Allegiance to any party is the kiss of death. You can trust none of them. If they had your best interests at heart, they would not seek to enslave you or force you to do anything.
Traditional liberals and conservatives both had admirable traits, including being anti-war, anti-giant corporations, small limited government, low taxes, pro free speech. Now all they have are all bad traits.
This lady from Wisconsin's testimony, that she experienced "the eulogy of my liberal self," is a good way to describe what I've experienced the past four years. Now all the goalposts have shifted. The people I used to walk with in protests who wore buttons that said "Question Authority" now swear allegiance to 'authority.' I would read, along with them, books like "No Logo" by Naomi Klein - remember when Ms. Klein made her name by being critical of corporations? Now she is a shill for Big Pharma with her hit piece book on Dr. Naomi Wolf titled Doppelgänger.
Good for this woman from Wisconsin to vote for Ron Johnson, who I consider a hero.
Rachel Maddow should listen. I stopped watching The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC after her horrific rant telling all viewers that if you don't get the covid shots, you're responsible for giving covid to your grandmother.
She's never apologized she was so wrong and that her advice has so hurt so many.
I stopped watching Rachel when she refused to criticize Obama for doing the same things that she criticized Bush for doing. Told me that she didn’t have a genuine belief in what she was saying.
I like the Rachel from Air America when she was really anti war. Unless that too was just a hoax?
She got into Cable News/MSNBC for the bigger bucks and bigger platform than Air America. I listened to her on Air America when she still had a brain. Now she’s just a shill for the lefty lame stream media on MSNBC!
I ditched my cable and MSNBC mid way through Obama’s first term. I have never regretted my decision.
Occasionally I see snippets of MSNBC clips here and there on the “cold open” on The Warrroom with Steve Bannon, in the mornings. I want to vomit…and the outright lies that the ‘pundits’ they have on say, are equally as repugnant.
Can take A LOT to get people out of their self delusion.
It's a state of most people both republican and democrat and everyone in between
After all, paranoid distrust is not a nice place to be and can be very lonely so it is not a surprise we invest conscious and unconscious effort in dismissing the infinite betrayals small and not so small in the interest of maintaining some peace of mind and some happiness. Distrust can be an anxiety producing state where no one really wants to be. Probably why having dysfunctional families is so damaging. If you can't trust your parents &/or siblings who you going to trust?
Then one day you realize the government and it's handlers tried to kill you and all evidence is they are continuing to do so. Not like the friend (or yourself) that puts another at risk by driving too fast and then realizes they've been irresponsible and never does it again. THAT sort of thing is not fun but you can forgive imperfection because you know you also are imperfect. You always make bargains as to what can I tolerate and forgive and what is beyond the limit. Unless you want ZERO friends it is almost a necessity.
But when your government or colleagues try to kill you with bio weapon agents and forced death lottery clot shots you can no longer afford the luxury and comfort of brushing it off in favor of a trusting comfortable mind
Attempted murder FORCES you to wake up even if you wish you could stay delusional
It is hard wired in us to recoil from attempts to kill us
THAT'S why the government puts so much effort into psyops to brainwash us to not see what's being done. THAT'S why they invest so much money into developing slow kill agents like clot shots because you may be killed and never realize it was intentional. If you're lucky and manage to pierce the efforts to hide what they are doing you can never un-see it and you can never trust the government again.
I am often embarrassed and sometimes ashamed of how big a sledge hammer it took to wake ME up. Perhaps that is why I get a bit angry and strident at times. Betrayal does that.
I remember Vietnam and LBJ gaslighting us about it and the 58k+ who came home in body bags, I few of whom were my personal friends. And I remember many others who were never right after they got home. But hey, that's the cost of freedom. It was drilled into us and since our parents were WWII vets of the righteous war who were we to question. I also remember the MKL/JFK/RFK assassinations. and legion other things as many of us do. I as many were raised in what we thought was basically a country of decent people (which it is for the most part) who had Judea Christian values and we were taught to trust and be obedient to the best of our ability. Many of us had good communities good churches good schools and we went on to "more or less" succeed so why would we question it? Many of us (like me) NEVER could have imagined that they would launch bio weapons and death lottery syringes at us and few of us could imagine that much of the vaccine program was more myth than we thought because all our aunts had those big ole small pox scars on their deltoid and all of us had Small pox and polio and were mostly OK. Plus we were raised on pics of iron lungs and smallpox and Roosevelt in a wheel chair.
We were ALL IN and our mom's and dad's sacrificed to defeat Hitler and hold off Stalin so why would we question THAT legacy?
Only to find out what we've found out. It is a harsh awakening we did not want to have. Not quite the level of finding out a parent was cheating but a betrayal none the less.
But when they try to kill you you have no choice but to wake up like it or not.
Because our instinct to survive will not allow us to wave it off
The slow kill (lowering life expectancy) has been going on since WWII. Pesticides, fake, cute looking "food", see your doctor regularly. Oh, and the telee vision to secure the narrative of all of it. Then there's inflation and deflation of the worth of your hard earned income so we all stay in the right lane. Time to get on board.
While Stalin and Mao were busy killing tens of millions of their own which we saw as the adversary" it turns out we, "the good guys" had similar plans in the queue.
You realize that "the good guys" is often a matter of optics and circumstance.
Today's "good guy" can (and likely) may easily be "the bad guy"
At least that part of the religion I was raised in was preparatory. No betrayal there.
It maintains there are no good guys because we all have the capacity for evil in us
There are only those fighting harder to keep the evil within and without in check
But it's a constant struggle
The west has been slacking off on it's self policing vigilance because the money and the riches was getting too comfortable. Hopefully the collective wake up is not too late
Inclusion is always conditional when participating in a group, a fundamental human condition is agreement with and adherence to group inclusion. From family, to religion to outlier gay community to consciousness streams of thought. Follow the rules or be excommunicated. Experienced repeatedly over decades. Producing zero interest in participating in community of any sort. Near to safe is Substack writers. :)
Good on her for waking up and walking away from those souls who are deceiving themselves. I may not see the alternate lifestyle as an option but I applaud her bravery.
Allegiance to any party is the kiss of death. You can trust none of them. If they had your best interests at heart, they would not seek to enslave you or force you to do anything.
Remember when liberals were the ones who didn't trust giant corporations?
Both parties rebrand over time to capture the minds of the public. Neither stand for anything good.
Traditional liberals and conservatives both had admirable traits, including being anti-war, anti-giant corporations, small limited government, low taxes, pro free speech. Now all they have are all bad traits.
Certainly not permanently. Nothing remains more true than absolute power corrupts absolutely
....and supported working class, and were antiwar
This lady from Wisconsin's testimony, that she experienced "the eulogy of my liberal self," is a good way to describe what I've experienced the past four years. Now all the goalposts have shifted. The people I used to walk with in protests who wore buttons that said "Question Authority" now swear allegiance to 'authority.' I would read, along with them, books like "No Logo" by Naomi Klein - remember when Ms. Klein made her name by being critical of corporations? Now she is a shill for Big Pharma with her hit piece book on Dr. Naomi Wolf titled Doppelgänger.
Good for this woman from Wisconsin to vote for Ron Johnson, who I consider a hero.
Rachel Maddow should listen. I stopped watching The Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC after her horrific rant telling all viewers that if you don't get the covid shots, you're responsible for giving covid to your grandmother.
She's never apologized she was so wrong and that her advice has so hurt so many.
I stopped watching Rachel when she refused to criticize Obama for doing the same things that she criticized Bush for doing. Told me that she didn’t have a genuine belief in what she was saying.
I like the Rachel from Air America when she was really anti war. Unless that too was just a hoax?
She captured the left as Keith olbermanns protege many years ago. She learned to avoid his mistakes, knows to not criticize or mention taboo subjects.
Ran into exMSNBC staffer who confirmed that discussing a verboten topic like stolen elections gets rewarded with lifetime ban.
Media mouths will say what they are paid to say. The money's just too good!
She got into Cable News/MSNBC for the bigger bucks and bigger platform than Air America. I listened to her on Air America when she still had a brain. Now she’s just a shill for the lefty lame stream media on MSNBC!
I ditched my cable and MSNBC mid way through Obama’s first term. I have never regretted my decision.
Occasionally I see snippets of MSNBC clips here and there on the “cold open” on The Warrroom with Steve Bannon, in the mornings. I want to vomit…and the outright lies that the ‘pundits’ they have on say, are equally as repugnant.
Can take A LOT to get people out of their self delusion.
It's a state of most people both republican and democrat and everyone in between
After all, paranoid distrust is not a nice place to be and can be very lonely so it is not a surprise we invest conscious and unconscious effort in dismissing the infinite betrayals small and not so small in the interest of maintaining some peace of mind and some happiness. Distrust can be an anxiety producing state where no one really wants to be. Probably why having dysfunctional families is so damaging. If you can't trust your parents &/or siblings who you going to trust?
Then one day you realize the government and it's handlers tried to kill you and all evidence is they are continuing to do so. Not like the friend (or yourself) that puts another at risk by driving too fast and then realizes they've been irresponsible and never does it again. THAT sort of thing is not fun but you can forgive imperfection because you know you also are imperfect. You always make bargains as to what can I tolerate and forgive and what is beyond the limit. Unless you want ZERO friends it is almost a necessity.
But when your government or colleagues try to kill you with bio weapon agents and forced death lottery clot shots you can no longer afford the luxury and comfort of brushing it off in favor of a trusting comfortable mind
Attempted murder FORCES you to wake up even if you wish you could stay delusional
It is hard wired in us to recoil from attempts to kill us
THAT'S why the government puts so much effort into psyops to brainwash us to not see what's being done. THAT'S why they invest so much money into developing slow kill agents like clot shots because you may be killed and never realize it was intentional. If you're lucky and manage to pierce the efforts to hide what they are doing you can never un-see it and you can never trust the government again.
Very well said. Thank you for eloquently stating what is now obvious to those who have awakened.
Thank you
I am often embarrassed and sometimes ashamed of how big a sledge hammer it took to wake ME up. Perhaps that is why I get a bit angry and strident at times. Betrayal does that.
I remember Vietnam and LBJ gaslighting us about it and the 58k+ who came home in body bags, I few of whom were my personal friends. And I remember many others who were never right after they got home. But hey, that's the cost of freedom. It was drilled into us and since our parents were WWII vets of the righteous war who were we to question. I also remember the MKL/JFK/RFK assassinations. and legion other things as many of us do. I as many were raised in what we thought was basically a country of decent people (which it is for the most part) who had Judea Christian values and we were taught to trust and be obedient to the best of our ability. Many of us had good communities good churches good schools and we went on to "more or less" succeed so why would we question it? Many of us (like me) NEVER could have imagined that they would launch bio weapons and death lottery syringes at us and few of us could imagine that much of the vaccine program was more myth than we thought because all our aunts had those big ole small pox scars on their deltoid and all of us had Small pox and polio and were mostly OK. Plus we were raised on pics of iron lungs and smallpox and Roosevelt in a wheel chair.
We were ALL IN and our mom's and dad's sacrificed to defeat Hitler and hold off Stalin so why would we question THAT legacy?
Only to find out what we've found out. It is a harsh awakening we did not want to have. Not quite the level of finding out a parent was cheating but a betrayal none the less.
But when they try to kill you you have no choice but to wake up like it or not.
Because our instinct to survive will not allow us to wave it off
The slow kill (lowering life expectancy) has been going on since WWII. Pesticides, fake, cute looking "food", see your doctor regularly. Oh, and the telee vision to secure the narrative of all of it. Then there's inflation and deflation of the worth of your hard earned income so we all stay in the right lane. Time to get on board.
While Stalin and Mao were busy killing tens of millions of their own which we saw as the adversary" it turns out we, "the good guys" had similar plans in the queue.
You realize that "the good guys" is often a matter of optics and circumstance.
Today's "good guy" can (and likely) may easily be "the bad guy"
At least that part of the religion I was raised in was preparatory. No betrayal there.
It maintains there are no good guys because we all have the capacity for evil in us
There are only those fighting harder to keep the evil within and without in check
But it's a constant struggle
The west has been slacking off on it's self policing vigilance because the money and the riches was getting too comfortable. Hopefully the collective wake up is not too late
A really beautiful woman. I’m straight, but it doesn’t matter. We are all sisters.
Their body, their choice. Proving that the mantra, "my body, my choice," is just wrapping paper to mask their true motives for supporting abortion.
Inclusion is always conditional when participating in a group, a fundamental human condition is agreement with and adherence to group inclusion. From family, to religion to outlier gay community to consciousness streams of thought. Follow the rules or be excommunicated. Experienced repeatedly over decades. Producing zero interest in participating in community of any sort. Near to safe is Substack writers. :)
"Jezebel, off my turf!" I like these off the cuff stories so much more than the scripted ones.
This seems to be a pretty common phenomenon over the last 4-5 years.
From one cult to another, by design...
Powerful testimony. (I myself will never forget the viciousness of those fools who promoted Jab Crow.)
God bless her soul.
what a story.. and there is an app? what?? <mind blown>
glad to have tripped over this stack :-)
Good on her for waking up and walking away from those souls who are deceiving themselves. I may not see the alternate lifestyle as an option but I applaud her bravery.
Remain unvaxxed, you see the truth behind the scam. In these days truth loses friends and estranges relatives.
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