She had NEVER had any vaxxes, because of her religious beliefs? So WTF did she consent to those three NEEDLESS shots? Yes, they coerced her by saying she had to be "up to date", Utter bullshit nonsense. If they wouldn't treat her further she should have accepted that and left.

Yes, they are trying to kill her now, they will NOT accept the fact it was the fucking vaxxes that did this.

Take down this entire corrupt medical establishment, it is evil. Do NOT trust or consent.

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Sep 17·edited 6 hrs ago

She has some childhood vaccines. And she was ill and terrified. They refused to treat her PNH and sat there and convinced her these vaccines would help her. They also refused life-saving treatment unless she conceded. Yes, you and I know better and can stomp our feet and refuse. But this is the problem with the vast majority who are young and feel powerless. I tell my two teenage boys constantly because I can see some bully doctor come into their lives and force this. Being mentally stoic is hard esp for the young.

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Good point. I was angry when I wrote my comment. I have much empathy for her. She needs our prayers also.

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​A Midwestern Doctor, What Happens When a Hospital Vaccine Injures You? The tragic but insightful story of Alexis Lorenze

As I was drifting to bed last night, a lot of people began contacting me about a disaster that was unfolding in California.

​ What I find astounding about this case is that within minutes of looking into the limited information that was available, I was relatively certain of what happened, and now that her basic labs were posted online, it was indeed what happened. However, as best as I can tell, a fairly straightforward (conventional) diagnosis was missed and Alexis Lorenze has instead been put at risk of a life threatening injury.

​ I was initially in disbelief this was possible (and to an extent still am), but people directly connected to the situation confirmed this indeed is the case. As this case is an instructive example of medical blindness, I felt it would be helpful to share what happened.

​ Medical Blindness

A major in medicine is that doctors are frequently unable to recognize conditions which:

​ •Create cognitive dissonance for them (e.g., by forcing them to acknowledge they hurt a patient or accept that the guidelines their medical tribe gave them are flawed).

•They were not taught to identify to recognize (as there is so much complexity to a human being, the majority of physicians lack the innate capacity to see things they weren’t taught to filter for or the willing to seriously consider the significance of things which do not make sense within their cognitive map of the world).

​ Because of this, physicians frequently fail to recognize a pharmaceutical injury is occurring or believe a patient who claims an injury was linked to a pharmaceutical (particularly since medical education conveniently does not train doctors to recognize these injuries and simultaneously trains them to believe anything patients report that is not backed by science is “anecdotal” and most likely a spontaneous coincidence). This in turn leads to the tragic phenomenon of “medical gaslighting” (discussed further here) something many patients understandably find infuriating.​..

​..Much of the credibility of modern medicine arises from the mythology that it rescued us from the dark ages of infectious disease with vaccinations (when in reality that decline was entirely due to improved public sanitation). Because of this, attacking vaccination directly attacks a doctors identity and social status.

​ As a result, the medical profession will frequently go to extraordinary lengths to defend a bad vaccine they’ve endorsed—with the COVID-19 vaccines being one of the most absurd examples I’ve seen in my lifetime, but not by any means the first time this has happened.​..

​..Sat, Sept 14, 2pm: Hematologist [whose page has since been deleted] tells Alexis they will not treat her any further unless she is up-to-date on her vaccines. They gave her tetanus, meningitis and pneumonia all at once. She has had ZERO V’s with the exception of when she was a baby. 2 V’s in her left arm and 1 V in her right. Within 10-minutes post vaccines, she couldn’t move her arms and was blind in both eyes.

​ Within 10 minutes of the 3 vaccines which were given all at the same time, Alexis went temporarily blind in both eyes, had a locked jaw, began vomiting and then things went horribly downhill from there...

​..At this point, the hospital did nothing except put her on pain meds and benadryl, and eventually she put out a plea for help on TikTok to save her from the hospital because she was worried she was going to die that subsequently went viral (hence why I was contacted).

​ Without knowing anything beyond what was in that video, my immediate assessment was:

​ This is most likely immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) a condition where the immune system attacks its own platelets. This condition is quite rare (every year 3-4 out of 100,000 people develop it) and unlike most vaccine injuries, significant literature exists linking it to vaccination (including for the COVID-19 vaccines), which I believe is in part due to ITP being fairly rare so awknowledging it doesn’t disrupt the “safe and effective” narrative​...

​..Given that ITP is a known complication of stem cell transplants, it is again very strange that the hospital (a premier stem cell transplant center) did not recognize an extreme case of the disorder.

Once her limited labs were obtained, it was clear she had ITP, and that at least at the time, there was not a significant issue with her kidneys.​.. ​..Note: in her medical records, there are also numerous correspondences indicating that a nurse reported this critical platelet lab value to the doctor.

Additionally, beyond it being apparent from looking at her, her lab work showed she was having a lot of clots breaking down in her body...​ ..Since that time, this story has gone viral, Steve Kirsch sent his team to the hospital to help her and two subsequent interviews were conducted which showed how much Alexis is suffering. In the first interview (which you can view here), they shared a few key points:

•She came in hoping for a blood transfusion, but was told she could not have any more treatment unless she received the vaccines.

•The hospital has given conflicting messages about what vaccines she received (even though the nurse clearly told them which ones were being given).

•Alexis’s entire body is covered with the same hematomas you can see on her face and her body feels as though it is inflated. Additionally, she is in severe pain.

•The doctors have not treated her well (she claims some laughed at her, while another one stated they had never seen anything like this before) and that when she’s hit the call button for basic things she needs, it’s taken hours for nurses to get to her.

•The hospital is convinced this could not have been due to the vaccine, and instead was due to a Parvovirus infection (which a PCR test was positive for). Given that all or her symptoms started 10 minutes after the vaccines…that’s a bit of a stretch but no different from what Suzanne Humphries experienced.

•The tried to transport her out of the hospital but were unable to as she does not have the insurance to get care at another facility.​.. ..Conclusion

​ I am very hesitant to ascribe motives to people when I can’t read their minds, but in this case, assuming the facts as presented are true, my best guess is that the hospital’s response to Alexis was a combination of fear (especially once she mentioned “malpractice”), uncertainty and paralysis over her situation (e.g., the hematologist who pushed the vaccines on her disappeared), and provides an excellent illustration of why, if you have the choice, smaller rural hospitals rather than academic ivory towers are often much better to go to.

​ One of the more telling aspects of this story was the hospital threatening to sue Steve Kirsch for publishing Alexis’s medical records (which legally they can’t do), which in turn illustrates that the hospital’s focus is on protecting itself rather than the patient.​.. ​..One of the greatest challenges in getting people to believe vaccine injuries is that “evidence” for them doesn’t exist or it’s hard to appreciate the suffering the person is going through. What makes this case unique is that it visually apparent something is wrong (which hence allowed it to go viral) and the temporal relationship is almost impossible to deny. What’s important to remember is that in almost all vaccine injuries, that is not the case (which again illustrates why they frequently get swept under the rug).​

​..There is often minimal to no safety net available to you (e.g., you can’t sue anyone and the Federal compensation programs almost never pay out to the injured). Because of this, those injured are often forced to go to online fund raising platforms for their medical expenses (which often doesn’t works). In turn, one of the particularly cruel things that happened during the vaccine roll out is that Gofundme started deleting fundraisers for the COVID vaccine injuries because a lot of them went viral and they didn’t want to “spread vaccine hesitancy” by making people aware severe injuries were occurring.​


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too late for shoulds, Geezer.

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Barbarians! I called the operator at the hospital to say we're onto them and that they will ALL be held accountable. I let her know that I was calling from France and that I'm going to spread this around. I told her that I suspected they would block the lines, which would seal the criminality of their acts.

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PNH is Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria. It's where your immune system attacks red blood cells. Rare. NOT a good idea to give all these shots to her. Many stories similar to this with the COVID shots. People are in brittle health, they get the shot, and it just pushes them off the cliff. Think nursing homes. Think ANYONE with chronic conditions. Life unworthy of life is how the elites think.

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The lesson is NEVER take a vaccine for any reason.

Prayer is a great resource though…so let’s all pray for this dear girl!

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We are praying TO GOD, our CREATOR and SUSTAINER. He's REAL.

Not these scurrilous corporate hospitals that serve the idol behind the MEDICAL/PHARMACEUTICAL industry. Trust them at your own considerable risk

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Prayer, the vaccine for the helpless.

Sorry, both vaccines are placebos at best and ineffective and dangerous in the main.

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Go ahead, think you can do it on your own because you are all powerful? Just like you, the rest of Mankind has been going his way, doing it his way for ages and THIS IS THE RESULT.

This is the final stage of pride, arrogance and the way that looks good to people but the end thereof is Death

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Take care dear. Go and have a nice lie down.

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🙏praying for Alexis complete recovery

Pfizer is running ads promoting the stacking of COVID & flu vaccines (ad: “I have my s#!t together”)

children are also getting multiple vaccines at same office visit for school.

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Any "doctor" or nurse who gives any vaxxes, let alone multiple at a time, are complicit in murder.

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The monsters are out of control.

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monsters were never this bad.

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Our company is ramping up for a vaccine mobile unit to make sure everyone can access them. At the VERY least they aren't being pushed, maybe they understand the liability? I would sue 'em if they fired me for not getting one.

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I was fired March 1, 2021 for not putting a swab in my nose…after 23 years as an employee. A few months later, it would have been the jab.

Suing does nothing. I know people that are suing, and it’s money for the lawyers, not to mention years for a resolution (maybe).

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Yeah I think it would probably take a class action.

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I agree with you Mary, but here are the hard questions, no one ever asks, BEFORE this happens:

If they fire me, do I have the money to not only pay for the lawyers (might as well think a few hundred thousand off the bat, to just get things rolling), but continue to live my life (bills, food, healthcare, etc.).

What I tell people is start planning now and it should include talking to and educating your co-workers. Depending on the type and size of company you work for, the refusal and then walkout or forced firing of their entire staff (minus the managers - cause they always stay) would make an impact.

The larger the company and work force refusal/walkout, the better the chances are that you will be successful.

Remember, the lawsuits don't just happen because there are hundreds of lawyers out there waiting in the wings, to work pro bono. They may take years and cost millions and during all that time you still have to continue living the financial reality you are today.

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I wonder how the people who won did it?

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I think some use crowd sourcing, some enter class actions, and some get lucky.

Unfortunately there won’t always be altruistic lawyers out there, willing to spend years fighting the gov, or larger corporations. As such, I’ve told people that they should start donating to Alliance Defending Freedom. They actually do take cases pro bono for some of the woke crap people are being harmed/persecuted by and they rely on donations. https://adflegal.org/

Even if people get lucky and find a good, free, willing lawyer, being as prepared as possible, will help immensely.

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Thank you! This is a great resource. I think also just knowing who might broadcast one's case helps - like Peggy Hall, etc. I mean there are a lot of people out there with good sizesd followings who will raise awareness of individual cases.

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I agree, it’s one of the good things about sites like SS and even though I loathe social media, it would get someone’s story out there far, wide and quick.

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They’ll never stop.

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We are now dealing with a Mengele level psycho-sociopathological medical system. Doctors and nurses around the world are being paid to murder the population and government and media are complicit. This is a WAR and people need to respond appropriately NOW!

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These bloody people need to hang.

How dare they insist on vaccines against a patients wishes.

I hope Karma pays them a hard and brutal visit.

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Their heads are full of propaganda, and THAT'S why they are dangerous. Remember the COVID zealots who wanted to put you in a camp and force-vaccinate you? Same thing. "Normies" will always call the authorities on you in a heartbeat, so you comply just. like. them.

Always remember, most people you meet are FULL of television.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

"she received 3 vaccines meningitis, pneumonia, tetanus"

Some thoughts, on the weapons used in this attempted murder...

* Pneumonia or flu shot? Not that there is much difference -- poison is poison. However, at least marketing-wise, the "pneumonia" shot poison is reserved for juicing into the arms of grandma and grandpa -- the 65s and older. Or, did CDC's marketing recently change?

* Single tetanus shot? I believe there are no more single tetanus shots on the market -- that they were phased out years ago. So, for the "tetanus" jab, she received a DTAP 3-in-1 combo (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis) poison.

* Were these 3 vaxes she received all at once, "traditional-tech vaccines (poisons)"? Or, were they of the new fangled mRNA/nano-particle style? Meaning, is it possible that a reaction to the face like THAT (that type of purple face) -- depicted in these photos, could even happen, if those three+2=5 vaccines were of the "traditional-tech" poison formula?

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Yes about the triple vax tetanus shot. You have to request the single shot and keep insisting until you get it but why get any of it. Tetanus isn’t cured by a vaccination.

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They had no right to require her to take ANY Vaxxinations! Makes no difference if it a single or multiple combo vaxx…No is no and this woman’s medical rights were seriously violated. She did not receive ‘Informed consent’. She was already under serious medical threat with her blood disorder.

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Sep 17·edited Sep 17

FYI she also got meningitis and pneumonia right after the meningitis and pneumonia shots. She is very much in danger.

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Contemporary medical logic ...The patient is sick/Put some poison into them.

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It's money. Doctors and clinics get bonuses for how many jabs they can do.

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They are all poison. Eugenics. Genocide.

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Psychopathic poisoners..

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Why do people still go to these murderous concentration camps?

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apparently she needed a blood transfusion.

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And, what guarantee do we have that the blood supply is not already hopelessly tainted?

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compared to what?

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The nation's blood banks take blood donations without distinguishing vaxxed from unvaxxed donors, so its a crap shoot.

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My god. Everyone in that area should be at that hospital or the local police station demanding a massive investigation into these products. When there is no action taken, then there is no law at work at all.

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The DS takes our inaction as consent.

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We are seeing that aren't we. But a tipping point will happen and more minds will resonate with truth because the lies and the self denial are failing them.

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The docs and nurses are afraid to talk. The undertakers and embalmers are afraid to talk. The press is paid not to talk. Too many family members refuse to make the connection between the jabs and chronic illness and/or sudden death. The true horror of the situation is already distorted. Looks like truth-tellers in the military may lead the way.

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I think many.....many....are connecting the dots as they see illness and loved ones harmed, and medical system has no explanations? They are hiding all who see there is something terribly wrong and as the once religious followers of the "experts" now question, they seek out truth, explanations, facts they cannot get otherwise from their "experts." It's a much larger number than they are showing us. The bigger problem is courage, moral courage. They are afraid. May they see that silence will mean paying a much higher price than asking the right questions and not allowing them to dismiss and subvert with lies or paper mâché answers.

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She needs to do serious detox. Pain meds and other pharmaceutical products plus the food they give her will only make it worse.

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She can get better but she must get out of there. I know the doctors that can cure this.

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An Iatrogenic mess they’ve made. How awful. Shared.

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She's loaded up with nanotech. She needs disodium EDTA plus ascorbic acid STAT, to clear it out! The massive amount of EMF's in the hospital are wreaking havoc.

How much $ did the doctor and the hospital get for imposing tyrannical jabs?

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Any amount is too much.

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If this story and photo are real, a logical possibility is that she is experiencing effects of mercury poisoning. Many listed ingredients in vaccine products are known chelators (i.e., chemicals that "claw" - grab onto metals and move them around.) It looks like her body is attempting to detoxify toxic metals through the skin (to protect her kidneys and other vital organs.) Mercury poisoning may no longer appear in the medical lexicon, but it very much exists and its myriad expressions are given hundreds of other diagnostic labels. Physicians (and the rest of us) are blind to the reality of ongoing metal poisoning. When one consents to vaccination, one is actually consenting to purposeful poisoning and the redistribution of any metal stored in their tissue. Recovery requires elimination of any ongoing mercury exposure (i.e., amalgam extraction) and removal of any other metal including retainers, tattoos, piercings, etc to lesson the body burden. The intense damage to lips suggest that the mercury-vaporizing culprit is housed in the mouth, and the timing suggests that metal ions are interacting with one or more chelating vaccine ingredients.

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ooh. why tattoos?

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Some colors of ink contain metals: some blues contain cobalt; red ink historically contained mercury. I was looking into this when some family members began getting tattoos. Many of today's brands thought to be 'healthy ink' are marketed as 'vegetarian' or vegan' which fails to indicate whether or not there is a potentially toxic element. The peer reviewed studies look at 'sensitivity' of the individual and assume that any reaction is due to nickel in the needle. While nickel allergy is real and probably quite common, to ignore the ingredients in the product being injected ... Well, our society is not yet willing to look at the ingredients of products we inject. As a general rule, the brighter the ink color, the more likely there is a metal compound, but there are exceptions.

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May someone be able to save her life.

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What and why in bloody hell is the medical community in every damned western nation administering dangerous experimental jabs? We have this below for proof of the serious adverse side effects up to and including death from the fake jab!!!!!


If a murderer was shooting people down with a fully automatic weapon the logical action would be to disarm the murderer. The CYSTem would NOT allow the criminal to continue murdering innocent people. So what in bloody hell am I missing when the CYSTem itself is distributing a fake jab with dangerous side effects up to and including death?

Here is another case amongst the voluminous proof in the link!!!!! What am I missing???? I see sheeple lined up on city sidewalks to be shot full of deadly fake jabs.

Is insanity on the part of the jabbed normal and is the distribution of the dangerous jab that can kill legal?

Search "React19"

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They aren’t letting them “get away with it.” They are BEHIND it all and using the med facilities and doctors as shills for execution.

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also, we're all paying for it.

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I love your anger. we may ourselves be driven insane witnessing the abuse. what what what can we do?

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