Part 1. Liam Scheff's Writings On Incarnation Children's Center, Where, YES, Fauci's NIAID And AIDS "Activist" Groups Performed Mengele Like Experiments On Black and Hispanic Children
I don't know where you wrote this Celia, but it may interest you to know James Howard Kunstler quoted you: “Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, in 2024, agreed to play out their roles as uncontactable zombies, baying for the blood of Americans at the altar of a dying Moloch.”
All your writing is poetic but I think that was particularly brilliant.
AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one wonders what caused the thousands of "AIDS" deaths in the years from 1980 to 1985 as AZT was NOT available yet.
Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine program in 1978-79 as the likely culprit.
Yet within months of this experimental vaccine program in 1978-79, the mass die-off of gay men in America's big cities began!
The behavior of gay men did NOT suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior, drug use, poppers, or overuse of antibiotics. What was truly NEW in 1979 was THE SHOTS!
The massive die-off began a matter of months after the 1978-79 *experimental* Hepatitis B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.
++Within months, the EXACT same demographic (promiscuous gay men in U.S. cities) began dropping dead like flies in 1980.++
The media at the time in 1981 NEVER raised the possibility that the experimental Hep B might be involved though the media covered "AIDS" extensively and scared everyone half-to-death.
Their refusal to even consider the experimental vaccine was quite suspicious and imo indicative even then of the power of the government to conceal through control of the mockingbird media.
“History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.”
Thank you for the information on the Hepatitis B vaccine and AIDS. Now it all begins to make sense. I entered medical practice in Long Beach, California in 1978. Long Beach had a sizable homosexual population and there were a fair number of AIDS patients. I never bought into the narrative that was being pushed about a communicable viral disease. In my limited experience and with what I had read about AIDS, it seemed to be restricted to an extremely small slice of the population---homosexual men who indulged in frequent and promiscuous sex. I discovered the writings of Peter Duesberg in the early 1990s and was convinced that the so-called AIDS virus was not a scientifically viable explanation. But Duesberg postulated that drug use was at fault and I couldn't really buy that one either since there was considerable drug use both before and after the AIDS "epidemic". Someone later wrote that the toxicity from AZT was what was really killing these people and I accepted that as a more likely explanation. But I wasn't aware of the time relationships that you pointed out regarding the approval and release of the drug. After being sensitized to the hazards of vaccines by the covid scam, I can see where an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine could be a very likely culprit. Can you direct me to any sources where I can learn more about the Hepatitis B vaccines?
"... But I wasn't aware of the time relationships that you pointed out regarding the approval and release of the drug. After being sensitized to the hazards of vaccines by the covid scam, I can see where an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine could be a very likely culprit. Can you direct me to any sources where I can learn more about the Hepatitis B vaccines?"
There is a book discussing the experimental Hep B trials entitled "AIDS and the Doctors of Death - An inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic" (with foreword by Jon Rappoport) by author Dr. Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
Sorry to say I do not have info to share about the later FDA approval process for the Merck shots, a completely different product from the experimental shots. The experimental shots were made disgustingly from the pooled sera of chronic Hep B sufferers, and who knows what other experiment(s) were added to the pooled sera. The Merck shots did not cause a sudden die-off of the adults injected with the Merck product.
Also very briefly here:
"Wolf Szmuness (March 12, 1919 – June 6, 1982) was a Polish-born epidemiologist who immigrated to and worked in the United States. He conducted research at the New York Blood Center and, from 1973, he was director of the Center's epidemiology laboratory. He designed and conducted the trials for the first vaccine to prove effective against hepatitis B.[1][2] ... [and in an odd coincidence] Polish authorities granted Szmuness a vacation at a rest home, where he shared a room with a Catholic priest, Karol Wojtyła, and began a longtime correspondence with him. Karol Wojtyła would later become Pope John Paul II."
> footnote 1: Altman, Lawrence K. (8 June 1982). "Dr. Wolf Szmuness is dead at 63; an epidemiologist and researcher." The New York Times.
I had also written many years ago to Dr. Cladd Elizabeth Stevens, MD in New York, NY, c/o the New York Blood Center in Manhattan, which conducted the *experimental* Hep B trials on *only promiscuous gay men,* and where she was working for some period of years. I do not have a digital form of the Blood Center's response to my correspondence to share with you. Dr. Stevens is the person to whom I had addressed my correspondence. She may have retired (?).
Hope the book by Dr. Cantwell is a useful starting point.
Thank you for the reference to the Cantwell book. I just ordered it and look forward to reading it. It will then go onto my bookshelf next to Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus" and Harvey Bialy's professional biography of Duesberg. My wife asked me why I was smiling, and I told her that someone has just given me the key piece for a solution to something that had puzzled me for years. My interest in the AIDS question was reawakened by reading Robert Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci". He did a really good job of laying out the arguments against the conventional AIDS narrative but (like a typical politician) couldn't take the final step of totally rejecting the nonsense. His frequent references to Celia Farber's works led me to this website which, in turn, brought me to your comment for which I will be eternally grateful.
Also, an historical article (of the Hep B trials at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan, New York City with 1083 volunteers participating):
"Hepatitis B Vaccine — Demonstration of Efficacy in a Controlled Clinical Trial in a High-Risk Population in the United States"
Authors: Wolf Szmuness, M.D., Cladd E. Stevens, M.D.
Published October 9, 1980
N Engl J Med 1980;303:833-841
VOL. 303 NO. 15
"Supported by a grant from the Department of Virus and Cell Biology of Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, Pa., and a grant (HL-09011) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health."
Thanks for the link to the NEJM article. It only links to the abstract but that's OK since it contains all the information confirming that they were doing studies on only high risk patients and had fairly large sample sizes. I shouldn't be surprised that they require a subscription to get the entire article. Reminds me why I canceled my subscription about 30 years ago.
If I may, if you enter the DOI code into the box at the website sci-hubDOTse, it will (9 times out of 10) be able to retrieve the full paper - like this:
I have dug into google scholar's records, between 1978-80 on Hep B vax trials and homosexual men.
Here are two further papers of interest in the matter, since they identify cities in addition to New York where trials of Hep B vaccines might have taken place. (I've not yet located results from the proposed trials).
The first paper is very short - Schreeder et al, Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Infection in Gay Men, Journal of Homosexuality, 1980. (presents data collected in 1978 and 79)
The concluding sentence reads as follows: "It is felt that the gay men attending the clinics participating in this study [located in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver and St Louis] provide a suitable population for evaluating the prophylactic efficacy of a Hepatitis B Vaccine now under development."
"The first large-scale American trial of a vaccine for a
sexually transmitted disease begins next month. The disease is type B hepatitis. The trial with the new vaccine will be among homosexual men. The go-ahead was given because of results from a just completed study.
"This study, conducted in five large cities, indicates that sexually transmitted hepatitis B infections are far more common among homosexual men than has been suspected. Researchers found antibody titer evidence of previous hepatitis B infection in at least 45% of the homosexual men studied. In the San Francisco area, the rate was 58%. Based on those and other findings, the immunization trial will begin in April in at least five clinics.
"Two of these clinics, in Chicago and Los Angeles, are operated privately by homosexual groups to serve homosexual patients. The other three, in Denver, St Louis, and San Francisco, are public health clinics that serve a large number of homosexual men. In New York City, another trial with homosexual men, conducted by the New York Blood Center, is already in progress."
I was sure of New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles being cities where experimental Hep B trials were conducted on exclusively promiscuous gay male volunteers. But I couldn't recall the names of ALL the other cities with participating Hep B cohorts/sites, and did not wish to make a half-baked list of cities based upon a fuzzy recollection from many years ago..
THANK YOU so much for this value added info.
So, the cities were NY, SF, LA, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis ... a total of 6 major metro areas injecting gay volunteers with an experimental "vaccine" -- plus who-knows-what-else?--in the year 1979 just prior to the outbreak of "AIDS" in America's cities.
But NOT **in Europe's large cities.**
European gays eventually did also become sick with "AIDS" but NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY on the timeline with American gays.
This is likely due to the facts that there were NO experimental Hep B cohorts in Europe's large cities. The experiment was limited to the United States. Gays in Europe did not receive the experimental shots. Only gays in the USA were injected. Only gays in the USA got sick *at first.* European gays would sicken **later** on the timeline -- only after enough time had elapsed for the European gays to make sexual contact with the American gays, so it took some additional months to show up in Europe.
To corroborate the timing of the American cases relative to the European cases, I would suggest checking **the timeline contained in the official AIDS narratives**. What would be an example of an official narrative? It could be something like the book "And the Band Played On" by author Randy Shilts. Or possibly the NY Times articles, which covered the official narrative extensively.
I expect *Randy Shilts' book timeline* would be accurate as to key dates of the emergence of the first cases of "AIDS" in European gay men relative to American gay men, even though I would not vouch for other aspects (Shilts' own explanations, assumptions, and/or editorializing). I say so because his book was HIGHLY PRAISED by the Mockingbird media in the 1980s/1990s, and his book was frequently cited by numerous official media sources back in the day.
Therefore, it should come as NO SURPRISE that Shilts does not consider the Hep B experimental shots as the likely or possible culprit for introducing "AIDS"/"HIV" into America and then the world.
The overwhelming media brainwashing then in 1980s (as now in 2025) was simply "vaccines are good. Don't question vaccines."
Still, Randy Shilts' chronicle of "AIDS" in "And the Band Played On," like Wikipedia, can be useful for certain facts, such as KEY DATES that events were officially reported by the dominant media back in the 1980s. But (of course) I refuse to outsource my critical thinking to Randy Shilts or other sources. 🕵️
The next step, for anyone wanting to research this matter further, would be to find the antibody test used in these trials to confirm rises in the levels of antibodies in the test volunteers, and see whether that test shows cross-positivity with HIV tests (whatever that DOES test for). Also, some local historians who were participants in those gay "scenes" in the 1970's might actually be able to trace individual stories and connect some dots. Perhaps, even, dare I say it, some doctors from the time might find their notes containing mention of vaccine trial participation among other clinical findings.
What's your view of Prof Bill Hamilton's mentoring of Ed Hooper in 'The River' - over several years ?- mentions many issues ,as summarised above ,including Dr Horowitz's
NB Judy Mikovits recommended reading The River recently -as that predated Dr H's references to points of access to NY blood bank ,by some decades . Implied Gallo access thereby apparently nailing the question of Zagury's 1988 Kinshasi live & complicit HIV envelope ,injected into thousands,including himself ,locally .
The NIH proscription of both Gallo's access ,along with Zagury's
free -complete with notes and I think chptr 10 notes 93 to 99 are actually complimenatry to both Celia ,and all of the above.
Sorry, Ernest, but it only occurred to me when thinking about how to turn this speculation into knowledge in my reply below to Koolaid. It may be a long shot, but clinical notes taken during consultations in 1978-1980 might contain reference to vaccine trial participation. Not everyone keeps these for longer than the legal and insurance requirements, but you never know.
Maybe a long shot, but not impossible. The hospital where I admitted patients was a very large community hospital that served a large population in the south bay area of Los Angeles and had only one specialist in infectious disease. Due to the lack of knowledge about AIDS at the time, practically every other doctor referred all their AIDS or "HIV positive" patients to this one man. I suspect that this same pattern held true in most every large city. Narrowing the search down to those who specialized in infectious disease would make it easier to find the bulk of the records or, possibly, get some oral history based on their remembrances.
"The massive die-off began a matter of months after the 1978-79 *experimental* Hepatitis B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected."
You may want to read the comment by Don't Drink the Koolaid quoted above.
Interesting comment Kool-aid. Was the Hep B vax given only or mostly to gay men? If not, why would the AIDS attributed deaths been mostly in that demographic? Or is it possible that the “druggin’ and drinkin’ and screwin’ around” lifestyle combined with that vax killed them?
"Was the Hep B vax given only or mostly to gay men?"
(See my comment above.) The +experimental+ Hep B vaccine program wanted ONLY PROMISCUOUS gay men. Monogamous/not sexually active gay men were not permitted to be lab rats in the experimental injection program.
To be perfectly clear, recipients of the later +commercially approved+ Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (approved *later* by FDA for health care workers) did NOT start dropping dead. The Merck Hep B product was something different. People did NOT start dropping dead like flies after the Merck Hep B shot.
edit = P.S. I'm not saying the Merck Hep B shot was good or healthful. I'm just saying the Merck Hep B shot was NOT immediately followed by a mass die-off of the adults injected (mostly health care workers at the start). No way should infants/young kids be injected with it. Nor should most adults for that matter.
In my opinion most shots, in general, cause much more harm than they help.
Ed Hooper leaves your question less open -mentioning Zagury several times in the updated 'The River',in passing – where Prof Bill Hamilton (now deceased) ,along with many scientists today look at Zagury’s nefarius live small pox related HIV self jabbing in 1988 Kinshasi (and ,by extrapolation today - sub Saharan) as a possible source of ,according to Montaignier ,
42 000 ICL (AIDs without detectable prescence of HIV1-2 or 3) – rendering the CDC present day narritives rooted in timeless ‘baby – talk’...
In 1986 Daniel Zagury ,using a vaccina virus used as vehicle for smallpox vax plus a portion of the envelope,ie outer coat of HIV-1 (viable live transmission),injected himself ,a french colleague,1000 congolese soldiers ,fellow collaborator on final paper 1988, was Robert Gallo.Later it emerged that the vaccine original virus had been supplied by an NIH scientist& that a french version of the vaccine had also been used in the trials . It was further revealed 'volunteers' had included 18 HIV negative Congolese children aged 2-18.2nd fase documented a further illegitimate trial involving circa 30 HIV seronegative adults ,including military volunteers.
Results of this or previous trial never published
the NIH Office for Protection from Research Risks ( OPRR)
subsequently placed restrictions on future Robert Gallo research involving human subjects,forbade Zagury from pursuing any further research involving US provided materials or technology
Dr Zagury's was a live vaccine,containing viable portion of HIV 's envelope
He was unaware that lenteviruses have uncanny ability to recombine -and pass swathes of genetic information from one to another.
Mikovits had already warned Gallo of this ,-but the F word ,again covered it up.
So much for the basis of cross species transmission.
Cannot believe The astonishing Peter Duesburg was humble enough to let Joe Rogan and Bryan Callen for nearly 2 hours ,2014
The World Health Organization's "Smallpox Eradication Campaign" injected smallpox vaccine into mostly *heterosexual Africans* in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s, from approx 1966 to its end in 1977.
> So the smallpox eradication campaign and the experimental Hep B program were two separate vaccine campaigns using 2 very distinct populations as the lab rats. I wonder if I should trust the W.H.O. to make a safe "vaccine" when it is hard to know exactly what's in the syringe. Probably not.
Free substrate experimental african license (ie having no clue what organ came from which simian cross SIV transfection) was Koprowski's experimental middle name.
Lytton Bionetics is the link with both Hep B and the NY bood Bank ,derivitaves from African arm of Lytton ,which was linked to previous french owners of exact same Congo premises 1950-1977 ,when Lytton took over,if I'm not mistaken.
Free substrate (incl sourcing wild 1000 apes ,70% of which died in a few months within free aerosol minced smokey magelby organ proximal enviroments ) - not even understood by the WHO ,until Koprowski was long dead and buried . Ed Hooper did sterling work on that . Shut down when Bill Hamilton died just prior to a large intl conference .
Weiss dared not even whisper the substrate transfection possibility in both smallpox and Hep B until 1996 - Zagury remains the key live virus HIV envelope
question ,linking all three (HepB ;smallpox; ICL)
through Lytton Bionetics ,agreed Ed Hooper ,20 years before Dr Lenard G Horowitz .
Lytton Bionetics had access ,through Gallo (and by implication Zagury) to the New York Blood Bank - from well before 1980s.
"The real Anthony Fauci" by Bobby Kennedy Jr tells the same story as you have about Herr Pfauci's role in depopulation and the AIDs lies that killed so many in the 70s. Some of us were there and saw friends killed by Pfauci's drugs. Thank you. Continue hitting that wall of historical fabrication with everything you've got, Celia. People are waking up. 🙏
That was another one of Fauci's experiments, he murdered so many innocent kids. I know allot of others were involved but Fauci is a straight up serial killer who loves his "work", I just pray him and all the rest of the psychopaths are arrested one day.
A good book about the AIDS crisis in San Francisco called GOOD INTENTIONS (1990) by Bruce Nussbaum was an eye opener and the parallels between what took place then and what took place with COVID is undeniable. And Fauci is discussed A LOT in this book. Also, Dr. Mullis (inventer of PCR) disliked Fauci very much. Mullis tried to find anyone that had proof that HIV caused AIDS and no one could provide him with the proof. He like me and others to this day believe AIDS is a product of a very unhealthy lifestyle not only in 3rd world countries but in the US too.
My brother was diagnosed with HIV in the late 80’s. We watched several of his friends die during the ensuing years. It was horrible. My brother could never tolerate any of the drugs he was given, so he was never on any cocktail or other med for very long. He believed he would die, yet he just kept living, despite really really horrible lifestyle choices. I think he figured he would just do whatever he wanted since he believed he was going to die soon anyway. He lived into his mid-50’s in the end. Rectal cancer was what got him, so the story goes. He died in the middle of the Covid debacle. Neither he nor my other sibling would listen when I warned them about what was happening. They couldn’t put it together that the lack of meds was what allowed his life to be more than twice as long as all of his friends who died back then. They both took the covid vaccine. Perhaps that triggered the cancer or maybe his lifestyle finally caught up with him. Tragic.
That is so mediocre -the same fake blood over ALL the fotos?
Like - not a possum's blood ,with a rats etc?
Like the burning has any similar chemical -forensic effect?
Seems a bit one size fits all to me.
The 'art 'doesnt even achieve the heights of banality of boredom .
Some really good dutch artists exhibited some beautiful pictures ,among them the ' Piss christ' - getting stunningly beautiful depth of inner /outer luminescence aura of red by treating the image with urine,an ancient indigo farming practice .
Geez ,at least the occult could keep up a little.
Not that the imagination of a newt exists between such ears.
That's where Chagall's violinist in a village is also a critique of the Nazi's sausage imagination fest.
Have a friend who talked with a very ancient Chagall ,in Paris.
I couldnt believe he didnt get angry with her (a damn good artist in her own right ,but waaay too modest)
She had been a naked model so long in Paris - that her nakedness showed her how much better she could do herself .
Clever funny lady . Jewish dad, she's nearly 80 ,and hilarious. Horrible stories about wartime NL -and her dad's projections onto her (he wanted a boy)-boy have we had some good fights - but good humourish doesnt even begin to cover it .
OMG, just when I thought the medical system had simply lost its way, it's clear that there is a diabolical agenda at play here. The most vulnerable are used like lab rats in a demonic system made up of psychopaths, sociopaths and murderers. I feel nauseous.
This is how I met you. It really impressed on me how you can find a light near all the darkness if you pay attention.
This story was soooo dark. I had to take regular and frequent walks as I researched to shake it off. How we were lied to… what they were capable of doing to children, to you, to anyone who disobeyed or spoke out. I was already aware of so much, so I thought, but this was a punch in the soul.
And yet there were these people who stared that evil in the face and could still shine light, speak truth, heal and love deeply. Thank God this introduction to darkness came from a light source. That’s how it needs to be. 🙏😘
“I still feel this rage and disgust that this terrorist matrix of AIDS activists succeeded in convincing the public to look away, that they shouldn’t care about these children,” Farber said.
But despite everything she’s been through, there’s a spark
And yet there were these people who stared that evil in the face and could still shine light, speak truth, heal and love deeply. Thank God this introduction to darkness came from a light source. That’s how it needs to be. 🙏😘
I repeat your sentiment because it is exactly how I feel about Celia and those others who tried so hard to educate the public. My eyes began to hurt, my heart started crying and the rage in my mind about the torture of innocent children can leave one feeling helpless in a world of darkness. All of the expiramentation on children should stop immediately. If state legislatures can shut this down, the people of the state should demand it and anyone voting against it should lose their seat in any decision making body. There is no excuse for this! How many years and how many drugs have been used on the innocent with nothing to show for it but death and destruction. Obviously, they are on the wrong track. People have truly lost all common sense if they can't see this.
Thank you. I've started an "SV40 and HIV AIDS" post in my first Covid-19 ss post about the weapons. You are welcome to take stuff and I'll pull some stuff out of this ss post and any others that you post. I'm probably very far off the mark with the question, but it looks as if doctors have asked something similar. And definitely there is some kind of war going on because nobody wants to get blamed for manufacturing and spreading AIDS. Not for any moral outrage but I think probably because they don't want to get sued.
I don't know where you wrote this Celia, but it may interest you to know James Howard Kunstler quoted you: “Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, in 2024, agreed to play out their roles as uncontactable zombies, baying for the blood of Americans at the altar of a dying Moloch.”
All your writing is poetic but I think that was particularly brilliant.
Thank you Hank.
I think that was just yesterday…
It was early this morning, his byline in "The Twilight of Twilight". Time is speeding like a bullet these days, I thought it was yesterday, too.
Fauci is a Jesuit, that should tell you everything you need to know. They are the most deceitfully wicked and dangerous men and women on Earth.
AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one wonders what caused the thousands of "AIDS" deaths in the years from 1980 to 1985 as AZT was NOT available yet.
Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine program in 1978-79 as the likely culprit.
Yet within months of this experimental vaccine program in 1978-79, the mass die-off of gay men in America's big cities began!
The behavior of gay men did NOT suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior, drug use, poppers, or overuse of antibiotics. What was truly NEW in 1979 was THE SHOTS!
The massive die-off began a matter of months after the 1978-79 *experimental* Hepatitis B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.
++Within months, the EXACT same demographic (promiscuous gay men in U.S. cities) began dropping dead like flies in 1980.++
The media at the time in 1981 NEVER raised the possibility that the experimental Hep B might be involved though the media covered "AIDS" extensively and scared everyone half-to-death.
Their refusal to even consider the experimental vaccine was quite suspicious and imo indicative even then of the power of the government to conceal through control of the mockingbird media.
“History doesn't repeat itself but it often rhymes.”
~Mark Twain (attributed)
Thank you for the information on the Hepatitis B vaccine and AIDS. Now it all begins to make sense. I entered medical practice in Long Beach, California in 1978. Long Beach had a sizable homosexual population and there were a fair number of AIDS patients. I never bought into the narrative that was being pushed about a communicable viral disease. In my limited experience and with what I had read about AIDS, it seemed to be restricted to an extremely small slice of the population---homosexual men who indulged in frequent and promiscuous sex. I discovered the writings of Peter Duesberg in the early 1990s and was convinced that the so-called AIDS virus was not a scientifically viable explanation. But Duesberg postulated that drug use was at fault and I couldn't really buy that one either since there was considerable drug use both before and after the AIDS "epidemic". Someone later wrote that the toxicity from AZT was what was really killing these people and I accepted that as a more likely explanation. But I wasn't aware of the time relationships that you pointed out regarding the approval and release of the drug. After being sensitized to the hazards of vaccines by the covid scam, I can see where an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine could be a very likely culprit. Can you direct me to any sources where I can learn more about the Hepatitis B vaccines?
"... But I wasn't aware of the time relationships that you pointed out regarding the approval and release of the drug. After being sensitized to the hazards of vaccines by the covid scam, I can see where an experimental Hepatitis B vaccine could be a very likely culprit. Can you direct me to any sources where I can learn more about the Hepatitis B vaccines?"
There is a book discussing the experimental Hep B trials entitled "AIDS and the Doctors of Death - An inquiry into the Origin of the AIDS Epidemic" (with foreword by Jon Rappoport) by author Dr. Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D.
Sorry to say I do not have info to share about the later FDA approval process for the Merck shots, a completely different product from the experimental shots. The experimental shots were made disgustingly from the pooled sera of chronic Hep B sufferers, and who knows what other experiment(s) were added to the pooled sera. The Merck shots did not cause a sudden die-off of the adults injected with the Merck product.
Also very briefly here:
"Wolf Szmuness (March 12, 1919 – June 6, 1982) was a Polish-born epidemiologist who immigrated to and worked in the United States. He conducted research at the New York Blood Center and, from 1973, he was director of the Center's epidemiology laboratory. He designed and conducted the trials for the first vaccine to prove effective against hepatitis B.[1][2] ... [and in an odd coincidence] Polish authorities granted Szmuness a vacation at a rest home, where he shared a room with a Catholic priest, Karol Wojtyła, and began a longtime correspondence with him. Karol Wojtyła would later become Pope John Paul II."
> footnote 1: Altman, Lawrence K. (8 June 1982). "Dr. Wolf Szmuness is dead at 63; an epidemiologist and researcher." The New York Times.
I had also written many years ago to Dr. Cladd Elizabeth Stevens, MD in New York, NY, c/o the New York Blood Center in Manhattan, which conducted the *experimental* Hep B trials on *only promiscuous gay men,* and where she was working for some period of years. I do not have a digital form of the Blood Center's response to my correspondence to share with you. Dr. Stevens is the person to whom I had addressed my correspondence. She may have retired (?).
Hope the book by Dr. Cantwell is a useful starting point.
Thanks so much for your comment.
Thank you for the reference to the Cantwell book. I just ordered it and look forward to reading it. It will then go onto my bookshelf next to Duesberg's "Inventing the AIDS Virus" and Harvey Bialy's professional biography of Duesberg. My wife asked me why I was smiling, and I told her that someone has just given me the key piece for a solution to something that had puzzled me for years. My interest in the AIDS question was reawakened by reading Robert Kennedy's book "The Real Anthony Fauci". He did a really good job of laying out the arguments against the conventional AIDS narrative but (like a typical politician) couldn't take the final step of totally rejecting the nonsense. His frequent references to Celia Farber's works led me to this website which, in turn, brought me to your comment for which I will be eternally grateful.
Also, an historical article (of the Hep B trials at the New York Blood Center in Manhattan, New York City with 1083 volunteers participating):
"Hepatitis B Vaccine — Demonstration of Efficacy in a Controlled Clinical Trial in a High-Risk Population in the United States"
Authors: Wolf Szmuness, M.D., Cladd E. Stevens, M.D.
Published October 9, 1980
N Engl J Med 1980;303:833-841
VOL. 303 NO. 15
"Supported by a grant from the Department of Virus and Cell Biology of Merck Sharp and Dohme Research Laboratories, West Point, Pa., and a grant (HL-09011) from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health."
P.S. You're not the only one smiling, as I very much appreciate your comment, in case you didn't know. 😊
Thanks for the link to the NEJM article. It only links to the abstract but that's OK since it contains all the information confirming that they were doing studies on only high risk patients and had fairly large sample sizes. I shouldn't be surprised that they require a subscription to get the entire article. Reminds me why I canceled my subscription about 30 years ago.
If I may, if you enter the DOI code into the box at the website sci-hubDOTse, it will (9 times out of 10) be able to retrieve the full paper - like this:
Dear Koolaid, and Ernest...
I have dug into google scholar's records, between 1978-80 on Hep B vax trials and homosexual men.
Here are two further papers of interest in the matter, since they identify cities in addition to New York where trials of Hep B vaccines might have taken place. (I've not yet located results from the proposed trials).
The first paper is very short - Schreeder et al, Epidemiology of Hepatitis B Infection in Gay Men, Journal of Homosexuality, 1980. (presents data collected in 1978 and 79)
The concluding sentence reads as follows: "It is felt that the gay men attending the clinics participating in this study [located in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Denver and St Louis] provide a suitable population for evaluating the prophylactic efficacy of a Hepatitis B Vaccine now under development."
The second paper is a "medical news" item from a 1979 issue of JAMA - - where the item begins as follows:
"The first large-scale American trial of a vaccine for a
sexually transmitted disease begins next month. The disease is type B hepatitis. The trial with the new vaccine will be among homosexual men. The go-ahead was given because of results from a just completed study.
"This study, conducted in five large cities, indicates that sexually transmitted hepatitis B infections are far more common among homosexual men than has been suspected. Researchers found antibody titer evidence of previous hepatitis B infection in at least 45% of the homosexual men studied. In the San Francisco area, the rate was 58%. Based on those and other findings, the immunization trial will begin in April in at least five clinics.
"Two of these clinics, in Chicago and Los Angeles, are operated privately by homosexual groups to serve homosexual patients. The other three, in Denver, St Louis, and San Francisco, are public health clinics that serve a large number of homosexual men. In New York City, another trial with homosexual men, conducted by the New York Blood Center, is already in progress."
Anyway, have at it! :)
I was sure of New York, San Francisco and Los Angeles being cities where experimental Hep B trials were conducted on exclusively promiscuous gay male volunteers. But I couldn't recall the names of ALL the other cities with participating Hep B cohorts/sites, and did not wish to make a half-baked list of cities based upon a fuzzy recollection from many years ago..
THANK YOU so much for this value added info.
So, the cities were NY, SF, LA, Chicago, Denver, St. Louis ... a total of 6 major metro areas injecting gay volunteers with an experimental "vaccine" -- plus who-knows-what-else?--in the year 1979 just prior to the outbreak of "AIDS" in America's cities.
But NOT **in Europe's large cities.**
European gays eventually did also become sick with "AIDS" but NOT SIMULTANEOUSLY on the timeline with American gays.
This is likely due to the facts that there were NO experimental Hep B cohorts in Europe's large cities. The experiment was limited to the United States. Gays in Europe did not receive the experimental shots. Only gays in the USA were injected. Only gays in the USA got sick *at first.* European gays would sicken **later** on the timeline -- only after enough time had elapsed for the European gays to make sexual contact with the American gays, so it took some additional months to show up in Europe.
To corroborate the timing of the American cases relative to the European cases, I would suggest checking **the timeline contained in the official AIDS narratives**. What would be an example of an official narrative? It could be something like the book "And the Band Played On" by author Randy Shilts. Or possibly the NY Times articles, which covered the official narrative extensively.
I expect *Randy Shilts' book timeline* would be accurate as to key dates of the emergence of the first cases of "AIDS" in European gay men relative to American gay men, even though I would not vouch for other aspects (Shilts' own explanations, assumptions, and/or editorializing). I say so because his book was HIGHLY PRAISED by the Mockingbird media in the 1980s/1990s, and his book was frequently cited by numerous official media sources back in the day.
Therefore, it should come as NO SURPRISE that Shilts does not consider the Hep B experimental shots as the likely or possible culprit for introducing "AIDS"/"HIV" into America and then the world.
The overwhelming media brainwashing then in 1980s (as now in 2025) was simply "vaccines are good. Don't question vaccines."
Still, Randy Shilts' chronicle of "AIDS" in "And the Band Played On," like Wikipedia, can be useful for certain facts, such as KEY DATES that events were officially reported by the dominant media back in the 1980s. But (of course) I refuse to outsource my critical thinking to Randy Shilts or other sources. 🕵️
The next step, for anyone wanting to research this matter further, would be to find the antibody test used in these trials to confirm rises in the levels of antibodies in the test volunteers, and see whether that test shows cross-positivity with HIV tests (whatever that DOES test for). Also, some local historians who were participants in those gay "scenes" in the 1970's might actually be able to trace individual stories and connect some dots. Perhaps, even, dare I say it, some doctors from the time might find their notes containing mention of vaccine trial participation among other clinical findings.
What's your view of Prof Bill Hamilton's mentoring of Ed Hooper in 'The River' - over several years ?- mentions many issues ,as summarised above ,including Dr Horowitz's
NB Judy Mikovits recommended reading The River recently -as that predated Dr H's references to points of access to NY blood bank ,by some decades . Implied Gallo access thereby apparently nailing the question of Zagury's 1988 Kinshasi live & complicit HIV envelope ,injected into thousands,including himself ,locally .
The NIH proscription of both Gallo's access ,along with Zagury's
free -complete with notes and I think chptr 10 notes 93 to 99 are actually complimenatry to both Celia ,and all of the above.
see pages 100 101 110 and 111 ; 655-662
There's also this interview from sometime back with the late Dr Cantwell:
Thank you for the link to the interview. I just ordered the Cantwell book and look forward to hearing him discuss it.
Sorry, Ernest, but it only occurred to me when thinking about how to turn this speculation into knowledge in my reply below to Koolaid. It may be a long shot, but clinical notes taken during consultations in 1978-1980 might contain reference to vaccine trial participation. Not everyone keeps these for longer than the legal and insurance requirements, but you never know.
Maybe a long shot, but not impossible. The hospital where I admitted patients was a very large community hospital that served a large population in the south bay area of Los Angeles and had only one specialist in infectious disease. Due to the lack of knowledge about AIDS at the time, practically every other doctor referred all their AIDS or "HIV positive" patients to this one man. I suspect that this same pattern held true in most every large city. Narrowing the search down to those who specialized in infectious disease would make it easier to find the bulk of the records or, possibly, get some oral history based on their remembrances.
"The massive die-off began a matter of months after the 1978-79 *experimental* Hepatitis B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected."
You may want to read the comment by Don't Drink the Koolaid quoted above.
Interesting comment Kool-aid. Was the Hep B vax given only or mostly to gay men? If not, why would the AIDS attributed deaths been mostly in that demographic? Or is it possible that the “druggin’ and drinkin’ and screwin’ around” lifestyle combined with that vax killed them?
Thanks for the info.
"Was the Hep B vax given only or mostly to gay men?"
(See my comment above.) The +experimental+ Hep B vaccine program wanted ONLY PROMISCUOUS gay men. Monogamous/not sexually active gay men were not permitted to be lab rats in the experimental injection program.
To be perfectly clear, recipients of the later +commercially approved+ Hepatitis B vax product by Merck (approved *later* by FDA for health care workers) did NOT start dropping dead. The Merck Hep B product was something different. People did NOT start dropping dead like flies after the Merck Hep B shot.
edit = P.S. I'm not saying the Merck Hep B shot was good or healthful. I'm just saying the Merck Hep B shot was NOT immediately followed by a mass die-off of the adults injected (mostly health care workers at the start). No way should infants/young kids be injected with it. Nor should most adults for that matter.
In my opinion most shots, in general, cause much more harm than they help.
Ed Hooper leaves your question less open -mentioning Zagury several times in the updated 'The River',in passing – where Prof Bill Hamilton (now deceased) ,along with many scientists today look at Zagury’s nefarius live small pox related HIV self jabbing in 1988 Kinshasi (and ,by extrapolation today - sub Saharan) as a possible source of ,according to Montaignier ,
42 000 ICL (AIDs without detectable prescence of HIV1-2 or 3) – rendering the CDC present day narritives rooted in timeless ‘baby – talk’...
In 1986 Daniel Zagury ,using a vaccina virus used as vehicle for smallpox vax plus a portion of the envelope,ie outer coat of HIV-1 (viable live transmission),injected himself ,a french colleague,1000 congolese soldiers ,fellow collaborator on final paper 1988, was Robert Gallo.Later it emerged that the vaccine original virus had been supplied by an NIH scientist& that a french version of the vaccine had also been used in the trials . It was further revealed 'volunteers' had included 18 HIV negative Congolese children aged 2-18.2nd fase documented a further illegitimate trial involving circa 30 HIV seronegative adults ,including military volunteers.
Results of this or previous trial never published
the NIH Office for Protection from Research Risks ( OPRR)
subsequently placed restrictions on future Robert Gallo research involving human subjects,forbade Zagury from pursuing any further research involving US provided materials or technology
Dr Zagury's was a live vaccine,containing viable portion of HIV 's envelope
He was unaware that lenteviruses have uncanny ability to recombine -and pass swathes of genetic information from one to another.
Mikovits had already warned Gallo of this ,-but the F word ,again covered it up.
So much for the basis of cross species transmission.
Cannot believe The astonishing Peter Duesburg was humble enough to let Joe Rogan and Bryan Callen for nearly 2 hours ,2014
The World Health Organization's "Smallpox Eradication Campaign" injected smallpox vaccine into mostly *heterosexual Africans* in sub-Saharan Africa in the 1970s, from approx 1966 to its end in 1977.
> So the smallpox eradication campaign and the experimental Hep B program were two separate vaccine campaigns using 2 very distinct populations as the lab rats. I wonder if I should trust the W.H.O. to make a safe "vaccine" when it is hard to know exactly what's in the syringe. Probably not.
Free substrate experimental african license (ie having no clue what organ came from which simian cross SIV transfection) was Koprowski's experimental middle name.
Lytton Bionetics is the link with both Hep B and the NY bood Bank ,derivitaves from African arm of Lytton ,which was linked to previous french owners of exact same Congo premises 1950-1977 ,when Lytton took over,if I'm not mistaken.
Free substrate (incl sourcing wild 1000 apes ,70% of which died in a few months within free aerosol minced smokey magelby organ proximal enviroments ) - not even understood by the WHO ,until Koprowski was long dead and buried . Ed Hooper did sterling work on that . Shut down when Bill Hamilton died just prior to a large intl conference .
Weiss dared not even whisper the substrate transfection possibility in both smallpox and Hep B until 1996 - Zagury remains the key live virus HIV envelope
question ,linking all three (HepB ;smallpox; ICL)
through Lytton Bionetics ,agreed Ed Hooper ,20 years before Dr Lenard G Horowitz .
Lytton Bionetics had access ,through Gallo (and by implication Zagury) to the New York Blood Bank - from well before 1980s.
"The real Anthony Fauci" by Bobby Kennedy Jr tells the same story as you have about Herr Pfauci's role in depopulation and the AIDs lies that killed so many in the 70s. Some of us were there and saw friends killed by Pfauci's drugs. Thank you. Continue hitting that wall of historical fabrication with everything you've got, Celia. People are waking up. 🙏
Of course, RFK Jr. quotes Celia extensively in the book and as I recall has a very long and extensive passage from her on this history.
That was another one of Fauci's experiments, he murdered so many innocent kids. I know allot of others were involved but Fauci is a straight up serial killer who loves his "work", I just pray him and all the rest of the psychopaths are arrested one day.
Thanks Celia, this is a very important project.
You are right.
A good book about the AIDS crisis in San Francisco called GOOD INTENTIONS (1990) by Bruce Nussbaum was an eye opener and the parallels between what took place then and what took place with COVID is undeniable. And Fauci is discussed A LOT in this book. Also, Dr. Mullis (inventer of PCR) disliked Fauci very much. Mullis tried to find anyone that had proof that HIV caused AIDS and no one could provide him with the proof. He like me and others to this day believe AIDS is a product of a very unhealthy lifestyle not only in 3rd world countries but in the US too.
The intention of inventing fake viral diseases is to make money.
What's in a name? Faux Chi
My brother was diagnosed with HIV in the late 80’s. We watched several of his friends die during the ensuing years. It was horrible. My brother could never tolerate any of the drugs he was given, so he was never on any cocktail or other med for very long. He believed he would die, yet he just kept living, despite really really horrible lifestyle choices. I think he figured he would just do whatever he wanted since he believed he was going to die soon anyway. He lived into his mid-50’s in the end. Rectal cancer was what got him, so the story goes. He died in the middle of the Covid debacle. Neither he nor my other sibling would listen when I warned them about what was happening. They couldn’t put it together that the lack of meds was what allowed his life to be more than twice as long as all of his friends who died back then. They both took the covid vaccine. Perhaps that triggered the cancer or maybe his lifestyle finally caught up with him. Tragic.
So sad. Cognitive dissonance is a terrible thing.
That is so mediocre -the same fake blood over ALL the fotos?
Like - not a possum's blood ,with a rats etc?
Like the burning has any similar chemical -forensic effect?
Seems a bit one size fits all to me.
The 'art 'doesnt even achieve the heights of banality of boredom .
Some really good dutch artists exhibited some beautiful pictures ,among them the ' Piss christ' - getting stunningly beautiful depth of inner /outer luminescence aura of red by treating the image with urine,an ancient indigo farming practice .
Geez ,at least the occult could keep up a little.
Not that the imagination of a newt exists between such ears.
That's where Chagall's violinist in a village is also a critique of the Nazi's sausage imagination fest.
Have a friend who talked with a very ancient Chagall ,in Paris.
I couldnt believe he didnt get angry with her (a damn good artist in her own right ,but waaay too modest)
She had been a naked model so long in Paris - that her nakedness showed her how much better she could do herself .
Clever funny lady . Jewish dad, she's nearly 80 ,and hilarious. Horrible stories about wartime NL -and her dad's projections onto her (he wanted a boy)-boy have we had some good fights - but good humourish doesnt even begin to cover it .
OMG, just when I thought the medical system had simply lost its way, it's clear that there is a diabolical agenda at play here. The most vulnerable are used like lab rats in a demonic system made up of psychopaths, sociopaths and murderers. I feel nauseous.
This may, or may not have been knocked up from the comfort of a fairly
rustic converted French farmhouse ... Never-the-less, it's well worth a scan.
Check links; papers, and related articles....
And, try not to get too bogged down with 'personalities': which may have
been part of the problem, back in the day, with Celia and associates [as well as
threats to personal safety].
And.. do check the comments, obvs.
Digest. Process. Listen to your Gut.... Boom.!!
This is how I met you. It really impressed on me how you can find a light near all the darkness if you pay attention.
This story was soooo dark. I had to take regular and frequent walks as I researched to shake it off. How we were lied to… what they were capable of doing to children, to you, to anyone who disobeyed or spoke out. I was already aware of so much, so I thought, but this was a punch in the soul.
And yet there were these people who stared that evil in the face and could still shine light, speak truth, heal and love deeply. Thank God this introduction to darkness came from a light source. That’s how it needs to be. 🙏😘
“I still feel this rage and disgust that this terrorist matrix of AIDS activists succeeded in convincing the public to look away, that they shouldn’t care about these children,” Farber said.
But despite everything she’s been through, there’s a spark
of optimism.
“The spark of light is that so many people are embracing this now, are prepared minds for this now, if one can be a ‘prepared mind,’” Farber said.
And yet there were these people who stared that evil in the face and could still shine light, speak truth, heal and love deeply. Thank God this introduction to darkness came from a light source. That’s how it needs to be. 🙏😘
I repeat your sentiment because it is exactly how I feel about Celia and those others who tried so hard to educate the public. My eyes began to hurt, my heart started crying and the rage in my mind about the torture of innocent children can leave one feeling helpless in a world of darkness. All of the expiramentation on children should stop immediately. If state legislatures can shut this down, the people of the state should demand it and anyone voting against it should lose their seat in any decision making body. There is no excuse for this! How many years and how many drugs have been used on the innocent with nothing to show for it but death and destruction. Obviously, they are on the wrong track. People have truly lost all common sense if they can't see this.
Listening to Liam Scheff ,seeing references to nerve damage - this is one cool headed guy- how did tinnitus kill him?
check out his book Official Stories....what an extraordinary human being he was.
Thank you. I've started an "SV40 and HIV AIDS" post in my first Covid-19 ss post about the weapons. You are welcome to take stuff and I'll pull some stuff out of this ss post and any others that you post. I'm probably very far off the mark with the question, but it looks as if doctors have asked something similar. And definitely there is some kind of war going on because nobody wants to get blamed for manufacturing and spreading AIDS. Not for any moral outrage but I think probably because they don't want to get sued.
Cheers, Shona
Great Point Celia..Follow you on this topic.