As a European, I still don't get this Democrat/Republican (Communism/Fascism) angst-debate in America; it's a red herring to keep the masses busy, while the real threat is sneaked in largely unnoticed.

Both Democrat/Republican (Communism/Fascism) are authoritarian, and increasingly so. The real debate is the centralisation vs decentralisation of power, coupled with how that power is exercised (Top-Down Authoritarianism vs Localised Right to Self-Determination).

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Joshua: No it is not. I can't "argue" with you if you do not read Juri Lina, study the history of the central bank and their powers, and the illuminists. Some key concepts:

Sinking of Titanic, murder of bankers who opposed it

Federal Reserve


Overthrow of Tsar Nicholas ll and murder of his family and other, preceded by many other assassinations, tightly coordinated

"Bolshevik Revolutution" (Anthony Sutton in 1970s documented Wall St. funded it.)

B'Nai Brith (Masonic order, trained the "revolutionaries" including "Trotsky" and "Lenin" in NYC to foment revolution, kill Tsar, destroy Russia.

Occult roots of "fascism" and "communism." No argument. Wings of a bird. What bird?

Occult Masonic Illuminist Central Bank NWO bird of birds.

Causing all wars, funding all sides, assassinating all who opposed primarily their MONEY schemes, for hundreds of years, culminating in Middle East (now) to spark WW3 and usher in (they hope) One World Government.

Juri Lina is linked in the post. He's not American, he's Estonian.

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You mention Juri Lina's work "Architects of Deception". The preceding "Under the Sign of the Scorpion" is also excellent, as is Nesta Webster's "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements" which Juri cites in his works.

All three works however clearly point to Jews (obviously not "all Jews") as the group which controls Freemasonry, Wall street / City of London / banking, Bolshevism etc. And it is certainly the case that historically, and even today at least within the politically influential Chabad Lubavitch, there have been and are many rabbis who openly talk about killing and enslaving all of mankind.

I realize you are Jewish yourself and wondered what your perception/take on these allegations is?

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I am happy to answer this. I can't deny something if it's clearly true. It is clearly true we have a huge problem with Talmudic Judaism, Masonry—all the things Lina and others document, as you say. I never read anything by Lina that I reject because of coming from a Jewish family on my father's side. At the same time, I think true Judaism is moral and good, has a profound beauty. Except…it means nothing to me as it rejects Christ.

But this Mason stuff…It's like…Kabbalistic…."dark Judaism," right? There is also dark Christianity. One could write tomes just about the Jesuits (and Malachi Martin did.) Many dark forces, creeps, villains, pedophiles, and various demonic entities join together in essential occultism. Rejection of the light, rejection of God. I don't mean to deflect. In essence, I think: Masons (including Jewish, a majority perhaps?) and Jesuits, and Illuminists, Satanists, Atheists, whatever they all are…this problem would not go away if Jews went away. I love Jews, as in the culture, the people, the PEOPLE, but this weird stuff…who can say where it stems from? Like the British Monarchy, sick as anything. Satanic pedophilia…well documented. They're not Jewish. Fauci is not. Gates is not. Stalin was not. Hitler was not. You know who really owns the world? Sweden.

The Wallenbergs. Now—are they Swedish, primarily, or Jewish, primarily?

I'm a little air headed from not eating all day. Let me try again later to answer your question.

I don't "hate" Jews, I know that. I love Jews, often. I don't know what it means to identify as one—I grew up with my mother, a single mother, Swedish, with no Jewish structure or education or identity.

What Jews do we mean? Osip Mandelstam, or Jeffrey Epstein?

That's the scale.

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Thank you for responding. It's a difficult subject to talk about because it has been so "tabooed".

Various thoughts:

(1) Hitler possibly was Jewish by the way or at least the illegitimate grandson of the Austrian Baron Rothschild (go figure!). This is according to Hansjuergen Koehler (real name reportedly Walter Korodi, a senior SS officer who had the job of covering it up), and was purportedly the reason for Dolfuss' (Austrian chancellor) death. See https://trove.nla.gov.au/newspaper/article/98241616, or Koehler/Korodi's book "Inside the Gestapo". Another rabbit hole you can dive down if you want to.

(2) Loyola was from a Jewish converso family. Given that the Jews in Spain had been advised to pretend that they were Christians (letter from the Grand Sanhedrin in 1492) and "make your sons canons and clerics in order that they may destroy their churches." it is entirely possible, perhaps even likely, that the Jesuits were the result of Jewish infiltration of the Christian church.

(3) Adam Weishaupt (Bavarian professor of philosophy, founder of the Illuminati for anyone who doesn't know) received funding from the Rothschilds.. Marx essentially plagiarized communism from Illuminism eighty or so years later - although even prior to Weishaupt the Jesuits had been using a similar system to oppress the native population in Paraguay.

My working assumptions are that:

- occult groups are organized in a series of circles, inner circles both deceiving and manipulating/controlling circles outside themselves, with the outer circles often believing that they are the inner circle and unaware even of the existence of circles inisde themselves.

- Jews exclusively form the inner circle of the occult system which currently rules the world, and the goal of the current system is Jewish domination of the world

- the Kabbalah forms the core belief system for all occult groups.

So - I believe you are wrong in one sense. Our current problems would likely diminish and perhaps disappear if the Jews went away. Of course evil wouldn't disappear, and no doubt some other evil would eventually plot similarly (as Sauron eventually replaced Morgoth) - but lacking a guiding hand, and direct control of key societal cogs (media, banking, law) and in most cases unaware of the true destination, masons would no longer cleave together with a unity of purpose, and nor would the purpose be the same although they would still do much harm as a result of their evil belief system.

Another question is whether the Talmud and Kabbalah were grafted onto a "good Judaism", or whether Judaism - even the Torah - is essentially destined for evil owing to some internal seed of destruction. I don't know the answer to that, but we agree that the Talmud/Kabbalah are evil for certain.

One area where we definitely agree entirely is that many Jews and probably all non-Jewish masons) are deceived about the ultimate goals of their groups. Of course the same is true of Scientologists (another ultimately Kabbalah-inspired cult).

Oh - and one final point - atheism is Satanism I think. Satan did not demand to be worshipped, he just tempted people away from God, and to become as Gods themselves. Sounds like atheism to me.

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@ Horace

Correction: When Satan tempted Christ in the wilderness:

And the devil said to Him, "I will give you all this domain and its glory, for it has been handed over to me, & I will give it to whomever I wish. Therefore, if you worship before me, it shall all be yours." Luke 4:6-7

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There was a racialist myth in the 1980s and 1990s in Spain about the Basques. The myth was they were of a different race, as proved by the blood type. That opened the path to some people speculating that the Basques actually are the real Jews, the only ones who can trace genealogy back to the time before the Roman conquest, and other people speculated that the Basques actually came to Earth from one of the moons of planet Jupiter.

This also created some tension. Some Basques used to endorse the racist ideas of the late 1800s, and they saw themselves as the only pure white race, and claimed the Sephardic Jews were not real Jews because their skin is darker, because they mixed up with the Iberians, who were seen as inferior hirsute animals of dark skin and low intelligence. The problem with that is that the Basques from 500 years ago, some of whom became Jesuits, were not as white as the racists Nationalists of the late 1800s would like them to be.

It's incredible that all this nonsense is taught to children all their schooling lives. Like the Nazis did.

By the way, the "National" day of the Basque Nationalists is Easter Sunday. No joke. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aberri_Eguna

And the modern Basque language was invented as part of a political movement, not unike the modern Hebrew language.

And the Basque terrorists were proud Marxists.

They were not capitalists, nor liberals, nor Christians, nor anything else but Marxists. And probably trained by "Americans." And these Marxist Basque Terrorists also assisted in the training of "muslim" terrorists in Africa and in Central America and South America.

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That's interesting. But I think you have a point somewhere which I might have missed. Can you clarify for someone not smart enough to figure out what you're trying to say...?

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Hi Celia, you may be interested in perusing Miles W. Mathis website. He does deep dives into the genealogy of all the players you just mentioned and many more. You may be surprised at what he has found in his extensive research.

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GR8 (great) except one very little known "fact". It was the Olympic, not Titanic that lays on the bottom.

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ah yes. Indeed.

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wow, another switcheroo by courtesan historians?

Tell us more, please.

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Here you go my friend:-


John Hamer is the go-to on the fake Titanic story.

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Listened to Hamer, but there was/is a URL showing the sunken Olympic with the warped Titanic nameplate.

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John Hamer is to truth what Mike Tyson is to heavyweight boxing.

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Absolutely fascinating

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yes but both 'sides' are always funded by then illuminists/satanists for everything from war to social chaos... from what I have read, and matthew north exposed much of ths in hs work: https://www.bitchute.com/video/zCGlJ396k9RX. and he was murdered 5 years ago for t, God Love fearless truth seekers.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply. I am aware many of the points you mention, especially the history of the 1913 Federal Reserve Act - and money supply as a huge aspect of controlling events. As you noted, until that changes, nothing much else CAN change. The name Juri Lina is new to me; thank you for the link.

One of my poems on substack tries to address the big picture, coming to you from next-door, Portugal; :) {https://joshuabondpoetry.substack.com/p/systemic-tragedy}

By the way, I read most of your postings, and am very grateful for the work that you do.

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Joshua I appreciate the chance to sort of…clarify my thinking. I don't have it all sewn up but it's beginning to come together. I will read your poem.

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"clarify my thinking" ... I think that's what most writers are doing ... it's way of processing our experiences, and trying to understand them.

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Celia, Thanks for this rich post! PANIC is upon them. My most devout fervent Democrat friend, works for all local campaigns, just sent this: "Hi, folks. The Capitol's phone number is 202-224-3121. Please consider calling today and ask to be connected to Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Hakeem Jeffries or any Congressperson or Senator including the House member or Senator that represents you and give a heartfelt plea that Biden step aside. He lost his train of thought multiple times last night and I agree with the urgent concerns that we can't depend on him to consistently, effectively campaign." You don't say?

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Bibi, wow, thank you! I am enjoying their panic, and plan to keep enjoying it all day. And tomorrow…:)

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A 4th Obama term will be best puppeted by who, now?

Mi-Chelle, Mi-Chelle, Mi-Chelle!

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It won't be Michelle. I don't think. It could be Hakeem Jeffries. Possibly Newsome. Some other loathesome candidate. But not her.

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Loathsome candidate #3: Gretchen Whitmer.

Advantages: 1) it looks like a woman. 2) all the trans psychopaths want to look like her. 3) white voters will suffer an apoplexy: if they don't vote for her, they're racists and sexists, if they do vote for her, they're also racists and sexists.

He who lives by propaganda will die by propaganda.

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Thanks for this bit of news from one of the fervent Democrat folk. Fascinating.

I hear others in the fervent Democratic community maintain their claim that Joe Biden is 'just aging, and it reflects our aging population so is okay'.

My friends who walk alongside yours in the fervent Democrat world also heavily quote - rather, they *fervently* quote - Heather Cox Richardson on social media and in emails. Much hero worship of her, and her liberal outspokenism.

Wild times.

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Everything is going according to their plan....why the early debate?....because this is how they intended to get rid of him from the start....why the call in unison from all the pundits and networks for him to step down now? Because they are following a script, do you really think they just suddenly noticed he's a mumbling zombie? This is all theatre for the masses - they already have his replacement chosen. Open your eyes...

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Lol…the mumbling zombie. Before Obama cleared the field last time the corporate media was talking about Biden’s mental health, but once the field was cleared they shut up about it. Just like they used to talk about the Ukraine Nazis, but once Russia went in to protect the Donbas they stopped.

I think they just didn’t give Biden whatever cocktail they had been giving him. They wanted him to fail and they had their 'step down' talking points in place. The media sure were brutal. Huffpoo called it the debate from HELL!

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President Joe Biden is "not dropping out" of the 2024 race despite his party's collective freakout over last night's debate performance, which put his severe cognitive decline on display, raising questions about who's actually running the country.


The idea is that the deepstate will try to save its hide via an attack on Donald Trump (followed by an "alien invasion"). This does fit in with the totnal game surrounding the dramatic loss in the polls after this debate. Remember, it is assumed that it is actually Obama who rules the country and Biden is merely the demented ventriloquist puppet.

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Obama was, and still is, the ultimate Sock puppet. "Groomed" to be President by his Communist mentor FMD, just like all Presidents are groomed.

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O'Bummer was horrific. I recall 2007, in Portland, OR - countless legions of Lefties I knew were convinced that the best thing ever was headed for the White House; clearly under self hypnosis they were.I had no idea who he was but within 10 minutes of looking into his background, I learned he was a CFR member; that was all I needed to know. Not a single person around me understood what that meant. Most of those folks still to this day think he was great I'm sure. What I have learned is the vast majority of voters are caught in cult of personality. They don't understand how the country is organized and run, they do not understand money creation and why that is so important, and, they simply don't care to. In an information age, being this clueless, is a choice. They don't want to know, they want their echo chamer of a preferred feeling. No one seems to know a President doesn't run an administration, and there are countless cabinet picks and corporations and think tanks writing policy. Stupid people just focus on this one face, and feel like it will all go their way. Stupid is as stupid does.

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@Vic Hughes

Who is FMD?

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Frank Marshall Davis - Obama’s card carrying Communist mentor (possibly father?) who he wrote about with very disturbing words that could easily be interrupted as a sexual encounter.

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Just like Bush Sr. was always the president, and Reagan was a sock puppet.

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Yay! Someone gets it.

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yes, you can see! Just dscovered this guys work > https://www.bitchute.com/video/zCGlJ396k9RX

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I read something recently that claimed RFK stated he likes/respects Mike Pompeo. If true, RFK is a huge fake!

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Yikes! Kennedy could have walked away with the election if he was sane about Palestinians. I’m sure the thousands of people lying under the rubble in Gaza feel pampered.

He promised to pardon Assange, but respected Pompeo who wanted to kill him?

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This is not Marxist, it's neither capitalist.

It's crony capitalism pretending to be a democracy.

The USSR was crony socialism pretending to be communist.

In both cases, the working class are slaves and have little to no say.

In effect, they are all fascist.

As for the Ulfkotte books, this is what I've found but they're in German


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Rob please see my comment to Joshua Bond, above. It's a start. The USSR was a Masonic mega-project. The USA too, I'm afraid. (Complicated.) Try to understand illuminism, and forget the labels. Marx, Trotsky, Lenin all of them were illuminists and working for high orders, central banks, and bloodlines, to bring total chaos to the whole world. Juri Lina offers careful documentation to what I am saying. "Capitalism" has no particular will. Nobody seems to have unmasked even Karl Marx. I will post him in his own words, yet again. Vicious, vicious man.

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Do Crony Capitalists teach DEI and Critical Race Theory? This is Marxist. I've spent the last year reading Solzhenitsyn and what he describes is very familiar. Regardless of whatever label we assign, they want us--the people--smashed completely. Totalitarian is already here, but it's voracious and wants more.

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Thank you.

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Marxism/Fascism/Socialism/Communism/Crony-Capitalism/Banksterism .. etc ... just labels for the same thing: Ultra-Authoritarian-Totalitarianism. And fronted by dictatorially-minded psychopaths. ( See my poem "Dictator's Blues" for a satirical look at this: https://joshuabondpoetry.substack.com/p/dicators-blues )

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Teachers are like medical doctors, they have no moral backbone at all. Most of them just don't care what they are paid to tell the kids.

The latter-days banality of evil.

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Having been one in a major urban system for 18 years, wholeheartedly agree.

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The people driving the movements and maybe even the teachers themselves could be crony capitalists. Though my guess is the big drivers are probably more accurately called monopoly capitalists.

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Textbook definitions never exist in reality. They're all just descriptions of the elite screwing the poor using different methods.

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Bobby Kennedy is an elite. He is a progressive. He was for punishment for people who stood up to the mandates. He is a green deal climate change activist. He treats women badly. Is not against vaxs. He voted for Clinton, Obama and Biden and would/will do so again. He has never worked in his life. He is an environmental lawyer and activist. Do your research.

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Thanks, Celia. I appreciate many things about this post and am still taking it in, gradually.

Nothing will halt the decay and demise of this vast, long-lived theatre production. That's good news. Doesn't discount the suffering to-date, of course. But good news nonetheless.

I'm glad more and more of us are coming alive, no longer 'just following orders'. Many of us did not even know we were in compliance with 'orders', and yet we were ... mind-controlled to the hilt, oblivious to our sleep.

Change is here, and not because of a politician (not Bobby Kennedy Jr or any other) or some other kind of superhero-savior foolishness (I say this with authority, having been hardcore liberal-progressive and utterly into Sanders/Obama/Clinton saviors).

Change is here because we the people are changing. Gradually moving beyond waiting for a person or a system to save us. Reason for celebration, in tandem with breathtakingly bitter losses.

Grateful to have statyed on the planet long enough to come alive and be as raw and vital as I am now, rather than the softness of the poppy field slumber.

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I can't believe that the fantasy still persists that one of these billionaire elites will "save" us. Come on people. I guess I will continue reading Celia's column after the "selection."

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Every POTUS is installed by the cabal.

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This is an excellent stack, Celia. I followed all the links. I was familiar with many of them but you have a way of presenting his-story in a way where patterns emerge and a greater synthesis takes place—at least for me. I just pray that none of these machinations by our overlords will materialize and we will truly begin to enter a time unforeseen which will redefine our world.

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Thank you Devi. I do try to put down patterns. Deep patterns. In 2015 or 2016 I learned Wall St. bankers funded Lenin, Trotsky and 10,000 other revolutionaries in NYC and shipped them to Russia to kill the Tsar and start the bloodletting. After that I had a grid to work with. Huge "aha" moment. It was from a viewing of Juri Lina's film "In the Shadow of Hermes." HUGE mistake most people make in 'west' is to assume Marx hated "capital." Or that "capitalism" and "Marxism" were opposites. No! Masonic hands—two hands. Working in tandem. funding all sides, causing all things we see as "events" and "news." Help me de-program American intellectuals from their false grid of Capitalism (bad) v. Marxism (good, misunderstood.)

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I am just confused with the whole Karzarian interplay with the Masonic order. I’ll have to look more at Juri Lina’s work. Was just introduced to Mike King’s work yesterday and I started understanding that period of history in Europe in 1930 and what facilitated the rise of Hitler and what he accomplished to bring his people out of abject poverty and defeat. I honestly had never viewed that slice of history in that context.

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First of all, just love you to pieces, Celia.

I worked on Sep 11 Truth, becoming friends (to this day) with the co-founder of Boston 9/11 Truth. Much time and effort went into the how and the who. My "thing" was -- how does the failure of every single pertinent agency of the U.S. government mean that Americans must sacrifice their 4th and 5th Amendment protections? They fail, we pay? Seriously?

For "safety's sake." Having failed that test monumentally, predicting Americans' behavior in 2020 was a piece o'cake.

As for the "Russian" Revolution, it wasn't hatched in Russia; that's true, but it also wasn't "Russian."

I do not support RFK, Jr.'s run or his optimism for the country or his horrific support for Israel and bigotry (as I see it) toward the Palestinians. If he does not address the Fed elephant in the room, nothing will change. As I see it, the train wreck is coming and there is nothing any one can do to stop it. The sad thing is, the country has earned it.

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From last night's retardation:

"The CNN poll posted on air showed that 67% of debate watchers felt that Trump won the debate compared to 33% who believe Biden won the debate." Again with the '33' - 'We are in control of the masonic chessboard,' it means. Not a shocker to see their stamp of mockery.

Also, if people truly wish to dig much deeper into the depths of what 'government' truly is, and how it is legally situated and arranged, this is a fantastic book. If every American read this book and turned off their TV, there'd be a true revolution; no, I am not silly enough to hold my breath thinking this will transpire.

"Fruit From A Poisonous Tree", by Mel Stamper. READ the book!

Sadly, most Americans still do not even know of the existence of the commercial law aspect to 'government'.

NOTHING can ever change without a complete overhaul of the banking system, how money is created and the overthrow of the banking cartels. Kennedy and ALL of the so called politicians, are actors.

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wait that's exactly what I said!

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Which bit had you said.....?

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Oh boy, that's a mouthful of viewpoints, views, points of view, views to point, jikes!

You've been turning over every stone you've encountered it seems, phew! Tons of work done and processed and given a place to rest within yourself...not easy. Yes, the truth is the barrier.........

Thanks for mentioning Ulfkotte, may he rest in eternal peace. I wish you a nice afternoon and weekend, kind regards, Saludos!

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just found this guy! hope it fuels ypour bulldozer for truth: t is buried deep! https://www.bitchute.com/video/zCGlJ396k9RX

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It's Coke vs Pepsi: both are non-nutritious high-margin carbonated garbage.

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There were about 3.2 million viewers of CNN alone. Most people watching the debate watched on other platforms. X had 12 millions views, and 12 million more today. Channels on YouTube carried it.

Rumble had several channels carrying it, with their own personalities critiquing Biden. One was Badlands Media on Rumble where I watched. I wasn't even aware that RFK, Jr was doing a live stream.

Sure, they didn't ask about the real stuff, because the mockingbird media's job is to NOT give the public the real news. They will not honestly address any of those things you mentioned in the headline. Their job is to cover all those things up, or completely lie about them.

The purpose of this production was to expose to the Dems and the TV-watching normiesphere the fact that Joe Biden is of unsound mind and not fit to be in this position. WE have known this fact for 4 years. The MSM covered it up for 4 years.

They were just told by Biden's handlers to make the case that he must be replaced on the ticket, because they know with certainty that he has zero chance against Trump.

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Terrific analysis as expected!! When RFK Jr testified at the hearing on censorship (which was censored!) -- I heard a sound clip the other day saying that he had taken all of his shots and also given them to his kids? Not sure if it was taken out of context but it certainly deserves a second listen, and more of an explanation. Hope for sure that he could get rid of the Fed or at least its ability to create money out of thin air! Have a wonderful weekend!!

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