Well, my Dear, I hope you will allow Robert F Kennedy Jr to help promote this tome of yours! And Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Dr McCullough and Malone and Peggy Hall here in SoCal! I understand exactly how you feel! I knew Christine Maggiore personally and spoke with Dr Duesberg at his laboratory at least once offering encouragement, I was a very reluctant participant in the AZT fiasco from within the drugstore where the attitude was “Hear no evil; See no Evil; Speak no evil” while Evil flourished all around!” As a gay man I warned everyone I could talk with for more than 5 minutes not to take AZT but became another “AIDS denier” like an “Anti Vaxxer” and a pariah in the gay community! Alone, lonely, abandoned by “friends” I thought I had known for 25 years and filled with frustration and rage I stumbled my way into a new career practicing Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and was glad for the simple Truth and time honored proof of it! No billion dollar payoffs, no one making millions promoting some toxic killer substance! I was exhausted drained and disheartened but on a new path when I met my Guru, Rene Taylor, a Yoga teacher and practitioner who helped me find a center and get grounded. She was 87 and the heallthiest person I knew at the time and with her kind instruction, help and advice I moved on.. Fauci disappeared back into the woodwork and Id mostly recovered and forgotten when Trump handed the microphone to Fauci 3 years ago and I knew the Evil was making a comeback, stronger than Ever!! The fear, dread and feelings of hopelessness washed over me once again as I watched him repeat his dissembling, “learned scientist” act and watched the suckers buy into it with the same conviction and zealotry that sent thoussnds of gay men to their deaths decades ago!
So I know where youre coming from and the heart sick feeling of needless loss and suffering just to enrich a few makes me want to shut it down again! Ive purchased 3 copies of Bobby Kennedys book on Fauci and gave them away, unread by me because even now,,its too painful to read about it and I think of all those who I knew and lost…
Dennis, you are one of my heroes. And one day we will have time, find time, and I want to hear all about it. This is one of those comments that could become a post. I wish you would tell is even more about your AZT memories. You were really there, as it played out, at ground zero. And I know how brutally hard it was for gay men to oppose any of it. The whole thing was rooted in shaming and othering. And murdering. We survived.
So sorry for your losses and pain, may you also find some healing and peace in the more truths coming out.
Fauci has always been festering there in the background like a cancer growing in Americas brain and pop out and infect us like he promised at the beginning of Trumps term.
New email from open the books and an interview by another heavily censored and depersoned journalist Sharyl Attkisson and Adam Andrzejewski discussed the culture of secrecy at The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
I, a woman who was controlled almost her entire life by the fear of making a scene and making people uncomfortable, have stood on church steps, at the front of a grocery store, outside Sam's Club, and a few other places loudly proclaiming that Covid is a lie, that's it's time to stop living in fear, to stop treating other humans as nothing more than disease vectors, to take off the masks! I'm more covert now, but seldom miss an opportunity to ask a question and share a tidbit that might break through and get people to think. I hate that I ever donned a mask, but I fought when I could find the strength. So, I say, "Cheers to you, Dennis!" Keep doing what's right and never forget that you're not alone.
I will be addressing this in great detail. I was very close to Christine and the whole situation.
Briefly, Eliza Jane's cause of death was undetermined. No cause was found. Her immune system was intact, as measured by total cell count—she had no indications of a failing immune system, ie AIDS. She may or may not have died of a reaction to amoxycillin given for ear infection. They did a second autopsy, after they Googled Christine and found she was an HIV positive AIDS denier. The baby's autopsy was then kicked upstairs to the renowned, deeply corrupt pathologist (won't name him here and now) who was known for putting black and hispanic parents in jail after their children died of probably vaccine induced brain swelling, but he put them away for the totally fabricated "shaken baby syndrome." He spent four months on what Christine called a "scavenger hunt" in the child's dead body, and brain, finally emerging with a single P24 protein he says he found in her brain. This was enough to make this thoroughly indecent man put the word "AIDS" in EJ's NEW autopsy, which was messengered over to the LA Times, before it was given to Christine and her husband Robin. LA Times Pulitzer winners (names escape me now) blasted the story on the front cover that Christine's denial had killed her daughter and that was the beginning of the end. The filthy paper would not even let Christine publish a 400 word letter correcting their lies. Outright fascism. About 2 years later, after battling all the hell that came from this one article, including threats of losing custody of her older son Charlie (who is alive and well today) and being banned from adopting a child after they "Googled" her and found that article every time…she developed bronchitis. She was extremely sick. She went to a doctor who placed her on 3 drugs. 2 of them were contraindicated, and after swelling up with 15 lbs of edema induced water retention, she died while napping. The cause of death was renal failure.
If pneumonia is AIDS then I have had AIDS many times in my life. I had it often as a child.
It's not insensitive at all.
What do you make of the fact that neither her older son nor husband, sexual partner, got "AIDS" if Christine and her younger child supposedly died of it? I'll be publishing the documentation of all this. Your question is reasonable based on the lies that are out there. She was the sacrifice that ended their whole problem. She was used as proof HIV "caused" AIDS. She was positive and healthy for something like 15-20 years before all this hell began. Her daughter's death was very sudden and very strange, no explanation. Nothing she died OF in the first autopsy. Not until they Googled her mother.
I remember that time so well because I was pregnant with my first baby and I recall seeing her, her husband and her son on the cover of Mothering magazine. (This was Oakland CA 2002 when new moms were openly discussing whether or not to vaccinate. )She had a giant No AZT written across her pregnant belly. A few years later when we moved to LA our pediatrician Dr Fleiss was their pediatrician. He was the go-to dr if you weren’t vaccinating. I remember him clearly saying to me “vaccines don’t cause autism”. But he believed in personal choice. I felt devastated when I heard Eliza Jane had passed. How a parent survives that is beyond me.
Like Celia, I too was close to Christine. Celia is correct - Eliza Jane's cause of death was "undetermined". However, that's only according to Officialdom; there is the part Officialdom continues to ignore.
Christine gave me a detailed description of the horror she witnessed when Eliza Jane collapsed and died. The horrifying death was completely coordinated with the administration of amoxicillin, not with any magic "virus". With that, Christine was haunted with terrible feelings of guilt.
Her own death was catalyzed by the heartless public shaming that followed, particularly by a vicious depiction of her on a major TV show that I expect Celia will talk about. Dr. Roberto Giraldo once told me that Christine said, in reference to the emotional impact of that show on her, "They killed me".
Forgive the length, but here is a piece that may help you understand. I sent a Letter to the Editor of the LA Times that night when that Costello-Ornstein article, "A Mother's Denial, A Daughter's Death" came out. Of course, my letter never got published. So I would like to share it here:
Letter to the LA Times
Sept 12, 2005
Tom DiFerdinando, Executive Director, HEAL NYC
The LA Times article concerning the death of HIV dissident Christine Maggiore’s daughter is not only rife with heartless innuendo - as reflected in the title “A Mother’s Denial, a Daughter’s Death” - it reorganizes the facts to reinforce a preconceived and finger-shaking scenario: that because of Maggiore’s "HIV+" status and her conviction that HIV does not cause AIDS, her child must have died due to an untested and untreated HIV; that it was foolish of her to employ unconventional doctors and alternative medical treatments when allegedly “life-saving” AIDS drugs were available; and that those involved in her case acted unethically because, as ethicist Shapiro is quoted as saying: “If you look away from something you’re supposed to be looking for, that’s called willful blindness. one aspect of determining negligence”.
However, a re-ordering of the facts to fit the actual reality of the case not only makes the “something you’re supposed to be looking for” something quite different to see, it also resolves the seeming contradictions regarding the family’s outstanding child-rearing profile.
First, concomitant with the “dissident” view that says HIV is not the cause of AIDS, is the view - often stated in the same dissident breath - that modern pharmaceutical chemicals are immune suppressant, can cause serious injury to the vital organs and, oft times, fatally assault the entire vital apparatus itself.
With this fact in mind, the article itself points to - but then just as quickly points away from - the “something you’re supposed to be looking for”: within roughly twenty four hours of being given her first-ever antibiotic (and, the article neglected to mention, first-ever Tylenol), 3-year-old Eliza Jane collapsed with respiratory/heart failure and died. Was this a sudden HIV attack?
Let’s be honest here. It seems banal to say, but death is a serious event; it does not happen suddenly without a significant neurogenic or cardiopulmonary assault and, when it comes to this sort of shock, let’s face it, nothing competes with medicine.
So why do the editor of the LA Times, the LA County coroner, the Dept of Child and Family Services, Ms. Lampe at the CDC, the cited AIDS physicians, all the Public Health officials, and on and on, all ignore the fact that Eliza Jane, a child who had never had a pharmaceutical chemical in her little 3-year-old body; a child who the Times interviewer described only two months earlier as “a healthy-looking girl”; a child whose mother “seemed, if anything, an exceptionally devoted mother”; a child whose parents were reported by the DCFS’ caseworker as appearing “appropriate and extremely focused on the child’s well-being in every aspect”; a child about whom Dr. Gordon even a couple of weeks earlier did not feel was in any life-threatening danger; a child whose death caused Dr. Fleiss to respond by saying, “I don’t understand it. I’ve never seen her sick or with anything resembling what she supposedly died of”; a child whose parents about whom it was said by law professor and child abuse expert Lyon, the DCFS is, “just not accustomed to the kind of neglect where you have an otherwise healthy, good parent”; and, most of all, a child about whom, after quoting Maggiore as saying “our children have excellent records of health” and “our choices, however radical they may seem, are extremely well-founded”, the Times glibly stated with self-serving and unjustified irony, “seven weeks later, Eliza Jane was dead”; with all these seeming contradictions in mind, why do all these officials and experts ignore the fact that within about twenty four hours of taking her first-ever round of Tylenol and antibiotics, Eliza Jane suddenly collapsed and died?
Instead of all the head-shaking, finger wagging presumption and gratuitous irony, how about the Times exercise a little common sense, since obviously nobody else wants to. How about an honest investigation into the extremely likely possibility that rather than an HIV shock; there was in fact a pharmaceutical shock - exactly the danger that the so-called dissidents are warning people about, and which we will continue to warn people about no matter how long the Times or any other publicly responsible body goes on ignoring it.
Most “dissidents” will indeed agree with Dr. James Oleske that, “this was a preventable death”. However, it’s just so much LESS disturbing to blame, as Dr. Oleske does, a “mysterious virus”, or better yet, a highly responsible, deeply loving, unusually well-informed set of parents who, in the end, appear to have gotten bitten by the very menace they’ve devoted their lives to exposing - not the fake “HIV” menace, but the very real public "modern medical" menace.
Who now, for over twenty years, has been guilty of willful blindness and therefore negligence?
Tom, thank you for sharing your letter and links. I hope it gets published some day. Sounds like Celia is going to have a platform where perhaps you’ll be given an opportunity to share more. Christine’s story is a perfect example of how the media and Drs. participate in destroying lives. For Christine to go through that unbearable heartache and then read the lies, I just can’t fathom the emotional pain. So much damage, so much loss caused by untruths and poorly researched stories, all for the sake of money and notoriety. And Celia, I look forward to supporting your upcoming work. You too are a Hero and silver lining!
Christine Maggiore was one of the purest souls I have ever met! They persecuted her for speaking out and trying to save lives which she did thru personal involvement free of charge at meetings of her Alive and Well group in West Los Angeles! I spoke at 3 of those meetings attended by terrified young gay men “informed” by their AIDS quacks that they would Die in the most hideous way unless they took Fauci’s AZT, but NONE of these so called “doctors” apparently ever opened the package insert for it and saw the “Skull and Crossbones” insignia at the top warning the pharmacists NOT to open the bottles, nor to touch the AZT capsules and IF we DID we should IMMEDIATELY call a “Poison Control Center”!! It did a GREAT job of destroying your bone marrow, which Dr Fuckci KNEW! So we would dispense it with the directions: “Take one capsule every 3 hours round the clock” just to make sure the innocents couldnt even get a decent nights sleep, if they could sleep AT ALL for the WORRY being HIV + inflicted! We dispensed it in unopened glass bottles placed in a larger container. One friend of mine, whom I hadnt seen in a few years and who owned a very popular gay dance bar in Hollywood called Greg’s Blue Dot, Greg Hammond, went to get his HIV “test”, later proven by Christine M to be WRONG 60% of time, and when he tested “positive” he went home and took a gun and blew his own head off…at 35!! We never got the chance to talk to Greg and counteract the seething, almost gleeful media “coverage” of the “Daily Death Toll of “AIDS Victims” which, according to them was going to “KILL US ALL UNLESS SOMETHING WAS DONE!!” SOOOO MUCH LIKE COVID that AIDS was dress rehearsal for Covid! The difference was that it was overwhelmingly occuring in the still much hated gay community. So no one really cared and the fake Christians and religious fanatics were all tut tutting and shaking their self righteous heads and saying this was “God punishing the gays”.
For the handful of us who saw thru the first medical psyop fully orchestrated by Gallo, Fauci, Ho and others to channel Billions into their pockets while doing society a “favor” by killing off thousands of perverts, it was like falling through the looking glass into a version of Hell where up was down, right was wrong and the television became God!
No PF, Christine was a major threat and they killed her… and danced on her grave!
Reading your post reminded me of a book I read in 2002, "Into the Buzzsaw", a collection of 17 courageous journalists' accounts of the price they paid for reporting truths that were not allowed to be told, edited by Kristina Borjesson. I'm ready for both your journalistic vein and the underbelly. You are all heroes to me!
Kristina is a very good friend of mine and we used to co-host a show together. She's an incredible journalist. Writer. And person. I loved that book, 15 years before I met her. A must read. In fact, we met on a journalism panel Mark Crispin Miller put together at NYU, before his troubles there began. Mark needs our prayers.
Thank you for your kind words. I guess all of us go through loss and pain but injustice and cruelty on the scale that Anthony Fauci has created in the guise of healing is unprecedented
Celia! Get Robert Kennedy Jr. to promote your book! That is where I first encountered your writing/reporting. I was mesmerized by what you had to say. When I found you on Substack I was overjoyed, and when I found out that you were releasing a book on the history of HIV/AIDS I immediately ordered a copy. I have spent the last three years educating myself on everything I could get my hands on concerning what was happening in our world. You have an important part to play and I encourage you to continue in your journey. May God strengthen you.
In the OP a year was mentioned when you were 22. That year I was the same and flipping my tassel after undergrad years. You were already making significant contributions with much more to come. Kudos for your work then and now and in between. I can’t wait to read the works and learn the backstories. Only recently through your stack, Dallas Buyers Club, and RFKJR’s TRAF book have I gained a perspective on those fearful times. Times that colored and distorted the wet clay of youth.
Oh Celia, thank you for your candor. I begin to think we are all scarred by this experience with a government turned vicious and friends and family turned scared. I have been reading Neville Hodgkinson's new book "How HIV/AIDS Set the Stage for the Covid Crisis", the first book on AIDS I have ever read. I thought he underplayed the contrast wtih the lie that is COVID. I probably mistook caution. And the San Francisco Chronicle still has headlines with the phrase "HIV" and "HIV/AIDS". Makes me sick.
I've just spent a chunk of time slowly reading through your previous post (as an email) only to find that it was deleted. It was a compelling read. I'm now feeling a sense of loss! I can feel the pain that you so eloquently expressed, Celia. Your decades long story is loaded with deep emotion and I can empathise with your sense of loss and complicated emotional entanglement through the whole saga. It's an extremely important multi-layered story made ever more relevant due to the rampant wretched tyranny of Convid-1984. "They" lie to us on a truly epic scale. It's an unspeakable world of deception. Every copy of your book sold will be an extra poke in the eye to the evil corrupt narrative of dystopian globalist treachery. I'm also now going to finally upgrade to paid subscription for added support of your valuable work.
"How much you readers will want to know about the lost history, underbelly included, of AIDS, will emerge in your comments. How much I want to delve back into it will also emerge."
I want to know all of it Celia. Every bit. As one of the vast majority who had no idea what was going on behind the scenes at the time, reading your past work from Spin and other publications has completely altered my view of medical science. Reading your work in the time of the Covid fiasco opened my eyes Celia, and I will forever be in debt to you for it.
Looking forward to all of it, and though it's truly a healing aspect for you the TRUTH needs to get out. If we have learned anything from the past 2 years it to get the truth out before it gets censored, and then find ways around it.
Well, my Dear, I hope you will allow Robert F Kennedy Jr to help promote this tome of yours! And Dr Reiner Fuellmich and Dr McCullough and Malone and Peggy Hall here in SoCal! I understand exactly how you feel! I knew Christine Maggiore personally and spoke with Dr Duesberg at his laboratory at least once offering encouragement, I was a very reluctant participant in the AZT fiasco from within the drugstore where the attitude was “Hear no evil; See no Evil; Speak no evil” while Evil flourished all around!” As a gay man I warned everyone I could talk with for more than 5 minutes not to take AZT but became another “AIDS denier” like an “Anti Vaxxer” and a pariah in the gay community! Alone, lonely, abandoned by “friends” I thought I had known for 25 years and filled with frustration and rage I stumbled my way into a new career practicing Chinese herbal medicine and acupuncture and was glad for the simple Truth and time honored proof of it! No billion dollar payoffs, no one making millions promoting some toxic killer substance! I was exhausted drained and disheartened but on a new path when I met my Guru, Rene Taylor, a Yoga teacher and practitioner who helped me find a center and get grounded. She was 87 and the heallthiest person I knew at the time and with her kind instruction, help and advice I moved on.. Fauci disappeared back into the woodwork and Id mostly recovered and forgotten when Trump handed the microphone to Fauci 3 years ago and I knew the Evil was making a comeback, stronger than Ever!! The fear, dread and feelings of hopelessness washed over me once again as I watched him repeat his dissembling, “learned scientist” act and watched the suckers buy into it with the same conviction and zealotry that sent thoussnds of gay men to their deaths decades ago!
So I know where youre coming from and the heart sick feeling of needless loss and suffering just to enrich a few makes me want to shut it down again! Ive purchased 3 copies of Bobby Kennedys book on Fauci and gave them away, unread by me because even now,,its too painful to read about it and I think of all those who I knew and lost…
Dennis, you are one of my heroes. And one day we will have time, find time, and I want to hear all about it. This is one of those comments that could become a post. I wish you would tell is even more about your AZT memories. You were really there, as it played out, at ground zero. And I know how brutally hard it was for gay men to oppose any of it. The whole thing was rooted in shaming and othering. And murdering. We survived.
So sorry for your losses and pain, may you also find some healing and peace in the more truths coming out.
Fauci has always been festering there in the background like a cancer growing in Americas brain and pop out and infect us like he promised at the beginning of Trumps term.
New email from open the books and an interview by another heavily censored and depersoned journalist Sharyl Attkisson and Adam Andrzejewski discussed the culture of secrecy at The National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Speaking of comments that are compelling stories of their own … thank you for sharing, Dennis. Glad you found a new healing career.
I, a woman who was controlled almost her entire life by the fear of making a scene and making people uncomfortable, have stood on church steps, at the front of a grocery store, outside Sam's Club, and a few other places loudly proclaiming that Covid is a lie, that's it's time to stop living in fear, to stop treating other humans as nothing more than disease vectors, to take off the masks! I'm more covert now, but seldom miss an opportunity to ask a question and share a tidbit that might break through and get people to think. I hate that I ever donned a mask, but I fought when I could find the strength. So, I say, "Cheers to you, Dennis!" Keep doing what's right and never forget that you're not alone.
I hope this isn’t insensitive but what do you make of the loss of Christine’s baby girl at 3 and her untimely death at 52 (of I think pneumonia)?
I will be addressing this in great detail. I was very close to Christine and the whole situation.
Briefly, Eliza Jane's cause of death was undetermined. No cause was found. Her immune system was intact, as measured by total cell count—she had no indications of a failing immune system, ie AIDS. She may or may not have died of a reaction to amoxycillin given for ear infection. They did a second autopsy, after they Googled Christine and found she was an HIV positive AIDS denier. The baby's autopsy was then kicked upstairs to the renowned, deeply corrupt pathologist (won't name him here and now) who was known for putting black and hispanic parents in jail after their children died of probably vaccine induced brain swelling, but he put them away for the totally fabricated "shaken baby syndrome." He spent four months on what Christine called a "scavenger hunt" in the child's dead body, and brain, finally emerging with a single P24 protein he says he found in her brain. This was enough to make this thoroughly indecent man put the word "AIDS" in EJ's NEW autopsy, which was messengered over to the LA Times, before it was given to Christine and her husband Robin. LA Times Pulitzer winners (names escape me now) blasted the story on the front cover that Christine's denial had killed her daughter and that was the beginning of the end. The filthy paper would not even let Christine publish a 400 word letter correcting their lies. Outright fascism. About 2 years later, after battling all the hell that came from this one article, including threats of losing custody of her older son Charlie (who is alive and well today) and being banned from adopting a child after they "Googled" her and found that article every time…she developed bronchitis. She was extremely sick. She went to a doctor who placed her on 3 drugs. 2 of them were contraindicated, and after swelling up with 15 lbs of edema induced water retention, she died while napping. The cause of death was renal failure.
If pneumonia is AIDS then I have had AIDS many times in my life. I had it often as a child.
It's not insensitive at all.
What do you make of the fact that neither her older son nor husband, sexual partner, got "AIDS" if Christine and her younger child supposedly died of it? I'll be publishing the documentation of all this. Your question is reasonable based on the lies that are out there. She was the sacrifice that ended their whole problem. She was used as proof HIV "caused" AIDS. She was positive and healthy for something like 15-20 years before all this hell began. Her daughter's death was very sudden and very strange, no explanation. Nothing she died OF in the first autopsy. Not until they Googled her mother.
Thank you for this.
I remember that time so well because I was pregnant with my first baby and I recall seeing her, her husband and her son on the cover of Mothering magazine. (This was Oakland CA 2002 when new moms were openly discussing whether or not to vaccinate. )She had a giant No AZT written across her pregnant belly. A few years later when we moved to LA our pediatrician Dr Fleiss was their pediatrician. He was the go-to dr if you weren’t vaccinating. I remember him clearly saying to me “vaccines don’t cause autism”. But he believed in personal choice. I felt devastated when I heard Eliza Jane had passed. How a parent survives that is beyond me.
Like Celia, I too was close to Christine. Celia is correct - Eliza Jane's cause of death was "undetermined". However, that's only according to Officialdom; there is the part Officialdom continues to ignore.
Christine gave me a detailed description of the horror she witnessed when Eliza Jane collapsed and died. The horrifying death was completely coordinated with the administration of amoxicillin, not with any magic "virus". With that, Christine was haunted with terrible feelings of guilt.
Her own death was catalyzed by the heartless public shaming that followed, particularly by a vicious depiction of her on a major TV show that I expect Celia will talk about. Dr. Roberto Giraldo once told me that Christine said, in reference to the emotional impact of that show on her, "They killed me".
Forgive the length, but here is a piece that may help you understand. I sent a Letter to the Editor of the LA Times that night when that Costello-Ornstein article, "A Mother's Denial, A Daughter's Death" came out. Of course, my letter never got published. So I would like to share it here:
Letter to the LA Times
Sept 12, 2005
Tom DiFerdinando, Executive Director, HEAL NYC
The LA Times article concerning the death of HIV dissident Christine Maggiore’s daughter is not only rife with heartless innuendo - as reflected in the title “A Mother’s Denial, a Daughter’s Death” - it reorganizes the facts to reinforce a preconceived and finger-shaking scenario: that because of Maggiore’s "HIV+" status and her conviction that HIV does not cause AIDS, her child must have died due to an untested and untreated HIV; that it was foolish of her to employ unconventional doctors and alternative medical treatments when allegedly “life-saving” AIDS drugs were available; and that those involved in her case acted unethically because, as ethicist Shapiro is quoted as saying: “If you look away from something you’re supposed to be looking for, that’s called willful blindness. one aspect of determining negligence”.
However, a re-ordering of the facts to fit the actual reality of the case not only makes the “something you’re supposed to be looking for” something quite different to see, it also resolves the seeming contradictions regarding the family’s outstanding child-rearing profile.
First, concomitant with the “dissident” view that says HIV is not the cause of AIDS, is the view - often stated in the same dissident breath - that modern pharmaceutical chemicals are immune suppressant, can cause serious injury to the vital organs and, oft times, fatally assault the entire vital apparatus itself.
With this fact in mind, the article itself points to - but then just as quickly points away from - the “something you’re supposed to be looking for”: within roughly twenty four hours of being given her first-ever antibiotic (and, the article neglected to mention, first-ever Tylenol), 3-year-old Eliza Jane collapsed with respiratory/heart failure and died. Was this a sudden HIV attack?
Let’s be honest here. It seems banal to say, but death is a serious event; it does not happen suddenly without a significant neurogenic or cardiopulmonary assault and, when it comes to this sort of shock, let’s face it, nothing competes with medicine.
So why do the editor of the LA Times, the LA County coroner, the Dept of Child and Family Services, Ms. Lampe at the CDC, the cited AIDS physicians, all the Public Health officials, and on and on, all ignore the fact that Eliza Jane, a child who had never had a pharmaceutical chemical in her little 3-year-old body; a child who the Times interviewer described only two months earlier as “a healthy-looking girl”; a child whose mother “seemed, if anything, an exceptionally devoted mother”; a child whose parents were reported by the DCFS’ caseworker as appearing “appropriate and extremely focused on the child’s well-being in every aspect”; a child about whom Dr. Gordon even a couple of weeks earlier did not feel was in any life-threatening danger; a child whose death caused Dr. Fleiss to respond by saying, “I don’t understand it. I’ve never seen her sick or with anything resembling what she supposedly died of”; a child whose parents about whom it was said by law professor and child abuse expert Lyon, the DCFS is, “just not accustomed to the kind of neglect where you have an otherwise healthy, good parent”; and, most of all, a child about whom, after quoting Maggiore as saying “our children have excellent records of health” and “our choices, however radical they may seem, are extremely well-founded”, the Times glibly stated with self-serving and unjustified irony, “seven weeks later, Eliza Jane was dead”; with all these seeming contradictions in mind, why do all these officials and experts ignore the fact that within about twenty four hours of taking her first-ever round of Tylenol and antibiotics, Eliza Jane suddenly collapsed and died?
Instead of all the head-shaking, finger wagging presumption and gratuitous irony, how about the Times exercise a little common sense, since obviously nobody else wants to. How about an honest investigation into the extremely likely possibility that rather than an HIV shock; there was in fact a pharmaceutical shock - exactly the danger that the so-called dissidents are warning people about, and which we will continue to warn people about no matter how long the Times or any other publicly responsible body goes on ignoring it.
Most “dissidents” will indeed agree with Dr. James Oleske that, “this was a preventable death”. However, it’s just so much LESS disturbing to blame, as Dr. Oleske does, a “mysterious virus”, or better yet, a highly responsible, deeply loving, unusually well-informed set of parents who, in the end, appear to have gotten bitten by the very menace they’ve devoted their lives to exposing - not the fake “HIV” menace, but the very real public "modern medical" menace.
Who now, for over twenty years, has been guilty of willful blindness and therefore negligence?
see: http://jama.ama-assn.org/cgi/content/extract/284/4/483
If this is restricted, see:
Tom DiFerdinando
Thank you Tom. This is amazing. We will continue this.
Tom, thank you for sharing your letter and links. I hope it gets published some day. Sounds like Celia is going to have a platform where perhaps you’ll be given an opportunity to share more. Christine’s story is a perfect example of how the media and Drs. participate in destroying lives. For Christine to go through that unbearable heartache and then read the lies, I just can’t fathom the emotional pain. So much damage, so much loss caused by untruths and poorly researched stories, all for the sake of money and notoriety. And Celia, I look forward to supporting your upcoming work. You too are a Hero and silver lining!
YES! Pretty sure THAT is what I'd read, years ago, about this. THNX
Christine Maggiore was one of the purest souls I have ever met! They persecuted her for speaking out and trying to save lives which she did thru personal involvement free of charge at meetings of her Alive and Well group in West Los Angeles! I spoke at 3 of those meetings attended by terrified young gay men “informed” by their AIDS quacks that they would Die in the most hideous way unless they took Fauci’s AZT, but NONE of these so called “doctors” apparently ever opened the package insert for it and saw the “Skull and Crossbones” insignia at the top warning the pharmacists NOT to open the bottles, nor to touch the AZT capsules and IF we DID we should IMMEDIATELY call a “Poison Control Center”!! It did a GREAT job of destroying your bone marrow, which Dr Fuckci KNEW! So we would dispense it with the directions: “Take one capsule every 3 hours round the clock” just to make sure the innocents couldnt even get a decent nights sleep, if they could sleep AT ALL for the WORRY being HIV + inflicted! We dispensed it in unopened glass bottles placed in a larger container. One friend of mine, whom I hadnt seen in a few years and who owned a very popular gay dance bar in Hollywood called Greg’s Blue Dot, Greg Hammond, went to get his HIV “test”, later proven by Christine M to be WRONG 60% of time, and when he tested “positive” he went home and took a gun and blew his own head off…at 35!! We never got the chance to talk to Greg and counteract the seething, almost gleeful media “coverage” of the “Daily Death Toll of “AIDS Victims” which, according to them was going to “KILL US ALL UNLESS SOMETHING WAS DONE!!” SOOOO MUCH LIKE COVID that AIDS was dress rehearsal for Covid! The difference was that it was overwhelmingly occuring in the still much hated gay community. So no one really cared and the fake Christians and religious fanatics were all tut tutting and shaking their self righteous heads and saying this was “God punishing the gays”.
For the handful of us who saw thru the first medical psyop fully orchestrated by Gallo, Fauci, Ho and others to channel Billions into their pockets while doing society a “favor” by killing off thousands of perverts, it was like falling through the looking glass into a version of Hell where up was down, right was wrong and the television became God!
No PF, Christine was a major threat and they killed her… and danced on her grave!
I concur.
Baby Jack 😍😍😍
Cat's out of the bag...!
Reading your post reminded me of a book I read in 2002, "Into the Buzzsaw", a collection of 17 courageous journalists' accounts of the price they paid for reporting truths that were not allowed to be told, edited by Kristina Borjesson. I'm ready for both your journalistic vein and the underbelly. You are all heroes to me!
Kristina is a very good friend of mine and we used to co-host a show together. She's an incredible journalist. Writer. And person. I loved that book, 15 years before I met her. A must read. In fact, we met on a journalism panel Mark Crispin Miller put together at NYU, before his troubles there began. Mark needs our prayers.
No apologies necessary. Your energy is great today. We are with you! Thank you for showing the world how a real journalist works. Keep going. 💜
Thank you for your kind words. I guess all of us go through loss and pain but injustice and cruelty on the scale that Anthony Fauci has created in the guise of healing is unprecedented
Celia! Get Robert Kennedy Jr. to promote your book! That is where I first encountered your writing/reporting. I was mesmerized by what you had to say. When I found you on Substack I was overjoyed, and when I found out that you were releasing a book on the history of HIV/AIDS I immediately ordered a copy. I have spent the last three years educating myself on everything I could get my hands on concerning what was happening in our world. You have an important part to play and I encourage you to continue in your journey. May God strengthen you.
In the OP a year was mentioned when you were 22. That year I was the same and flipping my tassel after undergrad years. You were already making significant contributions with much more to come. Kudos for your work then and now and in between. I can’t wait to read the works and learn the backstories. Only recently through your stack, Dallas Buyers Club, and RFKJR’s TRAF book have I gained a perspective on those fearful times. Times that colored and distorted the wet clay of youth.
I am so on your team Celia! I feel your strength in full bloom. This is the right time for your launch. I get goosebumps just thinking about it.
He was a precious little baby, before he was a precious big baby. God blessed you both. 🐈
Oh, baby Jack...so sweet . Now your book is like a baby of a different form. Thanks for all your work Celia.
Count me in 🙌🏻❤️
Oh Celia, thank you for your candor. I begin to think we are all scarred by this experience with a government turned vicious and friends and family turned scared. I have been reading Neville Hodgkinson's new book "How HIV/AIDS Set the Stage for the Covid Crisis", the first book on AIDS I have ever read. I thought he underplayed the contrast wtih the lie that is COVID. I probably mistook caution. And the San Francisco Chronicle still has headlines with the phrase "HIV" and "HIV/AIDS". Makes me sick.
I've just spent a chunk of time slowly reading through your previous post (as an email) only to find that it was deleted. It was a compelling read. I'm now feeling a sense of loss! I can feel the pain that you so eloquently expressed, Celia. Your decades long story is loaded with deep emotion and I can empathise with your sense of loss and complicated emotional entanglement through the whole saga. It's an extremely important multi-layered story made ever more relevant due to the rampant wretched tyranny of Convid-1984. "They" lie to us on a truly epic scale. It's an unspeakable world of deception. Every copy of your book sold will be an extra poke in the eye to the evil corrupt narrative of dystopian globalist treachery. I'm also now going to finally upgrade to paid subscription for added support of your valuable work.
I'll put it back. Maybe right now.
"How much you readers will want to know about the lost history, underbelly included, of AIDS, will emerge in your comments. How much I want to delve back into it will also emerge."
I want to know all of it Celia. Every bit. As one of the vast majority who had no idea what was going on behind the scenes at the time, reading your past work from Spin and other publications has completely altered my view of medical science. Reading your work in the time of the Covid fiasco opened my eyes Celia, and I will forever be in debt to you for it.
Appreciating All the upbeat... BUT devils must be exterminated. Fauchi et al.
Anyway the species deserves its DOOM. Sowwy. Stefano
Looking forward to all of it, and though it's truly a healing aspect for you the TRUTH needs to get out. If we have learned anything from the past 2 years it to get the truth out before it gets censored, and then find ways around it.
Oh yes, and what a happy little guy he was.