The story reminds me of better times when insanity and criminal over reach were not allowed as they were illegal. Things have changed and not for the better.
Nope. Far better times were when fools, liars, mental minions of moronicity fake poets like you pippet were put in rubber rooms so they would not hurt themselves. You really need psychiatric help and a kick in your ample ass so you can be jarred into a common sense existence.
Tell me pippet fake poet legend in his own mind, did you ever kiss an ass you did not like? Poet? In reality a fake poet but does not know it. Rumor has it your excursions into homosexuality have landed you a diagnosis of monkey pox. Just be grateful it was not HIV.
Well here you go again being a perverted sop. Is it true you were raped by a homsexual using a stick at your request? And is it true you liked it pippet?
Edward and Poet, Please release your venomous remarks somewhere else. You have contributed nothing to what should be an otherwise interesting discussion, conversation about the meaning of the story to Americans' Christmas experiences and beliefs of its meaning. Really! Get lost.
I raised a son as a single parent from the age of 6-17 without the lies of the modern world. At 45 he became a 7th day Adventist (sadly) due to a 7th day female.
Read your article on financing Hitler/3rd Reich. Have sent it to 3 close N.S. friends for comments. I see many what I call errors, but being a stanch N.S., I am bigoted. It jumps around in years, making it hard to follow.
Poet: In my 90 years, interviewing over 200 people from the 3rd Reich and the destruction done to the 3rd Reich by the victors, National Socialism conducted by Hitler (your Schicklgruber) was the GR8st society of/in our Centuries. Hopefully, the future may produce a better society someday. At the present, I see little hope.
“The Mushroom and the Cross” and then I figure I need to meet up with some reindeer- or shamans, that have recently come across a patch of Amanita Muscaria ... ;)
And following up on the "Aftermath" article, Rudolph is exhibit A for overcoming abuse. All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Bastards! But triumph belonged to Rudolph in the end.
The story reminds me of better times when insanity and criminal over reach were not allowed as they were illegal. Things have changed and not for the better.
Nope. Far better times were when fools, liars, mental minions of moronicity fake poets like you pippet were put in rubber rooms so they would not hurt themselves. You really need psychiatric help and a kick in your ample ass so you can be jarred into a common sense existence.
Tell me pippet fake poet legend in his own mind, did you ever kiss an ass you did not like? Poet? In reality a fake poet but does not know it. Rumor has it your excursions into homosexuality have landed you a diagnosis of monkey pox. Just be grateful it was not HIV.
Well here you go again being a perverted sop. Is it true you were raped by a homsexual using a stick at your request? And is it true you liked it pippet?
Edward and Poet, Please release your venomous remarks somewhere else. You have contributed nothing to what should be an otherwise interesting discussion, conversation about the meaning of the story to Americans' Christmas experiences and beliefs of its meaning. Really! Get lost.
Grew up on various iterations of Rudolph and always loved the story!
Love this! I somehow did see this before and grew up with that book in our home. Thank you for this, Celia. So sweet!
We should NOT bring our children up on lies and fantasy? The xmyth tale is perhaps the worst.
I raised a son as a single parent from the age of 6-17 without the lies of the modern world. At 45 he became a 7th day Adventist (sadly) due to a 7th day female.
Read your article on financing Hitler/3rd Reich. Have sent it to 3 close N.S. friends for comments. I see many what I call errors, but being a stanch N.S., I am bigoted. It jumps around in years, making it hard to follow.
Poet: In my 90 years, interviewing over 200 people from the 3rd Reich and the destruction done to the 3rd Reich by the victors, National Socialism conducted by Hitler (your Schicklgruber) was the GR8st society of/in our Centuries. Hopefully, the future may produce a better society someday. At the present, I see little hope.
I agree the bankers had much to do with WWII as they have with all wars. Hitler would probably agree with you.
I need to find my old hardcover edition of
“The Mushroom and the Cross” and then I figure I need to meet up with some reindeer- or shamans, that have recently come across a patch of Amanita Muscaria ... ;)
And following up on the "Aftermath" article, Rudolph is exhibit A for overcoming abuse. All of the other reindeer used to laugh and call him names. They never let poor Rudolph join in any reindeer games. Bastards! But triumph belonged to Rudolph in the end.
..a heart mature & sweet , t y celia .
🎄 Dear Mommy and Daddy: I have gone to help Santa. Don't worry -- Rudolf
Can’t tell you how much this waned my heart