Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

Everytime a fully jabbed family member gets ill now, I am expecting a bad outcome.

It sounds cold, but I don't worry about it.

It is what it is and is outside of my control.

All I can do now is to try and support them if things do go bad.

I also know what I would like to do to those who have orchestrated this genocide, but I don't have enough handcuffs, quicksand, helicopters, or active volcanoes available.

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I’m sure you tried to warn them. I tried, to no avail and almost ruined relationships, which are permanently scarred now. I share your ambivalence. We’ve had two strokes in our family that no one questions, one person was removed from a plane due to heart irregularities, and a 30-something family physician died suddenly. It’s a lost cause.

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Me too. And my husband had pneumonia before but not all the many things I have now heard and know that can come with the vax. And the drs never said it was that. And they didn’t know why he was so sick. The covid vax was still proclaimed in any hallway to get. And you had to have a mask. Mask a person w asthma and limited circulation bc of being paralyzed. Oh how I wish I knew, we knew. He took it bc he didn’t want to get sick, really sick and die. He took it to protect others. But….he is now gone. Breaks my heart. So so sad. Hard. Sad story Celia.

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So sorry for your loss. It’s profound beyond words the betrayal you have suffered, and so many others. We must never forget. And seek alternatives, we can’t trust the medical establishment. And why would we when they have yet to acknowledge the harm they have caused?

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Thank you

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Thank you

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Those few that I knew who took the jab have distanced themselves from me, not the other way around. OK let me be honest here, I was overly vocal with my POV, to no avail. This damn vax has created not only physical health dangers, but ruined our entire society in how we interact with each other. These fookers behind this will be judged by God.

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This is so true. In January 2021 I remember texting my sister in NY warning her and her family to not fall for it all and take the jab. That is was a bio-weapon.

She said she wasn't getting it but that she couldn't stop others saying "Everyone (implying her adult kids and extended family ) is an adult and can decide for themselves. You are not getting it so why do you care so much? Stop texting me about the vaccine." I don't think she realized what was to come. I was sounding an alarm she couldn't hear.

So now it's just awkward. Her sister-in-law had her knee blown out and completely replaced, which is a known adverse reaction (other people in my life have had the same thing since being vaccinated). Her husband, who did get it, is always sick. She doesn't want to believe it. (I have plenty of other stories, but will not share here)

The most obvious and annoying insanity of it all is that, during the roll-out there was no privacy for the unvaccinated. Everyone was asking if you got it. You couldn't go anywhere, especially in blue cities without someone asking you or ridiculing you for not being vaccinated.

And now, if a 15-year or a 25-year old drops dead suddenly and you ask if they were vaccinated, people look at you like you are the worst most horrible person in the world.

Like why does that even matter now. They are DEAD. Like finito comprende. And in some ways they ARE RIGHT. Because in society that is good manners. BUT.......


They can't:

-Call me a creep for not getting vaccinated, when I know it's a bio-weapon.

-Shout it's safe and effective without knowing that. Blindly believing. Who does that?

-Remind me I am not a doctor and tell me they know better when I am fully aware to the fact doctors are being bribed with money and the threat of their license if they don't go along.

-Call me selfish when I know that getting it is helping no one. What a hoax!


When we see with our eyes the obvious harms, they gaslight, look the other way like nothing happened and then call me an insensitive creep for pointing out the obvious.

They can't have it both ways. They want to have it both ways, but they can't have it both ways.

They are insane and they want us to join them and I am not doing it. I will not pretend that nothing happened. They weren't polite and I won't be either.

It's pure insanity. I am not playing along with their insanity.

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Give them grace Lori, forgive them and LOTS and lots of distance. Thats why we have answer message and call waiting, let them goooooo. The non-vaxed know that those that were guppies and listened to the lies, that they NOW have buyers remorse. people come and go in our lives. Some now due to the vax will depart much sooner than expected.

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Just KNOW Lori that there are plenty of us human beings in this world who feel exactly like you do because we shared similar experiences and circumstances. We were the wise ones. Whether by gut instinct, discernment, critical thinking or research we stuck together through the phyop by our governments lock step in destroying the fabric of society. WEG1WGA.And no you are not selfish, just full of compassion and common sense.

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Totally right. My entire social circle got the jabs. My family didn’t. My husband and I have lost all connections with people we knew for years. All of them thought we were dangerous and completely cut us out.

I have no idea how many of them are sick or dead.

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Wave bye bye to them. The fools that they are. They will eventually start to shed that shit thats in them. Just say Bye bye!

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Pretty much my experience, too. People who were friends before but wouldn't take my advice not to get jabbed are now silent and distant. Or, like one guy, who is a retired doctor and who sent me special messages back 'in the day' to let me know he trusted Fauci inherently and his daughter, also a doctor, was a friend to Wallensky and they were to be trusted. I don't hear much from his anymore, but his cognitive dissonance won't let him see the truth--he's still in denial.

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Naw they bought into the SCIENCE. Hahhahahah. At some point when your gut tells you its bad joo-joo one should listen.

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Satan authored this plan. It's clever and brilliantly evil. The destruction it is leaving in it's wake is truly unparalleled.

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I agree completely.

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I tried, and it literally ruined relationships. I was ostracized by my immediate family, none of whom have spoken to me in over two years.

I refused the jab, refused the mask, refused to inject my children, and I was treated like a cancer. To this date I don't know if they're dead or alive. Probably dead.

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You did what a father should do and protected your family. Imagine that. Think about the neutered spineless fathers who didn’t do that. Mine wouldn’t have if I were a kid. We’ve lost a lot of respect for each other. Your kids are lucky to have you!

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Thank you John.

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The most common answer I get for warning people is that they trust their doctor foer medical information. All doctors aren't the same.

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I do not trust any of them now. Not a fookin one. I had another new doc at my last VA annual check up. Young female nurse that is on her way to be a doc. Dont think she liked my answers to some of her questions. Meds I stopped taking, other things. I told her that I will make the decisions for my health. That she can suggest but I research and I will decide what I do. Now not sure I’ll go back.

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Right there with you. It is a lost cause.

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You have planted the seed and that's important.

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I worry about it, but I also understand the only thing I can control is what I do now. I offer compassion and support.

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My daughter in law got at least 4 Covid shots and not sure how many flu shots. In December she had a uti, dehydration, a virus, sepsis and gallstones. I’ve never heard of anyone getting all that at the same time. My son had 2 shots and got myocarditis and her father had a small brain bleed. None of them did any research before getting the shots.

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But, do they get it now?

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My son stopped 2 yrs ago. My daughter in law and her father stopped last year.

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Awesome. Now they need to speak out.

Ill pray for heqling.

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They won’t. I’m still not allowed to discuss it with anyone in that family except my son. They literally cannot deal with it.

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Feb 12·edited Feb 12

Sorry to hear that but it may not be their fault. I strongly believe somethings been turned off in their brains by the "messenging" rna. Our immediate family, wife, kids are the only ones that didn't take them. Everyone else did and we've lost two 42, and 52 yrs old. The others health is getting worse and worse. But I say things and they just shut down. We can be having a completely normal flowing comversation and if I say anything about it, it just stops immediately. It's funny during text conversations. Sometimes I do it just to see it happen. It's a good way to end a conversation. I am not supposed to be talking about it but I keep doing it. I don't care. Be well. God Bless.

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

To continue Celia, the proverbial elephant in the room missing from this post from his parents, or the story itself is, did he or did he not receive the vaccine? If he did, then, that certainly increases the possibility in my mind that we have to consider the possibility that this could've been an horrific event elaborately described by Arne Burkhart, the pathologist before he died in individuals, in whom he was able to associate horrific outcomes, vascular, wise, or cancer, wise, or other medical disasters in which vaccine usage can be document. Otherwise, my logic comes to a screeching halt. I cannot logic my way through what actually happened to this young boy. Do so-called AV malformations suddenly disrupt and cause acute intracranial events in all ages? Yes, they have been described……. Are they uncommon? Yes again. Are they rare? Depends upon

the age of the person, and other factors clearly. Also in the pantheon of possible, intracranial, disasters are ruptured, Berry aneurysms and other intracranial, disasters, brain, tumors, etc.

And to Mark Crispin Miller's credit he has done Yeomans's work, but my criticism of his work is that the best he can often offer is "no cause of death listed."

I am an interventional cardiologist who lost his job because I refused to take the vaccine when they initially told me I would not have to. Done and done I get it. I have had close dear friends who are Christians with whom I go to church who asked me within incredulity why don't you just take the vaccine? when I tell them, it's like talking to a brick wall.

Not to be insensitive, but the father's description of events were a little too glib for my comfort zone.

Trust me, Celia, I am as lost, and as brokenhearted as I can be over this, I have wept bitterly. I have begged God to literally "give me the go-ahead" to stand front and center in my church and proclaim at the top of my voice you need to listen to me , but for some reason, and I mean this sincerely God has not loosened my heart or my lips to do this yet and you know me, Celia I'm not very genteel when it comes to expressing my opinion about things which I know are consummate evil. So I'm begging you, God, Lord in your mercy hear our prayer. Please destroy these evil doers if they will not repent destroy them please!!!


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Allen, I think I understand your objection, but not quite. Is it that we are speculating "it was the vaccine?" Or is it also (and this possibility worries me) that some of these stories are manufactured, or "PSY OPs?"

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I'm more concerned Celia about whether or not, there is a cause -effect causal relationship between these horrific events and the vaccine. MCM's post, which I have criticized on more than one occasion in spite of his wonderful work and good heart concern me.

There is a perfidious ongoing attempt to cover up just how evil and dangerous the vaccines are the evil cover-up and misdirection by Fauci et al the mainstream media, not withstanding. To this day, 40 years later, Fauci has still not been brought to Justice regarding his misdirection and lies about the toxicity of AZT vis -a -vis AIDS ..... just the same form of lies repackaged 40 years later. With a clear cut message that this is unequivocally a full-blown genocide going on in this country and the world to thin the herd to get us down to the Georgia guide stones goal of 500 million. It cannot be more clear.

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We all share your concerns. My two cents—if I may. Mark Crispin Miller’s “in memory of those who died suddenly” are a testament to his integrity as a journalist. I hesitate to share them sometimes because they often feature people who are “of age” but I do anyway because it plays into the eugenicists’ hands to ignore the killing of people past or near the end of their working years. Also, as a journalist, the failure to report causes of death is not an indictment of Mark, but of the “journalists” who do the initial reporting. Similar to your experience as a medical professional, we know our peers know better but can’t explain why they are acting otherwise. Finally, you’ve tapped into the spiritual nature of what we are up against. I take solace in the scriptures themselves which say repeatedly paraphrase “whether you warn them or warn them not” won’t make a difference. We’ve all seen this for ourselves play out in real time, and none of us have the answer.

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it would be interesting to know exactly how many of these suddenly dying people are indeed jabbed and how often, and how long ago, but most of the time it is impossible to find out. Some italian papers have started adding it for a while, which was encouraging, but it seems to have stopped again

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"near the end of their working years" = near the end of their tax-paying years. After that, they have no value and may as well be offed. Speaking as one of them.

Further, to your latter point, how many times did Jesus say, 'Let those who have ears, hear"?

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The one about the guy on the plane was posted as an image on Twitter, which happens a lot with the Died Suddenly account. That doesn’t mean anything necessarily, but when I’ve asked for links in the past they ignored me.

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FWIW, I have an acquaintance who experienced an episode similar to the guy on the plane. (In the age of ubiquitous cell phone videos I find it incredible that there are no onboard videos coming out of the incident.)

He woke in the middle of the night gagging on blood that was pouring from his mouth and nose. His wife called 911 and started trying to catch the flow of blood. It quickly soaked an entire bath towel and she went for another. Once in the ER, they were basically told there was nothing they could do as they had no idea what this was. (Alarming, yes.) His wife then drove him to a different ER in the same city where they had to transfuse him, ultimately doing some sort of cauterization in his nasal passages to stop the bleeding.

65 years old. He was vaxxed and had been recently boosted, though neither he or his wife would allow any talk of this possibly being vax related.

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I recently had an experience where I suddenly got a nosebleed while talking with some new friends in close quarters. I don't have a history of nosebleeds and when it happened, it was somewhat alarming because blood was flowing quite heavily out of one, then both nostrils. Eventually, the blood was gathering in my throat and I spit out a huge blood clot, the size of 3 silver dollars. I got the bleeding to stop after leaving the social occasion (about 30 minutes later). The next day, I went to talk with the same people to say goodbye (we were all staying in the same bed and breakfast), and then it started up again shortly after, blood dripping to the floor when I didn't have sufficient tissues. Again, after about 30 minutes it finally stopped and never came back. That was a month ago. I just kept thinking: are these people shedding and causing my nosebleed? I have no idea; the whole thing was just surreal, as I'm not jabbed, have no health issues and never get sick. I guess the only way to know is to meet up with those people again and see what happens. Fortunately it was really NOTHING compared to the anecdote you mention.

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Whew! That sure doesn't sound like nothing! Crazy that it stopped w/o medical intervention, considering the amount you describe.

I am 100% onboard with the notion of shedding causing bleeding, most notably with several unvaxxed friends who have had unexplained vaginal bleeding when exposed to someone who was recently vaxxed. Too much of a coincidence. A very close friend, unvaxxed, whose husband had to be vaxxed for work, has had crazy irregular and extremely heavy menstrual cycles that started when he was vaxxed. It's her new normal, and she believes it's from him shedding also.

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The Forgotten Side of Medicine, (A Mid-western Doctor) -is making a collection of people's anecdotes regarding possible shedding (as in, the plural of anecdote is data); he has concluded that shedding is a real thing, and needs data in order to search for patterns. Perhaps you would consider adding your experience to this collection?

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Good idea.

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What?????? I have my FIRST nosebleed in my whole life at work this past Monday...left nostril... quite a lot of blood...... everyone at work was saying how it's common and that it was probably the cold/dry winter conditions.... I don't think so.....it lasted about 30 mins and I was actually horrified....then right before bed it happened again!!!!! I am un-vaxxed....I work at an elem school......thank goodness it has not happened since.....

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Yes, really weird! Similar to mine!!! And mine was not related to cold/dry conditions because I'm in a rainforest.

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Send a write-up to The Forgotten Side of Medicine--A Mid-western Doctor. Please!

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Wow. That sounds horrifying. I hope he’s ok.

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This was about a year ago. Since then his health has drastically deteriorated overall, one thing after another, as has his wife's. No repeat episodes of the bleed. Both are full onboard with the booster protocol.

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Sounds like my parents. No provable issues related to the vaccine so far, although there weee a couple that could be.

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that is probably a sign it is a fake. When I see a sudden death in the paper, I try online to see if others reported it too. If several have it, and preferably in other wording, I think it to be true.

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The refusal to unbiasedly investigate the question “Are the (so-called) “vaccines” killing and maiming people?” is part of the PsyOp. Therefore, investigators are left with stories and anecdotal evidence and political gaslighting.

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Well said Aloe. God has not loosed my lips either! I am willing to be a pariah at church, but it is not time. They will not listen and understand, so we keep His commands and trust. Living is not the most important thing but the condition of the soul is.

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I looked up the father on Facebook. He and his wife definitely made a point to tell everyone they were fully vaccinated and he told everyone to wear masks. He was completely caught up in the COVID psyop.


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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

Thanks for sharing that information. And now they deny the obvious. Gosh. How much more of this nonsense can we take?

I often wonder and if anyone knows this, please share; are families of died suddenly kids being approached by pharma to keep quiet? I once heard Dr. Peter McCullough say, "where are all the angry parents?" and that really struck me. Where are they? Has pharma gotten to them and paid them off? If so, they have blood on their hands.

Similar to victim of sexual assault that doesn't try to prosecute their attacker out of shame or out of lack of courage to speak up. More people are harmed by their lack of courage to do the right thing.

I guess it's easy for me to say, but I think if I was in that situation, I wouldn't be able to keep quiet. But we do live in a gross and warped society where people don't like the messenger if they are delivering bad news. So I can imagine losing a child his hard enough without then adding in the ridicule of society and your peers. God Bless those that speak out and try to warn others.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

There is one father, not sure of his name, a Latino man whose young teenage son died after being vaccinated. He said he was told that if they could call it a Covid death, they could help him financially. He declined and speaks out at various events.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 12

Sixteen-year-old Ernesto Ramirez Jr. is the teen that died. His dad Ernesto Ramirez has spoken out from the beginning about his son's death. He is one of the few who did.

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I really admire that man.

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Lots of hush money here and it's still flowing:

"The COVID-19 incident period ended on May 11, 2023. FEMA will continue to provide funeral assistance until Sept. 30, 2025, to those who have lost loved ones due to this pandemic."

"If you are covering the cost of a COVID-19 funeral, FEMA may be able to help. You may qualify for up to $9,000 per funeral for expenses.

FEMA may provide COVID-19 Funeral Assistance to you if:

- you are a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or qualified non-citizen.

- the death occurred in the United States, including U.S. territories and the District of Columbia;

- the death was attributed to COVID-19; and

- you are responsible for the eligible funeral expenses incurred on or after January 20, 2020"

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I remember that story. A friend told me of similar--her family offered $$ for funeral costs if they would claim the death due to Covid (which it was not). Family refused.

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Pretty creepy!

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The people in denial are the ones suffering. We keep pointing it out, but they don't want to hear it. Everything is so cultish these days.

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Paul Elias Alexander keeps, at front of his postings, that Pfizer offered him $50 K monthly and what, $1M ?, to 'work for them'. In other words, keep his trap shut.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

If true, that is helpful thank you.

Forgive my cynicism, it's the coin of the realm these days.

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🙏 In Jesus name, Amen! 🙏

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agreed. Father's energy is off and glib and not at all conveying the experience that his heart is being torn into shreds of grief and panic, as I'd expect of any parent in this situation. Not sure how to take it, therefore. Are they attempting to normalize horrendous trauma so we're numb to it? So we stop paying attention all together? So we deny even further the normal empathy of human beings? So we deny and make subconscious the fear that likely rises of "this can happen to your child out of the blue"? The cabal are masters at psychological manipulation. I wouldn't put it past them.

I too have delayed launching my substack, which will be challenging work, for some reason ... perhaps it is simply to do the work of inner healing I needed to accomplish before stepping forward. Perhaps there is a similar process occurring with you?

Relevant to the "ignore the trauma we see" idea, the film "The Zone of Interest" tackles the subject matter of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss and his wife Hedwig strive to build a dream life for their family in a house and garden beside the camp


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I found it hard to watch him laughing about his son’s horrific event too. At first, I thought it was a video leading up to the trip. Huh. Guess we all handle things differently.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

For over 2 years we have been dreading this time and yet it has been very hard to prepare for. 😔

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

I doubt that EDTA (ethylenediamenetetraacetic acid) will help unless the problem is caused by toxicity from heavy metals. Navy sailors painted the ships with lead paint which caused lead poisoning, and that’s primarily why EDTA was developed. It works very well for that.

EDTA is a xenobiotic molecule, which means is does not exist in nature. It is also a chelant, which means claw or “to cleave”.

There are a few chemical species of EDTA, but the one used in chelation therapy is calcium disodium EDTA. Calcium disodium EDTA is used to minimize it from removing calcium from the blood.

EDTA is used to remove heavy metals from the blood and it works by bonding to metal ions. It binds to lead, zinc, cadmium, mercury, as well as calcium and other metals by sharing electrons.

The reason chelation therapy is done via an IV drip is to administer a small dose continuously. Because it is a xenophobic molecule, the kidneys will kick it out immediately. Once EDTA bonds to a metal or other ion, the kidneys will filter it out and it is excreted via urine. It is also somewhat pH dependent, so it goes first after the most reactive target at a specific pH.

If you try oral dosing, it will mostly be filtered out by the kidneys without having the opportunity to bond with enough ions to make much difference. Even though the bonds happen in a chemical moment, oral dosing is unlikely to be effective.

It can take numerous 30-minute chelation sessions to remove enough metals to make an improvement. The improvements can be quite noticeable in the health of the patient. Because it can remove zinc and other necessary metals, it may be necessary to supplement with them after treatments.

Hope this helps.

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It does help. Thank you Ekoh. Do you think IV EDTA is "safe?" It used to be vey frowned on by the chelation community, well before all this fresh hell.

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I am not sure, but the people I knew who had sessions seemed to think so.

I met someone who used to work in a chelation clinic and she was really impressed by the improvements she saw. She shared many success stories.

My late boyfriend was a chemist and he had chelation sessions, but only ten. He was really impressed by a couple of men he met there who had trouble walking normally. He saw them later walking briskly and swinging their briefcases. He was favorably impressed by that and spoke of it many times.

I knew a dentist who had chelation sessions and he was very happy about it.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

I took it years ago. Was spectacularly helpful for me. I remember having called a doctor who wrote about it—I was very skeptical. He actually to my surprise called me back from another city, no profit in it for him, and sounded very intelligent and rational so I went ahead with it. Having grown up in NY and lived through 9/11, etc. I must have had some major gunk.

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I love success stories like these!

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Is it AnaMaria Mihalcea who is a grand supporter of it? I followed her for a while but she is rather on the doomthink side, so I quit. I think she does it 2 times a month, which in itself is a serious hassle. I have no idea about the cost!

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Yes it is Dr Ana. I still subscribe to her.The local clinic just starting to do it it here is around $150 a treatment. Insurance will pay if you have heavy metal poisoning.

I intend to go. I have used the oral and noticed my vision got much better. My mom had to get weaker glasses after she had the IV sessions. All I can figure it that it must clear up cataracts or increase circulation to our eyes.

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thanks for the tip ! I will keep it in my files in case I get cataract, or one of my friends does!

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https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7464609/#:~:text=It%20is%20used%20in%20the,6%2C7%2C8%5D. I feel we need to look at our Plant Kin more closely.....the word Cleave triggered me to think of the Cleaver plant. - "Immunomodulatory effects were discovered in different classes of biologically active compounds, in particular polysaccharides [19]. Indeed, chamomile and marshmallow polysaccharides are active ingredients in the Imupret composite mixture herbal product, which stimulate a non-specific immune response via the enhancement of the phagocytic activity of macrophages and granulocytes."

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thanks for the tip ! I still trust nature more than anything else !

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We are nature....so yes, we truly need to start trusting our own intuitions! Jomico has some very good natural medicine he/she(not sure) mentioned somewhere in this wonderful thread of sharing and caring....Be well Ingrid!!

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I had the same exact thought! The cleaver plant :)

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My mother ad a heart attack when she was 52 and the heart doctor said open heart surgery or she would be dead in 6 months.

She instead took EDTA Chelation through IV and that same doctor told her, "I don't know what the hell it is that you are doing but keep doing it!" She lived 30 more years and each time she started getting irritable and cranky would take more treatments and mellow out afterward. I have noticed several people have heart attacks after becoming hard to be around.

EDTA was accidentally discovered to help heart problems when a man was diagnosed as needing open heart surgery but had heavy metal poisoning. The doctor sent him for EDTA treatments to clean the heavy metals before the operation. Next tests found he no longer needed the operation. His arteries were cleaned.

I don't think anyone is safe that has to breath. They are also spraying this death on us from Chemtrails.

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Everyone that I knew that had chelation sessions highly recommended them.

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Thanks for this discussion. I just found out that I have a high lead count and I thought there was a treatment for, but I couldn’t remember.

I’m lucky that my city just got a government grant to deal with this and the city will come this week to see if they can find the source.

I’ll discuss this with my doctor.

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dimercapto succinic acid -DMSA is even better for lead. taken orally. it will also take out mercury.

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Thank you for the support. Not surprising that my doctor hasn’t mentioned detox, but I’m doing my 'own' research.

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I hope you can get the chelation therapy. I have heard many good stories and some were firsthand accounts. EDTA works particularly well to remove lead.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11


"In vitro and in vivo studies have revealed that iridoids have neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulating, hepatoprotective, cardioprotective, anticancer, anti-oxidant, antimicrobial, hypoglycaemic, hypolipidaemic, choleretic, antispasmodic and purgative properties"

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I did a detox from Metagenics in 2017. Helped heavy metal and parasite overload. SIRS & a bunch of other issues. Painful but worth the trouble, dr guided me( integrative medicine dr)

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A friend of mine who has various neuropathies which he can't get any mainstream doctors to acknowledge ( "it's all psychological"), after getting 2 shots, is, after 2 years of constant symptoms and super variable energy levels, now finding that a combination of chlorella and spirulina are helping a great deal to stabilise his condition. Does that make any medical sense to anyone out there?

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It does make sense because those two components are used to detox heavy metal from the body.

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Very helpful information, thank you! I asked my extremely excellent integrative health doc -- she and I were both against the jabs from the get go -- about IV EDTA. She expressed large caution. IV (anything) is working against the body's own natural intelligence and immune systems and there are plenty of other natural / supplement-based / supportive technology approaches to clearing heavy metals. I myself cleared heavy metals by working with her using other approaches and it worked quickly and very cost effectively.

(AnaMaria Mihalcea didn't explain for a long time that there are alternative approaches to clearing the body from heavy metals and the nano she focuses on.)

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Pfeiffer clinc also does this work : uses vitamin therapy to remediate

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

The danger of all this madness is that the medical profession are normalising all these cases.

I wait with bated breath to see what the next two years bring. I fear more sadness and despair lies ahead.

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I get the sense people are waking up. I’m on a FB group for the carnivore diet and someone posted that Carl Weathers died of heart disease. The only responses questioned his vaccine status. I see this more and more with less and less pushback— if any at all. I’m not sure what difference it could make, but I do think most people are tuning out of pro vaccine narratives.

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I notice that the reports more and more talk about a natural death, and that the body has been released without examining let go autopsy. Only young people are examined anymore, and even there, most do not get an autopsy so it seems. Only big names get that previlege.

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I think the lack of interest in those who are dying of unknown causes, calling it a natural death or simply ignoring the elephant in the room question, being exhibited by health officials gives clear insight into their motives. If they truly cared about "public health" they would want to know what the heck is happening with the increased all cause mortality and disability. Suppose there was indeed some sort of pathogen infecting the population and causing death - shouldn't they demand answers? I could not rest, whenever one of my dogs died unexpectedly, until a necropsy was done, just in case the cause was a contagion. It seems downright insane that states aren't requiring autopsies, especially of the young, but on the other hand, the autopsy findings I've seen are inconclusive or simply ignore the injection status of the dead. If medical examiners are not clued in to look for adverse effects of the poison shot, then they'll never connect the dots and scheme goes on.

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Apparently—I think I heard this from Dr. McCullough—there is a certain type of autopsy that needs to be done. You need to collect and stain tissue in a certain way and that can identify vaccine injury etc. He said it is rare that it is done properly but could be done. I agree that doctors seem strangely lacking in curiousity.

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If coroners are county-employees, thus government-owned, I wonder how accurate are their findings.

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Heartbreaking. We are ready for your eminent return Lord Jesus. Please come quickly. This suffering is becoming unfathomable.

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

Just reading the comment section in the Yahoo article is telling. So many not even looking at the vax as the cause thinking this is normal and happens in kids.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

It is quite possible if you could consider that all cells in the body will replace themselves every 6 months ..strange we had to take new jabs in that timeframe!… those cells that are damaged must be removed by autophagy.. but the structures of the organs are different.. they will incur spike protein infiltration … which may respond to EDTA… what no one seems to address is the mitochondria.. which furnish energy with in each cell… they get misfolded and damaged by spike protein too.. so consider mitophagy.

Then there is reverse transcription to DNA.. basically that cell is no longer doing cellular jobs.. but simply pushing into the body more spike protein.

The body uses the pancreas to produces protease which breaks down protein in food… but like excess too much protein causes stress on the pancreas hence all these people suddenly having pancreatic crisis ..

In a nutshell you have to create autophagy (cells) by intermittent fasting mitophagy (mitochondria)by consumption no pomegranate juice or extract.…which makes the urolithin A ….feed the cell and tissue with antioxidants such as astaxanthin...consume extra protelytic enzymes such as nattokinase .. serrapeptase.. bromelain..to eat up these extra proteins being made by the cellular machinery…. Help the myelin sheath protection by using Tocotrienols (delta gamma) best form of Vitamin E..use NAC to strengthen the livers ability to detox.. …lastly because venom peptides are included in each payload you should consider a low dose nicotine patch unless you smoke.. because your cns nicotine receptors are hijacked by peptides… any issue like tinnitus or dizziness loss of smell etc indicate cns involvement..seems like a lot to consider but my guess is that is the answer to long Covid…

Or stay in an ever losing battle.. thinking the body can understand how to stop itself from doing something it was never designed to do…make too much protein… this jab does so many things to destroy health never to seen before.. it has to be manmade.

Gradually over to me your body will regain a higher level of normality when you consider we hold several trillion cells within it.. it takes time to turn things around.

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What are you thoughts on plants to heal?

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7464609/#:~:text=It%20is%20used%20in%20the,6%2C7%2C8%5D. "Immunomodulatory effects were discovered in different classes of biologically active compounds, in particular polysaccharides [19]. Indeed, chamomile and marshmallow polysaccharides are active ingredients in the Imupret composite mixture herbal product, which stimulate a non-specific immune response via the enhancement of the phagocytic activity of macrophages and granulocytes."

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Well this was how the early Indian/Americans treated most ailments.. look into Essiac tea but when you consider the power of certain polyphenols my go to list..

Andrographis - king of bitters the liver detox and natural antibiotic

Olive leaf extract - early romans used this as a blood cleanser and antibiotic also good for blood pressure issues.

Melatonin plant based not synthetic… rest and repair.

Turmeric .. anti inflammatory/joints

Boswellia ( frankincense) joints inflammation.




Flaxseed best natural source of omega 3

Grape seed extract.


Ashwaghanda lowers cortisol.

The anti oxidants should be used at opposite ends of the day to oxidants like chlorine dioxide and hydrogen peroxide… (I use these too) which are electron donators.. so in health we are negatively charged.. any pathogen is positively charged so a donator offers a spare electron to any cell that is positively charged and returns it to negative restores health… grounding does similar discharges positive ions returns tranquility.

ROS is part of the problem with inflammation and damaged tissue due to spike… it’s different for everyone .. so find out which works for you…

Deal with inflammation… and stress… lower reactions to things that make you produce more cortisol..best wishes.

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Thank you for sharing Jomico!! Your last sentence on stress is so important as on inner environment can be triggered so very easily by the outter. Yoga/meditation have been the greatest gift to me from 2009 to now....staying on the middle path and not being swayed to left/right polarities has kept me steady and healthy as well. Please do you have suggestion for Melatonin plant based not synthetic?

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Yes melatonin can be found in walnuts and Spirulina/Chlorella… (if you consume lots then add B12)as we age we produce less in our gut..

Other foods like spinach or leafy greens should contain melatonin but also oxalates which create stones lack of melatonin causes the LES to remain open when it should shut at night..which is why reflux worsens in older people.Most melatonin comes from the gut (400 mg/day)and gets released as darkness falls unless you stare into led driven devices…

You can make melatonin in the retina which stores in the pituitary gland by staring at the blue sky (not the sun) it is also a cancer protector… take melatonin at night with rhodiola or ashwaghanda will address early cancer too… all this can be found on pubmed.com

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

B12....I can't take any as right now my blood work has come back flagged VERY high for B12 and so far no doctor has said a thing about this!? I see my naturopath next week so will discuss this further. I'm presently anemic and taking iron because I gave blood 4 times in past year and half and I guess my iron was already on low side. But I'm trying to figure out why my B12 would be through the roof....it sounds like I have it free floating in my blood and its not getting into any receptors to do its job? I wondered if being anemic was the reason. Thanks so much for Walnuts(LOVE them) and spirulina/chorella Jomcio.

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Did you get any vaccines???

Ask your Doctor to be upfront… with your blood work.. if liver enzymes are normal… no diabetes.. and spleen is not enlarged then maybe something related to bone marrow… i would not be too concerned if you are taking xtra vitamins in the B group …taking chlorella will lower the B12 readings…. or go vegan.

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Thanks for your comment. Believe many of these are helping me, been on a protocol based on bloodwork a few years before Covid.

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I’m chemically sensitive to so much. I rely on herbs to help support & gentle detox. (Chronic inflammatory response syndrome)

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

The immediate problem I have with this story about the young boy Celia is the same problem I have with most of Mark Crispin Miller's posts, which I have chastised him about. As a doctor, I'm also a scientist and an analyst. As one who refused to have anything to do with the Covid vaccine I am skeptical about any acute sudden onset illness whether it be an acute intra- cranial event, in a young boy or a near 100-year-old, Betty White, allegedly "suddenly dying".

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Allen, I am not clear, still, what your objection is. Is it that the event is unlikely, might have been faked, OR, Mark (and the rest of us) should never speculate if a person was "vaccinated?" or all of the above?

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I'm fighting the battle on my side as to whether or not people are dying because of the vaccines. Just because that information is withheld doesn't allow me to gullibly accept that by definition, they did take the vaccine. I am personally infuriated with those individuals who took the vaccine and are remorseful about it, but are not willing to confess, and admit that they did. I see the same problem today regarding childhood vaccines, wherein the guilt, ridden parents of an autistic child, or other vaccine, injured children from the childhood vaccines not simply accept the fact that they could not have known that their government and big Pharma were lying to them. that guilt and that remorse ironically prevents them from seeing the truth themselves, and not simply saying hell no, I will not allow you to subject my child to those in the future. They continue to remain ensconced in the lies, and the deception by the mainstream media, and by big Pharma that they quote are safe and effective, which we know is a lie.

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Before the vaxxes how often did we see a newscaster, a musician, an athlete or anyone speaking publicly just suddenly fall over and die? That’s what I see with MCMs posts. It’s the comparison with the past that “proves” the event. Not scientifically but c’mon no one will allow you to analyze this scientifically. My doctor just says well those are anecdotal stories, do you want the flu shot?

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I worked in an autistic kindergarten in 2000-2003. I had 3 boosters and something went wrong. Got Lyme in the job too. Had to apply for disability. Back then it was one in 148 American children. I thought research would show vax correlation. That got routed by $ to look into genetic links. I had almost 20 years of neglect and gaslighting by insurance dictated doctors, so I know how bad it is. And just imagine how bad it is for people who aren’t verbal, to get a doctor to address the root issue ( I started seeing an integrative medicine dr in late 2017. I feel he saved my life. I have some quality of life again after barely functioning for all those years. Have sirs from biotoxin mold illness. But I also have a husband of 4 years who is very supportive. I would not have been capable of being married before my new doctor.

I haven’t had any vaccines since 2010?, a flu shot so my unwell dad would feel protected . Had bleeding in menopause 2 days after elderly family got their Covid jabs. Headache and aches when I was helping them with POTS & fainting & helping with dr appointment s.

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Rosalind, would you please send your bleeding-in-menopause (you and I have connected on this in another stack) anecdote to The Forgotten Side of Medicine (A Mid-western doctor). I confess I haven't gotten around to doing this myself--guess that since I have begged three in this comment thread this morning to do this, I'd better put my experiences into his collection.

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I hear and share your frustration, Aloe, but as a psychologist have to say that what's happening is not unexpected.

People lie to themselves because they can't handle the truth without spiraling into despair. All humans do this in one situation or another as a coping and survival mechanism. The bigger the guilt and remorse, the more likely this is to happen.

Acknowledging that they trusted authorities who led them into this is also beyond many people's capabilities, because they were raised by trustworthy parents and expect authority figures to be trustworthy and can't acknowledge that they might not be. It violates their core belief system. Those of us who had untrustworthy or inconstant and unrelable authority figures (or abusive ones) tend to be much less likely to trust authorities and think and act to protect ourselves -- because that's how we survived growing up.

Of course it is extremely frustrating from your position, and for the rest of us witnessing this, but I think we also have to be compassionate because they are paying an extremely heavy price for their decisions -- the autism, injuries, illnesses, and deaths, not to mention at a deeper level knowing that they are lying to and deceiving themselves.

And if we look at the extremely low booster rate take-up, people have wised up, even if it is too late for many because the damage is done. I think the best action is to recommend healing protocols, like this FLNCC protocol -- https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol-categories/recovery/

I also recommend giving out copies of "Dissolving Illusions" and "Turtles All the Way Down" and suggesting people read them. The only reason I didn't get the shot was because I had already read "Dissolving Illusions" and knew that everything they were saying about the MRNA shots was counter to it being an actual 'vaccine.' Not to mention that I had already decided after reading that book never to take a vaccine again because the concept behind vaccines is remarkably inane. Why in the world would we need to jolt a healthy immune system with a toxic substance just in case it might encounter that substance in the future? The first vaccines were developed from infected cow pus! Plus, no vaccine has been effective, if you look at the actual evidence. But then vaccines are enormous money-spinners, especially if they're required. Our kids have become cash registers -- and now so have we.

Imho people need to move on from the covid drama because we are now being systematically (every day!) poisoned by constant geo-engineering that is putting strontium, barium and aluminum, which is toxic to all life, into our air, land, and water. This is the next battlefront and it's a lot more challenging because there is no shot to decline and it's being done to us without our consent. If you wonder why so many people are experiencing respiratory and auto-immune problems as well as brain fog and early dementia, this is likely the reason why. It's also destroying agriculture with the rapid weather changes they are creating, which wake up plants and insects with warm weather and then kill them with a temperature plunge and which disorient animals, and with the floods, fires, and other artificially created natural disasters they are deliberately causing. (Climate change and the ridiculous green agenda is the excuse, which is also a huge money-spinner.) People need to wake up to this much bigger and more all-encompassing threat or it's all over.

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We pruned our apple and pear trees yesterday, as I was determined to get the job done while trees still dormant, but not so early that the cuts would be susceptible to disease. Some buds were already at silver tip--clearly had begun to emerge from dormancy. Only Feb. 11. Apples 'shouldn't' be blooming until 3rd week April. But I never paid attention to phenology until last year, so don't know how much time elapses between silver tip and bloom. Phila. suburbs.

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We've had snow then 40s in a repeating pattern here in New England. Forties today and 3-6 inches of snow projected for tomorrow. How can plants or animals adapt to that?

I hope your trees survive, blossom, and bear fruit!

The farmers around the world clearly need to protest not just fuel prices but destructive weather patterns.

It's also time to deny real food to the elite until they stop their sociopath behavior. Let them eat processed, sugar-rich cake and nothing else until they grow up and act like adults.

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IV EDTA is purdy expensive--'bout $500-$1000 for a single treatment an' usually (per Dr. Ana Mihalcea) ya need ta do 'em weekly--only affordable fer the deep-pocketed. Few folks'll do 'em anywayz... Oral is ok, not as good... Meanwhile prayin' this poor lil' boy will come thru... DOWNTOWN Manhattan, esp. near the WTC is SO 5-Gee'd up an' surveiled with tech that I'm sure that tech made the diff. 'tween his feelin' just wee bit ill (as he would Uptown or in Midtown) an' goin' off the rails (Downtown) where the level is up thar... jus' a thought...

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

my feeling is that these injuries are a combination of vx and radiation.

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RemovedFeb 11·edited Feb 11
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? No, by vx I mean the Covid injections.

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when I read the boys story, I immediately thought 5G exposure and perhaps, IF he took the jab, something SPIKED and triggered a reaction inside his body to cause what happened to him. just my humble opinion.

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I’m in LaBelle/ Lehigh Acres, Florida. I get a headache and neuropathy flares when I go to ft Myers. That’s the only difference I can think of.

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( 5 g)

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I am not familiar with those places but you should be aware that the body acts like a barometer if you have excessive mercury in it. Dry, desert areas have many people with neuropathy in the feet and areas with constant weather changes have many people getting migraines when the barometric pressure rises. Many can predict the weather the next few hours or day when they get a migraine like clockwork.

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It sure does! My body is sensitive to any changes.

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Why isn’t every one of the victims and their family members calling their employers and presidents of the schools who forced them, every one of their local officials (mayors, city councils, public health department head), every one of their state representatives and state senators, and every one of their Congressmen and senators and screaming “I am dying of cancer because you FORCED me to take that shot.” or “my mom/dad, son/daughter, brother/sister, husband/wife, DIED because you forced him/her to take that shot”. If every person directly impacted made that call or left that voicemail, you bet your sweet ass these people would take notice. They would not be able to bear hearing it. That all it would take. And yet, so many are sheep. That recognition is both heartbreaking and maddeningly frustrating to me.

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Baffling, isn’t it?

I got a post deleted and scolded on my church Facebook, gave detox info when everyone was asking for prayers for jab injuries .

So I started leaving comments, ‘I pray for your discernment’ instead of whatever illness.

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But, the sad truth is that they were not forced. They were propagandized 24/7, they were coerced, shamed, etc., but no one ever held a gun to their heads and said you must take this. My husband was willing to quit his job; remember the "all employers over 200 must require the jab" or some such nonsense. And his employer accepts government contracts, so his HR wasn't sure how it was going to hash out, but he would have quit. So, really, no one was forced. Just like no one is forced to go through the scanner at the airport. I feel as bad as anyone that people are dying, but they chose to take it. They may not have liked the choice of not taking it, but it was still a choice. My mother in law took it, in order to go to a tennis tournament at Indian Wells, something she did for 20+ years with her friend. Well, she's dead now of lung cancer. We begged her not to take it, but she did because she said, "well, I want to keep living my life and do the things I want to do, so I have to." It was a choice and now she's dead.

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I’m so for the loss of your mother in law. I agree completely, it’s a choice, but sad nonetheless.

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Most people are still confused or in denial. Edward Bernays coined the phrase “the bewildered heard” around a century ago. I know this is a scientific discussion but we have to come to grips with the spiritual nature of what we are up against. The perpetrators have studied human nature for centuries and have the knowledge and means to manipulate populations en mass.

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Feb 11·edited Feb 11

This situation has really altered my view of humanity. The lack of courage and critical thinking seems startling. People seem to be acting like little frightened children.

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Great point. I’ve often thought it’s something like being a child with abusive parents. They know they are trapped and dependent on their abusers so they ignore, rationalize and normalize the abuse as a survival mechanism.

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Did you know that a direct descendent of Bernays runs Netflix? I wish I were joking. People have to see what has and is being done to them for decades, centuries. It's the only protection that really works. Once you see it you don't let it in.

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Nothing surprises me at this point. lol It only makes sense. 🤷🏾‍♂️

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Because nobody actually 'forced' them to take the jab. Coerced, yes. Threatened, yes. But no gun to the head.

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And the covidians don't understand that that is a distinction without a difference!!!!

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

There are lots of protocols that are being used to "clean out" the spike vax proteins. As a matter of fact, although I did Not get the jab, I ordered for friends this product from Green Mountain Greenery, via greenmountaingardening.myshopify.com. The product is called, Super Suraminshiki. Read up on this. In addition check out the Health Freedom Summit with the link below as they have tons of detoxifying protocols from top American doctors. https://outlook.live.com/mail/0/id/AQMkADAwATY0MDABLTgwOGMtMDEzYi0wMAItMDAKAEYAAANPacufiHNdTYTZ%2FE3rqCcCBwBdvqSPuYh9S50VIws7igvtAAACAQwAAABdvqSPuYh9S50VIws7igvtAAfB0VqoAAAA

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Also a competent EDTA chelation specialist knows how to mitigate the loss of minerals that occurs by using in combo minerals replacement afterwards via IV. It is not an issue and is very safe and has been done in Europe for decades.


You can search Ana Mihalcea’s substack . She has been analyzing the hydragels and self assembling micro dots for the last 2 years. She is on an international team of docs who are analyzing the vials. She puts out stuff every single day.

She does EDTA and Vit C intravenously.

I think Celia you are in Europe now. We are too. I know a specialist here who has done this for 30 years and have seen the results in my own blood work. Most of us have heavy metal overload anyway. From all the toxins. He was trained in Texas at the Envirnomental Medicine instititie and also trained in allopathy and is a biodentist as well as a naturopath/homeopath .

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Would you feel comfortable posting his name?

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Feb 11Liked by Celia Farber

""The blew out a portal—like Cern" -- Cilia this reference is opaque to me:

would you please elucidate ?

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I fixed it: 'They' blew out a portal, like Cern.

Cern, Switzerland. It's so frightful. Google "Cern," and also "Cern dance," Barbara.

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Should be "They blew out a portal - like CERN". I think she means the vx and the injuries it causes have heralded a new level of horror.

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yes. I'll fix the typo.

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We are all victims for sure.

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On top of all said here, what really gets me is a guy, a football player ,famous, influential and already very rich along with his tater, while not being a doctor, not being and expert, not researching and seeing the alternative views and data etc, felt fine to accept a huge $$$ deal to influence young people thru his "celebrity" to take this shot. Did he need this? Did he need the money? He is forever marked in my mind. Disgusting.

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