in falling and staying asleep and then having good, calm, unflagging energy during the day. Its main ingredient is magnesium, but not the kind that gives one the runs. In addition to improved sleep I've noticed that I'm remembering my dreams again since I've been using it.

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Hi Celia, I read your substack regularly and enjoy the variety of your work. Please have yourself "checked" by wandapratnicka.com TOP NOTCH EXORCISTS. Wanda, raised a devote Catholic, had extraordinary abilities at very young age. Her first clear experiences of ghosts as a child, were immediately after WWII in Poland. If you study her website you know she knows what she is talking about in this area. Extremely experienced and successful exorcist. Wanda attempted to work within the Catholic church but they were not interested. Wanda estimates very conservatively 1 in 12 people are possessed. There are many, many variables. After my exorcism, I have myself "checked" once a year just to make sure I'm staying on top of any possible recurrence.

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Oh Celia!💔 I am so very sad and sorry to hear this, I cannot imagine :(((

You’ll be in my prayers, sincerely hoping and praying you find permanent peace and relief🙏🏻♥️

PS - I’ve struggled my entire life with some of the same chronic health issues I think I’ve seen you mention before about yourself (debilitating fatigue, brain fog, etc) Sleep is so often tangled up in these problems and finding relief is absolutely crucial as I don’t have to tell you of course. If you’ve never tried low dose trazodone at night for sleep, I’d highly recommend giving it a trial? I loathe pharmaceuticals (genuinely DETEST them, seriously) but after decades of insomnia and sleep deprivation, a very wise and caring doctor (at a fibro and fatigue clinic in Dallas) suggested I try a very low dose of trazodone at night (25mg) and it has been a life-changer! I’ve been taking this for over 10 yrs now and honestly I can’t overstate how helpful it’s been. It’s not habit-forming at this dosage (it may or may not be at higher dosages, I really don’t know?), it’s short-lived in the body, no lingering daytime sleepiness the next day, no side effects whatsoever for me - just reliable sleep every night, answered prayer :)). It’s also *not* in the class of sleep aids that deplete choline in the brain and raise your risk of later dementia (most sleep drugs increase this risk I think, even Benadryl depletes choline I believe...?)

Low dose trazodone for sleep is recommended by Dr Teitelbaum as well I think (a fatigue specialist). You can do some reading on it but there’s a lot of research and data on this for sleep.

So sorry this comment is so long, there is just nothing more important for health than sleep, and I struggled with this for so long (tried every supplement imaginable😣) it was horrific. I hate to think of anyone else in that situation - I sincerely hope you find something that helps and soon! Bless you sweet Celia 🙏🏻♥️

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take a look at nutrtitiondetective.com

garrett smith did a few interviews with judy cho nutritionwithjudy.com

insightful view of toxins in our diet that we take in all the time.

vitamin A

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Latin is the sacred language of God’s Church. It’s universal and never changes!

Before the tower of Babel, there was one, universal language spoken. The Church is the kingdom of God on earth.

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I don't think it is the language per se...I think that anytime we freely, and authentically connect with the Divine, with music, prayer or fellowship, we are protected. The demons are powerful, and experts at form changing, and masters of manipulation, but they don't have free will, and can not impose themselves on those who exercise it.

I have had deep peace and feelings of deep protection listening to many Amazonian chants/songs both when participating and not participating in ceremonies. Purity of intention, an open heart and freely exercising our will seems to be the formula/recipe which often translates into protection, and, at least for a time, peace.

God bless you for all you have done and continue to do!

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Very beautiful. Thank you, Celia.

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I don't think Latin is relevant per se, but I think it is the deeply rooted faith of the priests of the generation for whom Latin is in their bloodstream. They that are unshakeable in faith and understand the authority they have in Christ's body the church. hoppas det är vettigt..

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Mycket vettigt. Tack!

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Perfect way to start the day, Celia, with a Gregorian chant and beautiful message! Thank you for this.

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World without end amen. lol

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Google or bing "Concordian Dawn Order in Fours" for some pretty heavy Gregorian chanting at a free event at the Actors' Chapel on Jan. 12. Some of it is good for dancing, but it just reflects some deep and dark mystery to human relations with the divine such that the BSL-4 maniacs ought maybe consult the book of Jude, verse 13.

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I was recently doing research on Gregorian chant (I am a music therapist and musician), and I came across an article on why Demons hate Gregorian chant. You can google it.

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Cecilia, I will leave it to others more versed in theology than I to explain why Satan and his minions hate Latin. I'm Catholic and first heard this over 7 decades ago when attending parochial grammar school. I accept the assertion on faith, just as I accept the Real Presence and absolution given at Confession on faith. (Anyone who says he understands these things isn't being at all honest.) Since then, I've memorized the Rosary and most of the prayers of the Mass surrounding the Consecration and regularly say the latter sotto voce during a Novus Ordo celebration. Habit, I think, is a necessary component of faith among humans just as memorization is a necessary component of true learning, despite what modern "educators" may opine. What I can tell you about the video is that the chanter's accent is on the mark and exquisitely clear, one to be imitated, especially by English speakers. Those who speak a Latin language like Spanish have already grasped the fundamentals of good Latin pronunciation.

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Very beautiful. Thank you, Celia.

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