Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

Let me offer another theory. The USS Liberty was a signal intelligence vessel. It had the latest equipment for intercepting and deciphering all sorts of electric communications. The Six Day War began on June 5, 1967. The USS Liberty was attacked late afternoon on June 8th.

By June 8th the Israeli's had achieved full air superiority and were in process of routing the Egyptian and Syrian ground forces. The IDF knew that the Liberty was intercepting their signals and those from the Arab states.

I believe that the Liberty was attacked because by the 5th the military objectives had turned into political objectives, and that meant territory. Israeli wars have always been over expanding territory. I believe they didn't want the Americans to intervene and possibly call a halt their advances before all their territorial objectives were achieved.

By the sixth day they controlled the Sinai, the Golan heights, Jerusalem and all the West Bank. All of what some zionist call "Greater Israel."

Whether the Johnson White House would have called for a pullback is not known. What we do know is that Johnson ordered the cover up. We don't know why.

And it wasn't until 1973 and the Yom Kipper war with Egypt that a military stalemate resulted in a peace treaty with Egypt and a return of the Sinai.

The Golan and the West Bank were never returned and have effectively been annexed by Israel.

Did the Israeli's know that their crime would be covered up? Did they have some bargaining chip with the Johnson administration that we don't know about?

I don't know. But the cover up was real and to date has never been fully explained.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

According to the Jeffrey St. Claire article I posted a few minutes ago at https://celiafarber.substack.com/p/you-need-only-read-one-article-about/comment/48792867 , I believe you are correct. According to the article, Israel took out the USS Liberty on June 8th, and the next day took over the Golan Heights.

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Here’s a likely scenario which could have been the. MO for the attack which was almost certainly intended to destroy the ship and kill all aboard. We may never know the real reason but this sounds as plausible as any.

In the tension leading up to the war, Israel, always playing the “good guy card” insisted that they would never strike first. After all they couldn’t be seen as the aggressor. But they ended up doing a surprise attack on Egypt’s air fields and basically wiped their planes before they could even get off the ground. To repeat Israel had the world believing they would only retaliate after being attacked.

A few miles out in the Mediterranean the Liberty, a USN surveillance ship had collected all the evidence it needed to show that Israel started the acts of aggression. This wouldn’t look good for the IDF so the decision was made to destroy it - the recording and any other evidence would be lost as would all the officers and crew. And since nobody was taking any pictures just blame it on the Egyptian (even though their air force had been crippled - everyone will believe them). Luckily a nearby ship was notified before all the damage had been done and the attack planes retreated. Just like the Maine, the Lusitania, Pearl Harbor, the Tonken Gulf, 9/11, they con men create a story and then induce sympathy and a sense of revenge. Works every time except with the Liberty.

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Blackmail is not a new sensation.

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Johnson had a background: "His aunt Jessie Johnson Hatcher, a major influence on LBJ, was a member of the Zionist Organization of America."


Worth noting, "nuclear" is nowhere to be found in the article.

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I knew a chief radio officer (now deceased) who claims that, onboard a navy ship in the Mediterranean, he received the distress call from the USS Liberty. This gentleman told me that LBJ recalled intercepting flights launched to halt the attack and save the crew and ship USS Liberty. This former navy man explained that his ship steamed toward the USS Liberty and assisted it on its return to port in the Mediterranean for a complete overhaul and restoration. He also explained that he was among the Navy personnel who were threatened with punishment were they to divulge details of the event. My friend was near the end of his life. I remember how pained he was recounted his claimed, direct memory of seeing the deck covered with blood and nearly every small surface (motioning with his arms) of the ship bearing the evidence of gun attack.

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

Ron Kukal spoke recently here and it is a fantastic message.


Also the book I read on this was by the Liberty Survivors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHjFrXqAQUo

"After being hit by an Israeli torpedo, the LIBERTY refused to sink. The ship was repeatedly attacked by the Israeli Air Force using French Mirage jets to conceal the attacker's true identity. Had the ship gone down as intended, Israel could have claimed that an Arab country had sunk the LIBERTY and brought America into its war of aggression. Plus, by sinking the LIBERTY, the Israelis were attempting to hide their plans for the invasion of Syria. But by a miracle of God, the USS Liberty stayed afloat."

As I began to understand the true story and how it has been hidden I started to ask friends young and old to tell me what they knew of the US Liberty...blank stares no one I asked had heard of it.

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I hear you...At those times when I bring up "the Liberty," I get the same reaction. "The what?"


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Very similar to asking people about World Trade Center building 7. The collapse was mentioned briefly on 9/11 by media platforms but never thereafter. As you may be aware due to soothsayers’ incredible foresight it was reported on the BBC a half hour before it happened. And yet 99 people out 100 don’t even know that a building that wasn’t hit by a plane that day came down that day in a similar fashion to towers 1 and 2. NIST did a full study and concluded that it was due to office fires that were nearly extinguished.

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

Celia, like many others no doubt, I rarely have time to 'like' or comment, but I always read your posts and value not only your humanity, kindness and great spirit, but also the education you provide us. Your posts about John Pilger took me to his Cambodia documentaries, which shattered yet another illusion I had about British politicians. Thank you for everything you do, and may God protect and nourish you.

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How kind Philip. Thank you.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Oh, and your comment put me on to John Pilger, which is much appreciated, since I live in Cambodia.

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

I've followed James Perloff for over 20 years' now....he used to write for the John Birch Society magazine.....His book "Truth is a Lonely Warrior" - unmasking the forces behind global destruction written in 2013 is a classic - see an overview of book here: https://www.amazon.com/Truth-Lonely-Warrior-James-Perloff/dp/0966816021

Another classic Perloff tome is "The Shadows of Power" - the Council on Foreign Relations and the american decline

His website is www.jamesperloff.net

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

Reading those now. Had no idea. I used to never think of history that is taught in schools as being fiction, but it is, the more I learn. So glad they made 'history' boring in the schools I went to so now I don't have to unlearn the 'bull'. Thanks.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Funny you say that because my daughter's just graduated and I told her it's all lies and school is not important. Just graduate.... 12th grade US history lies!!! Snd economics they make them take basically teaches them to pay taxes and the stock market. That was literally the main focus. I emailed the teacher about my disgust and I he didn't disagree and probably new to him.

She is learning a trade and eventually have her own business.

No way I would waste $$$$ on college. I did that 14 years ago with my first child and she doesn't even use the degree... Hint it's in the medical field so...

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Absolutely. I've been in the trades my whole life(30+). If you're good, you WILL have a prosperous life. It can be hard, but so what. I thought the whole college thing was a lie just like you. I was in pre-med for 2 1/2 years and interned at a state hospital. Saw the 'underbelly" of the medical profession. Nope. Went into the trades. Glad your daughter's going into the trades. It helped me raise a family and gave me a good retirement, which I thank God every day for. All my in-laws are in the trades and no one has to worry about money. That is huge. Einstein didn't go to college. Just saying

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

My husband has a HS ed and makes way more money than I ever did. I was a teacher for 25 years. I just did it so I would be home with my kids and took them with me when I taught but I could never teach now I know the lies 100% all lies. I quit over the masks and never looked back.

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Oh...all that stuff about Einstein? That's worth a second look, too. Just sayin'.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Look at some of the interviews of Perloff on Youtube....a good one made 6 years' ago where he tells the truth about "the greatest war" AKA WW2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDrUcjzEalY overview: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=james+perloff

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Mea culpa...the "greatest war" was WW1....Perloff exposes that war here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5InQdxdmknw

WW2 produced "the greatest generation" - not sure about the truth of that one....

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks so much for these links.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

You are so welcome....I'm an oldtimer and love to see people like Mr. Perloff get the recognition he deserves....his page on COVID is really good at his website....

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Marilynne: Small follow-up. I've finally gone through the two videos linked, a task elongated because I occasionally went to Mr Perloff's website and read, in horror, his exposition of both the Korean and the Vietnamese war.

Wow, what a thinker! And he did most of that before the internet!

Thank you again,


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Thanks for your kind remarks

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

I haven't read other books on this, but I read Phillip Nelson's 'Remember the Liberty!: Almost Sunk by Treason on the High Seas,' which was excellent. Thanks for bringing this up.


We also have the Rachel Corrie incident, which rarely comes up these days. Her parents have taken over her work, and they are amazing.


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deletedFeb 4Liked by Celia Farber
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It starts way before high school. But always we here about the Palestinian schools teaching their children such behavior. There's a simple rule...whatever barbarous claims the Israelis make against others, is what the Israelis are actually doing (or thinking of doing) themselves. E.G.-- in a recent NY Times article, an Israeli claimed that a Hamas ''terrorist,'' on Oct 7th, was seen cutting off the breast of an Israeli woman. As if that wasn't BS enough, they claimed that the ''terrorists'' then began tossing around the severed breast to each other, like a game. Only a sick, perverted ghoul could imagine something so perverse. They expose themselves more each day.

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Rachel Corrie was The Ghoul.

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

Thanks for the Perloff article. I would like to know the identities of the war criminals issuing the commands from Israeli ground control. McNamara and Johnson were traitors and cold blooded murderers. There appears to be a minute possibility that the Israeli pilots and torpedo boat captains did not know the nationality of their mission target until they engaged. Their possible hesitation may have been the reason for their failure to sink the ship. Either that or they had pitiful aim.

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did you read the whole thing? I think it rules this out.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Yes I saw the lines that said they were aggressively and repeatedly attacked and that intercepted communications indicated the pilots were "frustrated" by their failure to sink the ship. Also the assaults on the life boats. I'm looking for some silver thread in this atrocity. Maybe there are some Israeli AF vets out there would like to clarify if they were pulling their punches or if they really just can't shoot. If the latter, then good luck in your war against the whole middle east.

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good point.

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And this was done why?

Do any of you have anything approaching a rational explanation, since the obvious doesn't fit your narrative?

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Within the next few minutes, I'm going to post an article which, in part, identifies an Israeli pilot who flew over the USS Liberty; recognized it as U.S.; refused to fire on it; and returned to base. His uppers were not happy with him. <g>

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

I think that Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen are generally honest and posess integrity.

The ones issuing the orders are the "Farted Subdialects*"

*Thanks to Baldmichael for the anagram of "deceitful bastards".

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I think it's hysterical that you are all so incredibly clueless you don't even recognize you are accepting the word of Intelligence Operatives as if it were Gospel.

Spy ships do one thing:Spy.

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Who is believing the words of intelligence operatives?

Maybe we should all just believe the angry rantings of some random internet troll called John?

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Thank you so much Celia for this very timely reminder of the travesty regarding the Liberty—while that involved one ship & the unpardonable cover-up of the wanton assassination of US Navy members, what is happening now is a hall of mirrors that could actually set off a declared world war, as opposed to the "undeclared" wars of proxy now underway between the "axis of genocide" & the "axis of resistance". Is Israel goading the US into attacking Iran & setting off a world war? Is it coordinated by the US with Israel at the tip of the missile? Is the US directing Israel in order to cover up the failure of Ukraine & make some last ditch effort at maintaining global hegemony? Probably either, any, & all of the above, but the Liberty remains a key, even though one could go a little further back, to JFK's insistence to inspect Israel's nuclear reactor at Dimona, continually rebuffed by Ben Gurion, until it was too late...

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

A very interesting read is the story of the Lusitania, a luxury civilian liner, and and how the highly esteemed POS Churchill used the complete disaster and sacrifice of all those aboard to sucker the US into joining WWII! It is well documented that he knew very well that ship was going down and did nothing to stop it! As they say, the so called winners get to write the history! It’s ALL lies!

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

If I understand correctly, the 'elites' from the USA were working with Churchill. Not to defend him, of course, since he was directly responsible for the starvation of millions of my ancestors in India.

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I have no doubt that was the case! We are all waking up to the fact that those we trusted to serve us have always had the knife in our backs! Power To The People!

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

After 9/11 I read James Bamford's, Body Of Secrets and other pieces of Journalism pertaining to the U.S.S. Liberty.. The details were consistent, consistent as The Israeli propaganda machine forever spewing the counterpoint victimization narrative. Don't misunderstand, my heart is with Jews who aren't caught up in hate and ambition of the perennial Likud Party. I believe the following interviewee is at least partly correct although I have no idea where he gets his info There is a dark presence on our planet dating back to antiquity. https://rumble.com/v447l9b-exposing-the-elohim-clif-high-interview-with-jordan-sather-explorers-guide-.html

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Currently reading Rabbi Antelman take on communism, Reform and Orthodox Jews, the Masons, and Illuminati - seems connected. https://archive.org/details/marvin-s.-antelman-to-eliminate-the-opiate-vol-1-pdf/page/74/mode/2up?view=theater

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Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

I agree, Robert. The good guys...weren't. It was an eye-opening & painful read, but so important. Read BOTH volumes. Blessings.🙏

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Here's an excellent article, on its own, which fills in some of the gaps in the Perloff article:

Jeffrey St. Clair - June 8, 2018

Israel’s Attack on the USS Liberty: A Half Century Later, Still No Justice


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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Both the capture of the Pueblo and the attack on the liberty, both surveillance vessels of the United States Navy, happened during Johnson’s administration. He didn’t respond to either one really.

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Feb 3·edited Feb 3Liked by Celia Farber

I have to admit I haven't even taken a peek at the USS Liberty but as the following events show clear Revelation-of-the-Method style evidence of fakery of injury and death I'd say that there was no "failed" plan but that supposed failure was just all part of the plan. The evidence also shows Revelation-of-the-Method style that Operation Northwoods wasn't even a "genuine" false-flag proposal but a document with a propaganda agenda whose pages weren't stamped DECLASSIFIED but rather UNCLASSIFIED. And we have to ask why on earth would they declassify such a self-incriminating document.

It's Russian Dolls within Russian Dolls folks. It's just one layer of deception after another. I'm going to check out USS Liberty now to see if it's not just ALL smoke'n'mirrors.

Pearl Harbour (alleged false flag) - faked death and injury - https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/pearl-harbour.html

Operation Northwoods (alleged false flag proposal) - faked - https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/operation-northwoods-false-flag-proposal

JFK assassination (alleged false flag) - faked (check out this insanely flirtatious phone conversation between Jackie and LBJ less than a month after the alleged assassination. I can only think it is some kind of sendup of Marilyn's OTT Happy Birthday, Mr President - https://americanradioworks.publicradio.org/features/prestapes/jklbj.html)


Bologna Station bombing 1980 (alleged false flag) - faked death and injury -https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/bologna-1980-and-mogadishu-2017.html

9/11 (alleged false flag) - faked death and injury - https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/911-the-false-dilemma-propaganda, https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/nonsensicalities-in-the-911-firefighter

Post-9/11 anthrax attacks (alleged false flag) - faked death and sickness -https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/anthrax-attacks-after-911.html

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what did I just listen to? How bizarre.

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It sure is.

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Sorry, Petra, you lose me at faked assassination.

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Judith, As in all their psyops they do them Hidden in Plain Sight. It's clear from numerous angles. How can there be zero about the shooting that adds up:

--- WWII Italian mail-order rifle Carcano

--- From grassy knoll car would have been blocked by tree in full foliage

--- "magic" bullet but John Connally and his wife believed there were three bullets

--- Issues with Zapruder film

--- Dearth of onlookers

--- Dead body doesn't look like JFK

--- And as already linked the Jackie and LBJ conversation is insane ... and only two weeks after alleged assassination

There is no credible explanation for the shooting. Can you provide one?

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Sure. The military, big oil, the mafia, the anti Castro cubans.

Your first three points only point out, to me, the problems with the official version of the lone nut assassin. Not proof that the assassination did not take place.

And by the way, if you believe it is a hoax, that's your belief. I wouldn't argue someone's belief. I believe the assassination took place.

I certainly DON'T believe the Warren Report.

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But in fact there's no alternative explanation for any shooting. We reject the Warren commission but what's the clear evidence for a shooting of any kind? It's a false dilemma: they've led the anticipated disbelievers of their nonsense story to think there was a shooting ... just not a shooting by lone gunman Lee Harvey Oswald however there's no good evidence for a shooting of any kind. If you think there is please let me know what it is.

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I'm not interested in the back and forth, Petra. I respect your point of view. I just don't agree.

We are all free to believe what we believe.

I believe in God. I can't prove it, but I believe it. I have no interest in proving it to others.

Live and let live.

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That's fine, Judith, if you're not interested in back and forth but belief in God is a different kind of thing. In a way I think the word belief isn't the best one in relation to God, I'd say "I experience God" is perhaps a better way to describe it. To me God is personal and each person experiences (or doesn't experience) God for themselves and it's not really about belief so much as experience ... but then that's just my belief :)

Whether or not JFK's assassination was faked is not a matter of belief or experience but a matter of fact. The people who told us the assassination story lied so at the outset there is no reason to accept any part of the narrative without clear evidence. If you've got any I always keep an open mind ... although at this point I cannot see how evidence for a real assassination can be shoe-horned into the picture.

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Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Would like to ask our transparency candidate, what he thinks about this event? How about a promise to declassify all USS Liberty documents? and put forth a real investigation. It just seems so fitting that this occured almost one year to the day (+3 days) before RFKsr's assasination. McNamara and Johnson withdrew the US air support, so as "not to embarass our ally?" Perhaps if RFK, Sr. had become president, this incredible coverup would have been uncovered. Oh.

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Feb 4·edited Feb 4Liked by Celia Farber

Most, if not all, of the communications regarding the USS Liberty were deliberately gathered up and destroyed. This would have included all NSA air traffic tape recordings, etc. You are not likely to find much of anything with regard to records.

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I finally decided to share this astonishing interview since 10/7 and the awakening of so many to the nefarious Zionist way of getting whatever they want. Harold W Rosenthal was a young staff member in the office of US Senator Jacob Javitz when we spoke to a Christian journalist displaying extreme arrogance while explaining the plan no holds barred. His bosses didn’t like it one bit his rubbing it in the faces of the goyim so he was quickly murdered.

Read it for yourself. You want to know why people would fall for the Third Reich appeal:


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Thanks for spreading this important information.

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