I'll be singing and playing this song tomorrow at my church for Saturday afternoon worship. Our teacher this weekend Ric requested this song and I will oblige. Blessings to you Celia and to all who read this post.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

A dark wood stereo console- that very recording - and my mother setting the stylus down...

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These the the things I am interested in. People remembering the world before, even if it was "an illusion."

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Great lyrics !!! Too

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you can say that again.

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Dec 2, 2023Liked by Celia Farber

Beautiful, thank you for sharing.

On the funny side, a few years ago found some old family photos. One leg of ancestors lived in southern Iowa. One photo of five brothers was marked the mormon brothers, Semple family. Got excited I could go to a Mormon library and find all kinds of genealogy. Well the five brothers lived near the Mormon trail, but never were mormon. Lol, Scots-Irish with lots of dead ends and hard to trace.

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Church record-keeping was quite spotty at times. (Look at all the diary records of events 10 or so years prior popping up in 1856 and 1857.) Thus, "Saints" got rebaptized when they reached the Great Salt Lake Valley. I even heard of someone whose ancestor was baptized in 1829 (1828?). The Church wouldn't accept it because that was prior to incorporation in 1830. However, even if these brothers were Mormons, records of that may not exist or be available, as in buried in someone's trunk or attic, or uncatalogued museum holdings. May never be, even if found, because "Mormon" is now unPC. Where's the original "Church Flag"?

Did you check RLDS (Community of Christ) records? Perhaps other offshoots, such as Strangite, Temple Lot, etc. as well?

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Thank you for good info. Ended up they were not Mormon. This line was part of a western PA group who went to IA during land grands. The records in PA are worse than IA. Being they were of Scottish decent they were not regarded in the Philly, PA elite as worth recording info about. Between courthouse fires and defunked churches recorded are just not around. My fortunate findings was a very old family Bible, a couple letters and photos, most unmarked. Thank goodness my one great grandfather and a paternal cousin OD’d some photos.

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'Tis the season! 🎄

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Tis the season and joy you are bringing!

We need as much as possible to keep us through the battles ahead, because anyone who thinks things have stopped or moved on is not facing reality, as they will never stop.

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I was SO happy to open my email and see we are continuing the advent tradition.

Thank you!!!

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This is the Magic of Christmas ... Beautiful.

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Maybe the name changed because they finally realized Mormons are not Christians.

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Filial is fine for these children of a cross.

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It reminds me of the orchestra on the Titanic playing while the ship was going down. We need to get serious about EVERYONE'S suffering and predicament on the Planet, especially those of the children--as Catholics fail the Holy Land as well:


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I'm going to hell for sure. For it Reminded me of Lenny Cohens' Waiting for the Miracle.

The maestro says it's Mozart

But it sounds like bubblegum

When you're waiting for the miracle

For the miracle to come:

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Russell M. Nelson doesn't like pomegranates. "Mormon" means pomegranate as an adjective and locative.

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In which language?

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Thought I'd answered that below: Hebrew


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Exactly how do you get the proper name “Mormon” from the transliterated word from the Hebrew “rimmôn”?

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The mem prefix makes is an adjective or locative; roughly "of". Hebrew plays fast and loose with vowels.

Joseph Smith claimed the Book of Mormon was translated from "Reformed Egyptian". Perhaps so regarding "Deseret" he claimed mean "honeybee", but more likely "tesheret", meaning "red rock wilderness". However, most of the new words in it are much more akin to Hebrew or Phoenician (almost Hebrew) than to Egyptian.

Interesting, southern Nevada, southern Utah, and perhaps elsewhere have pale pomegranates resembling Armenian pomegranates and the fruit of the "tree of life" in Lehi's vision. (White and extremely sweet - they aren't at all tart.) Petroglyphs suggest Phoenicians visited New Mexico and Wyoming.

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The layout of the continents may have been different then if one pays heed to Velikovsky, so Phoenicians in the area is a possibility.

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So he wrote. I consider continental drift and most effects of plate tectonics to be much more ancient. However, there's some evidence (not just Niagara Falls), there was until a couple thousand years ago another Great Lake of which now only New York's Finger Lakes survive. (Big earthquake! Alleged in both the Gospels and 3 Nephi.)

The climate shift just preceding Noah's Flood, often mistermed a "pole shift", seems more likely a shift of the entire crust over the mantle. The "North" (Boreal) Pole was then in southern Hudson Bay. That slide track seems to have recurred repeatedly, like on underground grooves akin to railroad tracks. I'll have to find how the continents were situated during the Carboniferous (lignin-eating fungi ended it 300 million years ago), as Antarctica has coal deposits.

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So, all of them, or just those of the Latter Day?

Do they call their football team Pomegranates? Or is that just the Cheerleaders?

Language is so fascinating...

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Dec 2, 2023·edited Dec 2, 2023

Russell M. Nelson is "The Prophet" (actually president of the Corporation of the President; "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints", Russell M. Nelson's protestations notwithstanding, does not exist; Harold B. Lee dissolved it). The BYU football team is the "Cougars", as risque as that may sound. "day" Is not capitalized; Brigham Young fixed that in 1851. Perhaps you think of the Strangites. And of course not; I doubt a "member of the Church" in 1000 is aware the word mean pomegranate. You think they know Hebrew or read Strong's Concordance?

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Maybe the prophet Mormon was named after the fruit. Aren’t there children named “Apple”? Even though the Book of Mormon (Pomegranate?) contains the words of Christ and true prophecy inspired by the Holy Ghost and the book named “The Doctrine and Covenants” contains the same, I cannot believe that the religious organization founded by Joseph Smith is still alive. I believe that Joseph Smith became a fallen prophet and that he began promulgating doctrines of the devil. I believe that Brigham Young was never a prophet. I believe that the Brighamite followers of the president of the Corporation of the President are a group of cultists. There’s such a social phenomenon as “a cult of personality” after all.

Maybe there are more than a few Jack Mormons/Pomegranates who still believe in the scriptures (obviously including the Bible) and who completely reject the apostate leaders of the apostate assembly of normal followers.

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Brigham Young himself stated he wasn't a prophet. Perhaps that title got transferred to Mount Nebo :), which is Babylonian for "prophet". (Hebrew is nabi. So what's with the "Na'vi" natives of Pandera in James Cameron's Avatar? Some versions of Hebrew pronounce bet as a v.)

Um, if the religious organization (careful, that usually implies a 501(c)(3) organization) founded by Joseph Smith still be alive, it's the Wisconsin Strangites. In designating him (no, not Sydney Rigdon) his successor, JS had bequeathed rights to the name to James Strang, so in Deseret BY subtly changed (venerable religious tactic) the name of the Church, also in the Doctrine and Covenants. J. Reuben Clark founded a corporation sole with the altered name, and Harold B. Lee dissolved it.

While I may show Sabbatians special favor, I try to be an equal opportunity basher.

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I was born a rattlesnake handler and consárnit! ..I'll die a rattlesnake handler.

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Unless you're female, change "Cassandra" to "Cassander".

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And what if I don't want to?

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Which is why Mirriam Websters new speak dictionaries, are working to dumb it down.

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Definitions have changed dramatically in many instances.

For a test ck. “marriage.”

Originally something along the line of “between a man & a woman.”

(May have included as a covenant between man & woman before God)

Next “between 2 people.”

I shudder to check now.

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Can you use it in a sentence?

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“Forget not joy...”

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Love this tradition and like ok forward to it each day of December! Beautiful song.

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A Beautiful chant by the choir for sure ..Thanks Celia.

It hasn't moved me to wear magic underwear but, it did make me think of The Cowboy Junkies singing Richie Havens' Handouts In The Rain.


Seasons blessings All.. xx

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If I saw a sign for magic underwear I would be intrigued.

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"Magic" Mormon underwear - complete with the square on one side and the compass on the other.

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I would cross the street and never speak of it again.

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Still love it after 2 1/2 months of Christmas movies!

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Thank you!

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