When Putin was interviewed by Oliver Stone he talked about White nights in St Petersburg. A magical place! No one could watch their interviews without loving Putin! 5 interviews💖🎉🙏🏽💖

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Loved the dancing, want some of the cheese, and would like to try the pickles.

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I think we're so drawn to beauty like this because it helps us remember where we came from and who we really are. They think they can tell us which people and places to hate or be afraid of and that we'll fall in line and buy into it. All it does when they try to sow hatred and fear is bring us closer together. I like the quote that (to paraphrase) says: "they tried to bury us. They didn't know we were seeds". To any elitist turds out there--thanks for the manure. The best fertilizer ever! Merry Christmas, everybody!

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I LOVE this Christmas market. It's so deeply rooted. We have pop ups for Christmas Bazaars by comparison. They have the real thing. Thank you Celia.

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What a beautiful display and celebration of Christmas. I grieve over this divide that has been engineered by the Western power brokers to isolate and divide the Russians from the West, two cultures that otherwise share so much in common with one another. May God heal this divide somehow and bring us together.

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Delightful Celia. Thank you. Loved the light fountain. I couldn’t relax watching the darling dancers as I was worried one would slip and fall!

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Thank you so much for this Celia! What a magical and expansive Christmas market, complete with dusting of snow in that beautiful city! The dancing warmed my spirit and made me smile. How fun to watch this on winter solstice! I visited St. Petersburg 6 years ago in early April, still some snow on the ground. I loved that city! We traveled there by train from Helsinki, when that was still possible.

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Charming. That was fun, thank you.

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So happy to hear about your progress on the book!!

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That was lovely.

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I was just reading CJ Hopkins latest stack about the deep seated brainwashing that’s been going on of late. Then I watched this adorable little video you posted filled with Russian sweets, treasures and dancers celebrating while considering that this is a people we are supposed to hate and wish them harm. Isn’t that why we sanctioned them? Having a Russian grandfather I was always confounded by this need to make “Them” be the bad guys. As we move into 2024, here’s a wish and a prayer for humanity that we can restore our love and kindness. We’ll be so much better off when we move that way.

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Absolutely fabulous. Thank you Celia and Merry Christmas to you.

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This has been enchanting to see! Thank you, Celia! Merry (almost) Christmas!

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