In this world we will have tribulation. In Christ we have peace. Be anxious about nothing. But in everything (and I believe that God’s Word means “EVERYTHING”) with prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to your Father in heaven, praying always in the name of the Son of Man. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your heart and your mind in Christ Jesus, Messiah Yahshua.

We live in dangerous times and troubling times. That’s the nature of tribulation. Protect yourself from the darkness. Beware of the false light. Seek first the kingdom of God and God’s righteousness. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they will be filled.

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Thank you 🙏

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peace can come from any distraction to reality.... its not a solution just an escape which is better than horror without end

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Maybe it’s simply wishful thinking or maybe it was their absolutely genuine experience. As the primitive followers of Christ were sacrificed to wild animals in the Roman Colosseum, it was reported that the martyrs were at peace and praying and singing hymns. That’s good enough historical evidence for me that peace is much more than a mere “escape”.

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unfortunately history is created to support myths so we don't know what really happened.... in hypnosis pain can be totally cut off... peace is more freedom from trauma or stress... its a parasympathic experience and probably the natural state we should experience most of the time and why the monsters free monger us 24/7

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I think that many myths are sublime.

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As long as you do your work. And don't manipulate and cause harm.

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true that. if something looks and feels like an op, it probably is an op

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we need myths... they empower us

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Aug 18, 2023
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“Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the PEACE of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭6‬-‭7‬ ‭NASB1995‬‬

God gives His supernatural peace that can not be explained only experienced. Ask Him. History is full of accounts where humans endure horrific events & seem to be so calm, so at peace. How can this be? Those who live to tell say it was God. Corrie ten Boom wrote about such.

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Thanks. So true! Can’t explain it, thankful to have experienced it.

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Thank you Celia. This was a sobering assessment that I feel as well. When I become overwhelmed, I remember we have a Sovereign God who reigns over all.

1 Why do the nations rage and the peoples plot in vain?

2 The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying,

3 "Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us."

4 He who sits in the heavens laughs; the Lord holds them in derision.

5 Then he will speak to them in his wrath, and terrify them in his fury, saying,

6 "As for me, I have set my King on Zion, my holy hill."

7 I will tell of the decree: The LORD said to me, "You are my Son; today I have begotten you.

8 Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.

9 You shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel."

10 Now therefore, O kings, be wise; be warned, O rulers of the earth.

11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and you perish in the way, for his wrath is quickly kindled. Blessed are all who take refuge in him. (Psalms 2 ESV

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Hi Nancy. For some reason your message was a reply to me. I realize that you wanted the message to be received by Celia. I hope that she reads it. Thanks for the inspirational scriptural message.

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You don't need historical evidence. You just need to feel and slip out of your head.

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Peace can come from just letting ourselves feel. Letting it flow through. We can 'stand' and keep our eyes open. We do not need to watch videos (I usually don't have the option).

We do not need to be taught or preached to.

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Aug 18, 2023
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I know you are having a challenging time understanding me, and that's okay.

I am not looking for truth, I am trying to survive lies. There is a difference.

Truth is right there, not hidden.

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My go to scripture for years. Thank you.

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Thank you, Gary! Love this scripture from Philippians - words to live by! 🙏🏻✝️

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Aug 18, 2023
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The Holy Ghost testifies of the Father and the Son. Pray to the Father in the name of the Son for the Holy Sprit. The Holy Spirit will inspire you if you strongly desire to know the Father’s will for you.

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What Gary says, plus, Kokanee, be patient with yourself. You posed a lot of questions, that is understandable; now, you must seek the answers. If you haven't been searching with sincerity and praying to the Triune God for the answers today is a good day to begin. But be patient with yourself and know that He want you to know and trust more than you want that for yourself.

"But this every one is sure of that worshippeth thee, that his life, if it be under trial, shall be crowned: and if it be under tribulation it shall be delivered: and if it be under correction, it shall be allowed to come to thy mercy." [Tobit 3:21)

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Looks to me like they're clearing islands for the ruling class to move to, away from the rest of us, because they figure sooner or later people will start to fight back, and will come for them. But will people ever start to fight back??

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the good will be happy in their 5 minute cities while the rest will starve to death un;less they can learn to cooperate at a mass scale.... yet probably only village level will work... meaning there will likely be mass deaths

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That's probably a common view, and it calls for re-defining what we consider 'the good', I think. Do 'good' people willingly walk to the edge of the ditch to receive their bullet to the head? I see that as a willing betrayal of all that's good, and a willing betrayal of the future of humanity.

One of the necessary shifts in consciousness that must happen to turn this slavery-march around is that people must realize that there is a 'good fight', and there were once enlightened warriors who kept evil at bay. This prevailing nonsense that the 'good' are to behave like sheep and will be rewarded with salvation only shows the extent to which organized Christianity has been taken over by the darkness.

I agree that only the village level can work. Cheran, Mexico is the example. The primary purpose of today's FBI and DHS is to make sure this doesn't happen and the ruling criminal cabal keeps total control. I say it can happen, and will happen. If people could somehow understand that these ruling, demented petty-tyrants are cowards and incompetent at their core, there would be no fear stopping anyone.

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Aug 19, 2023Edited
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right... yet 2 can overcome one and the predaotr lives off the weak who can;t defend themselves well while the predator invests in his tools of exploitation... predators have the advantage and those who live off their own labor are often sitting ducks

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Good question!

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Isn't that what they have Israel for

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Yes and no. Israel has always been considered just a first step and maybe not sustainable. If the US ever cuts off support and allows help to the native population, the project would collapse, and the elites know this. The more permanent plan is Ukraine & Crimea, the real ancestral homeland of the majority of cult members and former state of Khazaria, hence the ongoing operation to permanently cleanse the Slavs/Christians.

And since the end goal has always been total enslavement of all non-Jews, and elimination of those who don't submit, desired by their god of course because they're superior souls destined to rule over the goyim, they believe, ownership of everything and control of all power centers globally is just the necessary details.

This is the heart of the organized evil that Celia describes but will probably never name, because those who do are punished. So humanity marches toward total slavery, everyone lying about what's happening and why, while pretending to be 'truth-seekers'. Crazy.

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How are you fighting back?

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If I'm doing something effective, it would be incredibly foolish to discuss it on social media, don't you think?

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Yes that makes sense. But then wouldn't that also mean anyone else doing something effective might not be something you're aware of?

So saying that people aren't doing anything might not be true.

I don't think staying informed is not doing anything. Or finding a sense of community shouldn't be disparaged. Even if it's only online and might be snuffed at some point.

I know there's a lot of blah blah blah, and it is generally discouraging.

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Yes, there's a lot of blah, blah, blah, and I agree that sharing ideas is good. But I think that most people's idea of 'staying informed' actually is doing nothing, and worse, continuing to assist the enslavement process. The human personality always attaches the condition that 'staying informed' means being open to all that allows one to stay within their current belief system, which happens to be leading to total dependence on an elite class, and therefore total slavery. People reject automatically, as an instant emotional reaction, anything that threatens their beliefs, and therefore their 'seeking answers' is always with blinders on. This understanding is the basis for 'behavioral psychology' and the psychological control mechanisms so effectively employed by the elites. People shop for what makes them feel better, and that's what's increasingly enslaving them.

So if 'staying informed' isn't blowing one's whole belief system down to the core to smithereens on a regular basis, then it's really just 'staying stuck', and doing nothing.

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"The human personality always attaches the condition that 'staying informed' means being open to all that allows one to stay within their current belief system..."

I do so love the word always, it brings to mind another word that begins with an 'a'.

I have no belief system, although quite possibly I am beginning to form one. It might look like this... 'humans are exceptionally tiresome beasts and I'm on vacation, shapeshifting to an osprey and no longer have the power of the written word.'

"People reject automatically, as an instant emotional reaction, anything that threatens their beliefs, and therefore their 'seeking answers' is always with blinders on."

As possibly you are doing here, perhaps?

I do of course understand that watching the world go down the tubes can be a bit dispiriting, frustrating.... with many other etceteras following.

"People shop for what makes them feel better, and that's what's increasingly enslaving them."

I can't say it always makes me feel better, but I am quite guilty of eating. And therefore shopping for food.

"So if 'staying informed' isn't blowing one's whole belief system down to the core to smithereens on a regular basis, then it's really just 'staying stuck', and doing nothing."

I do agree with you here. Although some feel being brutal is the way of it and that I don't agree with.

I'll be shapeshifting now, so not available for the further tossing around of words.

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Aug 18, 2023
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Aug 18, 2023
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Must be a dystopian novel or two describing this vision. 🙄

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Aug 20, 2023Edited
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If one was a fiction writer, the air is thick with story lines. It helps me to bring that bit of unreality to the mad disclosure afoot. ❤️‍🩹

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Aug 19, 2023
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It was irony, friend.

And a compliment.


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Thank you for this article, Celia.

"Where are the FACES of the MISSING and dead from Maui and Lahaina? It’s been many days. Who is “missing?” How many children? What are their names? Is it part if the New World Order not to pay tribute to people, even children, who were killed by….Climate Change?"

I wouldn't be so sure that there are lots of people missing and dead. I'd say this could be the typical button-pushing, tugging-at-the-heart-strings propaganda used to raise money for GoFundMe campaigns.

A rule-of-thumb: when they tell you people are being killed, they're not and when they tell you they're being saved, they're being killed.

"Remember years ago when you could just find out what happened without having to wriggle through Psy Ops, come out of trance, etc."

LOL. I am beginning to wonder though if years ago all the psyops were happening but we were simply less aware - obviously some were at least and even though it seems that so many more are happening now I just wonder if they were all missed before. I'm not saying that's the case I just wonder.

"How many times did we see the planes flying into the buildings after 9/11? Now we know there were no planes."

The nominated passenger airliner crashes certainly didn't happen and what they showed us certainly wasn't real planes penetrating buildings but whether there were aeronautical objects of one kind or another flying around the WTC is debatable. I know someone who was there who said he saw a plane heading towards the South tower and I never like to deny people's experiences - at least not when I don't suspect them of being agents or stupid and I have no doubt this person is both genuine and very smart. The important thing is not whether or not there were aeronautical objects or not but whether the nominated passenger airliners crashed and that fact is clear. Nobody died in a plane crash which means - if they evacuated the buildings and there is clear evidence that the buildings were evacuated - 9/11 was in essence a massive exercise comprising numerous smaller exercises and drills plus massive demolition job.

To my mind the most important aspect of psyops is the "psy" part, it's how they control our minds, it's not what they do or don't do but how they control our minds ... and how people seem to willfully WANT THEIR MINDS CONTROLLED. That's what drives me absolutely nuts.

The most important aspect - by far in my opinion - of 9/11 is the False Dilemma propaganda strategy - it's the double-propaganda campaign implemented which targets the anticipated believers and the anticipated disbelievers separately ... although with partly the same goal - to maintain both groups' belief in real death and injury when all the evidence supports staged death and injury - which isn't to say a few people weren't killed or injured there's just simply no clear evidence of it.

I have very little to do with young people but today I had my hair cut by an 18 yo apprentice - I explained the 9/11 double-propaganda campaign and she got it immediately. I've had the same experience with a 17 yo while I find people my age just don't get it. Young people aren't fossilised in their beliefs and they also have access to far more channels of information than we did when younger so their minds are more open.


You can propagandise and coerce thousands upon thousands of health professionals to inject people with poison that injures, maims and kills but you cannot propagandise demolition professionals to only partly evacuate buildings before destroying them - that's not a thing. Demolition professionals will not be persuaded to only partly evacuate buildings before destroying them.

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Petra, this was on my mind from the beginning and still is. But I didn't say it. Not out of fear exactly but I wanted to just wait and see. It certainly is very strange. The videos all speak of horrible ways the children died but it's these sort of disembodied voices, that sound not quite right. That is the part I am not sure if it's my 'imagination.'

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OK, so these are what I interpret as "revelation of the method" (ROTM)-style anomalies indicating fakery. At the outset I found I had to puzzle over the two stories analysed below to make sense of them - a typical feature of fake stories.


The Tone family

1. The story reports a couple dying along with their daughter and grandson, however, the first photo shown to us is of the daughter and grandson rather than the couple which is slightly confusing.

2. We are told "the family of four appeared to be taking shelter inside their homes" and "their remains were found inside a burned car near their home".

--- We expect a "family of four" to live in the one home - obviously they're related but if they're living in separate homes it's odd to say "family of four".

--- The second mention is only of home singular so we have to assume that "homes" is simply an error - could be but this sort of error is exactly what we expect in ROTM.

3. The photo of the couple looks very old to me somehow.

Franklin Trejos

We are told Franklin died trying to save a neighbour's dog. If we follow the link to another version of this story in the same publication we find that the owner of the dog is Geoff Bogar who is also mentioned in this story, however, we are not informed in this story that Geoff is the owner of the dog which is most strange.

In this story we are told:

--- the duo (Franklin and Geoff) escaped in separate cars

--- Geoff had to flee through his car window when his car wouldn't start

--- Geoff "returned to the remains of his neighborhood only to find his friend’s remains inside his car on top of the golden retriever, named Sam."


--- According to the rest of the story, neither of the duo escaped in their car - supposedly Franklin died and Geoff had to leave his car

--- We have to wonder why Franklin died and Geoff escaped if Geoff's car wouldn't start. If the fire was so bad it got Franklin in his car how did Geoff escape it if he was on foot - of course, these things happen but we are given no explanation.

--- I find "remains" a strange word to use in relation to neighbourhood

--- Very, very, very strange that no mention is made of Geoff being the owner of the dog - the dog is referred to as "the dog" - and we have to wonder why in the first place the dog was with Franklin and not with Geoff.

EDIT: Adding more

Carole Hartley


--- Carole's name is misspelt Carol a couple of times.

--- Her partner is mentioned first in "... after Hartley’s partner of 23 years returned to their home" without his name, later given as Charles when normally you'd give the name at the first mention and also his full name.

--- Difference between FB (https://www.facebook.com/search/top?q=carole%20hartley) and the story:

The story: "... Charles eventually collapsing and waking up in a hospital after being rescued by a fellow evacuee."

FB: "Charles was found safe at a shelter and is now safe with friends in Wailuku."

GOFUNDME mentioned in FB!

Family of Jonathan Masaki Shiroma

Four relatives not named or even identified by nature of relationship. Story a little nonsensical and nothing convincing in his demeanour.


These stories are fake!

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They used crisis actors even for the missile psyop in 2018. I put some of it in a vid I did at the time. They had plenty of terrified, traumatized real people they could have used but instead did what they always do when things are totally fake. There was this pair of guys who just couldn't keep a straight face about putting "the baby" in the bathtub. It was a classic.

There is likely a mix of fake and real death stories going on because they desire to fuel narratives that all this was fake and cause confusion and conflict. And there were people like Miles Mathis saying a week ago that they thought all of it was fake.

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Yes, and who is they? Who did it?

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I love your analysis, spot on. As a former "news writer" and 'editor,' I can add that most stories are copied from a single source and misunderstandings and 'interpretations' ensue. I try to trace to the original story--not always easy to do, especially with fast-breaking stories, but often an attribution will be cited. Once I am at the parent story, so to speak, it is easier to see what the offspring have done. The other thing I always consider is the percentage of 'stories' generated by wire services that are in reality press releases. An ex-boyfriend of mine worked at an AP bureau and called me nightly in frustration. Stories had to go out and if there were no stories then press releases had to be written up and presented as stories. This was 25 years ago and I can only imagine the amount of propagated news via media consultants, government etc., that are essentially Commercials that we are taking as news. Well, maybe not 'we' exactly.

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Because the fake media puts out expected fake stories does not mean people were not murdered by the incineration assault.

The gov is stooping to the low of not giving missing and murdered numbers reports.

Although, since the bodies are cremated along with their possessions, they certainly are not identifiable. But it is simple to take missing numbers reports. Can you say Land Grab?!!

Unless like the Truman Show the whole thing is fake. But why? There must be people on the island like Ed Dowd that can see for his own eyes what is really going on. Are the peoples' communications being blocked? Probably. The truth speakers usually get blocked unless they sneak through. Have to go to the less censored sites.

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No it doesn't but where's the evidence? I mean how they're killing people with the jab means they'll do anything at all but so far all I've seen is fakery but if you have something that you think is real I'd be interested to see it.

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Agree, Petra. The psyops have been ongoing for millenia, and the post-WW generations were so enthralled with the new materialism and materialistic prosperity that they didn't even notice they were being herded as livestock. The big change is that the global slavery plan is nearing the final stages and the elites decided to accelerate and take the wraps off, convinced that they could sell it as something desirable, using trauma & fear as motivators.

I also like your observations about the 'double-propaganda'. Absolutely that's how it's done. A perfect example is the dialectic of either 'passenger planes' or 'no planes' on Sept 11, with neither being true.

I don't consider anyone involved in the building demo as "demolition professionals", as they did kill a lot of people that day, and they killed literally millions more around the world directly because of the tsunami of evil they helped unleash. No doubt it was a military operation, with foreign involvement, and these people are mass murderers and should not be considered even remotely like a professional who works for a building demo company.

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David, they would have had to involve demolition professionals and we're told that demolition company, Controlled Demolition, Inc (CDI), who holds records for bringing down very large buildings, was hired to clean up the rubble ... so wouldn't they surely have been involved in the demolitions themselves? Seven buildings plus were destroyed if not on the day later. Demolition companies needed to be involved. CDI has a safety record of which they are obviously very proud - they would not involve themselves in an operation involving partial-evacuations ... and the evidence for fakery of death and injury is abundant in any case. I've written a post and am in the middle of writing another one - you can skip the first bit which is about the evidence of "inside job" (controlled demolition, etc) and move onto the bit which gives the evidence of fakery of death and injury.


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Petra what are your thoughts on the dustification? You’ve obv seen the Judy Wood video of the spire turning to dust? Seems clear to me that they used some sort of frequency weapon? Also no where near enough rubble. Relevant bit is from 12 mins on this vid https://youtu.be/btXU4FwygJk?si=mYMRddWXHhGzX85A

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Let's hypothesize an understanding of psyop MO and approach 9/11 cold (with just the simple knowledge that it's a psyop and no other understanding). These are the questions I'd ask:

1. What do the perps want for real and what don't they want for real?

2. What do the perps want people to believe and have they devised different streams of propaganda according to psychographics, eg, are they catering to anticipated believers and anticipated disbelievers with different propaganda streams or are they going with a simple - 90% will believe us / 10% won't approach and we'll just wear the 10% disbelievers because they won't threaten the narrative?

3. What do they need to do for real to make people believe their propaganda?

Probable answers:

1. They only want to destroy buildings - they don't want planes and they don't want death and injury

2. As it's a very, very big Big Lie we can anticipate multiple streams of propaganda:

--- they want the 90% to believe terrorist attack

--- they want the 10% to believe evil US govt cold-bloodedly and callously killed all those poor people in the buildings ... and they want to fragment the 10% of disbelievers with further streams of propaganda to undermine them

--- they don't need to do anything for real other than what they want for real - destroy buildings. They can fake the planes and they can fake the death and injury.

In the destruction of buildings I'd assume - unless there is a reason not to - that they'd use tried and true methods, I don't see why they'd be using anything special and when I heard DEWs, mini-nuclear, thermite/nanothermite and various other theories, I'd immediately think PROPAGANDA designed to fragment and distract in the same way I immediately thought PROPAGANDA when they started telling us that the virus was created in a biolab (as soon as I recognised the covid story as a lie I knew there wouldn't be a virus because: they didn't want a virus, they didn't need a virus to have people believe in a virus and a real virus (if such a thing existed) wouldn't work for their narrative).

Anything that makes it seem as though nuclear, DEWs, nanothermite or whatever was used I'd assume is fakery and - leaving the hypothetical - I've seen clear evidence of the fakery of the alleged molten metal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txk6tCZ1p6s

So to answer your question more directly: I think the dust was produced not by DEWs - one theory is that unoccupied floors of the towers were packed with dust and when they came down the dust went everywhere. I don't know if this is true, I don't know how the dust was created ... but I very much doubt DEWs - ultimately though what counts is:

--- controlled demolition (regardless of specifics), no planes - they did it

--- 9/11 was essentially a glorified exercise plus massive demolition job

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Russell Brand’s sketchy but intentse attention on August 17,, to the fires

and their cause and possible purpose, elicited a comment I had

not seen mentioned elsewhere: theHomestead Act of 1920 expired in 2020 . . .

and in re: "propaganda used to raise money":

this tangentially related tally comes from Max Blumenthal on x, née twitter

[ I can't make screen shot copy here ] citing $500 million raised for Haiti,

Michelle Obama leading the fund-raising drive, 25 percent of it spent

on internal admin.; 6 houses built for Haitians, and refusal to say

what happened to the rest

Max B. follows that w/Aug. 14 appeal from Barack O.: "It will take all of us

comoing together and doing what we can to help those in Maui and

Lahaina right now. I hope you[ll join me in donating to the Hawai'ian

Red Cross today" -- w/a link to facilitate donations

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left out: the $500 million for Haiti was raised through the Red Cross

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I think you're right. I think we don't need to follow every twist and turn. That's just a way of sucking us in and getting us distracted.

I am reminded of what Karl Rove said,

"We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

We need to organise, and not get hypnotised by their fear porn.

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Forgot about this extremely revealing quote from Rove. Thank you.

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You're very welcome, Celia.

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I don't know who anybody is anymore, either. We will need to build trust from the bottom up if we are to escape this evil. Mathew Crawford says to find five people you trust with your life and to start from there. I think about this constantly now. Trust and truth can only return if we learn to trust each other again.

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Poignant observation Sun in Capricorn. I agree with you.

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My grandfather always said the same, only he said, you are lucky if you can count 3 people as true friends. I can count my brothers and my husband, and that takes me to 3. When my parents were alive, I had at least 4.

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As someone who has been part of the anti-war movement for decades and part of the movement against Zionist propaganda for decades, I have come to the position that we need to stand up to these monsters on the spiritual plane. The Roman Catholic Church is very weak and heavily infiltrated, but I believe if you are in The West, it is all of our duty to bring it back to health so that it can serve to protect us. I am sure this sounds crazy, possibly even Satanic to some, especially those caught up in one CIA or Zionist evangelical Christian sect or another and hopeless to others who are dismayed by the failings of many within The Catholic Church, but the reason we need it is because Protestantism is plagued by division due to hubris and lack of charity. Protestants split and divide upon themselves as easily as socialist do because they are both driven by the same lack of humility. We cannot be victorious without Christ and The Roman Catholic Church is His Church that created and delivered the Holy Scripture. If you are in the East, then Orthodox. The Roman Catholic and the Orthodox are the two wings of God's Apostolic Church. They are attacked because they matter. The FBI is targeting Catholics for a reason. Catholic Churches are being torched for a reason. The history of Catholics in Canada and the US and Germany is distorted for a reason. The Orthodox Church is being shut down in Ukraine for a reason. The Catholic Church is the best source of spiritual weaponry to take on this spiritual battle. Do not despair. Get spiritually fortified. With God all things are possible. With Christ and the Holy Spirit we can have the best chance of staying close to God. If you are in The West, then it is The Roman Catholic Church that gave your civilization its principles, morality, art, architecture, philosophy. You cannot expect to thrive if you are cut off from your roots. Time to graft back in to your roots so that you can fight evil from a position of strength. We need to be able to chase out these demons with love, truth and light. Time to get up to speed on the Good News so you have something positive, radiantly positive, to share. God Bless!

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Aug 19, 2023Edited
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The Italian artists were Catholic. Greek philosophy was combined with Hebrew tradition, the vehicle of the logos incarnate, Jesus Christ and the two were brought together in the Catholic Church. The Roman Empire became Catholic, but did not create the Cathedrals. And it was The Church that created universities and the farthest reaches of science and math. The dark ages were not dark. It was the enlightenment that turned away from God and led the way to a Godless materialism run by men who worship themselves and their creations which are pathetic next to God's creation. May God bless and protect you and may you find the light of Christ despite all of the darkness you have internalized from the materialists.

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Aug 20, 2023
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What is your better, purer institution? Please show me. Show me your article where you show even an effort to build or maintain something that serves humanity spiritually or even otherwise? We will, as you say, judge by the actions. You included, of course. It would be unwise not to.

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Aug 20, 2023Edited
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Oh, so you have a degraded Jewish supremacist materialist world view. No morality, no logos, no grasp of what is needed to have a functioning society. No respect for the natural law. Now I see why you are heavy on critique without taking trouble to be accurate, why you are anti-Christian, anti-Catholic and thin on plans to do anything positive or even anything other than complain... it all makes sense now. And just how many people would you be willing to see killed to have your dreams come true? How much are you willing to push your Jewish revolutionary spirit to get your dreams fulfilled because the majority does not share your vision? Your claim that I am the control freak is pure projection. I offered a plan and a way forward that anyone can take or leave as they like. It is you who got triggered and had to resort to lying and a freak out. But hey, the philosophical tradition you have hitched on too didn't seem to value truth much, so I will know not to expect better from you.

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Aug 20, 2023
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Please tell me about your superior community that managed to be free from the plague of depraved exploitation of positions of power and managed to protect itself from the mass media psyop of degrading sexuality that seems to have been led by non-Christians, often Jews as it happens such as in the porn industry and softcore porn Hollyweird. Are you claiming that most priests are pedophiles? More than in the public schools? Or Synagogues? Please share your evidence for that claim. Or do you just uncritically repeat what the demonic media tells you?

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Aug 19, 2023
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The USA is a human project and so yes, fundamentally flawed. But where humans can work to be good, it can be improved. When more Americans were people of faith in Christ, it was better. And ZOG would like nothing more than to dismantle the US since it is a barrier to the state they seek where there is no expectation of morality or human rights, only the opinion of the powerful. So, who are you working for I end up wondering? I am working to keep the USA as a country, not an empire. The US constitution is certainly not perfect, but you are offering nothing better. It is easy to tear down, much harder to build. Are you a builder? Or, just a parasite and a destroyer?

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Yes Celia .. the images are real. Hard to fathom, however - real. ….

In 2003 we lost our home to the Okanagan Mountain Park Firestorm.

The Rank 6 Firestorm consumed over 25,000 hectares of forest and park land, and 239 homes. Rank 6 Firestorms leave nothing recognizable. Only ashes were left of homes - no structural remnants at all. Rank 6 Firestorms are erratic with uncontrolled behaviour. It will burn one house to the ground and leave the next untouched .. Our house burned - our neighbours on both sides were untouched. .. The force of the fire bent huge pine trees, candled and exploded others, and left other trees standing untouched. Rank 6 Firestorms burn at an extreme heat .. this one melted the fireproof safe in my sister-in-law’s home and left nothing but ashes of the house. Fire guards were no deterrent. And the slightest wind fuelled the flames.

There is nothing sinister - nothing planned. People need time after the destruction - I know I sure did and so did all those that lost their home. It takes time to literally sift through the rumble and make sense of it all.

We were blessed in that there were no deaths. However, when there are, this also takes time.

As I write this I am also watching from my home the flames and candling trees of the McDougall Creek Firestorm - here in West Kelowna - British Columbia. Over 1,000 people evacuated today. Come visit and witness for yourself how a Rank 6 fire behaves and the aftermath.

Let’s not jump to hasty conclusions - we live in such an instant gratification society that we’ve forgotten empathy in the need for information. Give those that have just lost their homes and livelihoods, and those that have lost loved ones — your prayers.

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I'm afraid I cannot accept that nothing was planned with these fires because the stories of death are not convincing. Bushfires in Australia are very common nevertheless I knew something was amiss with the 2019-2020 fires. They were fires never experienced in my lifetime but also the reportings of some of the few deaths and of some of the people's whose homes were affected didn't add up ... which isn't to say that people's homes weren't genuinely burnt - they were - but there was definitely things that didn't add up to "normal bushfires".

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Thank you for reminding us about Rosa Koire, Celia.

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Thank you so much for this article. It puts words together in a way that makes sense of the non-sense that we are surrounded with these days.

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They don't need DEW, when they can easily do it with plain arson and poor tending of the land.

This land grab is focused on high value areas that are paradises.

Old style gangster tactics when they can't take control of a valuable area.

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Aug 18, 2023
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Yes! Their rushed use of power is revealing how much they're mobsters.

Their mask of sanity has slipped!

In the past, it worked because they controlled all communication and didn't try multiple scams at the same time.

These days we have the Internet, which despite being censored, still has places where people can see dissenting views and participate in the discourse.

Even with the noise and disinfo, it brings curiosity to people.

We need a curious society in order to find and head off corruption.

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I've been thinking recently that the psyop of the last three years was a "humiliation ritual." Once again, your intuition and articulation is spot on, Celia. Thank you.

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I can't speak for those who succumb to such things, primarily motivated by fear, but those of us who've been awake, who've never taken a jab, who've continued to question authority from teenaged years through the present day as a sexagenarian, who knew 3 years ago, from Dr. Francis Boyle, who literally wrote the laws on bioweapons and told us on InfoWars--that's right, the Alex Jones show--that the jabs were weapons are livid not humiliated. Disappointed that there are no men left in society and are, hence and thus, calculating ways to eliminate the enemy.

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I made a shirt that says:





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So did I, and after having survived (Jan 22, 2020) a "game-ending" (per the doctors in Taos, NM) legitimate acute saddle pulmonary embolism (caused by 8,000 ft elevation and sky-spraying aggravation; see relevant post on my Substack). By myself, w/no help from anyone on the wild mesa (no running water, no HVAC, no paved roads, no deliveries, 15 minutes to get to the highway, etc.). Too many Americans are soft, lazy cowards and, worst of all, fit Dickens's characterization of "telescopic philanthropists" to a g-d tee!

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Same pics coming out of Kelowna, British Columbia tonight. Thousands evacuated and the videos/photos are insane.

Interestingly, in 2021 a guy named Stephen Leader was caught trying to start fires and throwing a Molotov cocktail at the height of the fire season in the same area the fires are burning tonight. He was convicted and rumored to be motivated by his environmental beliefs. (https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/arson-wildfire-west-kelowna-1.6098777).

So, are guys like him at it again???

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Under the conditions of that day, all that was needed to cause what happened is a Zippo. There is not need to go off on wild theories. The simplest answer is usually the correct one. If arson, which it could have been, all that was needed was the smallest of sparks, no need for the elephant gun when a BB gun would do the trick.

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The simplest answer is usually the correct one ... according to the evidence, however, there are anomalies in the evidence, eg, some of the stories of death are very strangely reported and the simplest explanation to explain these anomalies is "psyop" as strange reporting is a distinctive feature of psyops.

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Here too I think we are jumping the gun. Two facts alone could easily answer. The first is that an entire town has burnt completely to the ground. They do not yet even know how many lost their lives that day. The aftermath is a massive, confused mess.

The second is we have incompetent government officials who long before the tragedy allowed infrastructure to either deteriorate or remain substandard so that they city firefighters and police were unable to fulfill their duties who will do everything in their power to hide their culpability. No other explanation is required, these are enough to answer the anomalies of which you speak.

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I'm afraid I do not accept your explanations for these anomalies. These anomalies have nothing to do with the people involved or the situation but are all in the reporting, the anomalies are all in the way the deaths are reported. I still may be accused of "jumping the gun" but I analyse psyop reporting all the time and it's just so distinctive to me. As I'm making the claim to others I probably should do more research to make a stronger case but these things nauseate me and I'm just so sick of the lies.

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I must admit I have yet to read any death reporting other than the numbers. What is so unusual to you about their reporting?

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This is my comment analysing a number of the deaths reported in the New York Post ... and it's got nothing to do with it being NY Post or WaPo, you get the same kinds of anomalies regardless of media "status", I just looked at the first article I found. Another commenter has posted a link to a Miles Mathis analysis which says the whole thing is faked ... which quite honestly wouldn't surprise me.



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I just read the first few lines and had to stop. Houses burning while leaving they’ve green in the trees next to them is nothing out of the ordinary. Happens all the time. Happens in forest fires too when the under brush burns away quickly but burns off to quickly to catch and keep trees burning. Many cases, the leaves remain green but are dried out by the fire. The trees could be dead but not look like it when first rolling though the neighborhood. Some tree will survive but many that appear to have may not.

Seriously, have you never tried to start a fire with newspaper or died leaves only to have either burn up quickly leaving your fire wood unlit? There is a reason why you need tinder then kindling and other small pieces to get the big pieces lit. Same with fire like this.

Living tress have tons of moisture in them that needs boiled away before they catch fire and stay lit. Houses do not.

Are your suggestions that they targeted each and every structure in the town with a laser? Think about that if you do.

Look, I am 53 years old and I have from a young age read in National Geographic or News Week or Time or some other magazines and seen on TV special about various forest fires. There are almost always unexplainable occurrences. Every single house destroyed for blocks then one that was untouched though all those around it burned to the ground.

Why white ash? The fire was hot enough to completely, or more completely consume everything. When I am able to allow by camp fire to burn completely and I fan it to provide enough air for continued combustion, I have only white ask left. If not, there are bits of charcoal amongst the white ash, all that remains of my fire wood.

Get out in the great outdoors more. Experience life more. Just as the mad maskers and the clot shot shot and lockdown lunatics, you are taking mundane events and ascribing deep dark mysterious caused to them. Don’t fall for this, please. You are substack er, your are better than this.

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Thank you Celia. On a positive note, check out this short video showing community self-help and local mutual aid efforts in Lahaina, with neighbors in Molokai bringing small boat loads of supplies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMWk9PHsE18

Hoping they can stay strong and resist the evil technocrat vultures from taking over their land....

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More and more I find strength and peace tending my garden with my wife, learning a little permaculture and tuning out. I still fight that need to know what is going on "out there". That little bit of nurturing life is very therapeutic and helps us prepare for whatever "they" have planned for us. Never gave much thought to 'preppers' or homesteading. Now it is a big part of our life.

We don't do television. Rarely we watch a movie.

Whether it is "programmed" propaganda or the chaotic collapse of the West, it doesn't change what we are doing with our lives. If our future will be happy quiet homesteading with our plants and books or the technocratic apocalypse, we try to take each day and make something good happen, whether that is making a little life or being a little more self-sufficient for what is coming.

Plant something. There is peace in that garden and God is there with you, smiling and thanking you for cherishing life. If a battle comes, be centered...

God bless. Thank you for your Stack.

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