Science fiction in real-time, a unique hell we are not prepared for, purging it's visceral presence may just be an effective process to keep going.

Blessings and peace.

p.s. Dr Toby Rogers just posted a raw look at where we are now, seeing and speaking truth brings relief, personally speaking, if only to know truth can be spoken - quote:

"But if we are going to survive we absolutely need to look this horror in the face. The problem is not just Operation Warp Speed, the childhood schedule, or the 1986 Act. The problem is that civil society in the United States has gone stark raving mad under the sway of Pharma and will do anything to avoid reality because they don’t like how it makes them feel.

Blessings to the warriors. πŸ™Œ

Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. πŸ™

Huzzah for everyone building the alternative society our hearts know is possible. ✊"

link: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-horrordumbor/comments

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πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’• I worry about you. It’s hard to β€œdigest” the pure horror of it all. Being empathetic makes it doubly so. Glad for your Jeremy.

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Evil is what freedom looks like. We have grown up into adults, individuals now. Congratulations! We have the god power of exercising independent, free will. But as we know––comes-arm-and-arm with responsibility. We must learn to discern between if we want to live spiritually? or focus on the never-ending conundrums/distractions of the secular material plain, and just on occasion stuff some spiritual in our pockets.

With evil it's easy to play the victim. My middle son did that before he committed suicide early 2021. We had many discussions like we're having right now. I asked him, "Do you think you will reconcile your demons by joining them?" But he could never get past...it's someone else's fault not his––(drug and alcohol addiction [and worse, can't divulge here]).

I know you agree that we'll take free will any day over being a slave...even to a God (and, of course, the Creator Gods designed accordingly––>and proved it by reincarnating into the physical-etherial-astral-ego layered bodies that they helped create and within which our souls we all now inhabit).

Heal thee well as I know you will.

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That was tough, and I agree wholeheartedly the glorification of the victim is now fully cultural. The increasing numbers relying on welfare etc is a huge part of the plan, when you feel and have to reinforce helpless you are easy to control.

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I just got around to watching "Seven Years in Tibet." It was OK as far as a hollywood depiction goes. The one scene well portrayed was when the two main characters (Pitt and Thewlis) tried to enter ancient Tibet the first time, the people of which had never seen foreigners (Europeans). The villagers en masse clapped their hands and stuck out their tongues to ward off their potential evil influences (I'm told these reactions can represent other things, but the point being they were responding via hive mind).

So if this was supposedly the 1930s? look how far we've come in 100 years with our individual powers gaining through self awareness and positive (or negative) ego. Yes––much easier to control a hive mind group than millions of individuals acting according to their divinely inspired consciences, which regularly receive pulses from Creative God blueprints which point to the sacred path (for those who want to walk it).

To me, the fallen ones clinging on to some kind of power WANT humanity in it's hive mind past. But we have evolved out of that. There's no putting that genie back in the bottle. Which is the genius of humanity's long, evolutionary journey from Saturn, Sun, Moon, and currently Earth––as humanity and the Spheres travel on this fantastic excursion together.

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I'm sorry to hear you got so ill, Celia, but understand it.

Friday, I drove over to Pensacola Beach (less than half hour away) for the Children's Health Defense TV bus stop. Walking toward the bus, I overheard a woman talking to another attendee. Caught her saying that she'd lost her 4th daughter shortly after the injection.

I hung my head, kept walking, then looked back to my left to take a look. There this woman stood with three other little beauties around her legs, the youngest maybe 3? Later, I saw her head into the bus with those little ones to tell her story to Polly...

So many stories like this.

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Sounds exactly like what I had a month ago. At the time I felt weird b because my body was acting like I had food poisoning but very different to food poisoning experienced previously. Looking back, It felt like a very profound rejection of something that my body could not or would not accept or assimilate. BTJMO πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

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Yes, it WAS different from food poisoning. No diarrhea for one thing, and the ultra loud violent nature of the vomiting, was odd. I got some kind of sense of something electromagnetic but that could be wrong. Stress may have been part of it. The book that I confront day and night like a mountain that I feel I can't figure out how to cross over or around. Tonight I am making progress though, and it's important that I stop dramatizing everything, while at the same time, I have to maintain perception. I think also, we're all very drained, sad, exhausted, shocked, lonely, devastated, horrified, and above all, we have so much un acknowledged grief.

And the killings show no sign of slowing down, either from the shots, in Gaza, in Ukraine...It all feels like a Beast World. And at the same time we are always asked to revere them.

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I'm sorry how ill you were. And also glad that you took in body-awareness of the extent of the evil. I'm glad you are now over the physical worst. Maybe we could not stop if because we could not feel it - and especially the "narrative" people were numb to feeling. Most of us - here Reiner and his amazing interviewees come to mind - brought facts and more facts to the table - but these facts were disconnected from feelings - like the FEELING of a late-stage unborn child being poisoned, and like the FEELING of a mother who is sensitive to this, FEELING the life inside her dying. In ganeral, we have been cut off from FEELINGS. So I applaud your Advent choices - like today - more feeling. Thank you.

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It is a particularly powerful Winter Solstice ...your body is doing precisely what is called for ...expelling the past, surrendering and resting for the energy upgrade of 2024. I just purchased activated charcoal in indigenous Mexico and will be taking while fasting until entering the Temescal (sweat lodge) on the Winter Solstice. It is telling that all three of the Goddesses worshipped in Mexico are honored in the diminishing daylight of December. Thank you for your videos ...your sharing of your experience of embracing the darkness to greet the return of the light with your readers! Β‘Bendiciones para un poderoso y rejuvenecedor Solsticio de Invierno de MΓ©xico!

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Feel better the soonest, Celia! You deserve to just enjoy yourself and not overwork yourself too much!

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There is NOTHING quite like Spanish Tummy to give you a good clear out! You will be all the better for it - I promise you!

I remember when I finally found the home of my off-grid dreams in the Sierra de Gredos and I was parked up in my living truck with my two dogs and cat, waiting for the solicitor and estate agent to get the deeds of the place sorted out. It took 3 months of 'maΓ±anas' for the Spanish authorities to grind through all the paperwork. Well, my body decided to clear out everything but the kitchen sink - just to break the boredom I suppose!

It was extremely hot, in May that year and I sat, permanently glued to my portaloo with a bowl between my knees to catch the projectile vomit. The dogs guarded the open back door and the cat sat on the bed thrilled to bits that her own health was in top shape!

It lasted about 2/3 days and then I risked a swim in the river - a blessed chilled relief from the sweaty fever! Any junk that I had brought within me from England was swilled down the drain and I suddenly felt terrific! Light, squeaky clean and energised!

Spanish Tummy is the fastest detox and reset on the planet, Celia! Be grateful! πŸ˜‰

New York is purged from your every cell.... so now let beautiful Granada fill you with its magic.

There are some weird hot springs near there..... bit sulphury and surrounded by sticky mud but very popular with hippies and freaks! Ask your son - he may know the place!

Β‘Bienvenida a EspaΓ±a, cariΓ±o!

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Oh thank you Frances. I love these stories. And I share your hopefulness about purges. I did feel great today, light and happy, walked in the sun, hiked up the the Alhambra, fed the local cats...

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Celia, I earnestly hope that by this time (I just got to this site now Sunday evening in Spain) that you are completely recovered,or at least moving in that direction. God bless you and strengthen you.

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Warm thanks Dutch!

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Hoping you feel well soon. Strange about the timing.

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The women not only lose their babies, but become infertile into the bargain. That's if they don't die from the DEADLY Covid INJECTION!

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!

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Prayers for return to wellness.

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God bless Jeremy for his unfailing devotion to his beloved mother. Take heart Celia that your son's attention to you was long ago implanted into his very psyche by the way in which you, most certainly raised him. Job well done, mother.

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Seasons Greetings and many many thanks for all great reads! Hopefully good health has returned!

Well, it should be by now with JamΓ³n IbΓ©rico . You are lucky to have genuine Jamon Iberico in the shops. Try it with Demuerte Monastrel Syrah ( I liked it, available in Australia!)

Brahms with Camille Thomas(Fr) and Beatrice Berrut(CH) 5mins


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Ahhh, Sibelius...

We're in a heatwave in Ontario, +4Β°C.

Get well soon...

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NOAA in the USA wrote and published a piece on their view as scientists about the impact of all that water vapor making it up to the stratosphere from the volcano that went off in Tonga in the Pacific. Their estimate was at that time that it would cause a global uptic in temperature for some three to four years. Enjoy your bit of mild winter temperatures.

As for the eugenicists that worked on bringing their vision of global cull into being, they all should rot in the worst hell from their own hubris and be preyed upon by their own.

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