You Need Only Read One Article About The Liberty: James Perloff's
It Solves The Entire "Mystery," And It Reveals A Blueprint For How and Why Nothing "Makes Sense" When It Comes To US-Israeli Relations
I arrived in Morocco, July of 1967. I was young and new to the NSG world. While performing my duties on base, I was a witness to the collection and order to destroy ALL traffic regarding the attack on the USS Liberty. Not wanting to believe what I had just seen and heard, I made the comment to comm officer, Lieutenant Rogers, “That’s just not right!” Upon making the above comment I received a severe lecture regarding the following of direct orders.7
“The Liberty’s survivors maintain a website,, from which I have drawn most of this information, and which I urge you to visit.
“Now the paramount question: Why attack the Liberty? This was, in all probability, to be another Maine, another Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, Tonkin Gulf. The plan was to sink the Liberty with no survivors. That’s why the Israelis even machine-gunned the lifeboats. They flew in unmarked planes because, if successful, the attack would have been blamed on the Arabs. The intention was probably to then bring the U.S. into the Six Day War on Israel’s side, guaranteeing victory.”
From Remember The Liberty, by James Perloff
If we want to see anything at all, through the propaganda fog, there is only one way and that is to go to history, with a historian you trust as your guide.
In history, you can see things, without having to squint. It’s also quiet enough that you can hear yourself think. You can decipher very clear patterns, and then use them for navigation, because the patterns never change—only the details.
From the things you can see, and hear, in history, you can piece together what is happening now.
“Propaganda fog” which I could also call “Monarch fog” is designed to blind and confuse you, make you feel guilty and ashamed. But above all, confused.
There is a reason James Perloff is many people’s favorite historian. I highly recommend reading this book, for a blueprint on false flags, mass media, and “war.”
James Perloff is a classical writer and historian: He proves things. Everything he invokes, he documents.
I just read this piece of his about the USS Liberty called “Remember The Liberty,” and was stunned, even though I was familiar with the elemental facts.
Conceptual framework: If he cheated on both of his previous wives, he will cheat on you.
Nobody would say: “Don’t worry, he’s probably changed his ways.”
People would say: “Don’t be a damn fool.”
Let the USS Liberty, the complete, shocking, and utterly documented story, serve as a blueprint.
It’s all there, in the Perloff article.
The plan—and it was carefully planned—was to leave no survivors.
Because the evil plan failed, we must listen to them now, more than ever—the survivors.
Ron Kukal spoke recently here and it is a fantastic message.
Also the book I read on this was by the Liberty Survivors.
"After being hit by an Israeli torpedo, the LIBERTY refused to sink. The ship was repeatedly attacked by the Israeli Air Force using French Mirage jets to conceal the attacker's true identity. Had the ship gone down as intended, Israel could have claimed that an Arab country had sunk the LIBERTY and brought America into its war of aggression. Plus, by sinking the LIBERTY, the Israelis were attempting to hide their plans for the invasion of Syria. But by a miracle of God, the USS Liberty stayed afloat."
As I began to understand the true story and how it has been hidden I started to ask friends young and old to tell me what they knew of the US Liberty...blank stares no one I asked had heard of it.
Let me offer another theory. The USS Liberty was a signal intelligence vessel. It had the latest equipment for intercepting and deciphering all sorts of electric communications. The Six Day War began on June 5, 1967. The USS Liberty was attacked late afternoon on June 8th.
By June 8th the Israeli's had achieved full air superiority and were in process of routing the Egyptian and Syrian ground forces. The IDF knew that the Liberty was intercepting their signals and those from the Arab states.
I believe that the Liberty was attacked because by the 5th the military objectives had turned into political objectives, and that meant territory. Israeli wars have always been over expanding territory. I believe they didn't want the Americans to intervene and possibly call a halt their advances before all their territorial objectives were achieved.
By the sixth day they controlled the Sinai, the Golan heights, Jerusalem and all the West Bank. All of what some zionist call "Greater Israel."
Whether the Johnson White House would have called for a pullback is not known. What we do know is that Johnson ordered the cover up. We don't know why.
And it wasn't until 1973 and the Yom Kipper war with Egypt that a military stalemate resulted in a peace treaty with Egypt and a return of the Sinai.
The Golan and the West Bank were never returned and have effectively been annexed by Israel.
Did the Israeli's know that their crime would be covered up? Did they have some bargaining chip with the Johnson administration that we don't know about?
I don't know. But the cover up was real and to date has never been fully explained.