I never used to be a night owl. Now, I'm up so late reading and wondering how far is this all going to go. It's unbelievable that we are where we are today and majority seem unphased. Thanks for your writing and for your lighter fare you treat us with. Cheers to you and all others concerned about our state of being. Prayers to our continuing hope and courage.

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I agree, I look forward to seeing what Celia is going to post for our Christmas enjoyment. My favorite so far has been the Norwegian caribou and music-how light and heavenly. I've saved that selection and play during dinner time.

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I would answer yes to both your questions, Celia. But voices like yours help me regain hope despite the unending horror of what humans are doing to other humans. And...we don't ever know anything with 100 percent certainty. Please don't lose heart! Your courage and integrity, and the work you are doing, are so important and inspiring, and continue to help open many people's minds and hearts. You are creating a kind of beauty in the midst of darkness, and it shifts the energy of our entire world, even if the results can be hard to see. They are there, and they matter deeply.

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I share your sentiments.

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I share your sentiments as well. Thank you. I feel there are matters we can know with certainty within our own hearts. The flow of information can be read with discernment.

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I also am angry, sad and defeated. There will be no justice.... on this earth. But certainly there will be justice in the everlasting world. Vengeance is Mine sayeth the Lord ⚔️

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I know it is hard! I know, BUT if you/we do not quit, we win. I have to remind myself too, BUT I believe that is part of the plan to make us sad, angry and defeated-to give up. Remember evil has always existed in our world, it is what good people do that makes a difference. I believe that every day I live the world is a better place-no matter what it seems. Sister Teresa paraphrase said, I cannot do great things, but I can do small things with great love. LOVE is what holds the universe together. God is LOVE.

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Deborah, of course you are right. It’s just the scale of the killing and maiming is so vast and obvious that it feels like there should be justice to be had more easily. God bless you

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I agree the killing and the maiming is so vast and obvious! I want it to stop, so my responsibility is to do what I can AND for me to contribute kindness and love whenever/where ever. Remember- Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow. Helen Keller

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The reason I spend reading and answering the posts and comments is to learn, encourage and provide a sense of community with everyone here. This is part of my responsibility to others who care to respond. I will admit I do not have free time as it is 2:15am CST US, but I make time for this as it is important to all of us who respond.

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All of the gaslighting, ridiculing and shaming in the world isn't going to change the truth. God is in charge. I've been asking God to use all of the pain, sadness and anger at seeing how people are being hurt as a form of intercession when I pray. It's too much to carry alone, but I do believe God can turn it into something good. There's great power in righteous anger. It pushes good people to stand up and not back down, and that's what we need right now. I've read that a roaring lion can be heard for miles. I believe the righteous anger of all of the good people in the world reverberates into the eternities in ways we can't even fathom right now.

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“Do you ever start thinking about it all—Covid, I mean—and find you can’t go to sleep because you’re too angry, and you know with 100% certainty there will be no justice?”

Yes, I do. Often.

“Do you ever wonder where all people’s feelings go? All the millions of people whose loved ones were murdered and there is NO sound?”

Yes, I do. Often.

You have a fantastic mind and heart, Celia. I, for one, am grateful that you are alive and doing what you do. It brings me solace. Thank you.

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This is the test, looking into the abyss can suck your soul down into it. Our challenge is to keep the vibration up, polish your heart every day, discipline ourselves to discover and feel gratitude every day so that the light of joy shines through us. In a sea of darkness we are the light. There is no saving others, only the brightness that we radiate - this was a tough lesson for me. You are loved and so appreciated, may you be Blessed by Joy.

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Many have saved me throughout my life. Everything - everything is connected.

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It’s interesting that there are only one or two provinces/ countries opening apologizing now for thalidomide. And COVID and it’s associated crimes a gainst all of humanity have elicited not one voice of remorse for their promotions. We are deeply sad and share your kind of anger and anguish.

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Wait fifty or more, years

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Thank you for this beautiful dance. Look at how he leaps!...his talent honed with his heart so obvious. His leaps are uplifting.

Regarding no sound and no voices re the shots, I believe I understand this. It is hardest for me to be around formerly intimate friends in denial. I find their silence surreal and stunning. I guess I conclude they are complicit with the perpetrators of the killing because even in the private space of friendship they refuse to entertain the slightest doubt....in that safe space away from the public gaze they remain adamant. That certitude freezes my exhale...then following at night, when my town is sleeping, I perceive an inaudible howl of grief from the dead and the living and I cannot rest.

So glad you are writing this book. You are defending mamas and babies....helping Jesus escape King Herod's infanticide once again. What a blessing you are, Celia.

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Eileen, your words hit home especially re “intimate friends” .Thank you.

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In this life I have learned that enemies suffer their greatest defeat when we succeed.

I once had a nemesis who stole my man, stole his health and did her best to actually BE me. She even had plastic surgery toward that objective.

I was crushed by the defeat at first, but I rose from the ashes of all that burnt past joy to become a greater, more powerful and better person than she could ever dream to be.

I changed. She stayed in the rut of trying to be the old me.

I travelled. She remained living in her mother's house, too avaricious to leave her potential inheritance.

I learned new skills. She became a loan shark, hated by those who owed her money.

I shared. She gathered until she had stripped my man of everything he had.

I was sober. She was drunk from breakfast until bed.

I worked and became very fit. She slowly deteriorated until colonic irrigation was the only thing which could bring her comfort.


That is how we get justice, Celia. We rise like a flock of phoenix, higher than they can ever dream of going, because we are indefatigable; we are spiritually brimming while they are depleted and exhausted, desperately trying to hold onto a dead dynastic disaster.

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There will be justice.

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Celia, I so understand Polunin. By recklesssly provoking accusations on all fronts, Polunin shows ultimate lack of fear of The Accuser, The Antagonist, The Divider. He challenges his viewers'ability to overcome narratives and remain connected not only to him but to each other. I can understand the addictiveness and the unsuspected power it must give him to proactively clean up his surroundings of all the poeple who can't connect to his - or anyone's - essence, beyond prejudices, who can't commune beyond communication's misleading content.The monstruosity of what is being done to us since decades is mostly enabled by the fact that we have let the monsters jail our minds, we choose to submit every day to the enslavement of politically correct speech, devoid of challenging interrogations. I understand your choice of Polunin here, as embodying this male energy which dares to stand up in flesh in the middle of the battlefield, exposing all those among us who are the mouthpieces and the hands of the dehumanizing Monster Perpetrator. I'm hearing ambulances every day now, in the past couple of month alone I've became aware of 3 stories of rotting corpses of single people who died suddenly in their apartment, in deafening silence. It's unbearable. And my children +- think I'm the illogical one believing in conspiracy theories promoted in internet bubbles.

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Rachel, thank you—you helped me understand why it was that when I had been working on the book until 3:30 am am (I REALLY want to wind back, go to sleep at 11) I began searching (not for the first time) for the right Polunin video. I think of him often and have done for years but your words clarified so much. "The Accuser, The Antagonist, The Divider…" But he is also The Talent. Polunin never even wanted to dance. His mom pushed it. His father was gone—because of work, he needed to work, he was one one day a year. I had exactly this father experience. He showed up in Sweden maybe 2 days a year. I will show another Polunin clip now that we are talking about him, where he talks about the need to close the heart to avoid that "you're going to leave me again" feeling. I believed, because of all the Anton Corbin type stuff, that he was "rehabilitated" by the Globalist Dark Culture Anti-Traditionalists—also because he was photographed getting "Vaxxed" (TRAGEDY) (But being Polunin, might it have been saline?) I sort of assumed he was now theirs. But maybe I am wrong. And certainly I have to not think about it today but maybe we will "unpack" this. Like Nureyev, he's got a sense of the wound/memory and the power/majesty sort of always in a symbiosis, contradictions. I think I see Bobby Kennedy this way too. I'll try to make more sense down the road. Thank you Rachel. I think our comments section is second to none on Substack. I hope that's not boastful.

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Celia, it’s almost 3AM. I cried when I read your post. You and the community here have been the greatest comfort to my soul during these atrocities. And RFKJr. too. The silence I hear is deafening. I pray for hope ‘cuz much of the time it goes missing in me. Do you ever feel like you’re screaming but no sound comes out? Or like you’re under water and you’re trying to run away, but you feel as if you’re just running in place? But then you see, watch or read something so profound? And then you feel restored for that moment? YOU and your beautiful writing - how much you care about humanity does that for me. I appreciate you so much, along with the beautiful community/comments here. Boast away. Much love to you Celia.

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Yes Audrey, I do. I feel soundless. I feel sometimes weightless. Nameless. Theoretical. Running in place. Stuck. Stuck. Stuck. Under water.

Lately it's been especially bad. I'm scared of the latest OP that tells me I will be socially executed if I feel sorrow for the murdered children in Gaza.

I'm always only scared of the same thing: Coldness.

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I understand Celia… may you take comfort knowing you are helping in so many ways. I look forward to your upcoming book. 🙏

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There will be no justice when the judges are the criminals.

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Whereas convictions depend on speedups, justice requires delays.( marshallmcluhan.com) I hear ya loud and clear

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Yes, dear God yes! I just can’t get past the incredible injustice! The pain is just too great! I pray to Almighty God for Justice and peace! Thank you so much for your words! I thought I was the only one awakening in the middle of the night contemplating it all! Blessings

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Yes. Yes I do think and wonder, unable to sleep, knowing. Hold on, sweetheart. Don't sink. We're out here.

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It might be even worse if one realizes one doesn't know the full extent of the Covid Project -- including what all the motives are, how many have been murdered (even if any have been, evidence-wise), who all is behind it, what their ultimate goal is, let alone their penultimate goals. Having the kind of Gnostic certitude I detect in other conspiracy theorists, as horrific as that certitude is, may afford some measure of comfort in the sense that knowing at least confers some measure of control, even if only psychologically. Not to mention how lonely it feels to be disconnected from not only the Mainstream, but also from one's own "Tribe".

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A flu shot gave my mother Guillan Barré which killed her. My little brother died of a stroke 2 years ago from the clot shot. My wife died last year as a result of the corrupt medical system.

It's the same 4,000 year old Babylonian Mystery system of idolatry and sorcery.

Destined to be destroyed by fire at Jehovah's appointed time.

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AAAAAAARRRRRGGGHHHHHHH!!!!!! I am so so so sorry and so so angry on your behalf. Anger is emerging whether I think it's helpful or not. It's our war just like all people have had wars where almost nobody was left alive after the war. There is no visual I despise like I despise those needles.

I am very sorry Jesuit Cat.

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So sorry to hear about your heartache! Like everyone here, I feel justice may be elusive, but what can we learn from what happened and what can we do to make sure it doesn't happen again! We must come together as a community and continue to speak and stand up together. I lost a very dear, dear friend from the clot shot and another dear lady that I begged(I've never begged anyone before), not to take the shot and she gave into pressure-now she has myocarditis.

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It's just unreal. HOW do we make sure it doesn't happen again?

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Keep doing what you are doing Celia. You are making a big difference.

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I am?

Ok then! We have something.

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We can take comfort in knowing God is on the side of truth.

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Sorry to hear that. The delusion is strong. Let's fight the good fight.

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