Most people in my social circle, of all ages, have made it clear in one way or another that they would rather receive a text than a call. Some of the younger ones will not answer a call but will instead send a text asking what's up after ignoring a call. These things are destroying our culture and our humanity.
I refuse to get a smart phone. It's a world I want no part of.
Oddly enough I prefer texts too. Mainly because I prefer in person exchanges, but also because I often find myself listening to others and find myself pretty worn out from long phone calls I really value and guard my down time... Many of the folks around me are still suffering from severe TDS and expect me to be on the same page, though I do try to provide a different perspective. It makes phone calls often a bit pf a strain as my words seem to not really be heard...
It could also just be that when I was growing up our only black, rotary dial phone was in the kitchen pantry and when boys called my mother listened intently...:-) Privacy!!!
I agree. I fear long phone calls. They make me feel trapped. I'd much rather talk in person, but if that's not possible, my next favorite method of communication is email because I can answer when I have time and think more about what I'm writing.
I am 72 and I just had this conversation last night with a group of women who are in their Mid 20’s to late 30’s, all are married. (Three of them are related to me.) All of them except one, are Moms of children under 10. Some home school their child, another sends her kids to a charter school, the others have four year olds who go to preschool a couple of days a week. All moms except one work outside the home.
The majority of these women don’t care to talk on the phone, they would rather text. (Two of them are my nieces’s.) The ‘stay at home/homeschool Mom’ feels if you want to communicate something significant, she wants to do it through a direct conversation, or a phone call.
The youngest one, who is in her mid 20’s and has a full time job where she is on the phone alot, said she talks to her Mom and sisters (who live in another state), everyday on the phone. As well as calling her grandmother, who lives nearby, on occasion.
But I think more people now would rather text…rather than talk on the phone.
I just ended a 6 month ‘long distance relationship’ with a guy, over politics and another personal issue (for me). The ending was quite an abrupt one, and he did want to ‘talk or answer’ some questions I had for him about the ‘break up’. Looking back he never wanted to talk on the phone, only text.
Rust, you nail it. I say often to my wife. We need a reset, not in the Klaus Schwab sense, but from a technological perspective. Although it would be chaotic, an absolutely devastating attack on all forms of tech would do the world, at least the western world, more good in the long run than the immediate terror of the short
I ran across a post somewhere earlier today, a lady saying that when filling out a form that asks who to call in case of emergency, she writes "an ambulance!" .....and goes on to say no one she knows will answer a call from an unknown number! :)
Our society and probably the entire world of phone users have become more distant from one another because of these phones. Texting allows for better time management. Then again, much can go wrong during texting, something I thought was true even back when we were still conversing on phones as opposed to face to face.
Texting is good for dropping thinking-of-you anecdotes, for when a proverbial snack will do instead of an entire meal.
And then there's talk-texting which is train wreck minimalism.
Here's a tune from our generation about a slightly different but ultimately still another form of loneliness. I find solace in music even when the topic isn't necessarily cheery and wish the same for you.
I know yours is the right choice. Just Auto Correct alone is enough to drive one crazy.
It just changed the above to read... yours is not the right choice.
Right now I am locked in to it and it's all I have.
On a laptop or whatever wired device, does the device know what you are thinking and produce links spontaneously when you just has the thought and never spoke it out loud?
Cells do this, and it's beyond creepy, as it extends to the most obscure sorts of things.
Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, here on Substack explains how these things are done with Nano it's and has dark field photos of them self assembling, even in unvaxxed blood.
Cell phones are also extra bad for your eyes so that there is a warning to Glaucoma patients to at least use a tablet and preferably a PC.
These are just a couple reasons you are absolutely right.
I've had cause to wonder the same. Sure, we all know and and have gotten used to our laptops and phones listening in, but too often now I find content popping up in not only emails or social media reflecting to me specifically what had been only thoughts in my mind.
Yes, I know how far out that sounds. Nevertheless, it's happening and it's recent.
I follow Dr. Mihalcea and also Dr. David Nixon, who is doing this same sort of research. Matt's Microbes also. Nixon and Matt are on substack.
If you are interested in doing an even deeper dive into what we're speaking of, check out Sabrina Wallace on Odysee. She doesn't just tell you what she's speaking about, she gives legitimate links and primary sources for her assertions. Find her here:
Got it right, the "Cell" Phone, the like of a prison "Cell" and all the Modern "Conveniences" of our Civilization have led us away, from a basic tenet our Forefathers held in high regards RESILIENCE, sounds a bell to You !!!!
in my 40 years before using smart phones, the only reasons I'd use a phone at all were business, talking to someone in a different geographic area, or setting up a meeting time/place. never really enjoyed talking on them.
after smart phones came out, text messages are MUCH better from my perspective than calls. that might be different if I'd ever enjoyed phone conversations.
they've not cut back on my socializing, if anything cell/smart phones have made it easier to meet with people as I no longer have to hunt down pay phones or borrow business phones for personal calls.
admittedly I don't socialize much anyway but that's by direct choice rather than because of my electronic device usage.
Love this topic. Regrettably. Im an artist songwriter. So a loner to begin with. But thru this presidential election process i stood on principal and lost 4 friends. It was i either sell out my truths or simply disagree to the point of constant antagonism and argument. My health would then be at risk so i had to walk away from these people. . These trump hating pro lib dem fools that were hypocrites because non of them would live their own professed beliefs. So i became even more a loner and got to like myself alone. Not lonely. And thats where i now landed
I think about this often. My kids are grown and live out of state so I don't see them often, but thankfully they are two who will never not answer a call from me and both call often. But I know that among their peers, they do mostly text only and dislike talking on the phone with them. With me, our conversations can last a couple of hours, delving into all sorts of wonderful and interesting topics. This has increased as the years go by, and I truly believe they are starved for connection, for real conversation, and I am a very grateful beneficiary of that.
I have also gotten to where I like spending time alone. I've also permanently lost friends on the other side of the aisle, as I am expected to listen to their "side of things" but that absolutely does not go both ways. C'est la vie.
I ponder this notion that politics should be off-limits, and shouldn't be the cause of rifts between friends. When all is said and done though, one's political position is merely an extension of one's value system, and that is where, I believe, the true discord lies.
I will add as an example: The shocking reaction I am seeing to the assassination of the United Health care CEO. I think we all know what I am talking about.
Congrats. You've done the right thing. I've much the same story. The Western story is now one of genocide, corruption on steroids all the way down, & what I suspect is a fallacy that Trump can make America & the West moral again. I very much doubt it. We're living in la-la land that there'll be no comeuppance. Of course there will be. Far far better to be alone & truly take joy in God's magnificence. And pray for humanity's redemption.
I have noticed that the majority of people who are in the grocery story do not meet my eyes and do not smile back if I smile. Mostly, masking has stopped though not altogether. But the sense of isolating oneself away from others is all pervasive. Maybe 5% of people whom I smile at even acknowledge my presence as I work my way up and down the aisles. In the checkout line it is a bit better with about 40% or so willing to engage in some minimal small talk. If my little Yorkie is with me in her carrier, this increases by another bit. We have been taught to isolate now even thought the masks and distancing and so forth are over. How very sad. And how very lonely.
I so agree. Though I am a fairly solitary person, and don’t mind my own company, I am very extroverted. I’ll talk to a stranger about pretty much anything, and will open up the conversation with a comment about something I have observed we are doing at that same moment. I also regularly try to interact with babies and young kids, and engage them in some interaction or discussion. Sometimes to the chagrin of their parents who I feel are wondering… “why is this older (72) ‘white woman’, talking to my kid”? But I don’t care.
Because these babies & kids who aren’t messed up yet, they light up when you talk to them.
I also do this when I’m traveling, I’m not shy about asking strangers where to go, the restaurants they like, or interesting places I should check out.
But over the past four years I’ve come to see myself as a bit of an anomaly to the bigger picture out there in life.
Most people are shut down, seriously self contained and have lost their zest or interest in life or other people.
Yesterday, my husband and I had a discussion about this. A new Trader Joe's opened recently, and it's the only store we enjoy-- because the people--both employees AND other shoppers actually make eye contact with each other. You know how you almost run into the same person going up and down the rows--the people going the opposite direction? Well, I had several people smile and laugh about it, and I realized-- that had not happened to me since before covid rollout. The fact that it was so noticeable to me is a sad commentary.
Interesting observation. I noticed the exact same thing. I wonder if it's intentional (by hiring a certain type of employee) or if it's more organic? I do think that TJs attracts a certain type of customer, one one level.
I wondered about that...Are the personal interactions engineered just like the lower-frozen-conveniences/upper-chocolate-extraordinaire aisle? :) Maybe
The availability of smartphones and, more specifically, dating apps, over time has made it inappropriate behavior to make eye contact with or even talk to other people in the public space. The rationale is, whoever wants human contact, can and will, and therefore after a while, should, arrange for that online.
I have talked with a few younger people 20s, 30's in the last year and found out dating apps are the preferred way to meet someone. I was really shocked by one person telling me what "hooking up" means.
Today I had a memorable encounter. It was a small thing. I pulled out of my parking space at the grocery store. An employee who was picking up carts Looked me in the face, smiled broadly and applauded.
The explanation is that I'm very good at parallel parking and neighbors have sometimes applauded that I can swoop in in a single efficient go at it. I won't become famous and there are no car-handling Olympics. But that guy made my day.
Also, I'll never forget another supermarket encounter. When everyone was masked, then the masks were no longer mandated. I was at the deli counter and when the maskless woman behind the counter asked if she could help me, she smiled. A glorious genuine UNMASKED smile. I hadn't realized the depth of effect the masking had on me until that moment.
Agree. Covid changed me forever. I have such PTSD from the entire experience. Not jabbed here but the amount of pressure put on those who dissented was insane. Tore my extended family apart because I was trying to help save their lives and warn them of the Vax harms. They thought I was crazy. In turn I felt like I was losing my mind. Now many family members are ill from different ailments caused by their harms. I no longer socialize and feel it’s just easier in my mind to not deal with other people who don’t even think like I do. I feel like I’m in another reality. It sucks but that’s what many I feel are going through as well.
Stephanie...I know exactly your feelings....I was "unvaxxed" and haven't had a single 'vaccine' for decades. I live in a retirement community with a shared dining facility. I had to sit away from others and when I got into the elevator people would get off of it...I really didn't care because I hadn't lived here that long....I was really hurt though, when old friends told me not to write them anymore...that hurt a lot. I miss my old community and people I was close to in so many ways. I really don't care what the people here think of me....The few people I socialized with that I like are now all dead. They all took the "vaccines" and the people that are left are kinda stupid. I started lending them out books like CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd...and their minds are getting blown.
We all must do what we can to heal the divide while we continue trying to warn of the vaccines and the dangers. One daughter no longer speaks to me at all...but the gratifying piece is that my daughter who is an MD has said to me.."Mom, you right about the shots".
Yes, I feel like I have to be guarded about my beliefs. I don't want to get in fights with people over politics or health decisions. It is shocking to me how hateful the jabbed are toward the unjabbed. I can't believe this happened to us. Used to be did you get a flu shot, naw I never do. Oh, I always get one, End of conversation. No hatred, name calling, ostracizing. Personal health choice was accepted. WTF happened? Look what "they" did to us! Tore family and friends apart. For what? Everyone is so righteous.I am tired of being "othered".
That happened to a lot of people. And destroyed neighborhood level small business. Everything moving to giant multinationals with zero connection to the local community. They've even admitted that is in their plans. A partnership between Big Business, Big Government and Big Banks. Centralization & Fascism.
You haven't been to the South. I moved from CA to Middle Tennessee, and total strangers start conversations with you all the time. People are very friendly here. We did not have the lock down most other places did, but did somewhat. But it was lifted a lot sooner.
Yes, I myself have noticed that this isolation seems to be much more common in Democrat-controlled areas than Republican ones. People are still quite friendly in conservative areas.
I think a lot of the isolation stems from fear of saying anything at all, since in far-left extremist areas like California and the Pacific Northwest one can be attacked for having any opinion, or for having no opinion.
Maybe it's just the logical conclusion of cancel culture.
I agree. I don’t like to pigeonhole myself as a Democrat or Republican, but I can tell you that I censor myself when I am around democrats or liberals. You never know when they are going to get triggered.
It seems to me that one of the purposeful desired outcomes of the plandemic was to separate people - the entire nonsense of masking and 6 foot crap - nothing to do with science but everything to make the normally social homo sapiens into a more isolated piece of meat.
Remember, the left is evil, for sure, but they are not stupid. This was by design.
Yes, I think that's correct. One of the top goals of the plandemic was to isolate people from each other so that they are less likely to resist authority.
Even the ancient Greeks remarked on how strong communities where everyone knows each other are much harder for tyrants to rule. So tyrants would try to flood those areas with foreigners beholden to themselves.
Yup...the "open borders" that are so loved by leftist gov. France and the UK and Germany are sinking under boatload after boatload of homeless masses yearning to breathe free. Not to mention Texas and California....These migrants use up all the hard earned resources that the TAX PAYERS put into the "system" to benefit actual Americans who have lived here for generations or were admitted by long held and standard "immigration" policies....
I remember seeing the Biden administration's "christmas video" (was it last year?}....I almost threw up....
They aren’t stupid regarding their educational bona fides, but in the common sense arena, their ability to think in a rational way, or have an ‘open mind’ to even consider POV’s that oppose their own, they are quite stupid as well as very intolerant!
Let me explain. For sure, the indoctrinated useful idiots certainly fill the title of 'idiot' - but the top leadership (WEF, Obama, Gates et al) who are running the show from behind the scenes - they're the ones to realize have had a plan for decades.
I have 6 ultrasonic cat discipler's -regarding them as useful for cleaning up mice ,but not much else.
To my astonishment one the usual suspects - after years of sonic repellant -starts making hearty friendship guestures in the middle of rerturning with shopping,no fish bought-hundreds of yards from front door.
I think it is definitely connected to the smart phones/ computers . I have both but I have lived most of my life without these devices . I really believe our body is wired for face to face communication and not doing so in abundance does something to our nervous system. I'm no expert but it seems like a common sense hypothesis.
I live in an area where people are generally distant and always have been since I've lived here for 34 years. I came from the deep south where it was much more friendlier and open. I wonder if folks from the deep south notice any differences?
Just heard very similar words from a friend I called the other day. He's still living from where we escaped -- Massachusetts.
He and I, along with my husband and a small group used to get together -- in person -- on a regular basis. He would have us all over his house quite a bit. Great gatherings...including our mutual friend, Jim Perloff. The conversations we had! :)
This friend, during the course of this conversation, said that he now lives "a pretty solitary life." Ugh. My heart sank.
My husband and I left the area. Another friend moved to the Cape. And MA is a pretty tough place to be if you're other than an obedient, mask-wearing, needle-getting, government-loving liberal.
I felt so badly to hear these words, but I understood. After a great catch-up conversation, he texted me. :) Said it was great to 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌...
I am having a hard time with this situation. During Covid I was shunned by some close friends due to my medical choices. I found the situation has been more stressful to me than I expected. I went to therapy which now seems to consist entirely of staring at a laptop screen. I feel little human connection. At the exact minute, even practically in the middle of a sentence, the whole thing cuts off. The last two weeks I felt worse after therapy.
I suggest that if you can’t see the therapist ‘in person’, (like a local therapist). If they only want to do ‘zoom sessions’ consults with you, then perhaps it’s time to get a different therapist! You cannot see body language, or sense any nuance in the voice over a video IMO.
I have had this same conversation with a psychologist friend of mine. She pushes back hard when I express the same regarding body language and nuances in zoom calls. But, I stand my ground.
It's lazy on the part of the therapist, IMO. I don't care how convenient it is to use zoom ....therapy should ALWAYS be one on one in person.
I'm now meeting new people at some community groups, lost one or two friends who moved away and a couple who stopped calling. I've no friends from when I was young, I moved around and had to start afresh a few times. I look upon these times as being at a new beginning, even though I've not gone anywhere. I don't know if any will become friends but I'm enjoying the company. I felt hurt by how I was abandoned, like I was unclean, but it made me realise I didn't really know them at all. Just get out and about instead of therapy.
I am a therapist and I insist on meeting in-person. If a client moves out of town, I will continue to talk with them on Zoom or phone. Strangely, phone seems more intimate to me, and more relaxed. At least you're not being bombarded by throbbing pixels and blue light.
We did it all wrong... People are happy and safe in the context of a supportive community and family. First and foremost, the destruction of the nuclear family and lack of role models for the youth has created a very problematic situation. In relationship men want a wife... someone who will emotionally nurture them and be a safe place for their heart. Women want someone to provide and protect. But where are the role models? They are not there.
For some reason Narcissism is the mental illness de jour. Which means there are a lot of people who inwardly are very insecure , controlling and don't like themselves, they don't know what the word love means and are not candidates for a LTR. THey get into competitive, adversarial relationships with their partners and then the whole thing falls apart.
We have been living thru dystopia and our society seems more like a nut house than anything else... you don't date or form friendships with the inmates of an insane asylum - you are much better off alone in such an environment.
So, birthrates are falling, quality of life is falling, life expectency is falling.... hmmm did someone plan this out and throw in a few deadly infections and killer vaccines while feeding us slop... Gee, you would think they are trying to off us.
So, this is a very complicated and yet simple issue....There are no communities anymore except in certain enclaves where there are a lot of close knit immigrants form countries that value community.
Often churches provided some sense of community but religion is out of favor for many. Face it we have been living through the collapse of an old society and its old paradigms.
So, many are lost... they don't know why they were born, what to do with their time on this planet and they have no direction.... so being lonely is a minor issue among some really big issues.
So, what is next..... a reset is coming... it will start with a financial collapse that will change everyone's life.... it may take 20 more years for the return of normalcy and common sense.
The one thing history has taught is that the pendulum does swing, although 20 years is optimistic. There are pockets of millennials I know who consider themselves deeply conservative (here's the pendulum again; they were all former liberals) and are quietly working to shape culture in the coming years; people with leadership qualities and family values. It does give me hope.
Yes, I am hoping for a Reconquista of Western culture and the complete defeat of wokeness. We need men who are men and women who are women, strong praise for motherhood, and a determination to be independent of all forms of centralized control, especially from global corporations.
So very true....I feel sorry for the moms who by choice or necessity had to raise their children without a dad in the house. From what I could see-- it was especially hard on the boys. They felt as if something was wrong with them since their dads "did not want them"...very sad. They did not have the constant role model that boys especially need in a father. I had three girls and they have each thanked me for "not putting them through" the ugly situations of a split home. I say it was mostly luck. I met the right man early and married young. We have had our share of hard knocks and rough times. Glad to have an old friend with me as we face our old age. But I agree with your basic premise, Patrick...we really do need "men who are men and women who are women."
As an aside I went to a yoga class where there were changing for the women and another for the men. It was very shocking when a young man tried to come into our changing space because he was "trans"...needless to say he was preemtptorily expelled!
We're all transhumanists. We all drive machines, attend to boxes that feed us information and entertainment, take manufactured chemicals of various kinds, fly in metal tubes, and we might ride on two-wheeled contraptions or attach shaped boards to our feet so we can go downhill, etc., etc.
The problem is that we're losing our reason, that which makes us truly human and allows us to converse with and understand others. This is being replaced by fear, and contrary to what Mattias Desmet tells us, this is being done to us deliberately and isn't something that arises out of Enlightenment thinking and its (supposedly) consequent mechanistic thinking. This is part of an agenda to divide and confuse and make people believe that the government needs to be protecting us, guiding us, monitoring us: that world government is necessary and good and that the stakeholders in that government have our best interests at heart.
This confusion is now the main theme of the left, of the liberals who aren't really that liberal at all. The core confusion used to create fear and divide us is that of catastrophic climate change, but this confusion is working through Critical Race Theory and Gender Theory as well. We're being sold confusions as True Ideologies and those on the left who are brainwashed on a daily basis by the likes of NPR absolutely refuse to believe that anything that contradicts the propaganda could be anything other than baseless conspiracy theory.
The important point is that this is being done deliberately, and the idea that advanced technology in the form of transhumanism is the problem is a red herring. We'll advance as a technological society: there's no stopping that. But whether we remain a free people who will talk to and engage with each other or else continually believe other ideas are a grave threat to our democracy, is another matter. We're being taught to fear what other people think. This is what the left does: they fear what other people think. Those on the right, on the other hand, have mostly seen through the climate nonsense and understand medical corruption and so put little store in what the authorities tell them, and in general are more willing to debate things without holding it against anyone. This is my experience.
I would just say a prime example are the various AI LLMs.
You’re right, tech advancement is inevitable, but the biases you see from LLM to LLM indicates directions we want to go or not with these advancements.
What’s there to talk about? The weather? The latest madcap antics of those zany and fun-loving celebrities? Sportsball? It’s all so trite and meaningless.
Discussing anything of substance, much less soul-satisfying topics of hope and salvation, of truth, beauty and goodness, of triumph and tragedy, of love and love lost, is a faux pas at best, and can even get you fired and ostracized.
The language of the soul has been smothered in the wet blanket of misguided “correctness” and shallow narcissism, leaving nothing but an intellectual and spiritual void, an aching hunger to really touch others that can never be filled with the empty calories of “social media” but that has no social context for being sated with ideas and ideals of substance exchanged with real people of substance.
Wit, intelligence, clever humor, playful use of words: all deprecated in favor of mean-spirited vulgarity, ugliness of expression, crude use of language, and lies expressed with such paucity of literacy that “emojis” take the place of a clever turn of phrase.
Check out the substack COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE with Peter McCullough and John Leake....great stuff interspersed with a sprinkling of humor and lively debate. Nothing ugly or crude even in the comments!
I'm not the best person to comment, as I'm not a social person at all and can do without much interaction.
I have however, been doing several courses, foraging, bread making, climbing, cooking, etc and there can be some great social interaction taking place.
Maybe consider signing up for some local half day or longer courses and you might just meet some other like minded people while you learn.
Another thing I do is genealogy. I really enjoy connecting with relatives I've never met, and they are often happy to meet me. I print out family tree books from the data I collect:
I'd like to make a business out of it and help people stay connected at the same time. It's not very well developed, but people do seem to appreciate the books.
“Learned helplessness is a psychological phenomenon in which a person learns that they cannot avoid bad things happening in the future. This causes a person to stop trying to prevent them.”
Part of this as I see it is learned isolation. iPhones and social media addiction has taught us we don’t need other people anymore. And it becomes a self fulfilling reality.
I can put my finger on it. Smart phones.
Most people in my social circle, of all ages, have made it clear in one way or another that they would rather receive a text than a call. Some of the younger ones will not answer a call but will instead send a text asking what's up after ignoring a call. These things are destroying our culture and our humanity.
I refuse to get a smart phone. It's a world I want no part of.
Oddly enough I prefer texts too. Mainly because I prefer in person exchanges, but also because I often find myself listening to others and find myself pretty worn out from long phone calls I really value and guard my down time... Many of the folks around me are still suffering from severe TDS and expect me to be on the same page, though I do try to provide a different perspective. It makes phone calls often a bit pf a strain as my words seem to not really be heard...
It could also just be that when I was growing up our only black, rotary dial phone was in the kitchen pantry and when boys called my mother listened intently...:-) Privacy!!!
I agree. I fear long phone calls. They make me feel trapped. I'd much rather talk in person, but if that's not possible, my next favorite method of communication is email because I can answer when I have time and think more about what I'm writing.
Back when rotary phones were it, I would traditionally offer
A hello to a caller, and then the next thing I would say would be "What do you want"?
I despise talking on the phone. I never would do it willingly.
If there is nothing specific and someone just wants to visit they can come over and do that but I am not going to yak on the phone with anyone.
I am 72 and I just had this conversation last night with a group of women who are in their Mid 20’s to late 30’s, all are married. (Three of them are related to me.) All of them except one, are Moms of children under 10. Some home school their child, another sends her kids to a charter school, the others have four year olds who go to preschool a couple of days a week. All moms except one work outside the home.
The majority of these women don’t care to talk on the phone, they would rather text. (Two of them are my nieces’s.) The ‘stay at home/homeschool Mom’ feels if you want to communicate something significant, she wants to do it through a direct conversation, or a phone call.
The youngest one, who is in her mid 20’s and has a full time job where she is on the phone alot, said she talks to her Mom and sisters (who live in another state), everyday on the phone. As well as calling her grandmother, who lives nearby, on occasion.
But I think more people now would rather text…rather than talk on the phone.
I just ended a 6 month ‘long distance relationship’ with a guy, over politics and another personal issue (for me). The ending was quite an abrupt one, and he did want to ‘talk or answer’ some questions I had for him about the ‘break up’. Looking back he never wanted to talk on the phone, only text.
I should have known that that wasn’t a good sign.
There are times when I truly believe than an EMP would not be a bad thing.
Rust, you nail it. I say often to my wife. We need a reset, not in the Klaus Schwab sense, but from a technological perspective. Although it would be chaotic, an absolutely devastating attack on all forms of tech would do the world, at least the western world, more good in the long run than the immediate terror of the short
Im also 72 and I hate texting, I always phone people if I can't get to them. Kids today are a mess, they can't socialize and most don't know how.
When texting became a thing I swore I would not do it, but it became a necessity. People would not answer a phone call.
I ran across a post somewhere earlier today, a lady saying that when filling out a form that asks who to call in case of emergency, she writes "an ambulance!" .....and goes on to say no one she knows will answer a call from an unknown number! :)
I'll bet there's more than a few in that situation.
I am 68,and if it were 1979,Ivwoukd not yqk on the phone with you.
Our society and probably the entire world of phone users have become more distant from one another because of these phones. Texting allows for better time management. Then again, much can go wrong during texting, something I thought was true even back when we were still conversing on phones as opposed to face to face.
Texting is good for dropping thinking-of-you anecdotes, for when a proverbial snack will do instead of an entire meal.
And then there's talk-texting which is train wreck minimalism.
Here's a tune from our generation about a slightly different but ultimately still another form of loneliness. I find solace in music even when the topic isn't necessarily cheery and wish the same for you.
I know yours is the right choice. Just Auto Correct alone is enough to drive one crazy.
It just changed the above to read... yours is not the right choice.
Right now I am locked in to it and it's all I have.
On a laptop or whatever wired device, does the device know what you are thinking and produce links spontaneously when you just has the thought and never spoke it out loud?
Cells do this, and it's beyond creepy, as it extends to the most obscure sorts of things.
Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea, here on Substack explains how these things are done with Nano it's and has dark field photos of them self assembling, even in unvaxxed blood.
Cell phones are also extra bad for your eyes so that there is a warning to Glaucoma patients to at least use a tablet and preferably a PC.
These are just a couple reasons you are absolutely right.
I've had cause to wonder the same. Sure, we all know and and have gotten used to our laptops and phones listening in, but too often now I find content popping up in not only emails or social media reflecting to me specifically what had been only thoughts in my mind.
Yes, I know how far out that sounds. Nevertheless, it's happening and it's recent.
I follow Dr. Mihalcea and also Dr. David Nixon, who is doing this same sort of research. Matt's Microbes also. Nixon and Matt are on substack.
If you are interested in doing an even deeper dive into what we're speaking of, check out Sabrina Wallace on Odysee. She doesn't just tell you what she's speaking about, she gives legitimate links and primary sources for her assertions. Find her here:
We are becoming the antennas !
Thanks for sharing the link to Sabrina. (So many targeted people out there. )
Hide among the millipedes. They are active relays and shunt the signal past you. It's your only real hope.
Got it right, the "Cell" Phone, the like of a prison "Cell" and all the Modern "Conveniences" of our Civilization have led us away, from a basic tenet our Forefathers held in high regards RESILIENCE, sounds a bell to You !!!!
I hear ya! I've noticed that for years, even before Covid.
i totally agree- thanks !!
in my 40 years before using smart phones, the only reasons I'd use a phone at all were business, talking to someone in a different geographic area, or setting up a meeting time/place. never really enjoyed talking on them.
after smart phones came out, text messages are MUCH better from my perspective than calls. that might be different if I'd ever enjoyed phone conversations.
they've not cut back on my socializing, if anything cell/smart phones have made it easier to meet with people as I no longer have to hunt down pay phones or borrow business phones for personal calls.
admittedly I don't socialize much anyway but that's by direct choice rather than because of my electronic device usage.
Yes, I hate getting voice calls, & often just ignore them, or text a reply.
Love this topic. Regrettably. Im an artist songwriter. So a loner to begin with. But thru this presidential election process i stood on principal and lost 4 friends. It was i either sell out my truths or simply disagree to the point of constant antagonism and argument. My health would then be at risk so i had to walk away from these people. . These trump hating pro lib dem fools that were hypocrites because non of them would live their own professed beliefs. So i became even more a loner and got to like myself alone. Not lonely. And thats where i now landed
I think about this often. My kids are grown and live out of state so I don't see them often, but thankfully they are two who will never not answer a call from me and both call often. But I know that among their peers, they do mostly text only and dislike talking on the phone with them. With me, our conversations can last a couple of hours, delving into all sorts of wonderful and interesting topics. This has increased as the years go by, and I truly believe they are starved for connection, for real conversation, and I am a very grateful beneficiary of that.
I have also gotten to where I like spending time alone. I've also permanently lost friends on the other side of the aisle, as I am expected to listen to their "side of things" but that absolutely does not go both ways. C'est la vie.
I ponder this notion that politics should be off-limits, and shouldn't be the cause of rifts between friends. When all is said and done though, one's political position is merely an extension of one's value system, and that is where, I believe, the true discord lies.
I will add as an example: The shocking reaction I am seeing to the assassination of the United Health care CEO. I think we all know what I am talking about.
Yes, exactly! It's just far too stressful to talk to leftists at all. They do not tolerate even the slightest disagreement.
Congrats. You've done the right thing. I've much the same story. The Western story is now one of genocide, corruption on steroids all the way down, & what I suspect is a fallacy that Trump can make America & the West moral again. I very much doubt it. We're living in la-la land that there'll be no comeuppance. Of course there will be. Far far better to be alone & truly take joy in God's magnificence. And pray for humanity's redemption.
I have noticed that the majority of people who are in the grocery story do not meet my eyes and do not smile back if I smile. Mostly, masking has stopped though not altogether. But the sense of isolating oneself away from others is all pervasive. Maybe 5% of people whom I smile at even acknowledge my presence as I work my way up and down the aisles. In the checkout line it is a bit better with about 40% or so willing to engage in some minimal small talk. If my little Yorkie is with me in her carrier, this increases by another bit. We have been taught to isolate now even thought the masks and distancing and so forth are over. How very sad. And how very lonely.
I so agree. Though I am a fairly solitary person, and don’t mind my own company, I am very extroverted. I’ll talk to a stranger about pretty much anything, and will open up the conversation with a comment about something I have observed we are doing at that same moment. I also regularly try to interact with babies and young kids, and engage them in some interaction or discussion. Sometimes to the chagrin of their parents who I feel are wondering… “why is this older (72) ‘white woman’, talking to my kid”? But I don’t care.
Because these babies & kids who aren’t messed up yet, they light up when you talk to them.
I also do this when I’m traveling, I’m not shy about asking strangers where to go, the restaurants they like, or interesting places I should check out.
But over the past four years I’ve come to see myself as a bit of an anomaly to the bigger picture out there in life.
Most people are shut down, seriously self contained and have lost their zest or interest in life or other people.
I understand! Im 61, and I’m just like you!
What happened to the world I once knew?
It’s “soul destroying”.
I have God.
I just want human companionship…like it used to be growing up. How I took “it” for granted.
I've always considered myself an introvert, but I do the same things you describe with strangers. I can never help myself with little ones.
Yesterday, my husband and I had a discussion about this. A new Trader Joe's opened recently, and it's the only store we enjoy-- because the people--both employees AND other shoppers actually make eye contact with each other. You know how you almost run into the same person going up and down the rows--the people going the opposite direction? Well, I had several people smile and laugh about it, and I realized-- that had not happened to me since before covid rollout. The fact that it was so noticeable to me is a sad commentary.
Interesting observation. I noticed the exact same thing. I wonder if it's intentional (by hiring a certain type of employee) or if it's more organic? I do think that TJs attracts a certain type of customer, one one level.
They like working there mostly the ones I ask. And I bet it is part of training to engage customers.
I wondered about that...Are the personal interactions engineered just like the lower-frozen-conveniences/upper-chocolate-extraordinaire aisle? :) Maybe
Apparently so:
The availability of smartphones and, more specifically, dating apps, over time has made it inappropriate behavior to make eye contact with or even talk to other people in the public space. The rationale is, whoever wants human contact, can and will, and therefore after a while, should, arrange for that online.
I guess I'm too old to even know what you're saying. Sorry.
I have talked with a few younger people 20s, 30's in the last year and found out dating apps are the preferred way to meet someone. I was really shocked by one person telling me what "hooking up" means.
I’m not young by any means, but I know what ‘hooking up” means, for awhile now! 😉🤪
Today I had a memorable encounter. It was a small thing. I pulled out of my parking space at the grocery store. An employee who was picking up carts Looked me in the face, smiled broadly and applauded.
The explanation is that I'm very good at parallel parking and neighbors have sometimes applauded that I can swoop in in a single efficient go at it. I won't become famous and there are no car-handling Olympics. But that guy made my day.
Also, I'll never forget another supermarket encounter. When everyone was masked, then the masks were no longer mandated. I was at the deli counter and when the maskless woman behind the counter asked if she could help me, she smiled. A glorious genuine UNMASKED smile. I hadn't realized the depth of effect the masking had on me until that moment.
Agree. Covid changed me forever. I have such PTSD from the entire experience. Not jabbed here but the amount of pressure put on those who dissented was insane. Tore my extended family apart because I was trying to help save their lives and warn them of the Vax harms. They thought I was crazy. In turn I felt like I was losing my mind. Now many family members are ill from different ailments caused by their harms. I no longer socialize and feel it’s just easier in my mind to not deal with other people who don’t even think like I do. I feel like I’m in another reality. It sucks but that’s what many I feel are going through as well.
Stephanie...I know exactly your feelings....I was "unvaxxed" and haven't had a single 'vaccine' for decades. I live in a retirement community with a shared dining facility. I had to sit away from others and when I got into the elevator people would get off of it...I really didn't care because I hadn't lived here that long....I was really hurt though, when old friends told me not to write them anymore...that hurt a lot. I miss my old community and people I was close to in so many ways. I really don't care what the people here think of me....The few people I socialized with that I like are now all dead. They all took the "vaccines" and the people that are left are kinda stupid. I started lending them out books like CAUSE UNKNOWN by Ed Dowd...and their minds are getting blown.
We all must do what we can to heal the divide while we continue trying to warn of the vaccines and the dangers. One daughter no longer speaks to me at all...but the gratifying piece is that my daughter who is an MD has said to me.."Mom, you right about the shots".
That made it all worth while...
Kathleen 💜🕊️…
Yes, I feel like I have to be guarded about my beliefs. I don't want to get in fights with people over politics or health decisions. It is shocking to me how hateful the jabbed are toward the unjabbed. I can't believe this happened to us. Used to be did you get a flu shot, naw I never do. Oh, I always get one, End of conversation. No hatred, name calling, ostracizing. Personal health choice was accepted. WTF happened? Look what "they" did to us! Tore family and friends apart. For what? Everyone is so righteous.I am tired of being "othered".
That happened to a lot of people. And destroyed neighborhood level small business. Everything moving to giant multinationals with zero connection to the local community. They've even admitted that is in their plans. A partnership between Big Business, Big Government and Big Banks. Centralization & Fascism.
I feel the same. COVID and politics. The lines remain divided and I’ll never forget.
Def lost friends. Lost a lot of trust.
Both my husband and I remain unjabbed.
Stephanie, I understand. I lost my job, after 23 years, because of CONvid, lost a 10 year relationship, survived cancer…it’s insane!
This is a time for evolving as a human being (soul).
I often feel like I’m losing my mind. You AREN’T! You are surrounded by asleep people, and you are spiritually AWARE!
You haven't been to the South. I moved from CA to Middle Tennessee, and total strangers start conversations with you all the time. People are very friendly here. We did not have the lock down most other places did, but did somewhat. But it was lifted a lot sooner.
Yes, I myself have noticed that this isolation seems to be much more common in Democrat-controlled areas than Republican ones. People are still quite friendly in conservative areas.
I think a lot of the isolation stems from fear of saying anything at all, since in far-left extremist areas like California and the Pacific Northwest one can be attacked for having any opinion, or for having no opinion.
Maybe it's just the logical conclusion of cancel culture.
I agree. I don’t like to pigeonhole myself as a Democrat or Republican, but I can tell you that I censor myself when I am around democrats or liberals. You never know when they are going to get triggered.
That’s where I’m going…🤣
It seems to me that one of the purposeful desired outcomes of the plandemic was to separate people - the entire nonsense of masking and 6 foot crap - nothing to do with science but everything to make the normally social homo sapiens into a more isolated piece of meat.
Remember, the left is evil, for sure, but they are not stupid. This was by design.
Yes, I think that's correct. One of the top goals of the plandemic was to isolate people from each other so that they are less likely to resist authority.
Even the ancient Greeks remarked on how strong communities where everyone knows each other are much harder for tyrants to rule. So tyrants would try to flood those areas with foreigners beholden to themselves.
Yup...the "open borders" that are so loved by leftist gov. France and the UK and Germany are sinking under boatload after boatload of homeless masses yearning to breathe free. Not to mention Texas and California....These migrants use up all the hard earned resources that the TAX PAYERS put into the "system" to benefit actual Americans who have lived here for generations or were admitted by long held and standard "immigration" policies....
I remember seeing the Biden administration's "christmas video" (was it last year?}....I almost threw up....
Here it is...keep a puke pot near by....
I take quarrel only with your assertion that the left is not stupid. You can't tell by me (or rather, my experience with leftists).
They aren’t stupid regarding their educational bona fides, but in the common sense arena, their ability to think in a rational way, or have an ‘open mind’ to even consider POV’s that oppose their own, they are quite stupid as well as very intolerant!
Let me explain. For sure, the indoctrinated useful idiots certainly fill the title of 'idiot' - but the top leadership (WEF, Obama, Gates et al) who are running the show from behind the scenes - they're the ones to realize have had a plan for decades.
Agreed 100%.
God, in his grace, has given us cats so that even the lonely can love and be loved.
Dogs love you.
Cats just want a human servant.
yes, I agree. Cats are misunderstood by dog lovers.
I have 6 ultrasonic cat discipler's -regarding them as useful for cleaning up mice ,but not much else.
To my astonishment one the usual suspects - after years of sonic repellant -starts making hearty friendship guestures in the middle of rerturning with shopping,no fish bought-hundreds of yards from front door.
Cats are not Fauci's mentors.
I've had both cats and dogs........
Experience is true.
your experience isn't mine.
Nor yours mine.
My cat agrees😻😽!
I think it is definitely connected to the smart phones/ computers . I have both but I have lived most of my life without these devices . I really believe our body is wired for face to face communication and not doing so in abundance does something to our nervous system. I'm no expert but it seems like a common sense hypothesis.
I live in an area where people are generally distant and always have been since I've lived here for 34 years. I came from the deep south where it was much more friendlier and open. I wonder if folks from the deep south notice any differences?
Just heard very similar words from a friend I called the other day. He's still living from where we escaped -- Massachusetts.
He and I, along with my husband and a small group used to get together -- in person -- on a regular basis. He would have us all over his house quite a bit. Great gatherings...including our mutual friend, Jim Perloff. The conversations we had! :)
This friend, during the course of this conversation, said that he now lives "a pretty solitary life." Ugh. My heart sank.
My husband and I left the area. Another friend moved to the Cape. And MA is a pretty tough place to be if you're other than an obedient, mask-wearing, needle-getting, government-loving liberal.
I felt so badly to hear these words, but I understood. After a great catch-up conversation, he texted me. :) Said it was great to 𝒕𝒂𝒍𝒌...
"... our mutual friend, Jim Perloff ..."
Is this the same James Perloff (below)? Then you are most fortunate indeed!
James Perloff - The Two World Wars (Oct 2024)
I am having a hard time with this situation. During Covid I was shunned by some close friends due to my medical choices. I found the situation has been more stressful to me than I expected. I went to therapy which now seems to consist entirely of staring at a laptop screen. I feel little human connection. At the exact minute, even practically in the middle of a sentence, the whole thing cuts off. The last two weeks I felt worse after therapy.
I suggest that if you can’t see the therapist ‘in person’, (like a local therapist). If they only want to do ‘zoom sessions’ consults with you, then perhaps it’s time to get a different therapist! You cannot see body language, or sense any nuance in the voice over a video IMO.
I have had this same conversation with a psychologist friend of mine. She pushes back hard when I express the same regarding body language and nuances in zoom calls. But, I stand my ground.
It's lazy on the part of the therapist, IMO. I don't care how convenient it is to use zoom ....therapy should ALWAYS be one on one in person.
Please know that these days, most (by a large majority) therapy is meted out by those who are completely indoctrinated in leftist ideology.
This is very true.
I'm now meeting new people at some community groups, lost one or two friends who moved away and a couple who stopped calling. I've no friends from when I was young, I moved around and had to start afresh a few times. I look upon these times as being at a new beginning, even though I've not gone anywhere. I don't know if any will become friends but I'm enjoying the company. I felt hurt by how I was abandoned, like I was unclean, but it made me realise I didn't really know them at all. Just get out and about instead of therapy.
Right, therapists are not people who care about you as a rule. They are just in it for the money, which is the opposite of caring.
Much more therapeutic to hang out in a cafe at the same time each day, imho.
Not true that therapists don't care about you. Bad ones don't. Good ones do.
They care as long as you can pay.
I am a therapist and I insist on meeting in-person. If a client moves out of town, I will continue to talk with them on Zoom or phone. Strangely, phone seems more intimate to me, and more relaxed. At least you're not being bombarded by throbbing pixels and blue light.
We did it all wrong... People are happy and safe in the context of a supportive community and family. First and foremost, the destruction of the nuclear family and lack of role models for the youth has created a very problematic situation. In relationship men want a wife... someone who will emotionally nurture them and be a safe place for their heart. Women want someone to provide and protect. But where are the role models? They are not there.
For some reason Narcissism is the mental illness de jour. Which means there are a lot of people who inwardly are very insecure , controlling and don't like themselves, they don't know what the word love means and are not candidates for a LTR. THey get into competitive, adversarial relationships with their partners and then the whole thing falls apart.
We have been living thru dystopia and our society seems more like a nut house than anything else... you don't date or form friendships with the inmates of an insane asylum - you are much better off alone in such an environment.
So, birthrates are falling, quality of life is falling, life expectency is falling.... hmmm did someone plan this out and throw in a few deadly infections and killer vaccines while feeding us slop... Gee, you would think they are trying to off us.
So, this is a very complicated and yet simple issue....There are no communities anymore except in certain enclaves where there are a lot of close knit immigrants form countries that value community.
Often churches provided some sense of community but religion is out of favor for many. Face it we have been living through the collapse of an old society and its old paradigms.
So, many are lost... they don't know why they were born, what to do with their time on this planet and they have no direction.... so being lonely is a minor issue among some really big issues.
So, what is next..... a reset is coming... it will start with a financial collapse that will change everyone's life.... it may take 20 more years for the return of normalcy and common sense.
The one thing history has taught is that the pendulum does swing, although 20 years is optimistic. There are pockets of millennials I know who consider themselves deeply conservative (here's the pendulum again; they were all former liberals) and are quietly working to shape culture in the coming years; people with leadership qualities and family values. It does give me hope.
Yes, I am hoping for a Reconquista of Western culture and the complete defeat of wokeness. We need men who are men and women who are women, strong praise for motherhood, and a determination to be independent of all forms of centralized control, especially from global corporations.
So very true....I feel sorry for the moms who by choice or necessity had to raise their children without a dad in the house. From what I could see-- it was especially hard on the boys. They felt as if something was wrong with them since their dads "did not want them"...very sad. They did not have the constant role model that boys especially need in a father. I had three girls and they have each thanked me for "not putting them through" the ugly situations of a split home. I say it was mostly luck. I met the right man early and married young. We have had our share of hard knocks and rough times. Glad to have an old friend with me as we face our old age. But I agree with your basic premise, Patrick...we really do need "men who are men and women who are women."
As an aside I went to a yoga class where there were changing for the women and another for the men. It was very shocking when a young man tried to come into our changing space because he was "trans"...needless to say he was preemtptorily expelled!
What guilt I have for not hanging in there with our marriage. Absolutely affected my children and my lonely old age life.
One of the most important statements on this thread:
"Glad to have an old friend with me as we face our old age."
If I knew then what I knew now, I may have done things differently. It's tough living alone as one gets older.
Very succinctly stated. 💗🙏🏼
we're basically becoming cyborgs and humanity is being systematically 'phased out' a la the Transhumanist Agenda...
We're all transhumanists. We all drive machines, attend to boxes that feed us information and entertainment, take manufactured chemicals of various kinds, fly in metal tubes, and we might ride on two-wheeled contraptions or attach shaped boards to our feet so we can go downhill, etc., etc.
The problem is that we're losing our reason, that which makes us truly human and allows us to converse with and understand others. This is being replaced by fear, and contrary to what Mattias Desmet tells us, this is being done to us deliberately and isn't something that arises out of Enlightenment thinking and its (supposedly) consequent mechanistic thinking. This is part of an agenda to divide and confuse and make people believe that the government needs to be protecting us, guiding us, monitoring us: that world government is necessary and good and that the stakeholders in that government have our best interests at heart.
This confusion is now the main theme of the left, of the liberals who aren't really that liberal at all. The core confusion used to create fear and divide us is that of catastrophic climate change, but this confusion is working through Critical Race Theory and Gender Theory as well. We're being sold confusions as True Ideologies and those on the left who are brainwashed on a daily basis by the likes of NPR absolutely refuse to believe that anything that contradicts the propaganda could be anything other than baseless conspiracy theory.
The important point is that this is being done deliberately, and the idea that advanced technology in the form of transhumanism is the problem is a red herring. We'll advance as a technological society: there's no stopping that. But whether we remain a free people who will talk to and engage with each other or else continually believe other ideas are a grave threat to our democracy, is another matter. We're being taught to fear what other people think. This is what the left does: they fear what other people think. Those on the right, on the other hand, have mostly seen through the climate nonsense and understand medical corruption and so put little store in what the authorities tell them, and in general are more willing to debate things without holding it against anyone. This is my experience.
I think you've hit the nail on the head - and here's something about the pivotal role of social media - - which I put together...
Very well said. I appreciate this comment so much. Yes!
I would just say a prime example are the various AI LLMs.
You’re right, tech advancement is inevitable, but the biases you see from LLM to LLM indicates directions we want to go or not with these advancements.
What’s there to talk about? The weather? The latest madcap antics of those zany and fun-loving celebrities? Sportsball? It’s all so trite and meaningless.
Discussing anything of substance, much less soul-satisfying topics of hope and salvation, of truth, beauty and goodness, of triumph and tragedy, of love and love lost, is a faux pas at best, and can even get you fired and ostracized.
The language of the soul has been smothered in the wet blanket of misguided “correctness” and shallow narcissism, leaving nothing but an intellectual and spiritual void, an aching hunger to really touch others that can never be filled with the empty calories of “social media” but that has no social context for being sated with ideas and ideals of substance exchanged with real people of substance.
Wit, intelligence, clever humor, playful use of words: all deprecated in favor of mean-spirited vulgarity, ugliness of expression, crude use of language, and lies expressed with such paucity of literacy that “emojis” take the place of a clever turn of phrase.
Check out the substack COURAGEOUS DISCOURSE with Peter McCullough and John Leake....great stuff interspersed with a sprinkling of humor and lively debate. Nothing ugly or crude even in the comments!
At our gym, they allow male sex creeps in the ladies’ changing areas, so.. not an attractive option for me.
Lon your last paragraph is it. All the pleasurable nuances of all forms of communication have been morphed. Aaaack!
I could talk about David Lynch films for hours.
"Help people unconditionally." Sound words.
Yes, I am so lonely for real friendship. 😞 I am becoming more introverted, but I don't know what to do.
I'm not the best person to comment, as I'm not a social person at all and can do without much interaction.
I have however, been doing several courses, foraging, bread making, climbing, cooking, etc and there can be some great social interaction taking place.
Maybe consider signing up for some local half day or longer courses and you might just meet some other like minded people while you learn.
Good luck
Excellent advice.
Go to the same cafe every day about the same time. Get to know the people who also go there, and the employees.
Another thing I do is genealogy. I really enjoy connecting with relatives I've never met, and they are often happy to meet me. I print out family tree books from the data I collect:
I'd like to make a business out of it and help people stay connected at the same time. It's not very well developed, but people do seem to appreciate the books.
“Learned helplessness is a psychological phenomenon in which a person learns that they cannot avoid bad things happening in the future. This causes a person to stop trying to prevent them.”
Part of this as I see it is learned isolation. iPhones and social media addiction has taught us we don’t need other people anymore. And it becomes a self fulfilling reality.