Dr Fauci used tax payer funds to be the bank roll, and his wife Christine Grady over seen the experiments as a bioethics expert. They are both eugenic psychopaths

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And funds from their loyal Catholics.

That orphanage was a Catholic Orphanage. The most dangerous place on Earth for orphaned children, is in a Catholic Orphanage.

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That is just one of many dangerous places for children. The U.S. government trafficked 800,000 U.S. children from state aid for cheap labor, sex trade, organ harvesting and Satanic ritual, anything Oprah and John of God was involved with and shall we talk about Islam?

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Catholic Charities are definitely involved in Child Trafficking

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I was motivated to investigate the "hiv/AIDS" calamity by a deep-surging conviction that, if left unoverturned, invidious repercussions would ensue, but never did I imagine it would eventually metastasize into the mass insanity that was/is "covid". Fauci of course was the chief guardian of deception in both instances. the kicker is that, despite all the evidence that has emerged to expose his crimes against humanity , the Rachel Maddows of the world continue to lionize this murderous villain. they should be assigned some measure of culpability as accessories after the fact.

everyone here in the opposing camp has placed their hopes on RFK Jr. being able to turn the tide. he's the fulcrum upon which, in the words of William Carlos Williams, so much depends. I'll believe "the fix" when I see it.

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Mark, tell us about William Carlos Williams. Favorite poems?

Your deep surging conviction is seen by the angels. I would ask you to see, witness, what RFK Jr. UNCORKED for US ALL, by writing The Real Anthony Fauci. It is a totally different landscape and consciousness. Every time I log on to Twitter somebody is either posting about ICC or quoting Kary Mullis.

I call that victory over what the enemy wanted, which was to BURY all this, forever. Along with as many of us as possible. Remember John P. Moore's famouus "WE WILL CRUSH YOU" email to Michael Geiger?

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I'll look out for a future post of yours that features a poem and reply with a list of some personal favorites -- not just by WCW. I've uploaded most of my better poems to Substack. in addition to his writings which included a novel whose protagonist was a baby (!), WCW was an old-fashioned general practitioner who treated his patients not just with medicine but with genuine sympathy and kindness and care.

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ACT UP was funded by Glaxo Welcomme.

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I continue to be amazed at the interconnectivity of all of the evil that is/has been occurring. What I struggle with is how is it all managed and coordinated.

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Let's not forget about Deborah Birx... Who was the US Military Director of HIV Research Program at Walter Reed Research Center, who's specialty is in HIV/AIDS Immunology and Vaccines. Who was in 2014 appointed head of the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS relief, and who also worked in Fauci's Laboratory from 1985- 1989. And from 2014-2020 The United States Global AIDS Coordinator.

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Some demons are aptly named.

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A year or two ago, before I knew any of this, I started a thread on Facebook about a serial genocidal maniac and he was It. I was linking him with the smallpox vaccine and AIDS but then I dropped the ball only to discover the AIDS link was with the polio vaccines and now I surmise it was with the AIDS vaccine. Reading all the material you have provided me gives me an idea of how fucking traumatising it is to learn this knowledge. I've been investigating SRA and it is shock/horror, one after another. Thank you for posting this material. Everything is going in my Substack and even if I myself do not have the resources to process everything, someone will. God Bless you Celia x

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it took a while, but I found an affordable copy of 'The River' by Edward Hooper on ebay. And all the rest of the puzzle pieces fell into place. He covers the polio vaccine debacle in Africa, and the cover-up and denials.



So telling that SV-40 was included in the genetic design of Covid-19.

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Thank you! I've watched the Origin of Aids video, extremely valuable and I will watch the other. I found Edward Hooper's book in Archives: https://archive.org/details/riverjourneytoso00hoop

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You sound like AI. Sorry but these are not human reactions.

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Benj, who sounds like AI?

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Shona was who I was replying to... I apologize if I've offended. At the time I first read it, the verbiage struck me as strange. Pronouns unassigned, circular statements - I found it difficult to uncover an intended meaning within the words. In other words, *what the heck are you talking about?* And I'd seen plenty of posts on twitter that have that same kind of generative redundancy and misplaced attempts at casual language, from accounts that are easily pegged as bots.

Now I study it, and I'm able to piece out at least a bit of what she must have been intending.

I have no issue with what she wrote, other than it's not very clear. And I'm a solid reader. (Been reading you, Celia, since Spin and never had any difficulties catching your meaning 😉👍)

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Shona Duncan is who he's referring to.

I think.

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I am educated to post graduate level so I might sound different from what you are used to? Feeling traumatised or retraumatised because I learned more about cruelty towards children are not human reactions? Wow, how weird.

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You do sound different from what I'm used to. I intended no slight on your character, your morals or your experiences. I simply was unable to untangle your syntax; the rhythm, it felt bot generated. I apologize for any offense. A simple reflection of your writing style from a uninvested first impression, please feel free to disregard my comment altogether if you wish.

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How is Fauci still alive?

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He is in the demon protection program.

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Good one. Brilliant.

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Absolutely! Jesuits actually work for the Devil the Black Pope. And the Catholics Papa Francis is a Jesuit.

Jesus warned us to beware of men who are in prominent positions, in Synagogues (there were no so called Church Buildings at that time) and public places, who parade around in long robes. Jesus also said that our bodies are the Temples of the living God, not buildings built by the hand of Man. Who can build a house for God? Only Anti Christ's would claim a building as a House or Temple of God. True Christians don't go the church, WE ARE THE church, aka, the Temple, the body of God.

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This is just not accurate but yes the Pope is a bad human.

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What is not accurate?

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The Nazi technocratic marxists eugenicists theosophists didn't lose WW2.

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How was it allowed? Incredible information, completely unethical.

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“Truth is a many sided diamond.” according to my wife

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I miss Liam so much. There is a void with him gone.

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Oh my gosh, these stories are heartbreaking, harrowing, enraging, unbelievable.

I have read and listened to the ICC reports.

I watched Christine Maggiore's movie.

Listened to a bit of Liam before he passed, after his painful situtation with nerve damage and tinnitus.

It truly is overwhelming and I can only imagine what it was like to be in the thick of it back then, Celia.

The craziness and duplicity of NIH, Fauci, Gallo - setting it up so that AIDS activists were pushing AZT!

It is Covid 101.

I am wondering if there have been any studies done on children that were (supposedly) born with HIV but never took the drugs and are now grown. Are there any statistics?

Coincidence that both Maggiore and Mullis died of pnuemonia.

There is not a snowball's chance in hell, I think, that the fake pandemic could have taken place had Mullis been alive.

Thank you for all of this information, Celia.

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Of course Kary's wife insist he died of complication (possibly pneumonia) because of his heart issues . . . unless someone got to her. Always thought his death was quite timely.

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Yes, I read an article in a paper called The Sun (?) where Mullis' widow refutes any type of shenanigans around Kary's death. And supports Fauci to the hilt.

We will never know.

Maybe they had everything covid ready to go and were just waiting for him to pass.

By his own admission he had done a good deal of drugs and alcohol so perhaps his system was a little shot?

But very coincidental that both he and Christine passed from pneumonia.

You look at the both of them in that 1997 video - who would have thought what was going to come to pass.

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Incarnation Children's Center,affiliated with the Archdiocese of New York. A Catholic Orphanage. The Catholic/ Universal Church is a blood thirsty organization, no doubt about it. The History of the Roman Catholic Church is absolutely horrifying.Why would anyone want to be affiliated or associated with such a evil organization? No doubt in my mind the true Antichrist's, constantly using the Jews as their scapegoats, with a never ending genocidal inquisition of all whom they consider to be heretics. They are the very definition of Antichrist.

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I have read documents ten years ago associating Catholic Youth Services to child/and andrenochrome trafficking. The valid question asked below is where does that info go? It is such a vast business these monsters have developed probably since Babylon....

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The damage is unfathomable that was wrought on unsuspecting folk who tested positive for HIV based on a phony PCR test, from marriage breakups to suicide. And yet 30 plus years later the same s**t is rolled out using tried and tested fear porn and 'Nudge Units' (professional liars, a bit like politicians and doctors I suppose). But this time around with the ever-so-deadly bird flu, a bigger cohort is simply saying - Take yer fake test and shove it where the sun don't shine ye lyin' gobshite. Bravo I say!!!

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This retrospective takes me back to the early years of my practice. I can't recall precisely how I found your writings back then. I do know that the names of Farber, Duesberg, Papadopoulos, Mullis, and others helped to strengthen my opposition to mandated medical dogma when seemingly every one of my colleagues was on board with Fauci's first criminal fraud. A lie is still a lie even though nearly every authority believes it. 2020 was nothing more than a well rehearsed and globally choreographed reprise of the HIV-AIDS fraud. Having witnessed it 35 years before enabled me to recognize and resist the many subsequent reiterations. Thank you for your work. Never feel like it has been in vain.

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Oh how inexorably the truth fights to the surface. The bigger issue is the question about what happens to it then....?

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