THe Psy-Op attack on Israel is a distraction from the fact that our freedoms are at risk. THe Dark Ones want us at each other's throats, they want us to nuke Iran, they want their sleeper cells to commit acts in the USA and they want the USA to declare Martial Law because of it.

This is their plan and do not get played.

When they declare martial law the economy will crash. They think they will be able to control the fall out.... the fall out will take them all out, but they don't know that yet. THey think they are being protected.

They are fools all of them..

Dont feed the fear and hate machine or you are helping them, you will be captured by them and be led to slaughter, because they want us dead.

Know your enemy.

Know thyself

Protect our Freedom but exposing them.

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I agree!!!

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if you're calling for bloodshed,you are definitely part of the problem. i'm seeing A LOT of blocked heart chakras.

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RemovedOct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023
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i’m almost positive this isn’t a seriously considered question. this feels like a question meant to disturb and agitate. maybe watch the video. all the way to the end. time to shift the paradigm.

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i would love to answer your questions but i am currently occupied with regulating my own nervous system and my ATTENTION in an environment that appears to be designed to keep me upset and frightened. take good care. i have no interest in chatting about this with your further. all of this is painful.

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Another BS Artist Crap off

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Watch the interview. I hope it brings you the answers you are seeking.

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Call it for what it is #ANtiSemitism F'Uck the lot of them may they all burn in hell

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It appears to me souls are being intentionally distracted from seeking truth. They don't comprehend, or refuse to accept, the gravitas of this situation. This is an "agonia" - a contest between two combatants, good and evil. There is no place to hide; a choice must be made. As Joshua wrote, "I stand with the Lord," i.e. with Supreme Truth. As for me, I stand with Israel.

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When people enact revenge on their enemies they are robbing God of what is His while also demonstrating a perfect lack of faith in His plan. This is precisely why we are still imprisoned in this dimension because we (humans) just cannot break out of this hypocritical wrath mentality.

What right have we to be outraged if we are willing to perpetuate the same terror upon our neighbor and upon our neighbors children?

Did you know what the remedy is for terror? Fearlessness. Perfect faith in our Creator!

That is what alone can transcend all this terrible hatred in the end.

“Be not afraid” There is a reason it is frequently the first (and most oft repeated) wisdom offered to mortals by angels or God during holy encounters.

We all know much of the evil in this world is being orchestrated by the soulless aging elite trying to conquer death because they are afraid to answer for the disgusting actions they have committed. They harness and harvest our fear and keep us in a self defeated prison where we are afraid to fail, or to succeed, or to offend, or be to scorned or _______ (fill in the blank). Anything that keeps us from elevation.

Well, I gotta just say, fear is a spell cast upon us. One in which we continually perform our own spiritual lobotomy. The elite demons love it.

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Do you know what actually transpired all those miles away? People’s emotions have been cleverly manipulated to take a side. War HAS never and will NEVER be the catalyst for peace. Retaliation will never bring peace at last. It’s not an abstract concept.

Let’s talk about all the millions of tragedies perpetrated on humanity and crimes against children and innocents committed by certain powerful tribes in this world.

When do I have the right to start raging and committing bloodshed against those I deem responsible for the tragedy that injures my heart to witness? Will I be absolved from any collateral damage I leave in the wake of my crusade should I go out and get my own justice?

Hamas mistakenly believes they are doing the work of God. They are deceived by evil and pride. The same Israel and Ukraine and Russia all believe they are justified in the blood they shed. Every one of them is wrong. 90% of Israel’s population believes their government stood down in their defense and allowed this attack to happen. I will not be hypnotized and mesmerized into supporting the war pigs. They don’t care what side we take as long as the blood flows and the discord continues to be profitable.

I didn’t mention “God’s plan” Raphael, So I don’t know who you are quoting there. What I am saying is that the bloodshed is wrong from all sides. We are not God. We are not Judge Jury and Executioner. Frankly also I don’t trust any narrative that polarizes nations and turns regular Joes into complicit mouth frothing genociders after a news report.

We are here on this plane to learn to transcend such a sickening nature and doing a piss poor job of it. Which life is worth more? A Palestinian child’s, or a Jewish child’s a Russian child’s a Ukrainian child a South American child? Or Father or Mother?

Which one’s are expendable? Normal humans wouldn’t want to make that physical choice, but we will comfort killers who claim they are justified and provide more fuel to the war machine, believing the justifications of well known liars in Media and government.

Only Peace will beget Peace.

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eloquent, spot on. sorry to see you have continued covid related health struggles. i too, from vax. hope you have discovered helpful therapies. peace to your heart...

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@AncientLoveLover - Beautifully written.

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There are no winners in this! It is so sad!

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Looks like you did not listen to the interview

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We must tell our young people to be ready for more chaos. After that, there will be disgusting war pigs using words like “honor” and “duty” to recruit them to go kill someone over there.

Save yourselves for the homeland, young people. They will be coming for that soon enough.

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Curiously, I am emotionally numb to what's happening in the middle east. That region of the world has always been at war. if not within tribes, then within countries. When 9/11 came around, I was not offended by the Afghani, Iraqi, Shite, or Sunni. I wanted the Saudi citizens that had perpetuated the attack captured alive, tried in court, and executed for what they did.

When Ukraine started, I felt nothing, because the Ukrainians were mostly Russian citizens, and for them to attack Russia was stupid. At this point in the game, i am disgusted by the GAE and NATO stupidity of baiting people and retaliating after they've been blooded.

I will take care of my own, against all enemies, whether they be foreign invaders, or my own brain dead morons from DC.

I keep waiting for them all to die due to the clotshot.

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Oct 13, 2023·edited Oct 13, 2023

For Catholics amongst us, tomorrow has significance. Friday, October 13 is the anniversary of the well-documented 1917 apparition of Mary, mother of Jesus, and her previously prophesied miracle of the sun at Fatima, Portugal. The miracle of the sun was witnessed by 70,000 people, including many journalists.

Given that there may be the called-for demonstrations and uprisings on Friday, how fitting it is that we have this significant anniversary date to attend Mass, pray for the world, pray for peace, pray the rosary. God answers prayers.

A priest was once asked why we should pray the rosary. His response was that it was powerful, because “every Hail Mary was a bomb going off in hell.”

Our Lady of Fátima … pray for us … and pray for the end of the bloodshed of war.

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Every time we see these kinds of events hit, we seem to break apart into two camps of reaction. The first one is an outpouring of sympathy for the victims of these violent acts on both sides. That is good, but it never explains what really happened and why? (but we should be very concerned about the victims)

The second reaction is more skeptical about these events. What doesn't look right here? Something about all of this is fishy. We see Terrorists flying in on para-gliding missions, wearing HAMAS patches to shoot up concert goers. (Similar to the Route 91 shootings in Las Vegas) Why is it that when we see these things and then question WHAT is really going on, that people under shock immediately recoil and seem to LOSE their minds in an emotional vortex if ANYONE asks questions?

When 911 happened years ago, we had that same confusion. Or OKC when the Murrah building explosion(s). Why is it that most of the public doesn't want to question the MOTIVES of these acts, How about when Bobby Kennedy was shot?

It seems that the emotional wailing of horror is the only thought pattern allowed. This never stops does it? Blame the terrorists, the psychotics, the social tyranny, racism or horrible living conditions.

But NEVER take a closer look at "conspiracies."

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”WW3 is a war on your consciousness. If a part of you is calling for bloodshed, you are imprisoned.”


I've said this so many times. If you don't think your thoughts and emotions have power to manifest in the physical, you aren't too familiar with the power of magic:


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Stay heart-centred, radiant, joyful and sovereign empowered despite the manufactured fear narratives pumped out by the criminal cabal crapaganda. "They" don't control our reality. We do.

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Celia. I was looking at your stack that featured the Orthodox Rabbis and other Orthodox Jews speaking out against the secular state of Israel and what's happening now, poised to send it to my son, when it disappeared! How can that be? Quite damning to the Israeli Government, but I thought that Substack doesnt censor? If there's been some error and you could reinstate that, I really would like to send that to my children.....this particular post added a lot of badly needed clarification and context to what is going on. Thanks very much for all you do and say in your Stack

I have been aware for years that Orthodox Jews do not support the State of Israel.....(though they were pretty happy in 1967 when the Western Wall was liberated from Arab Control along with the Old City of Jerusalem)..... the ongoing current stage of the world situation gives the validity of their stance a whole new level of meaning

I trust God 100% in this. This whole thing is his Judgement on a very sinful evil world. But even in the midst of this, His Mercy and Grace abounds for many who will receive it and take this huge opportunity to reconcile with God the Creator and Sustainer

This specter of ARMAGEDDON foreshadows the rapidly approaching Tribulation. I pray that people everywhere will repent and turn back to Him because He is the only sure way through what is to come

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Such a heartfelt, emotional and important message. I thank you for bringing it to my attention. I am an avid comment reader because they are an important part of any discussion, today they are telling me that we are in for more troubling times. The tenor of this message has the potential to be a catalyst for actual peace, a peace…having been born of war that my 18 year old self yearned for but didn’t understand that the actual enemy was within our gates. (Not my mind but my government)

They practiced dividing us in one fell swoop with a mind game called pandemic and the people responded in lockstep in every way, it must have turned out to be the “rulers” wet dream. They have already practiced a 15 minute city and the name is Gaza, no food, no water, no power, no exit…on the plate for all of humanity. Will this be the event that finally wakes humanity to the horrors that those in power, those that control the purse strings perpetrated on us and continue to do so? Will we finally say ENOUGH?

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Alec Zeck is a great interviewer. He brings the best of people.

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Our natural state is most assuredly NOT love. The Hamas terrorists just illustrated that.

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We have not lived in a world absent this control mechanism, divide and conquer framework, that pits humans against each other. The scope of the distortion is nearly incomprehensible. Humans outside this slave-system, which is obviously going for total control (they won't succeed) won't look anything like the world we have now.

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Thank you so much for sharing this amazing interview. I cried, in a good way. In the way that opens up the doors to the heart and helps us to deepen into compassion. Which is the highest form of intelligence and what is most lacking in the dark energy that is manipulating humanity. I feel a sense of peace after listening to this conversation. if there are such men in the world and women too, then maybe we can bring balance back into our world. And heal all the damage to biological life. Again thank you for the work that you do. (-:

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Kerry, I felt the same! Thanks for your comment.

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Just the perfect message, thank you. This is about us - all of us VS those who have weaponized us against each other. They are being revealed. Dear God, let us be close to their end.

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