Dear Ceila--Thank you so much for covering this important subject. I confess not focusing on it immediately--I am so used to skipping the 'celebrity' "news." And I have been working for a few weeks on pulling together data on Alfred Kinsey-- the scientist who started the "sexual revolution" in Western Civilization, and moreover, and worst of all he endorsed child sex abuse by declaring that "scientifically" children were sexualized from birth and it was fine for adults to have sex with children.

see our latest substack essay and audio interview here: https://gingerbreggin.substack.com/p/demolishing-morality-and-love-in

and the indepth essay about Kinsey's crimes here:


So thank you for spelling it out clearly in your stack about Diddy and sex trafficking-- we are examining different bits of the same crime....

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If this turns out to be true, words fail me. Most of these people have country-sized amounts of money. Yet, this type of evil is their highest life expression. Golly. Hard for me to explain such behaviors without appealing to supernatural evil. My go-to space before "COVID" probably would have been psychoanalysis and childhood trauma. But now, I'm going toward the demonic, the black nobility, Masonry, and hidden-hand cabals, shadowy groups of true evil-doers whose entire existence is based on exploitation, coercive threats, and serving some dark entities for temporary gain. It astounds me that people who have not a financial worry in the world, it astounds me that their lives revolve purely around empty material acquisitions, continual exploitative sexual transgression and gleeful violation of those who are most vulnerable. Probably, as in "The Matrix," they get some type of "reward" or energetic charge off of this practice. What else explains it? I'm at a loss.

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When you think about it, it seems quite obvious that the intellect behind the war being waged against our species and our planet is not human, doesn't it?

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Indeed, it does.

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1 John 5:19 agrees with you. The demons are literally in control of the evil depravity we are witnessing.

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"What else explains it? I'm at a loss." - Chris


"Pedophilia" is a misnomer, a euphemism.

These people don't

"love children".

Or they do, but as a wolf

"loves" a sheep.


is the gateway to hell:

addiction, compromat, blackmail human and drug trafficking.

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Had you said that to me a few years ago, I would have struggled to believe it. Now, I do not. What a difference five years makes. God help us.

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Nice of the FEDS to give him 3 months to clear out the evidence.

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The evidence would incriminate their puppet masters.

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Or maybe even years...

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Spot on Amy. "They" protect themselves.

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The only interesting thing about this breaking out news is why, why now. Using thuggish people to make some headlines to distract from the more important issues. And how in the world did a cargo ship ram into a mainline bridge out of Baltimore!!

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Well this whole thing kind of reminds me of what Whitney Webb warned about, especially if they start saying the ship lost power due to a cyber attack:

Whitney Webb warns of coming false flag cyber attack:


Whitney warns that Israeli intelligence has infiltrated all of US critical infrastructure (electric, nuclear, dams, etc) Says the want it big like 9/11 but with multiple attacks, to be blamed on Israel's enemies

Lara Logan was out on twitter calling it an attack, so we'll have to see where this goes.

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That false flag... maybe they make it so that it coincides with the solar Eclipse on April 8th.

Many people will melt down if it happens.

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I took a look at Synergy Marine Groups website, early yesterday morning (maybe they changed it since then). I tend to see "who is associated" and dig into their pages, too.

I found along the bottom of the page a list of logos of associates.

It is clear Synergy is a DEI, "first" company.

Also, the are highly motivated for the 2030 NetZero Fossil Fuel fantasy.

Additionally, they are invested in changing and investing in "port" design around the world, especially in the U.S. that will be Artificially Intelligently operable.

In my estimation, this was a globally agreed upon destruction in order to rebuild to "AI" spec. Or, diversity over merit hirers couldn't handle the job. Or both.

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Israel's enemies: US (full of antisemites according to CNN propaganda, which never fails,) Iran, Russia, China, India, Pakistan, Canada (that standing ovation to a Nazi,) Brazil, Turkey, Egypt, Hungary, Arabia, Kazakhstan, Poland, Fraaahhhnce.

Israel has many enemies. If Israel was a 20 year-old woman, maybe she would get diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?

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Yes, but the US just abstained in the UN Security Council vote about the Gaza ceasefire for the first time and the call for a ceasefire passed. It has to be viewed as an enormous betrayal by Netanyahu/Israel. See this editorial today in the Guardian by the former Israel consul general -- https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2024/mar/26/benjamin-netanyahu-joe-biden-un-security-council-resolution-ceasefire-gaza

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That sick bastard sold his own country to Pfizer. He and his underlings are insult to Mengele.

I don't know what reason he has to complain, other than his career as a politician coming to an end and his career as a convict coming to a start.

The comedians have material for twenty years with all this evil.

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Why complain when you can punish the US for not providing expected support in the UN by blowing up an important bridge?

Given Whitney Webb saying that Israeli intelligence has infiltrated all of US infrastructure, and there were systems failures on the ship, and that bridge went down in spectacular fashion and some are suspecting sabotage, it's a question whether our friend Bibi was behind it.

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Possible vaxxident? I doubt it, but just threw it in.

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Those ships' systems are easily hacked. It could have been Russia giving us payback for the Crocus atrocity in Moscow; or it could be a self-inflicted false-flag attack to provide a pretext for America to go to war against Russia directly? It is already being reported that French, German and Polish troops have recently arrived outside Kiev.

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When the mainstream Media INSISTED adamantly the FBI must have good evidence to be conducting such raids, I immediately consider Sean Combs might be totally innocent, just in conflict with his handlers!

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This is a good point. Why would the elite turn on Epstien and now Combs? Is this just due to internal conflict? Anywho -- unsure what this is going to bring. Would be very interesting if Diddy gets "Epstiened."

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I think they only turn on them once they become a liability for whatever reason.

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My thoughts also. Whenever these scandals erupt now I ask myself "why now"?

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Don’t look where they’re telling you to look. The expendables are thrown under the bus as a distraction.

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Like Russell Brand?

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Russell began saying things way outside the Establishment narrative. Maybe Combs had dirt on the wrong people.

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>>Sidebar: Is the collapse of the Frances Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore connected to a human trafficking bust or is it another attack on US intra-structure? Unclear accounts of persons on the bridge and/or persons deceased.

Not the persons on the bridge, but possible persons in the containers on the ship. Perhaps that was what the Suez blockade was about too.

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A remarkable anti-intellectualism among the neurotic Amerikan population --Sports & Entertainment aka Hollywood are KINGS...Keep in mind the three (Ss) Sex, Sport and SCREEN....The dumbing down of Western Civilization on the way !!!!

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Comedian Katt Willaims did mention that "this is the age of truth, so all will be revealed." So far, he appears to be right: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/i-dont-know-why-liars-lie-but-they

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Yes, I listened to some videos on the most recent lawsuit and it does sounds like another Epstein operation was covering the rap/hip-hop world. Ian Carroll, who seems to be an internet sleuth/dot-connector, reviews the most recent lawsuit here:

Ian Carroll goes through the details of the P Diddy lawsuit contain evidence that Mossad, the FBI, CIA were all deeply connected to the rap industry. It involves human trafficking and sexual blackmail schemes, spying. This is massive!!


I always assumed the intelligence agencies were behind the rap industry (I think Alicia Keys said the same). And in a recent interview, Candace Owens seemed to be bashing the black music industry, saying that she doesn't consider it reflective of true black culture (well something along those lines) and she added that she grew up listening to her grandfather's Temptations records--she considers that black music and not the current music they put out.

Also, this reminds me of a series Joe Atwill did on the weaponization of music, like:


"Joe Atwill joins the show to discuss "weaponized anthropology", the creation of the Sixties Counter-Culture by the intelligence agencies and degradation of society through entertainment and the arts. We talk about how the CIA used the research of anthropologists to manipulate American society and bring about an "archaic revival." He argues that music and other forms of entertainment have been weaponized and used against the general population in order to secure oligarchic rule. "

On the Justin Bieber issue, when I was listening to Ian Carroll's twitter posts on the P. Diddy lawsuit, I saw a couple of other videos w/Bieber. There was one with Diddy approaching Bieber, saying "why don't we hang out anymore" and Bieber seemed uncomfortable/nervous (still a kid) and was sort of having trouble putting words together. There was also another video w/Bieber at one of these adult parties, and it kind of looked like he was almost caught with one of the adult males in a sex act.

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Candace Owens -- I'm DONE Being Threatened. The Michael Jackson & Diddy Connection EXPOSED


Katt Williams Drops NEW BOMBSHELL About Michael Jackson .. (What REALLY Happened?!)


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They want what Sean has on video.

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Good point! Might include important Globalist Thugs!

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THANK YOU for covering this! It is huge. There are so many people who are just gobsmacked that this guy keeps getting away with stuff that would put one of us lowly peasants away for life. Thank you for more exposure.

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Depravity. Degradation.

And does Justin have parents???

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Apparently, his mother was fine with him spending 48 hours with Diddy. The whole industry is sick and IMO weaponized.

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Amazon had a 4 part series on Nickelodeon. Creepy adults everywhere.

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Hey I’m watching Quiet on Set: The Dark Side of Kids TV - Season 1. Check it out now on Prime Video!https://watch.amazon.com/detail?gti=amzn1.dv.gti.9e729eca-4acd-40d8-8775-af7a757f1b83&territory=US&ref_=share_ios_season&r=web

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His home was raided to get rid of evidence of who was there. No one else will be incriminated!!

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“We have it all” is looking quite prophetic right now.

And, yes, djt knows a lot more than any of us can imagine??

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The Wikipedia article says that in 1990/91 this Combs personage was recording a rape of a woman by two other guys. But very few people had recording equipment in 1990.

That means privilege. Impunity. Protection.

Something has changed. The protector has died. Or something like that.

Yeah, Epstein 2.0.

Maybe they unleash another plandemonium to cover up everything?

Can the economy withstand another demolition?

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What happened to all the Epstein evidence? Who flew to the island, etc? We’ll be asking the same Q’s about PDiddy 5 years from now. This was a hoovering operation.

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