Once again you have provided more information than I have gotten from any other source! Thank you!

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Another CIA MkUltra recruited assassin. Worked so well with Sirhan Sirhan & their RFK assassination so I guess they keep on using it.

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I’m sure you realize that Sirhan did not take the shots that killed RFK. Just wanted to set the record here.

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Yes, he was a patsy. Obviously, in a dazed state, under the influence of the powerful drugs the CIA has developed. Looks likely the previous Trump assassin also. So the FBI illegally cremated his body in a big hurry. Questionable also as to whether that bozo actually fired the shots at Trump.

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It wasn't that he was dazed but that he was under mind control. MKUltra. I guess that's what you mean. Same with Michael Chapman who shot John Lennon. Rather, THEY shot John Lennon. They shot John Lennon!!! F'ing psychopathic bastards!

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I've experienced MKUltra, powerful stuff. I was out of it for 3 days straight. I can't believe what they can do, it's almost magic, I still can't figure out how they do that. Implanted memories, scenarios playing through your brain like it was connected to a video feed. Really weird stuff, the weirdest. I would call it sci-fi if I hadn't experienced it first hand.

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MKUltra is misdirection.

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Looking at the reports coming in, this case doesn't look like an MKUlra job. More likely just a DemonRat kook, nutball. The idiot actually supported the Ukraine proxy war with Russia. What a dimwit.

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If you’re being partisan, you’ve already lost the plot.

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That doesn't make any sense. Quit the gibberish.

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Said the person who literally typed “DemonRat.” Log off, fool.

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Dumbass. Who said I wasn't partisan? DemonRat stands. The gibberish part is your "lost the plot" claim, which makes zero sense whatsoever. Learn to think rationally, I know it hurts and your brain may get sore, but it will adapt with practice.

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Exhaust the masses with ever more chaotic and nonsensical events that are never solved, resolved. Get the public to give up on trying to get to truth and let them make a habit of doing so. Your lives are out of your control now permanently.

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Chaos. People find it very hard to live with a lot of chaos. Tucker has spoken of this.

Has the last 4-5 years mostly been a psyop?

To get authoritarian rule in the US, and to (at least) "mitigate" our Civil Rights such that fewer people will speak up over BAD IDEAS (like our present INVASION of "diversity") and the deliberate IMO culture "shock".

Of all of the results after 5 long years of whatever you want to call a "post covid world", national division is one significant result. The division is binary, even though we had other Presidential candidates running also. "Liberals" against "conservatives"

I definitely recognize the "othering" of conservatives. With the vast bulk of the government belonging to the "democrat" party, I can see a situation where they would like to get conservatives into the "bad guys" and move this conflict from politics into law enforcement. And I suppose (with a lot of FBI "help") that somebody the MSM can label as "conservative" is likely to do something bad (like McVey did in the Oklahoma bombing) and that would set the new "attitude". They got that (obviously) liberal Crooks labeled as "conservative", and just like the "fine people" hoax, many people, even now, consider Crooks "conservative". MSM knows that Crook is no conservative, but regardless, Crooks is being used as a "building block" to be painted as a "conservative" domestic terrorist, a part of a "conservative uprising" (Christian nationalism" and "white nationalism" is the "suit" that is being made for US. That Crooks doesn't fit this role is a minor detail, which is "fixed" by enough repetition of the lies to the public. They want a "preponderance of evidence" to be building up with the "narrative" builders, the MSM and the CIA.

People are self separating into their own "binary" groups.

If Trump manages to assume office, a big change needs to happen with the CIA. I dont know if it's deliberate, but they KEEP doing stuff that is making the rest of the world consider that the US is at war with them. I know, there is no "friendship" only "interests" between nations (or groups of nations like BRICS) The inflation of our money and ABUSE of the present "reserve currency" is getting people to turn away from the US. I guess it's just more of the division desired (both between us in the US as well as the US and other nations)

Our weakness and division is desired and financed and led (IMO) by globalists and their allies in the CCP.

Good book is "covid-19 and the Global Predators: we are the Prey" by Breggin pretty much laid of of this out in 2020. I need to finish the book, it seems so necessary to understand what's "going on"

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In other words, gaslighting all of us into a permanent state of "who gives a F" . . . let the big top show proceed.

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They are taking the piss out of the demographic that knows.

They think it's hilarious, they know we are ineffective because they know the majority has no capacity for the suspension of disbelief.

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Once you know it’s all scripted, it makes things easier.

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I still say, "we're watching a movie", it's all scripted.

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That tipping point is coming and if they are flooding our country with people that are also victims of these pirates who destroyed their land and forced them to migrate, may they know to side with the people because the end is the same for all if they do not.

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Yes a psyop.

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Yes a psyop.

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Fabulous. And IMHO the past few centuries certainly, and probably millennia, have been mostly a psyop.

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Exactly. This is truly what is happening. They have been on an endless feedback loop with these "events" since 9/11 at least.

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This ⬆️

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Right! you're wrong, I mean yes, you're not. Hello Cornpop ..

Who am I ..has anyone seen my propellor cap?

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Fucking mind blowing right?

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Did any of the alleged events actually happen? AFAIK, the "incident" was all from the description by the LEO (FBI?) at the quick press con.

Oh, and please be mindful that the FBI and the SS "did everything perfectly" and are "fabulous" and "fantastic". (Actual words at press CON).

Waste of time getting anyone's attention yet again. Even mine.

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Remember the 1997 Barry Levinson film, Wag the Dog? Watch the trailer to refresh your memory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=steA_PZPkc8

Wag the dog definition - The tail wagging the dog is an idiom that usually refers to something important or powerful being controlled by something less so. Its earliest use is in the 1858 play Our American Cousin. The 1997 film Wag the Dog shortened the phrase and added the additional meaning of "superfluous (military) action in order to distract from domestic scandal." (Merriam Webster)

Our American Cousin. The same play Lincoln was watching when he was shot.

Love reading everyone's comments. Reminds me of the 5 blind men and the elephant parable.

In the play, Les Miserables, there is a song that goes like this,

"Look down, and see the beggars at your feet

Look down and show some mercy if you can

Look down and see

The sweepings of the streets

Look down, look down,

Upon your fellow man!"

Yes, it is vitally important to help others. As Victor Hugo said, "To love is to act." However, we cannot get free from a trap as long as we are busy helping others who have been wounded and stuck.

The best comment is from Ronda: "What way out of this mess do you see??"

She correctly sees that we are stuck in a repeating trap. I think, if you start to look up instead of down, you can start to see the loop on repeat:

Trump wins debate.

They try to kill him.

Look here, not there.

Here are some questions to help jog us out of the mind control. That is their main weapon against us. Confuse, trick, distract.

Who is the enemy?

How does the enemy control and manipulate us?

How was Truman controlled and manipulated in the Truman Show?

How did he break out of it?

Notice the loops and glitches in the matrix. That is how you find your way out of Plato's cave.

What we are watching is flickering shadows on the wall of the cave. The tail wagging the dog.

A few more questions:

Are Kamala's rallies and appearances real?

Has any of that been faked?

Who would fake an assassination attempt?

Why would they do that?

In the movie, Wizard of Oz, how did Dorothy wake up to the truth?

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​ Is the possibility of a World War real?​ by Serge Marchand , Thierry Meyssan​ April 9, 2024

​ Atomic war is possible. World peace hangs on the finger of the United States, blackmailed by Ukrainian "integral nationalists" and Israeli "revisionist Zionists". If Washington doesn’t deliver weapons to massacre the Russians and Gazans, they won’t hesitate to launch Armageddon.

​ The wars in Ukraine and Gaza have led several leading politicians to compare the current period with the 1930s, and to raise the possibility of a World War. Are these fears justified, or are they just fear-mongering? ...​

..First, let’s distinguish between the conflicts in Eastern Europe and the Middle East. They have only two things in common:

They represent no significant stakes in themselves, but a defeat for the West, which, after its defeat in Syria, would mark the end of its hegemony over the world.

​ They are fueled by a fascist ideology, that of Dmytro Dontsov’s Ukrainian "integral nationalists" [1] and that of Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky’s Israeli "revisionist Zionists" [2]; two groups that have been allies since 1917, but went underground during the Cold War and are unknown to the general public today.

​ There is, however, one notable difference between them:

​ The same fury is visible on both battlefields, but the "integral nationalists" sacrifice their own fellow citizens (there are hardly any able-bodied men under thirty left in the Ukraine), while the "revisionist Zionists" sacrifice people who are foreign to them, Arab civilians.

​ Is there a risk that these wars will become more widespread?

​ This is the will of both groups. The "integral nationalists" are constantly attacking Russia inside its territory and in Sudan, while the "revisionist Zionists" are bombing Lebanon, Syria and Iran (more precisely, Iranian territory in Syria, since the Damascus consulate is extra-territorialized). But no one responds: not Russia, Egypt or the Emirates in the first case, nor Hezbollah, the Syrian Arab Army or the Revolutionary Guards in the second.

​ All of them, including Russia, anxious to avoid a brutal retaliation from the "collective West" that would lead to a World War, prefer to take the blows and accept their deaths.

​ If war were to become widespread, it would no longer be simply conventional, but above all nuclear...

​..In addition to the five permanent members of the Security Council, India, Pakistan, North Korea and Israel have strategic atomic bombs. All except Israel see them as a means of deterrence.

​ The Western media also present Iran as a nuclear power, which Russia and China officially deny.

​ During the Yemen war, Saudi Arabia bought tactical nuclear bombs from Israel and used them, but it does not seem to have them permanently at its disposal, nor to have mastered the technique.

​ Only Russia regularly conducts Nuclear War exercises. During last October’s exercises, Russia admitted to losing a third of its population in the space of a few hours, then simulated combat and emerged victorious.

​ Ultimately, all the nuclear powers have no intention of firing first, as this would undoubtedly lead to their destruction. The exception is Israel, which seems to have adopted the "Sa​mson doctrine" ("Let me die with the Philistines"). It would thus be the only power to imagine the ultimate sacrifice, the "Twilight of the Gods", dear to the Nazis...

​..Two critical works have been devoted to the Israeli military atom: The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear Arsenal and American Foreign Policy by Seymour M. Hersh (Random House, 1991) and Israel and the Bomb by Avner Cohen (Columbia University Press, 1998).

​ The military atom was never envisaged as a classic form of deterrence, but as an assurance that Israel would not hesitate to commit suicide to kill its enemies rather than be defeated. This is the Masada complex [3]. This way of thinking is in line with the "Hannibal Directive", according to which the IDF must kill its own soldiers rather than let them become prisoners of the enemy [4].

​ During the Six-Day War, the Israeli Prime Minister, the Ukrainian Levi Eshkol, ordered one of the two bombs Israel had at its disposal at the time to be prepared and detonated near an Egyptian military base on Mount Sinai. This plan was not carried out, as the IDF quickly won the conventional war. Had it gone ahead, the fallout would have killed not only Egyptians, but Israelis too [5].

​ During the October 1973 war (known in the West as the "Yom Kippur War"), the Defense Minister, the Ukrainian-born Israeli Moshe Dayan, and the Prime Minister, the Ukrainian Golda Meir, again considered the use of 13 atomic bombs...​

..In 2009, Martin van Creveld, Israel’s chief strategist, declared: "We have several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can reach our targets in all directions, even Rome. Most European capitals are potential targets for our air force (...) The Palestinians must all be expelled. The people fighting for this goal are simply waiting for "the right person at the right time" to come along. Only two years ago, 7 or 8% of Israelis thought this would be the best solution, two months ago it was 33%, and now, according to a Gallup Poll, the figure is 44% in favor.​ [early April 2024]

​ So it’s reasonable to assume that no nuclear power, except Israel, will dare commit the irreparable...

..It is very likely that this is the reason why Washington continues to arm Israel, even though it is calling for an immediate ceasefire: if the United States no longer supplies Tel Aviv with weapons to massacre the Gazans, the latter could use nuclear weapons against all the peoples of the region, including the Israelis...

​..On February 19, 2022, Ukrainian President Voloymyr Zelensky announced at the annual Munich Security Conference that he would challenge the Budapest Memorandum in order to rearm his country with nuclear weapons. Five days later, on February 24, 2022, Russia launched its special operation against the Kiev government to implement Resolution 2202. Its top priority was to seize Ukraine’s secret and illegal reserves of enriched uranium. After eight days of fighting, the civilian nuclear power plant at Zaporijjia was occupied by the Russian army.​

According to Argentina’s Rafael Grossi, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, who spoke three months later on May 25 at the Davos Forum, Ukraine had secretly stored 30 tons of plutonium and 40 tons of uranium at Zaporijjia. At market prices, this stockpile was worth at least $150 billion. Russian President Vladimir Putin declared: "The only thing [Ukraine] lacks is a uranium enrichment system. But that’s a technical question, and for Ukraine it’s not an insoluble problem". However, his army had already removed a large part of this stock from the plant. Fighting continued for months. If the integral nationalists had still had them, they would have done what the "revisionist Zionists" are doing today: they would have demanded more and more weapons and, if refused, threatened to use them, i.e. to launch Armageddon.​

Back to today’s battlefields. What are we seeing? In Ukraine and Palestine, the West continues to provide the "integral nationalists" and, to a lesser extent, the "revisionist Zionists" with an impressive arsenal. However, they have no reasonable hope of getting the Russians to back down, or of massacring all the Gazans. At worst, they can lead their allies to empty their arsenals, sacrifice all Ukrainians of fighting age and diplomatically isolate the puppet-state of Israel. As Moshe Dayan once said, "Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to control".

​ Let’s imagine that these apparently catastrophic consequences are in fact their goal.

​ The world would then be divided in two, as it was during the Cold War, except that Israel would have become uninviting. In the West, the Anglo-Saxons would still be the masters, especially as they would be the only ones with weapons, their allies having exhausted theirs in Ukraine. Israel, isolated as it was in the late 70s and early 80s when it was only really recognized by the apartheid regime of South Africa, would still be fulfilling the mission it was originally entrusted with: to mobilize the Jewish diaspora in the service of the Empire, fearing a new wave of anti-Semitism.

​ This bleak vision is the only one that can keep the Anglo-Saxons from collapsing, and ensure that they will always have vassals, even if this will bear little relation to their power in the days of the "global world". This is why they have placed themselves in the current inextricable situation. The "integral nationalists" and "revisionist Zionists" are blackmailing them, but they intend to manipulate them to divide the world in two and preserve what they can of their supremacy.​ https://www.voltairenet.org/article220708.html

​ Seven Days After Israeli Forces Kill American, Biden and Harris Haven’t Spoken to Victim’s Family

And any Israeli “investigation” apparently hasn’t even reached out to other eyewitnesses.​ https://zeteo.com/p/seven-days-after-israeli-forces-kill

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dr. john, meyssan says the saudis bought israeli nukes and used them??? he's been a reliable source but this is the first i've heard of it. do we have evidence?

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That was also my immediate question when I read it this morning, but I have no answer for us yet.

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See if you can find a propeller cap...

Wearing mine always keep me on the right track.

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I had one as a kid, but discovered that it was all show and no go...


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You obviously didn't know how to drive it. ;-p

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Real ..but too wordy.

It's even thrown the "God and Jesus is the Answer" crew into stasis.

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I’m 61 years old and I don’t believe a damn thing anymore. FJB!

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This is the right track. Look up, not down.

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Good news then ..you might only be 31 years old.

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My wife and I constantly wish we were much older. 25 years more of this is going to be insufferable.

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Old age and Demetia is the only cure.

Hang in there. ;-p

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He was also in a Blackrock commercial, just like the last ‘assassin’. Coincidence, I’m sure.


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Whoop there it is !

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Hmmm. The end is coming. The world is wrong as it was foretold it right would become wrong. Meanwhile I'm going to remain objective and ponder the endless tactics that may be used to keep America and the world distracted while the NWO has things going on that could surrender our sovereignty. Look at the hand while we sign your life away

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Although not that knowledgeable about the differences between different models of rifles, having once considered myself a fairly good shot, and having shot an M16 very accurately back in the late 60s, when I was in the military, the first thing I look at when evaluating a failed assassination attempt is the weapon that was employed. In this case, it was an AK-47 and it is reported that Trump was 300 to 500 yards distant from the assassin, Ryan Wesley Routh.

A quick search of "How accurate is an AK-47" tells me "An accurately built AK-47 can typically engage targets effectively up to 300 yards, but individual shooting skills can greatly influence this range." - https://thegunzone.com/what-is-the-most-accurate-ak-47/ and "...Due to its loose tolerances, the AK isn’t known for surgical accuracy. It will group 6 inches or so at 100 yards, with a maximum effective range of about 300 yards. For the AK’s design and purpose, this was deemed good enough." - https://gundigest.com/rifles/ar-15/which-is-the-right-choice-ar-15-vs-ak-47

Consequently, my initial thought is that Ryan Wesley Routh wasn't that knowledgeable and/or serious about assassinating Trump. If he had been, I would have thought, he would have acquired a bona fide sniper rifle for a one shot kill. Ten or so years ago, at breakfast with a bunch of guys, I asked one of them who sold firearms how much a good sniper rifle cost. He replied, "$5,000 or more". So I would expect that cost would now be at least double, but still affordable by a serious assassin.

Therefore, I doubt Routh was a serious assassin, especially when he was considering mercenary work in Ukraine and was allegedly aiming to assassinate a former and now again potential President of the United States. His choice of firearm just doesn't make sense.

We'll see what the illustrious executive administration federal law enforcement agency has to tell us. (-:

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There are endless modular upgrades one can do on an AK-47 to increase accuracy, for less than $1000 total.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Yes. I've read about those; but, if the standard AK-47's grouping at 100 yards is around 6 inches, and that is with the rifle fixed in position on a stand, there's only so much one can do because of its inherent design limitations, unless you can find one that's designed and manufactured with tighter tolerances. I understand there may be a few of those. - However, I can open sight a grouping much, much smaller than that from a prone position with many other rifle models, including the M16.

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Yeah—it could be an SKS. The SKS is battle rifle while the AK-47 is an “assault rifle”. That’s the short answer. Off the shelf, I believe the SKS is a better long-range weapon. The main advantage of an AK is its reliability—it can take a real beating and still fire. The lower tolerances that make it durable can also make it less accurate. (Again: short answer!) If this were a firearms forum I’d get folks correcting me left and right.

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Yes...I made the error once of saying "clip" instead of "magazine" on a forum with a few combat vets on it.. Caught a lot of grief.... Had one combat vet tell me I wasn't a "vet", but he "forgave me". I am a veteran (Vietnam Era), but not a combat vet. I was deployed to S. Korea. A few combat vets apparently don't know that "veteran" status depends whether you served during a declared war, not on whether you were in active combat. I can understand why some think that way...big difference.

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You said “clip”??? Hoo boy—that’s a big no-no in those forums!!!

A veteran is any ex-military. We all served. Apparently, I’m a “Cold War” veteran. I actually qualify for a Cold War medal!

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Why is it a no-no? There are plenty of rifles around which can be loaded with clips. In fact, if that was an SKS in that photo of the latest assassination attempt on Trump, that rifle's 10 round internal magazine can be loaded with up to a 10-round stripper clip. See the photos at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SKS and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stripper_clip

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Yeah ..some children playing soldiers never grow up do they?

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Sep 16·edited Sep 17

WWI, WWII, the Korean War, and Vietnam were different in that many men were drafted into the military for these foreign wars. Realistically, they didn't have much of a choice. I don't know what the alternatives were during WWI, WWII and the Korean War; but, during Vietnam, you might get a student or medical deferment if you were fortunate, or you might not. A lot of men opted to enlist rather than be drafted. During WWII this might save you from infantry combat on the front lines, but not from being close to the war. My dad ended up in charge of a radar unit in Africa. During Vietnam, being drafted almost assured you heading to Vietnam, but if you were fortunate and had a non-combat skill, you might not be constantly in combat. I enlisted in the Air Force and trained in Chinese Mandarin and in the Korean language, which is partially why I ended up in South Korea rather than Vietnam. But, I do know many drafted soldiers who ended up in the Army, fighting in the jungles of Vietnam, many of whom returned with PTSD, which is very debilitating. These guys weren't "playing soldier"; they were trying to not be killed in a war started by our military for no good reason, but by a lie propagated by our country.

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Barrel & trigger upgrades, for starters, can tighten up those groups a lot.

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Thanks. Do may people do that; and, if so, why? I would think that it would be wiser to simply purchase a good AR-15 which is inherently much more accurate.

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There are as many opinions on this matter as there are options! BTW, I just saw a very blurry photo of the gun he supposedly used—it actually looks like an M14, which is an excellent weapon right out of the box! But the photo is too blurry to say with any confidence.

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Now there are others saying the rifle is an SKS. Guess we'll have to wait... (-:

Experts say Trump's would-be assassin had an SKS, not an AK-47. What's the difference?



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Of course it's a second assassination attempt. The same bullet that clipped Donald Trump's ear killed a man standing behind him and from what I read in the New York Post, this nutbag's gun protruding from the bushes was spotted by an alert secret service sniper who immediately opened fire on him. Maxwell Yearick (look him up in Reuters fact check), present in Butler on J13, was also a Ukraine (and Antifa) vet.

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Why do these alleged "assassins" associated with the most prominent victims (as written or talked about in media) almost always have 3 names:

John Wilkes Booth

James Earl Ray

Lee Harvey Oswald

Ryan Wesley Routh - oh, and Thomas Matthew Crooks (added on edit)

(Exception- Sirhan Sirhan; is the repeat a different symbology?)

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I think they’re their middle names. The press uses them to make it sound more sensational.

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Exactly. Trying to get to "Billy Joe Bob" <g>

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Um.... most people have 3 names. It's a way to identify between one John Smith and another.

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Maybe it's just to identify the alleged perpetrator more specifically so that someone with the same first and last name is not confused for the alleged perpetrator? "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

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Except nowadays, most cigars are not just cigars.

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Also John Hinckley Jr.

Three words. I wonder if it’s because 3 names are harder to remember.

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3 is also consider whole/union as in the holy trinity...

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Another joker straight out of Langley Central Casting. Gimme a break. Trump's a clown.

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Correct. But who is in control of central casting now?

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We’ll never know exactly.

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Or maybe we're about to find out. Some of us already know.

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The usual cabal. Their last names generally begin with an "R".

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I am actually thinking that the United States of America has become a Blackrock Pump and Dump. They are going to ruin the entire country so they can take all the real estate and then, using their own private armies, they will turf off the undesirables. Meanwhile all our foolish friends say, "That's misinformation," or 'you gotta help the immigrants' or some other feel-good slogan as they eat sand.

What's the common denominator? Black Rock.

Satanic death cult or aliens harvesting humans--that's maybe that's the same thing--is the other alternative. But truly--I think it's BlackRock and a network of willing accomplices.

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I agree with your assessment. Clearly, America has become "Blackrock Pump and Dump," a Satanic death cult. Advertising (which I have always hated (even as a young man) has become an utter horror show, Blackrock-imposed America-as-multicultural-global-transhumanist-transexual-transgressive-anti-"white"/Christian inversion-ville. And it's happened overnight. What is this insanity?

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But it hasn't happened overnight. It's been a long time coming. I would argue that bankers began leveraging the country before the Civil War and that they have been steadily increasing their power ever since. Bankers are behind the scenes at the Russian Revolution and the two World Wars which served to virtually re-shape all the power structures. The introduction of the UN and the IMF fueled the process. So did the eradication of the gold standard as well as the rise of credit.

When I was a kid--and I'm not that old--there were no credit cards. Imagine that.

Debt has created fear--erosion of the wages via inflation and debt--creates dependent and scared people who don't want to rock the boat. It leads to depression and anti-depressants and to the break-up of marriages.

September 11th was more than devastating. It increased the surveillance state--and the surveillance state sells our information making us more targeted and identifiable.

It's all of a piece. BlackRock may not have planned it ALL, but they see the situation and their job is to know how to leverage it--and they are.

This insanity is their business model.

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There are 2 possibilities in my mind: 1) none of this is real and this has been The Truman Show the whole time, and 2) the whole country has been slipped a mickey with the vaccines and the air spraying and stuff and we’re all tripping and only a few of us can get sea legs in this environment due to underlying cognitive fortitude and deep experience with altered states. At the end I have to conclude that I don’t know, which is the answer I’ve always had to accept, just a good bit weirder now. If it is #2, and I’m real in a real poisoned world that is degrading in front of me, then I wonder how much longer I can hang on. I mean, I think I still know what I know and what I don’t, but if you’re gone, how could you be sure about that? Lol. “You think you’ll drive me crazy. You and whose army?” Naomi Wolf said it a few months ago: survival of the weirdest.

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we're so dependent on others not losing their minds or lying to us. we must actively practice discernment without paranoia.

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The country was slipped a mickey when it was propagandized to enter WWI (Lusitania) and WWII (Pearl Harbour, after many attempts by FDR to antagonize the Germans -- Hitler didn't bite). Both wars were completely unpopular with American citizens, until the false flags.

And both wars were fought because the Germans were an honourable people who had no need of being within the Anglo-Judeo monetary system. I added the 'anglo' to soften the statement.

The Anglo-Judeans have been Satanists for a long time. That's why everything major in our society, from wars, to vaccines to climate are massive hoaxes. Since the jews can't create anything, they have to keep us working on make-work projects.

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LOL, Routh was in a Blackrock commercial, like Crooks also was. These psyops are getting sloppier and sloppier.

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It may be intentional, too. Elites like to communicate openly to demonstrate their power and control to each other, I hear.

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