All the innocent children, surely hoping every day that someone would step in and save them and no one could. I see so many adults who have become like those children in those experiments--becoming guinea pigs for big pharma, except they do it willingly, like lemmings walking off of a cliff, where those little ones had no choice. Also, so many adults who know the truth now, look the other way, and willingly sacrifice their children to these disgusting psychopaths. The adults need to be adults and stand up and push back. It might feel uncomfortable and unsafe at times to do so, but if we don't, the most vulnerable among us have no one. They've created demonic strongholds through human sacrifice. We've been given the power to pray these things down to the dust. A true adult doesn't cower, they stand up and fight for those who can't. Maybe alot of the psychology nonsense that's out there promoting victimhood is really about attempting to keep the population from growing up, so there will be no one to stand up and fight back.

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So many good points!

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One must ask; 'How many babies didn't make it out alive?'

Thalidomide Tragedy


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Like is for you, Celia, certainly not for the contents of this article. Jesus.

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And it's worse still. More coming.

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The abuse in the Mental Health Services is a Eugenics Study that has been going on for over a decade. So many innocent lives touched by this Evil .

Humanity will prevail. 🙏❤️🙏❤️

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The psychopaths running the orphanage for Big Phama. This is not much worst than the educators running our schools today teaching most of our children WOKE, Bolshevik government, fighting for freedom, sending the cannon fodder to war, promoting survival of the unfittest, Humanity is doomed.

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Official Stories was part of my waking up process

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I do not understand it. What was achieved ? It is terrible story.

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Thalidomide is on WHO's "Essential Medicines" list, which includes some of the most dangerous drugs produced by pharma (and a few safe ones).

AZT is on the list (anti-viral, name: zidovudine), a drug so toxic that there were few survivors taking the full dose in the early days of AIDS. Other drugs on the list: fentanyl, the drug behind 50,000+ overdose deaths in US for the last several years. Prozac (mood disorder). The toxic chemotherapy drugs, nearly all the major ones including: cisplatin, paclitaxel, fluorouracil. Midazolam (sedative), the end-of-life drug given to many during lockdown. The flu and childhood vaccines.

Thalidomide is on the list as a “complimentary immunomodulator” Thalidomide was the drug given to pregnant women for nausea. Many babies were born without limbs (or shortened limbs) from mothers who took the drug.

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Absolutely shocking to think that Fauci has gotten away with this terror on innocent children.

Is this why there is so much child trafficking? Medical Research, human rats?

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Unspeakable! Damnation awaits these evil people who killed this boy and the others. To hurt a child?!?! 😢

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These two videos are part of one event from 1997 in Santa Monica CA.

Brought together by actor Esai Morales, featuring Christie Maggiore and Kary Mullis among a few others.

It is eye opening and so astonishingly revealing. If you haven't watched it already, it will give you a very good history and an introduction to Christine.

Part 2 opens with a talk by Kary Mullis. You can substitute the world COVID for AIDS and you will see history repeating itself.

Whether you agree with the participants or not it is definitely worth a watch. It explains so much.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.



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Thank you Judith, for bringing these here. Christine was pregnant with her first child. It feels like just yesterday in some ways. Paul Philpott is also present. He's an important figure in all this too.

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I had watched them before but watching them again today, followed by the documentary about Mother's with HIV, and then your film about Christine, boy oh boy. Sobering.

It's none of my business, and I do not expect you to answer, but I wonder how her husband and son are doing. She was a real force.

It astounds me that all of that was going on and I had no idea.

Another advantage of creating and maintaing wars we never intend to win - Keeps the focus off the murder right here at home.

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It is not true, they bulied parents and adhers for consenz

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I remember reading about it a few years ago (way after you dug into this), and it is just horrifying. Humanly horrifying. People convincing themselves that other human being can be dehumanized because there is an algorithm floating around saying that it is okay to do so. An enslaving algorithm! Thank you for your courage, Celia.

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Hi Tessa! It's horrifying in exactly the "algorithm" that AIDS Empire types ordained. I can't explain it quite but will keep trying. They loved toxicity because it means HIV drugs were…it became…like a weird psycho-sexual thing almost. To enforce these chemical agonies onto the powerless.

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So many secrets deadly mRNA injection secrets are kept, and how much controversial data is routinely hidden from the public regarding Vax injuries, Vax-induced DEATHS and how many Covid mRNA Vax recipients are now likely to expect a 'REDUCED LIFE EXPECTANCY' (unprovable theory)? The answer may be two-fold; a) premeditated depopulation, and b) Pfizer, et al, profits.

Why do most governments continue to pretend they haven't noticed the numerous Post-Vax 'Excess Deaths' caused by the DEADLY mRNA injections (called 'Vaccines')?

It appears as though politicians have been 'got at' with financial rewards, to allow the construction of more mRNA Death Shot manufacturing plants. What world do we now live in?

It seems the evil and corrupt medical industry is coming to terms with the DEADLY VAX MAYHEM by admitting guilt for premeditated mass murder for their vast financial reward at the expense of humanity!

This summary and 'supporting evidence' seem to be 'ANTI-VAX' by admitting so many historic 'vax-disasters'. Still they refuse to withdraw these deadly destructive medical POISONS.

The 'SUPPORTING EVIDENCE' better serves the argument that ALL mRNA-injected poisonous materials are best jettisoned (quietly) to the dark annals of history. Pretend it never happened!

This article should encourage every reader to take a fresh look at the safety of modern medicines. Are they really about Human welfare or Profit? Do they increase the likelihood of vax users contracting more diseases and illnesses - and for longer - or maybe permanently? Do these injections reduce LIGFE EXPECTANCY? These dangerous but highly profitable injections prove to be a great business model for the evil, corrupt, mercenary likes of Pfizer, Moderna, etc,?

And still, they pedal the deadly crap with 'NO LIABILITY' shielding their enormous excessive profits. No talk or consideration of 'Withdrawal' even after millions have Died from these jabs!

Unjabbed Mick (UK) we'll live longer by avoiding all medics with poisoned syringes.

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Liam Scheff is truly beyond over faithful - a particularly unsuited description ,where the pen drags ...

- Nobody told him about taking hottestst chili peppers in existence - broiling 6 (halved not chopped -without stem) -for 1 hour in 1 pint water- and profusely applying to neck and ear -and shoulder muscles -with 660nm near IR - to far infra red ,maybe 3-4 150W lamps on jawline to ear ( + eye protection) ?

A nobel prize was stolen from a pakistani specialist pain MD for 'tripping TRPV1 'killing 5% of subcutaneous nerve ,until tinnitus and pain stops,over months ,years ?

Inside mouth spraying with 4 (diluted) edelweis a very potent medicinal plant agains superbug bacterial infections- fresh plants- having been ,cleaned ,with root -in 2 pints of salt water broiled for 3 hours (simmering) also on a fresh wound can greatly aid agaisnt in a complimentary way.

Seeds to grow edelweiss -are very cheap 3 euros for a hundred.

Fauci tooth ache'' is also a condition where mucus membrane intersection with gum- high ''inside'' eustacian proximity- has recurring shooting nerves,mostly shoulder /neck related.

All from a moxibustion complimentary approach.

His sounded like a nerve needed actually cut.

Floyd McClung's (YWAM amsterdam leader from 1980-1990s) had a very healthy 15 year old daughter who had a facial nerve nearly kill her ( literally ) - with intense pain , suffering from a too coincidental number of years after Floyd was once sitting in a bar beside 'highest priest' of Oude Zijds Voorburgwal satanic church- which - as soon as it closed ,scores of stalwart healthy young missionaries (mid to long term) came down with chronic back pain (immobilised for 2-3 years) .

Floyd had warned YWAM to never directly take on prayer against suchlike .

People really listened

No amount of debriefing can effectively take care of such a one time meeting .

Mathilde Krim interview reminds me of that.

Especially because of the ''arhiman'' interest in planning /placing long term population around each BSL 2-4 , worldwide . Leaks of sars 1 = aerosolised sarscov2 actually happened in Oostvaarders Plassen - in mink being experimented on in proximal spaces without air suction . (Ron Fouchier ,Bloomberg 2010 interview)'

This is at entrance of number 3 (migratory ) bird reserve in EU.

Idealism ,in all its forms ,kills.

To imagine that hypotheses is based on replication.

Liam suicided ,feeling isolated in the truth?

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Liam suicided being driven deranged by his chronic tinnitus. Also had a very hideous childhood. His mother put him in a cult of some sort. Horrible family, maybe MK Ultra, not sure. The men were all scientists and doctors, in Boston.

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So in 2010 his wife died ?

unexpectedly ?

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Big asteroid 2025

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