What a dick.

Sorry if that’s offensive.

On second thought, no I’m not. He is a dick.

Delete if you must..... but I mean it.

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You are correct in the name you used.

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breaks my heart. . . people can be so mean, outright mean. I read some of the comments to this mother's post. what is wrong with these people???? And how can they still not make the connection between these toxic and the many deaths in otherwise healthy people?

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...because they're paid trolls, probably.

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I think some are but many are not. You should hear my neighbors talking (if you can hear beyond their masks) while walking alone in the woods. It's horrific. They love Biden, they support the psyops 100%, even when their kids have blood clots, they keep getting 'covid', etc. I live in the most vext county in california. They are so proud to be injecting 5 year old with the new booster.

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Do they go out of their way to post mean things to the bereaved on social media?

Yeah, I come across the studiously-deluded from time to time, too.

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Yes, on our neighborhood nextdoor, they are hyenas. very mean, cruel. I know that we do have paid trolls too. I left nextdoor, the comments were nauseating. heartless.

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Thank you for bringing Pamela's story to light. She has been working so hard, even as she grieves, to bring attention to Benjamin's story... and this kind of creepy dismissal has been happening the whole way along (and Colbert himself has gone off the deep end - I can't even look at him).

You have that gift... of distilling these painful human stories into something a heart can process and relate to. Thank you. Pamela deserves so much compassion, understanding, validation... and justice.

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Comment from DM:

"That is unfortunate and sad. However, with every vaccine ever created, there will always be a small percentage of people who have a reaction. EVERY VACCINE. I just received my updated booster 2 days ago and am glad I did."

Too bad there isn't a vaccine for stupid.

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With every vaccine created there is a LARGE percentage of people who have reactions and/or die. They are all pure poison, injected into babies to create the next generation of Pharma dependent sheeple. 💔 unfortunately it takes personal experience for most people to open their eyes.

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Why are you even on this platform?? Just to stir up shit and spy on people I’m assuming. Go back to Twitter where you assholes belong. Only critical thinking individuals belong here

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Good luck on that booster. The reaction to THESE so called vaccines is certainly NOT a small percentage!

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You’re not Hank Rearden. You’re Robert Stadler or Nathaniel Taggart or pick any of the contemptible characters in Atlas Shrugged. We don’t need a vaccine for stupid; we need a vaccine to protect those who are stupid from thinking they’re smart.

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I sure hope those are bots...because if not - this world is truly f#cked.

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Oct 14, 2022Edited
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Well, I see your point - but I'm still in the 'humanity is good' camp. I don't think their robotic/digital/technocratic model is 'sustainable'...to use one of their favorite terms. Globalism/Elitism are being exposed like never before. Now is the time to deal with these miscreant tyrants!!

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Really had to refrain from jumping into that. Karma. Trust Karma.

But we did write to support the mom. Heartbreaking.

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Obviously had zero effect on Stephen Colbert. I'm not sure I've seen anything more nauseating than him accompanying Fauci to (allegedly) get his booster. These people are sub-human. Unfortunately, just one of thousands (tens of thousands?) of completely unnecessary tragedies. I keep thinking the writing's on the wall now, it's on the wall now ... but no, still not.


People's beliefs make them lose their humanity, that's the power of belief. Belief can make us kill people or not give a damn about them, it can make us behave in completely reprehensible ways. That's why I detest strong beliefs - my only strong belief that probably does affect my life in a negative way as it does tend to consume me is that we don't recognise we have inclinations to believe that blind us to reality and affect our behaviour adversely.

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Er, there’s money too and in the American model Colbert is just a sleazy, dirty barker from any decade you might imagine.

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When I say people's beliefs make them lose their humanity I'm talking about people who aren't necessarily going to make money out of their belief, they simply believe for whatever reason and often their belief provides them with no benefit, for example, those who have the vax willingly believing it's going to protect them and others ... but then suffer terribly for that decision. I can see no pressure that my aunt was under to have the jab and yet she thought it was the best thing for her and went ahead and had four of them. Now she has very painful polymyalgia rheumatica.

"The majority of people believe in incredible things which are absolutely false.

​The majority of people daily act in a manner prejudicial to their general well-being."

Ashley Montagu, American anthropologist

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Oh well, one of the beliefs in America is the sanctity of profit and the market place. So there you go.

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I've heard bizarre stories about human sacrifices in Hollywood... this just seems to be an extension of how expendable human life is in that world. Did the show even acknowledge the loss of one of their own? If so, I never found it.

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Mike the spike knows deep down in his cold dead heart that he’s messed up by taking the jabs and lashes out when he’s forced to face it. He’s a true Covidian and can’t have anyone speak against his religion. His brain died.

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It astonishes me to see how many women continually take the default position of being a liberal and perpetual supporter of the Democrats in this country. They're not just suggesting or opining that women are essentially the equivalent of men and they're nothing more than a man one surgery and some hormones removed -- they're going about making it law. In the meantime, they make it defacto law by having any contrary opinions censored with the blessing and urging of the government.

They make it law to allow brain damaged, dangerous and repeat offender sexual perverts to be allowed in school or public bathrooms with you and your daughters. They openly and loudly hate on you if you so much as suggest that might not be a good idea.

I love women, I married one. Thank god she is not so broken that she allows the liberal nonsense even one second of validity. Hats off to the women that won't have it in the face of continual opposition and outright hatred.

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The vaccinazis can be so cruel. Sadly, deaths such as this are being seen around the world while big pharma jumps for joy at the profits they are making. Mr. baghead is the lowest scum...but I wouldn't be surprised if he was some kind of big pharma controlled bot.

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As tragic as this story is, it seems like the lede might be that this young man worked on Stephen Colbert's "Late Show." I don't watch his show, but even I know Colbert has been among the the most militant supporters of mandatory vaccines. And he has done this knowing that an employee on his own show likely died from this shot? Has anyone asked him about this?

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The sociopathic heartlessness of the tweeter is pathognomonic. It leads to hell on earth. See Telford Taylor's opening Nuremberg comments. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telford_Taylor.) Fortunately, as E. Stanley Jones wrote, "If the nature of reality guarantees the instability of evil, it also guarantees the stability of good. Evil, by its very nature, is unstable; good by its very nature is stable. Evil could not exist unless there was enough good thrown around it to make it float." The lost woke soullessness of the tweeter notwithstanding. God help us.

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How evil or heartless or wrong is it for a mother/stepmother/father/foster parent/sibling/friend/interested party/blogger to question how someone died? Surely the point of such an inquiry, certainly most of the time, is to make sure the right cause is identified, a very important thing. When the reason for the inquiry is cynical – it most certainly was NOT in Alex Jones' case, and most certainly NOT in the case of Pamela Goodman – that would become clear, and the nasty person in question would receive the reprimand/punishment due for that offence.

That the sort of bile spewed by Mike here gets magnified and amplified, until it seems like the world is drowning in it, is down to the insane power of entities like Twitter to do so – though I note it has enjoyed but 1 retweet (damned with faint praise?). Hard as it is for us to process all this material, it really seems like we have to process all this material, that Twitter and the internet generally, and the infamous MSM, are bringing it all to the surface for us to see. "Mirror, mirror on the wall..."

But there is so more to us than this bile. Naïvely, idealistically, I choose to know that what is best will win out in time, and that humanity will then have learned something profoundly valuable from all this horror.

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My cardiologist says mitral valve regurgitation happens in about 30% of people. I guess it's just a coincidence when death happens shortly after a jab, and it must have been they had a defect. Yeah, so if that's the case, why would you want to force this jab on everyone if having a defect is going to kill you if you get the jab?? They obviously don't give a crap about their fellow humans. And especially not our children.

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Each time I read one of these personal tragedies, My heart breaks a bit more, it almost feels I could die from this. My heart (what is left of it) goes out to suffering parents. Those who attack these caring parents in the name of an experimental jab, that are neither safe nor effective, are heartless monsters and they deserve the jabs, perhaps without a heart, they will not die as easily. This reminds me of the the ability of cockroaches to survive. The elitists who profit from this, care nothing of their easily bought or indoctrinated foot soldiers, who cowardly attack the grieving, they will be thrown under the bus of jab statistics just the same. Arrrgh, what a disgusting situation paved with lies, hatred, self-righteousness, small minded agendas and cowardliness at the behest of small minded elitists. I wonder how much more of this I can stomach. Sorry for my emotional outburst.

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These are the people we are battling. Angry little shits who go out of their way to hurt others, in petty ways, always attacking the vulnerable. I never underestimate anyone, but I'm pretty sure it will be easy to kick their collective asses.

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