This CIA, FBI person is clearly gay. Was the journalist also inclined?

Will this turn out to be another 'breaking news' story that will end up on the floor in the outhouse - like the 'big deal' Jordan phizer expose?

One thing for sure - your govt in the USA sure is a tricky deceptive bunch of (probable) traitors.

Will anyone actually do something about that?

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And what are the CIA and FBI doing to demonstrate they are good guys?

This story is disgusting, but sadly not surprising.

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Iā€™m shocked! Shocked I tell you!

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Pretty certain Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson are CIA assets.

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I think the CIA does extensive personality testing to ensure they recruit sociopaths for their case officers. They wouldn't want recruits who would have moral qualms about all the blackguard activities they will be involved in.

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When something comes out like this and reeks of being scripted like a CIA agent spilling the beans, know that it WAS likely planned this way. Alex takes one for the deep state with the Sandy Hook thing (I believe he is likely controlled opposition and has been for awhile), and then he gets paid back via a lawsuit! How niceā€¦.. Hey, thatā€™s my theory and Iā€™m sticking to it.

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The CIA is a thoroughly evil organization. The leading three-letter thuggish cabals need to be closed down forever for the good of humanity and planet earth.

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There are still "crisis actors" on Youtube ads pretending to be the parent of a child purportedly killed at the Sandy Hook site and asking for people to speak up and demand the banning of "assault rifles"...of course, Sandy Hook was an Obama era psyop designed to prop up the anti-2nd amendment agenda...Sandy Hook was clearly shown to be phony by James Fetzer soon after it happened....I guess Alex didn't want to use that evidence....

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A disgusting individual.

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I know what you mean, one would hope they wouldnā€™t be so pathetic and catty. But having read ā€œConfessions of an Economic Hitmanā€, I know they also hire people who are easily manipulated by either sex, money, or power. So maybe itā€™s not that surprising.

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Would it not be decent if we could have good guys in abundance who would bring down the bad guys instead of hiding in their mother's skirts (the good guys). We need the Marvel Team to turn the tables on these sob's. Need them (The Marvels) to fight outside the rules with ferocity. Send in Michael and his army. The two teams will sweep the planet clean of these varmants and scum. Bring down the fire and brimstone on the evil ones. They cannot be saved but through destruction...

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we better be entering end times or I will be entering end times

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2cents: Who is the "interviewer"? Why is the supposed agent divulging supposed "secrets" in a public place?

Smells of O'Keefe-style sensationalistic gotcha vids that catch tons of eyeballs and social media hype but change nothing, and go nowhere. Entertainment.

Good luck to AJ with the lawsuit--but is it really about the Handy Sook (intentional misspelling) affair?

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Sibel Edmonds, FBI whistleblower during 9/11, started an organization for whistleblowers. She has written that more than a few CIA agents who joined her organization told her how grateful they were to have the CIA to go to because otherwise they would have unleashed their sociopathic behavior on society. That at least working on behalf of the CIA they said they were able to channel their bad behavior into some form of patriotic service to the country.

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The lovely Gavin has all the affectations of a right pillow-biter, entertaining a rent boy, doesn't he?

Who knows what's real with these items?

After all the Jones' bogus trial, where he recanted on the Sandy Hook psyop; does he (Jones) still say it was a real mass shooting?

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"Our" Feral DC GrubMint "at work" Bureacrats, Polezi, and Contractors as well all living on the Fat of the Feral Piggy Bank, and Loving their Power to Subjugate the peasants.


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