God Bless you Celia… your email came in at an absolutely perfect time. I just broke down in tears worrying over what I predicted a years ago to be a Climate Change Lockdown ..worrying over my grandchildren especially little Thomas whose arm and clavicle were broken when he was born (the doctor said it was necessary as his oxygen levels were dropping but they were so vicious to us and jabbed unmasked family to me, It felt like a punishment) I started to just feel absolutely no hope for the first time in three years this morning thinking about THEM at Davos..and then I read your email and cried again thank you honey really good timing thank you thank you. I hope you’re right I’ve been positive for three full years and then hit a wall that your timely email just tore down ❤️
They all need to be exposed and purged. The "swamp" really does need to be drained. For the safety of our dang children. Now how do we accomplish this result? Exposing all the Covid lies and liars might do the trick. There's not many things that will. So this might be our one chance.
Fayanne, I too have young grandchildren, which is why I fight. Do whatever you can to educate your family, no matter how "dug in" they are. Start small, just little bits of info. I know it's tough, and some will lash out, but it's worth it if it helps our grandkids future. Stay strong, you have an army, and God (Nature) behind you💓
Fayanne you are not alone. I have been going through awful bouts of crying, anxiety, stomach pains thinking about Davos and their agenda. I also felt a wave of “it’s not over yet! We must overcome!” Euphoria thanks to Celia. We have to remember to stay strong for our kids/grandkids. I fully understand they WANT us to feel alone, desperate, despairing but we must not let them win. No matter what keep telling people what you know, wake others up. Remember when you feel like this that we are many and together we have the bond of human spirit, we have souls and it’s our job to protect the innocents. ❤️🤗💪🏼🙏. A lot of praying doesn’t hurt either😉
The next few years are going to be like the Bubonic plague. The damage has begun and we will see half of the world die This is far from over. Anyone who took these injections will be administered hospital death protocols. They are still being used today. Everyone who used coercion and took part in this will face justice.
Now Bernie can use dead jabbed bodies to heat his mansions. See the Japan data on warm morgue residents!Some equity-seeking fool he has turned out to be.
The damage has already been done and they had the problem, reaction and solutions. They have been using the strategy of compartmentalization. Anyone who was just doing their job or following orders, having mostly taken these injections. There was no placebos used on the population. They have essentially committed suicide by injecting themselves. The good news is the truther movement gets bigger everyday. Many people are realizing they have been played. They will continue to use the military medical complex and Big Pharma MDs. They unfortunately won’t get the correct treatments Godspeed.
Yes the genocidal cull of humanity is under way. And it may never be enough for the powermongers. Any evil Darwinist climate change covidiot can enjoy the damage being done.
I believe this was intentional. The perpetrators have went through great planning. The people in charge knew eventually people couldn’t deny the injections harms. This has nothing to do about health. It is about biotechnology, transhumanism and technocracy.
If you are referring to whether Covid-19 injection product placebos were injected into some recipients, I believe there's ample evidence placebos were injected.
At the "How Bad Is My Batch" website at https://howbadismybatch.com/ , search on "placebo" and you will find the line titled, "!! NEW : Lot expiry list reveals which lots are biologically active vs placebo. See Lot Expiry Dates page.". Clicking on the "Lot Expiry Dates page" link will take you to an explanation of how one can determine whether they were injected with a placebo.
This revelation began with research done by a UK PhD candidate, Craig Paardekooper on VAERS database U.S. data which was continued by "Team Enigma" researchers, which eventually determined that there appears to have been a collusion among whomever manufactured and distributed the injection products to the U.S. states. The collusion included batches of injection product vials which varied greatly in strength of "vaccine" and consequently in the number of deaths recorded in VAERS for those batches. Interestingly, all of the VAERS deaths due to the Covid-19 injection products were associated with only 5% of the batches; and, even more interestingly, those deadly 5% of batches were distributed to red Republican states! - Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer Vice President, has written a number of articles and recorded a number of videos addressing these findings. Also, Sasha Latypova was on Team Enigma.
Yes. I Think former Pfizer VP and toxicologist Dr. Michael Yeadon has put together the strongest evidence of premeditated murder via the Jab yet, though his analysis is not alone by far. This jab was NEVER a cure for "Covid", and it has always been a bioweapon from the start. The pattern Yeadon reveals exposes this clearly.
Agree. It makes sense that there would be a lot of harmless batches so that millions of people can say, "I took it, no big deal." I believe the "bad" batches were toxicity tests to see at what level the damage is done. (note my use of the word "believe," I cannot prove this!) Agree with Yeadon that it had to be deliberate. Hoping and praying that many among my family & friends got saline or weak shots.
Apparently there were placebos at the beginning. It would seem logical for not having too many adverse events, including deaths, at the start of the operative. And even vials have been shown not to be the same.
What they did on purpose, was to ruin the control group injecting participants.
I agree totally. Obviously, there were four major companies with differing "jabs" and biological procedures, differing enough to grant separate patents for each, which even convoluted the results to begin with. They have admitted to what is referred to as "immunobridging" which is essentially just jabbing everyone as a test rat, and then doing mass studies. These were double-blind studies and only the bar codes and records know for sure what $#*+ they were pumping into people, in what I have said were probably as many as 2,000 different tests, placebo arm controls included.
Agreed. They are now starting to use mRNA technology in flu shots, animal vaccines, vegetables, etc. - for example:
"Situation Update, Jan 16, 2023 - The US MEAT SUPPLY will soon be widely infected with mRNA spike protein bioweapons" - segment starts at time = 1:07:49
I've also read that they federal and state governments will start inoculating deer and other wild food animals with mRNA "vaccines"; and that these vaccines will then self-spread to the rest of the herd, flock, or whatever is the term for that species.
I would hope so. I'm currently attempting to study the intricate arguments put forth by Karen Kingston and Katherine Watt on their substacks; but, as far as criminal lawsuits ever being filed, it appears that will only happen if the DOJ AG's office or a state AG files; and, in my opinion, that's not going to happen anytime soon, given the current corrupt nature of the DOJ and the fact that state AGs are very political people, looking for their next higher appointment in the system...thus likely very hesitant to rock the boat. - We'll see what happens in Florida. - But it would be nice to see at least one large civil class action filing as suggested some time ago by Reiner Fuellmich.
Yes they are. Beware of the accumulation of communist powers growing in latin america and has taken over brazil. Communism is another facet of mr globo and highly virulient.
They love to croc-tear up like soros did months ago. Complaining the world just doesn’t get it... we’re running out of time... gotta save da planet... got to kill off the extra eaters... drop food production... keep crooks on the streets... buy off those DAs...
You can never appease a communist. Evil must reign in successive layers for these psychopaths.
I'd rather read what you've written here than listening to that disgusting voice of Herr Sturmbahn Schwab. They ALL do not deserve a second of attention, but I think Oscar Wilde once said: Stay close to ones friend, but even closer to ones enemies.
Quit recently I talked to a friend about the WEF and - now here it comes! - she said : What;s the WEF ? . . . My thought about her answer was: She's still watching the Tell-A-Vision. Nòt knowing about the WEF at this stage of the crisis is plain suicide.
Ecclesiastically elaborated wordings that are as empty as their sloganesque chatter.
However more than ever one has to stay awake and highten the state of awareness as these tricks of the empty-hearted are put in a chorus-format to try and hypnotize not only the participants but also the listeners and viewers worldwide.
I think we're kidding ourselves. The message of spiritual uplift has always been there: it's in "Covid-19: The Great Reset" and in "The Great Narrative." It was in Malone's promotion of "genius" Chris Langan. It's in Desmet's book, which in my view belongs alongside of Schwab's book.
It's propaganda for a "soft" totalitarianism, isn't it, where we own nothing but are happy? Where, when the financial crisis lands, the banks get shut down, and we emerge with a CBDC. All kinds of nice things can be said in a land of total censorship and total surveillance-- a land of a "great narrative" (ironic how Desmet's book coincidentally uses that same phrase for his vision of a new world.)
Those who abandon logic fall for narratives. That's the point. That was the entire point of Desmet's book, too, only he meant for us to abandon logic so we'd fall for his narrative, a narrative that prepares us not for "mass formation" totalitarianism, but for Schwab's soft totalitarianism. Because curiously, Desmet's book says zero about soft totalitarianism, wherein the people are controlled not through Arendt's terror (which Desmet draws heavily from) but from simple censorship and surveillance.
Yes, I have it in for Desmet. That's because I read his book very carefully. Apparently a lot of people have not.
All it will take are a few more "emergencies." Yes or no? Then please don't think that we're winning until we really do see some penalties meted out.
Reading it helps greatly to understand the Breggin/Malone rift.
Something sinister is going on with Desmet's book and the subsequent promotion of it, although I also believe that many people read it only superficially and with a trusting view. As I myself did; I only understood what Desmet was saying when Malone sued Breggin, and then I read Breggin's side of the story, and re-read Desmet. Breggin is speaking the truth. Desmet is not.
Consider this one statement by Desmet:
"Totalitarianism is the belief that the human intellect can be the guiding principle in life and society” (p 175.) Yes, Desmet really says this. It's an absurd statement but Desmet's entire book means to prove this.
Desmet has taken Arendt's profound thinking on this subject and twisted it and cheapened it. He twisted Arendt's analysis of "ideology" and broadened it to include all of modern human thinking, which is simply absurd. Arendt's analysis was trenchant; Desmet's is profoundly sophomoric.
Odd how Desmet promotes a "great narrative" toward the end of his book and that just so happens to be the title of Schwab's latest book.
I'm butting in here because I believe the discussion/interview linked below is important enough for you to seriously consider publishing here on your substack. This is the quickest way I could think to bring this video to your attention.
If you can find the time, please watch the following presentation by Dr. Bryan Ardis. I believe Ardis has shown that all of the serious adverse event outcomes attributed to the so-called Covid-19 "vaccines" are likely due to venoms. It's phenomenal what he and Tau Braun have done in this regard. - It's 3:00 AM and I've got to get some sleep. <g>
Planned Kill Off Of The Vaccinated To Begin! Guest Dr. Bryan Ardis
Thank you for this. Celia, you are a light warrior going straight to heaven. Your account of the pathetic scrambling of the desperate elite is brilliant. Stand strong team humanity and thank you Celia
It is exactly like a cult. And/or one of those "Twilight Zone" episodes where only one person knows everybody else has turned into a zombie. But maybe other people are waking up? If they ever do, where are these cult leaders going to hide? Are their bail-out bunkers in New Zealand fully stocked? Do they have armed security they can trust for the next three decades?
I've never been worried about Klaus S, he's the frontman and hatchet man to get things done at political level. I'm more concerned about the monied Machiavelli's in the background.
I'm sorry but I don't see this as a win. I see this simply as changed tactics, the next step in the plan, the next move towards the same goal. Too many things have been put in motion to reverse the juggernaut. A new world will dawn regardless of anything anyone can do right now, Because all the current systems, checks and balances have either been removed or broken.
If people need something "positive" to keep them going, then they need to look inside and generate resiliency. We have "won" in that more people understand what's been going on, but the way it was before, will never be again, and that may be a good thing or a bad one, depending on your resilience and strength of mind.
Taking a deep sweet breath of the optimism you share here.
Shadow side doubts their every appearance, and that dark thought runs something like:
Talking about heart at this point, right before this new international pandemic treaty kicks in, seems like early marketing for the control of global health they still want. '
Klaus is being dumped and he knows it. He will be blamed. They've done the backstage dagger scene and he is taking the fall and negotiating clemency. Or he knows he has three days left to get his affairs in order before they off him. That's speculative fiction, as is everything they do.
His trying to be human seems unbelievable. Had to say that. Really enjoying the winning feeling, though, and will focus on that. Grateful.
Help! Journalism is on 🔥🔥🔥 again! Or good, resonant writing to reignite all of us on Team Humanity. Thank you for this, Celia. ❤️
We had to destroy the world in order to save it!
God Bless you Celia… your email came in at an absolutely perfect time. I just broke down in tears worrying over what I predicted a years ago to be a Climate Change Lockdown ..worrying over my grandchildren especially little Thomas whose arm and clavicle were broken when he was born (the doctor said it was necessary as his oxygen levels were dropping but they were so vicious to us and jabbed unmasked family to me, It felt like a punishment) I started to just feel absolutely no hope for the first time in three years this morning thinking about THEM at Davos..and then I read your email and cried again thank you honey really good timing thank you thank you. I hope you’re right I’ve been positive for three full years and then hit a wall that your timely email just tore down ❤️
They all need to be exposed and purged. The "swamp" really does need to be drained. For the safety of our dang children. Now how do we accomplish this result? Exposing all the Covid lies and liars might do the trick. There's not many things that will. So this might be our one chance.
Fayanne, I too have young grandchildren, which is why I fight. Do whatever you can to educate your family, no matter how "dug in" they are. Start small, just little bits of info. I know it's tough, and some will lash out, but it's worth it if it helps our grandkids future. Stay strong, you have an army, and God (Nature) behind you💓
I completely agree with you. I’ve been teaching them for years now ever since I’ve been awake. Thank you for your lovely comment AJ, God bless.
Fayanne you are not alone. I have been going through awful bouts of crying, anxiety, stomach pains thinking about Davos and their agenda. I also felt a wave of “it’s not over yet! We must overcome!” Euphoria thanks to Celia. We have to remember to stay strong for our kids/grandkids. I fully understand they WANT us to feel alone, desperate, despairing but we must not let them win. No matter what keep telling people what you know, wake others up. Remember when you feel like this that we are many and together we have the bond of human spirit, we have souls and it’s our job to protect the innocents. ❤️🤗💪🏼🙏. A lot of praying doesn’t hurt either😉
Lovely message honey. I agree xo
The next few years are going to be like the Bubonic plague. The damage has begun and we will see half of the world die This is far from over. Anyone who took these injections will be administered hospital death protocols. They are still being used today. Everyone who used coercion and took part in this will face justice.
Now Bernie can use dead jabbed bodies to heat his mansions. See the Japan data on warm morgue residents!Some equity-seeking fool he has turned out to be.
I read about that. That is MESSED UP! I’m amazed that anything should shock me anymore
higher than normal postmortem body temp:
Yes God willing!
The damage has already been done and they had the problem, reaction and solutions. They have been using the strategy of compartmentalization. Anyone who was just doing their job or following orders, having mostly taken these injections. There was no placebos used on the population. They have essentially committed suicide by injecting themselves. The good news is the truther movement gets bigger everyday. Many people are realizing they have been played. They will continue to use the military medical complex and Big Pharma MDs. They unfortunately won’t get the correct treatments Godspeed.
Yes the genocidal cull of humanity is under way. And it may never be enough for the powermongers. Any evil Darwinist climate change covidiot can enjoy the damage being done.
What do you mean by, "There was no placebos used on the population."?
I believe this was intentional. The perpetrators have went through great planning. The people in charge knew eventually people couldn’t deny the injections harms. This has nothing to do about health. It is about biotechnology, transhumanism and technocracy.
If you are referring to whether Covid-19 injection product placebos were injected into some recipients, I believe there's ample evidence placebos were injected.
At the "How Bad Is My Batch" website at https://howbadismybatch.com/ , search on "placebo" and you will find the line titled, "!! NEW : Lot expiry list reveals which lots are biologically active vs placebo. See Lot Expiry Dates page.". Clicking on the "Lot Expiry Dates page" link will take you to an explanation of how one can determine whether they were injected with a placebo.
This revelation began with research done by a UK PhD candidate, Craig Paardekooper on VAERS database U.S. data which was continued by "Team Enigma" researchers, which eventually determined that there appears to have been a collusion among whomever manufactured and distributed the injection products to the U.S. states. The collusion included batches of injection product vials which varied greatly in strength of "vaccine" and consequently in the number of deaths recorded in VAERS for those batches. Interestingly, all of the VAERS deaths due to the Covid-19 injection products were associated with only 5% of the batches; and, even more interestingly, those deadly 5% of batches were distributed to red Republican states! - Mike Yeadon, a former Pfizer Vice President, has written a number of articles and recorded a number of videos addressing these findings. Also, Sasha Latypova was on Team Enigma.
Yes. I Think former Pfizer VP and toxicologist Dr. Michael Yeadon has put together the strongest evidence of premeditated murder via the Jab yet, though his analysis is not alone by far. This jab was NEVER a cure for "Covid", and it has always been a bioweapon from the start. The pattern Yeadon reveals exposes this clearly.
Agree. It makes sense that there would be a lot of harmless batches so that millions of people can say, "I took it, no big deal." I believe the "bad" batches were toxicity tests to see at what level the damage is done. (note my use of the word "believe," I cannot prove this!) Agree with Yeadon that it had to be deliberate. Hoping and praying that many among my family & friends got saline or weak shots.
Apparently there were placebos at the beginning. It would seem logical for not having too many adverse events, including deaths, at the start of the operative. And even vials have been shown not to be the same.
What they did on purpose, was to ruin the control group injecting participants.
I agree totally. Obviously, there were four major companies with differing "jabs" and biological procedures, differing enough to grant separate patents for each, which even convoluted the results to begin with. They have admitted to what is referred to as "immunobridging" which is essentially just jabbing everyone as a test rat, and then doing mass studies. These were double-blind studies and only the bar codes and records know for sure what $#*+ they were pumping into people, in what I have said were probably as many as 2,000 different tests, placebo arm controls included.
Agreed. They are now starting to use mRNA technology in flu shots, animal vaccines, vegetables, etc. - for example:
"Situation Update, Jan 16, 2023 - The US MEAT SUPPLY will soon be widely infected with mRNA spike protein bioweapons" - segment starts at time = 1:07:49
"They’re trying to feed us with MRNA in food, vegetables not just meat"
I've also read that they federal and state governments will start inoculating deer and other wild food animals with mRNA "vaccines"; and that these vaccines will then self-spread to the rest of the herd, flock, or whatever is the term for that species.
I would hope so. I'm currently attempting to study the intricate arguments put forth by Karen Kingston and Katherine Watt on their substacks; but, as far as criminal lawsuits ever being filed, it appears that will only happen if the DOJ AG's office or a state AG files; and, in my opinion, that's not going to happen anytime soon, given the current corrupt nature of the DOJ and the fact that state AGs are very political people, looking for their next higher appointment in the system...thus likely very hesitant to rock the boat. - We'll see what happens in Florida. - But it would be nice to see at least one large civil class action filing as suggested some time ago by Reiner Fuellmich.
Brilliant Anal(ysis) Celia.
Thank you....I believe you are correct
They overplayed their hand with these Bugs and own nothing and 15 minute cities and useless eaters and on and on...
They are being scrutinized as never before....Onward Pilgrims
Spot on Celia, I said from the beginning that I don’t give a crap what these evil people are doing in Davos. I’m not complying with anything.
Remain vigilant. They'll be coming after us, whether we opt to comply or not.
Yes they are. Beware of the accumulation of communist powers growing in latin america and has taken over brazil. Communism is another facet of mr globo and highly virulient.
They love to croc-tear up like soros did months ago. Complaining the world just doesn’t get it... we’re running out of time... gotta save da planet... got to kill off the extra eaters... drop food production... keep crooks on the streets... buy off those DAs...
You can never appease a communist. Evil must reign in successive layers for these psychopaths.
It worked for Dracula.
I'd rather read what you've written here than listening to that disgusting voice of Herr Sturmbahn Schwab. They ALL do not deserve a second of attention, but I think Oscar Wilde once said: Stay close to ones friend, but even closer to ones enemies.
Quit recently I talked to a friend about the WEF and - now here it comes! - she said : What;s the WEF ? . . . My thought about her answer was: She's still watching the Tell-A-Vision. Nòt knowing about the WEF at this stage of the crisis is plain suicide.
Yes, disguised as ignorant bliss...
Keep bringing it up! WEF, WEF, WEF, until it’s so ingrained in everyone’s brain that they can’t ignore it.
Macchiavelli. Keep your friends close & your enemies closer.
Ecclesiastically elaborated wordings that are as empty as their sloganesque chatter.
However more than ever one has to stay awake and highten the state of awareness as these tricks of the empty-hearted are put in a chorus-format to try and hypnotize not only the participants but also the listeners and viewers worldwide.
Re: Schwab yeah, and if you think THAT you are drinking even stronger stuff than Kool -Aid.
Martha Stewart’s commercial hawking the Jab on Primetime Morning Show…
Says more than Schwab ever will …
They belong to the same club after all…
Methods growing increasingly insidious…
Confuse, confound… Deflect.
I watch YouTube with the Roku TV app. It never fails the first video up is : "Get your Covid Booster now - before you die!" 😒
I think we're kidding ourselves. The message of spiritual uplift has always been there: it's in "Covid-19: The Great Reset" and in "The Great Narrative." It was in Malone's promotion of "genius" Chris Langan. It's in Desmet's book, which in my view belongs alongside of Schwab's book.
It's propaganda for a "soft" totalitarianism, isn't it, where we own nothing but are happy? Where, when the financial crisis lands, the banks get shut down, and we emerge with a CBDC. All kinds of nice things can be said in a land of total censorship and total surveillance-- a land of a "great narrative" (ironic how Desmet's book coincidentally uses that same phrase for his vision of a new world.)
Those who abandon logic fall for narratives. That's the point. That was the entire point of Desmet's book, too, only he meant for us to abandon logic so we'd fall for his narrative, a narrative that prepares us not for "mass formation" totalitarianism, but for Schwab's soft totalitarianism. Because curiously, Desmet's book says zero about soft totalitarianism, wherein the people are controlled not through Arendt's terror (which Desmet draws heavily from) but from simple censorship and surveillance.
Yes, I have it in for Desmet. That's because I read his book very carefully. Apparently a lot of people have not.
All it will take are a few more "emergencies." Yes or no? Then please don't think that we're winning until we really do see some penalties meted out.
I haven't read it. I suppose I ought to.
Reading it helps greatly to understand the Breggin/Malone rift.
Something sinister is going on with Desmet's book and the subsequent promotion of it, although I also believe that many people read it only superficially and with a trusting view. As I myself did; I only understood what Desmet was saying when Malone sued Breggin, and then I read Breggin's side of the story, and re-read Desmet. Breggin is speaking the truth. Desmet is not.
Consider this one statement by Desmet:
"Totalitarianism is the belief that the human intellect can be the guiding principle in life and society” (p 175.) Yes, Desmet really says this. It's an absurd statement but Desmet's entire book means to prove this.
Desmet has taken Arendt's profound thinking on this subject and twisted it and cheapened it. He twisted Arendt's analysis of "ideology" and broadened it to include all of modern human thinking, which is simply absurd. Arendt's analysis was trenchant; Desmet's is profoundly sophomoric.
Odd how Desmet promotes a "great narrative" toward the end of his book and that just so happens to be the title of Schwab's latest book.
Spare yourself, it's absolute drivel and maybe the worst ghost writer in totalitarian history.
Agree. It really is absolute drivel. Then why is it promoted so heavily? Why are people falling over themselves to interview Desmet?
I'm butting in here because I believe the discussion/interview linked below is important enough for you to seriously consider publishing here on your substack. This is the quickest way I could think to bring this video to your attention.
If you can find the time, please watch the following presentation by Dr. Bryan Ardis. I believe Ardis has shown that all of the serious adverse event outcomes attributed to the so-called Covid-19 "vaccines" are likely due to venoms. It's phenomenal what he and Tau Braun have done in this regard. - It's 3:00 AM and I've got to get some sleep. <g>
Planned Kill Off Of The Vaccinated To Begin! Guest Dr. Bryan Ardis
Thank you for this. Celia, you are a light warrior going straight to heaven. Your account of the pathetic scrambling of the desperate elite is brilliant. Stand strong team humanity and thank you Celia
It is exactly like a cult. And/or one of those "Twilight Zone" episodes where only one person knows everybody else has turned into a zombie. But maybe other people are waking up? If they ever do, where are these cult leaders going to hide? Are their bail-out bunkers in New Zealand fully stocked? Do they have armed security they can trust for the next three decades?
Catastrophism. Another useful term!
I've never been worried about Klaus S, he's the frontman and hatchet man to get things done at political level. I'm more concerned about the monied Machiavelli's in the background.
I'm sorry but I don't see this as a win. I see this simply as changed tactics, the next step in the plan, the next move towards the same goal. Too many things have been put in motion to reverse the juggernaut. A new world will dawn regardless of anything anyone can do right now, Because all the current systems, checks and balances have either been removed or broken.
If people need something "positive" to keep them going, then they need to look inside and generate resiliency. We have "won" in that more people understand what's been going on, but the way it was before, will never be again, and that may be a good thing or a bad one, depending on your resilience and strength of mind.
Taking a deep sweet breath of the optimism you share here.
Shadow side doubts their every appearance, and that dark thought runs something like:
Talking about heart at this point, right before this new international pandemic treaty kicks in, seems like early marketing for the control of global health they still want. '
Klaus is being dumped and he knows it. He will be blamed. They've done the backstage dagger scene and he is taking the fall and negotiating clemency. Or he knows he has three days left to get his affairs in order before they off him. That's speculative fiction, as is everything they do.
His trying to be human seems unbelievable. Had to say that. Really enjoying the winning feeling, though, and will focus on that. Grateful.